# Get public and private function definition files. $Public = @( Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot\Public\*.ps1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) $Private = @( Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot\Private\*.ps1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) $Classes = @( Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot\Classes\*.ps1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) # Dot source the files Foreach ($import in @($Public + $Private + $Classes)) { Try { . $import.fullname } Catch { Write-Error -Message "Failed to import function $($import.fullname): $_" } } # Update this section as needed. # - Read in or create an initial config file and variable # - Set variables visible to the module and its functions only if ([System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue -ne $VerbosePreference) { $levelSwitch = New-LevelSwitch -MinimumLevel Verbose } elseif ([System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue -ne $DebugPreference) { $levelSwitch = New-LevelSwitch -MinimumLevel Debug } else { $levelSwitch = New-LevelSwitch -MinimumLevel Information } New-Logger | Set-MinimumLevel -ControlledBy $levelSwitch | # Here you can add as many sinks as you want - see for all available sinks Add-SinkConsole -OutputTemplate '[{Timestamp:yyyyMMdd-HHmmss}][{Level:u3}] {Message:lj}{NewLine}{Exception}' | Start-Logger function Write-HeadingBlock($Message) { Write-InformationLog -Message "--- `e[32m[`e[0m$Message`e[32m]`e[0m ---" } function we($message) { Write-ErrorLog $message } function wf($message) { Write-FatalLog $message } function wi($message) { Write-InformationLog $message } function wv($message) { Write-VerboseLog $message } function ww($message) { Write-WarningLog $message } function wh($message) { Write-HeadingBlock $message } # This only exports the public functions and nothing else. Export-ModuleMember -Function $Public.Basename |