<# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves issues from a specified GitHub repository. .DESCRIPTION The Get-IssueDemo function uses the GitHub CLI to list issues from a specified repository. It converts the JSON response to PowerShell objects and formats the output. .PARAMETER RepoWithOwner The repository name with the owner in the format 'owner/repo'. .EXAMPLE Get-IssueDemo -RepoWithOwner 'microsoft/vscode' This example retrieves issues from the 'microsoft/vscode' repository. .NOTES Requires GitHub CLI (gh) to be installed and authenticated. #> function Get-IssueDemo { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0)][string]$RepoWithOwner ) "Getting issues from $RepoWithOwner" | Write-Verbose $issuesJson = gh issue list -R $RepoWithOwner --json number,title,body,labels,number,url $issues = $issuesJson | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 10 "Found {0} issues in $RepoWithOwner" -f $issues.Count | Write-Verbose foreach ($i in $issues) { $labels = Get-Labels -Labels $i.labels $ret = $ret | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ Number = if ($null -eq $i.number) { [string]::Empty } else { $i.number } Title = if ($null -eq $i.title) { [string]::Empty } else { $i.title } Body = if ($null -eq $i.body) { [string]::Empty } else { $i.body } Labels = if ($null -eq $labels) { [string]::Empty } else { $labels } Url = if ($null -eq $i.url) { [string]::Empty } else { $i.url } } } Write-Output $ret } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-IssueDemo <# .SYNOPSIS Adds a new issue to a specified GitHub repository. .DESCRIPTION The `Add-IssueDemo` function creates a new issue in a specified GitHub repository using the GitHub CLI (`gh`). .PARAMETER Title The title of the issue. .PARAMETER Body The body content of the issue. .PARAMETER Labels Comma-separated labels to assign to the issue. .PARAMETER RepoWithOwner The repository to which the issue will be added, in the format `owner/repo`. .EXAMPLE PS> Add-IssueDemo -Title "Bug Report" -Body "There is a bug in the application." -Labels "bug,urgent" -RepoWithOwner "user/repo" This command creates a new issue in the specified repository with the given title, body, and labels. .NOTES Requires the GitHub CLI (`gh`) to be installed and authenticated. #> function Add-IssueDemo { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Title, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Body, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)][string]$Labels, [Parameter()][string]$RepoWithOwner ) begin{ "Adding issue to $RepoWithOwner" | Write-Verbose } process { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Add", "gh issue create -t $Title -b <MultilineContet> -l $Labels -R $RepoWithOwner")) { $result = gh issue create -t $Title -b $Body -l $Labels -R $RepoWithOwner $result | Write-Verbose return $result } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-IssueDemo <# .SYNOPSIS Removes all issues from a specified GitHub repository. .DESCRIPTION The `Remove-IssueDemo` function deletes all issues from a specified GitHub repository using the GitHub CLI (`gh`). .PARAMETER RepoWithOwner The repository from which the issues will be removed, in the format `owner/repo`. .EXAMPLE PS> Remove-IssueDemo -RepoWithOwner "user/repo" This command removes all issues from the specified repository. .NOTES Requires the GitHub CLI (`gh`) to be installed and authenticated. #> function Remove-IssueDemo { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter(Position=0)][string]$RepoWithOwner ) "Removing issues from $RepoWithOwner" | Write-Verbose $issues = Get-IssueDemo -RepoWithOwner $RepoWithOwner foreach ($i in $issues) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Remove", "gh issue delete $issueNumber -R $RepoWithOwner --yes")) { "Removing issue {0}" -f $i.Url | Write-Verbose $issueNumber = $i.number $result = gh issue delete $issueNumber -R $RepoWithOwner --yes $result | write-verbose Write-Output $result } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-IssueDemo function Get-Labels { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0)][object] $Labels ) process { $names = $Labels.Name $names = $names | Where-Object { $_ -notmatch '\s' } $ret = $names -join "," return $ret } } |