
$Script:PSModuleRoot = $PSScriptRoot
# Importing from [C:\ldx\DependsOn\DependsOn\Public]
# .\DependsOn\Public\Resolve-DependencyOrder.ps1

function Resolve-DependencyOrder
        Takes a list of objects that depend on each other and orders them.
        Resolve-DependencyOrder -InputObject @(
        ) -Key {$} -DependsOn {$_.DependsOn}
        Takes a collection of hashtables and orders them so the dependant object come first.
        $map = [ordered]@{
            'Grandpa' = $null
        Resolve-DependencyOrder -InputObject $map.Keys -DependsOn {$map[$_]}
        Uses an external source for the mapping of strings.
        An exception will be thrown if there are duplicate keys
        Circular dependancies are only walked once and then ignored without warning
        If a key is not provided, the tostring() of the object is used
        Each object will only show up once in the output
        The DependsOn can be an array of strings
        Order of objects is preserved until a DependsOn is identified
        Dependencies will be walked in order that they are defined in the DependsOn

        # Collection of objects to order
            Position = 0,

        # scriptblock that generates a unique key for each object
            Position = 1,
        [scriptblock]$Key = {"$PSItem"},

        # scriptblock that generates a list of keys this each item depends on
            Position = 2,

        # using an uncommon name to avoid collisions
        ${*map} = [DependsOn.DependencyMap]::new()

        foreach ($node in $InputObject)
            $dependsOnValue = $node | ForEach-Object $DependsOn
            $keyValue = $node | ForEach-Object $Key
            ${*map}.Add($node, $keyValue, $dependsOnValue)
