
        Downloads BIOS Updates
        Allows the selection of Bios Updates to download for Dell systems.
        Name: Get-DellBiosUpdate.ps1
        Author: David Segura
        Version: 18.05.30
        Required. Path to save the Bios Updates
        Downloads Bios Updates to C:\DellBiosUpdates
        Get-DellBiosUpdate -Path C:\DellBiosUpdates
    .PARAMETER OldRevisions
        Specify Delete or Show for old Bios Updates
        Downloads Bios Updates to C:\DellBiosUpdates and automatically removes old Bios revisions
        Get-DellBiosUpdate -Path C:\DellBiosUpdates -OldRevisions Delete
        Downloads Bios Updates to C:\DellBiosUpdates and shows old Bios revisions that can be selected for deletion
        Get-DellBiosUpdate -Path C:\DellBiosUpdates -OldRevisions Show

function Get-DellBiosUpdate
    Param (

    #System Information
    $global:Manufacturer = $((Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).Manufacturer).Trim()
    $Model = $((Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).Model).Trim()
    try {$SystemSKU = $((Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).SystemSKUNumber).Trim()}
    catch {$SystemSKU = "Unknown"}
    $SerialNumber = $((Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_BIOS).SerialNumber).Trim()
    $BIOSVersion = $((Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_BIOS).SMBIOSBIOSVersion).Trim()
    $RunningOS = $((Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption).Trim()
    $OSArchitecture = $((Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem).OSArchitecture).Trim()
    Write-Host "Manufacturer: $Manufacturer" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Write-Host "Model: $Model" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Write-Host "SystemSKU: $SystemSKU" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Write-Host "SerialNumber: $SerialNumber" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Write-Host "BIOS Version: $BIOSVersion" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Write-Host "Running OS: $RunningOS" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Write-Host "OS Architecture: $OSArchitecture" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    if ($env:SystemDrive -eq "X:") {Write-Host "System is running in WinPE" -ForegroundColor Green}
    Write-Host ""
    $DellBiosRoot = $Path
    $DellBiosBin = Join-Path $DellBiosRoot "Bin"
    Write-Host "DellBios Root: $DellBiosRoot" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Write-Host "DellBios Bin: $DellBiosBin" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    CreateDirectory -Path $DellBiosBin
    Write-Host ""
    $DellDownloadsUrl = ""
    $DellCatalogPcUrl = ""
    $DellCatalogPcCab = Join-Path $DellBiosBin ($DellCatalogPcUrl | Split-Path -Leaf)
    $DellCatalogPcXml = Join-Path $DellBiosBin "CatalogPC.xml"
    Write-Host "Dell Downloads URL: $DellDownloadsUrl" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Write-Host "Dell Catalog URL: $DellCatalogPcUrl" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Write-Host "Dell Catalog CAB: $DellCatalogPcCab" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Write-Host "Dell Catalog XML: $DellCatalogPcXml" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Downloading $DellCatalogPcUrl ..." -ForegroundColor Green
    try {    
        (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($DellCatalogPcUrl, $DellCatalogPcCab)
        #Start-BitsTransfer -Source $DellCatalogPcUrl -Destination $DellCatalogPcCab
    } catch { 
        Write-Host "Download Failed!" -ForegroundColor Red
    if ( test-path $DellCatalogPcCab ) {
        Write-Host "Success!"
        Write-Host ""
        Write-Host "Unblocking $DellCatalogPcCab ..." -ForegroundColor Green
        Unblock-File -Path $DellCatalogPcCab
        Start-Sleep -s 1
        Write-Host "Success!"
        Write-Host ""
        Write-Host "Expanding $DellCatalogPcCab ..." -ForegroundColor Green
        Expand "$DellCatalogPcCab" "$DellCatalogPcXml" | Out-String | Write-Host
    if ( ! ( test-path $DellCatalogPcXml ) ) { 
        Write-Host "Could not expand required Dell Update Catalog ... Exiting" -ForegroundColor Red
    } else {
        Write-Host "Success!"
    Write-Host ""
    $DellFlash64wUrl = ""
    $DellFlash64wZip = Join-Path $DellBiosBin ($DellFlash64wUrl | Split-Path -Leaf)
    $DellFlash64wExe = Join-Path $DellBiosBin "Flash64W.exe"
    Write-Host "Dell Flash64 URL: $DellFlash64wUrl" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Write-Host "Dell Flash64 Zip: $DellFlash64wZip" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Write-Host "Dell Flash64 Exe: $DellFlash64wExe" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Downloading $DellFlash64wUrl ..." -ForegroundColor Green
    try {    
        (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($DellFlash64wUrl, $DellFlash64wZip)
    } catch { 
        Write-Host "Download Failed!" -ForegroundColor Red
    if ( test-path $DellFlash64wZip ) {
        Write-Host "Success!"
        Write-Host ""
        Write-Host "Unblocking $DellFlash64wZip ..." -ForegroundColor Green
        Unblock-File -Path $DellFlash64wZip
        Start-Sleep -s 1
        Write-Host "Success!"
        Write-Host ""
        Write-Host "Expanding $DellFlash64wZip ..." -ForegroundColor Green
        Expand-Archive -Path $DellFlash64wZip -DestinationPath $DellBiosBin -Force
    if ( ! ( test-path $DellFlash64wExe ) ) { 
        Write-Host "Could not download the required Dell Flash64W.exe ... Exiting" -ForegroundColor Red
    } else {
        Copy-Item -Path $DellFlash64wExe -Destination $DellBiosRoot
        Write-Host "Success!"
    Write-Host ""
    $UpdateBiosPS1 = Join-Path $DellBiosRoot "Update-DellBios.ps1"
    $UpdateBiosPrompt = Join-Path $DellBiosRoot "Update-DellBios-Prompt.cmd"
    $UpdateBiosSilent = Join-Path $DellBiosRoot "Update-DellBios-Silent.cmd"
    $UpdateBiosRestart = Join-Path $DellBiosRoot "Update-DellBios-Restart.cmd"
    Write-Host "Update-DellBios PS1: $UpdateBiosPS1" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Write-Host "Update-DellBios Cmd Prompt: $UpdateBiosPrompt" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Write-Host "Update-DellBios Cmd Silent: $UpdateBiosSilent" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Write-Host "Update-DellBios Cmd Restart: $UpdateBiosRestart" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Write-Host "Updating Scripts ..." -ForegroundColor Green
    Copy-Item -Path (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "Update-DellBios.ps1") -Destination $DellBiosRoot
    Copy-Item -Path (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "Update-DellBios-Prompt.cmd") -Destination $DellBiosRoot
    Copy-Item -Path (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "Update-DellBios-Silent.cmd") -Destination $DellBiosRoot
    Copy-Item -Path (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "Update-DellBios-Restart.cmd") -Destination $DellBiosRoot
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Reading $DellCatalogPcXml ..." -ForegroundColor Green
    [xml]$XMLDellUpdateCatalog = Get-Content "$DellCatalogPcXml" -ErrorAction Stop
    Write-Host "Success!"
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Loading Dell Update Catalog XML Nodes ..." -ForegroundColor Green
    $DellUpdateList = $XMLDellUpdateCatalog.Manifest.SoftwareComponent
    Write-Host "Success!"
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Generating a list of previous downloads in $DellBiosRoot ..." -ForegroundColor Green
    $DownloadedFiles = @(Get-ChildItem -Path $DellBiosRoot -Include *.exe -Exclude "Flash64W.exe" -Recurse -File)
    Write-Host "Success!"
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Filtering Dell Update Catalog XML for BIOS Downloads ..." -ForegroundColor Green
    $DellUpdateList = $DellUpdateList | Where-Object {$_.ComponentType.Display.'#cdata-section'.Trim() -eq 'BIOS'}
    Write-Host "Success!"
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Finding existing BIOS Updates ..." -ForegroundColor Green
    $Orphans = @()
    foreach ($Orphan in $DownloadedFiles) {
        If ((split-path $DellUpdateList.path -leaf) -NotContains $Orphan.Name) {
        $Orphans += $Orphan
    Write-Host "Success!"
    if ($OldRevisions -eq 'Delete') {
        $Orphans = $Orphans | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName, CreationTime
        foreach ($OrphanSelected in $Orphans) {
            $OrphanFile = $OrphanSelected.FullName
            Write-Host "Removing $OrphanFile ..." -ForegroundColor Green
            Remove-Item -Path $OrphanFile
    if ($OldRevisions -eq 'Show') {
        $Orphans = $Orphans | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName, CreationTime | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title "Superseded BIOS Updates: Press OK to Remove or Cancel to Skip"
        foreach ($OrphanSelected in $Orphans) {
            Write-Host "Removing $OrphanSelected ..." -ForegroundColor Green
            Remove-Item -Path $OrphanSelected.FullName
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Generating Update List Array ..." -ForegroundColor Green
    $DellUpdateList = $DellUpdateList | Select-Object @{Label="ReleaseDate";Expression = {[datetime] ($_.dateTime)};},
    @{Label="Downloaded";Expression = {($DownloadedFiles.Name -Contains (split-path -leaf $_.path))};},
    @{Label="BiosGroup";Expression={($_.SupportedDevices.Device.Display.'#cdata-section'.Trim() -replace "PRECISION","Precision" -replace "Dell ","" -replace " "," ")};},
    @{Label="FileName";Expression = {(split-path -leaf $_.path)};},
    @{Label="Size(MB)";Expression={'{0:f2}' -f ($_.size/1MB)};},
    @{Label="SupportedModel";Expression={($_.SupportedSystems.Brand.Model.Display.'#cdata-section'.Trim() | Select-Object -unique)};},
    @{Label="SupportedSystemID";Expression={($_.SupportedSystems.Brand.Model.systemID.Trim() | Select-Object -unique)};},
    @{Label="DownloadURL";Expression={-join ($DellDownloadsUrl, $_.path)};}
    #| Sort-Object ReleaseDate -Descending | Out-GridView -OutputMode Multiple -Title "Select Dell BIOS Downloads"
    Write-Host "Success!"
    #Remove Old Updates
    $DellUpdateList = $DellUpdateList | Where-Object {$_.PackageID -ne "9J7J6"}
    $DellUpdateList = $DellUpdateList | Where-Object {$_.PackageID -ne "CN8JD"}
    $DellUpdateList = $DellUpdateList | Where-Object {$_.PackageID -ne "W7RCH"}
    $DellUpdateList = $DellUpdateList | Where-Object {$_.PackageID -ne "9MDXF"}    #T3600 A15
    $DellUpdateList = $DellUpdateList | Where-Object {$_.PackageID -ne "9PM1X"}    #T5600 A15

    #Remove T0N11 32
    $DellUpdateList = $DellUpdateList | Where-Object {$_.DownloadURL -NotLike "*WN32*"}
    #if ($SystemCompatible) {
    # Write-Host "Filtering XML for items compatible with SystemSKU $SystemSKU"
    # $DellUpdateList = $DellUpdateList | Where-Object {$_.SupportedSystems.Brand.Model.systemID -Contains $SystemSKU}

    foreach ($Download in $DellUpdateList) {
        $Download.Name = $Download.Name -replace "DELL", ""
        $Download.Name = $Download.Name -replace "LATITUDE", "Latitude"
        $Download.Name = $Download.Name -replace "System BIOS", ""
        $Download.Name = $Download.Name.Trim()
        $Download.SupportedBrand = $Download.SupportedBrand -replace "Optiplex", "OptiPlex"
        $Download.SupportedBrand = $Download.SupportedBrand -replace "XPSNotebook", "XPS"
        $Download.SupportedModel = $Download.SupportedModel -replace "2-IN-1", "2-in-1"
        $Download.SupportedModel = $Download.SupportedModel -replace "BIOS", ""
        $Download.SupportedModel = $Download.SupportedModel -replace "OptiPlex", ""
        $Download.SupportedModel = $Download.SupportedModel -replace "Precision", ""
        $Download.SupportedModel = $Download.SupportedModel -replace "System", ""
        $Download.SupportedModel = $Download.SupportedModel -replace "Tower", ""
        $Download.SupportedModel = $Download.SupportedModel -replace "XL", ""
        $Download.SupportedModel = $Download.SupportedModel -replace "XPS", ""
        $Download.SupportedModel = $Download.SupportedModel.Trim()
        $Download.BiosGroup = $Download.BiosGroup -replace "2-IN-1", "2-in-1"
        $Download.BiosGroup = $Download.BiosGroup -replace "/", " "
        $Download.BiosGroup = $Download.BiosGroup -replace "Plano", "Latitude"
        $Download.BiosGroup = $Download.BiosGroup -replace "SW,,LAT,", "Latitude "
        $Download.BiosGroup = $Download.BiosGroup -replace "BIOS", ""
        $Download.BiosGroup = $Download.BiosGroup -replace "PRO", "Pro"
        $Download.BiosGroup = $Download.BiosGroup -replace "System", ""
        $Download.BiosGroup = $Download.BiosGroup -replace "LATITUDE", "Latitude"
        $Download.BiosGroup = $Download.BiosGroup -replace "OptiPlex", "OptiPlex"
        $Download.BiosGroup = $Download.BiosGroup.Trim()
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0493') {$Download.SupportedSystemID = "0493"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '053D') {$Download.SupportedSystemID = "053D"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0233') {$Download.SupportedModel = "E6400"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '040A') {$Download.SupportedModel = "E6410"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0493') {$Download.SupportedModel = "E6420"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '053D') {$Download.SupportedModel = "E5530 non-vPro"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '054A') {$Download.SupportedModel = "E5530 vPro"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '054C') {$Download.SupportedModel = "L421X"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '054E') {$Download.SupportedModel = "9Q23"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '05C2') {$Download.SupportedModel = "3011 AIO"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0608') {$Download.SupportedModel = "3540"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '060F') {$Download.SupportedModel = "7404 Rugged"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0610') {$Download.SupportedModel = "7204 Rugged"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0625') {$Download.SupportedModel = "9030 AIO"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '062F') {$Download.SupportedModel = "5404 Rugged"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0673') {$Download.SupportedModel = "7350 2-in-1"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '06A2') {$Download.SupportedModel = "7202 Rugged"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '07A4') {$Download.SupportedModel = "5285 2-in-1"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '07AA') {$Download.SupportedModel = "5289 2-in-1"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '07AB') {$Download.SupportedModel = "7389 2-in-1"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '07BA') {$Download.SupportedModel = "3379 2-in-1"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '07D3') {$Download.SupportedModel = "7212 Rugged"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '07F0') {$Download.SupportedModel = "5055 S"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '07F1') {$Download.SupportedModel = "5055 B"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0823') {$Download.SupportedModel = "7390 2-in-1"}
        #if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0496') {$Download.SupportedModel = ($Download.SupportedModel -replace "XL", "")}
        #if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0497') {$Download.SupportedModel = ($Download.SupportedModel -replace "XL", "")}
        #if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0617') {$Download.SupportedModel = ($Download.SupportedModel -replace "XL", "")}

        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0727') {$Download.BiosGroup = $Download.SupportedModel}
        #$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")
        if ($Download.BiosGroup -eq 'Latitude 5250') {$Download.SupportedModel = "5250"}
        if ($Download.BiosGroup -eq 'Latitude 5250') {$Download.SupportedSystemID = "0644"}
        if ($Download.BiosGroup -eq 'Latitude 5450') {$Download.SupportedModel = "5450"}
        if ($Download.BiosGroup -eq 'Latitude 5450') {$Download.SupportedSystemID = "0645"}
        if ($Download.BiosGroup -eq 'Latitude 5550') {$Download.SupportedModel = "5550"}
        if ($Download.BiosGroup -eq 'Latitude 5550') {$Download.SupportedSystemID = "0646"}
        if ($Download.BiosGroup -eq 'Latitude 7250') {$Download.SupportedModel = "7250"}
        if ($Download.BiosGroup -eq 'Latitude 7250') {$Download.SupportedSystemID = "0647"}
        if ($Download.BiosGroup -eq 'Latitude E5250') {$Download.SupportedModel = "E5250"}
        if ($Download.BiosGroup -eq 'Latitude E5250') {$Download.SupportedSystemID = "062A"}
        if ($Download.BiosGroup -eq 'Latitude E5450') {$Download.SupportedModel = "E5450"}
        if ($Download.BiosGroup -eq 'Latitude E5450') {$Download.SupportedSystemID = "062B"}
        if ($Download.BiosGroup -eq 'Latitude E5550') {$Download.SupportedModel = "E5550"}
        if ($Download.BiosGroup -eq 'Latitude E5550') {$Download.SupportedSystemID = "062C"}
        if ($Download.BiosGroup -eq 'Latitude E7250') {$Download.SupportedModel = "E7250"}
        if ($Download.BiosGroup -eq 'Latitude E7250') {$Download.SupportedSystemID = "062D"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '05E3') {$Download.BiosGroup = "XPS 9Q33 9Q34"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0603') {$Download.BiosGroup = "Venue 11 Pro 5130"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0630') {$Download.BiosGroup = "Venue 8 Pro 5830"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '06DA') {$Download.BiosGroup = "Precision 7510 7710"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '06DC') {$Download.BiosGroup = "Latitude E7270 E7470"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '06E0') {$Download.BiosGroup = "Latitude E5270 E5470 E5570 Precision 3510"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '06E6') {$Download.BiosGroup = "Latitude 5175 5179 2-in-1"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '06E7') {$Download.BiosGroup = "Venue 8 Pro 5855 10 Pro 5056"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '06F1') {$Download.BiosGroup = "Latitude 3460 3560"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '06F3') {$Download.BiosGroup = "Latitude 3470 3570"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0702') {$Download.BiosGroup = "Latitude 7275 XPS 9250"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '071D') {$Download.BiosGroup = "Latitude 5414 7214 7414 Rugged"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0739') {$Download.BiosGroup = "Precision 7820 7920"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '07B0') {$Download.BiosGroup = "Precision 7520 7720"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '07B3') {$Download.BiosGroup = "Latitude 3180 3189"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '07B8') {$Download.BiosGroup = "Latitude 3480 3580"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '07D0') {$Download.BiosGroup = "Latitude 5280 5480 5580 Precision 3520"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '07F3') {$Download.BiosGroup = "Latitude 7280 7380 7480"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0816') {$Download.BiosGroup = "Latitude 5290 5490 5590"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '081B') {$Download.BiosGroup = "Latitude 7290 7390 7490"}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0839') {$Download.BiosGroup = "Latitude 3490 3590"}
        if ($Download.BiosGroup -eq '') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '040A') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0493') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '04EB') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '04EC') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0533') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0534') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0535') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '053D') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0543') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '054A') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '05BD') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '05C2') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0606') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0608') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '060A') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '060F') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0610') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0617') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0618') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0619') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0623') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '062F') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0665') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0673') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '06A2') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '06B7') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '06C7') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '06E4') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0704') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0718') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0738') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '075B') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '075D') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '077A') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '079D') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '079E') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '07A4') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '07AA') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '07AB') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '07BA') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '07BE') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '07D3') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '07E6') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '080D') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0823') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}
        if ($Download.SupportedSystemID -eq '0878') {$Download.BiosGroup = ($Download.SupportedBrand.Trim(), $Download.SupportedModel.Trim() -join " ")}

    #Define Dell PackageGroup
    #Processed in order, first entry wins
    foreach ($Download in $DellUpdateList) {
        if ($Download.PackageGroup -eq 'Undefined' -and $Download.SupportedBrand -like '*Cloud*')         {$Download.PackageGroup = 'CloudClient'}
        if ($Download.PackageGroup -eq 'Undefined' -and $Download.BiosGroup -like 'XPS*')             {$Download.PackageGroup = 'XPS'}

        if ($Download.PackageGroup -eq 'Undefined' -and $Download.BiosGroup -like 'Latitude 10*')     {$Download.PackageGroup = 'Tablet'}
        if ($Download.PackageGroup -eq 'Undefined' -and $Download.BiosGroup -like '*Venue*')         {$Download.PackageGroup = 'Tablet'}

        if ($Download.PackageGroup -eq 'Undefined' -and $Download.BiosGroup -like '*Latitude 5*')     {$Download.PackageGroup = 'Latitude5'}
        if ($Download.PackageGroup -eq 'Undefined' -and $Download.BiosGroup -like '*Latitude E5*')     {$Download.PackageGroup = 'Latitude5'}

        if ($Download.PackageGroup -eq 'Undefined' -and $Download.BiosGroup -like '*Latitude 6*')     {$Download.PackageGroup = 'Latitude6'}
        if ($Download.PackageGroup -eq 'Undefined' -and $Download.BiosGroup -like '*Latitude E6*')     {$Download.PackageGroup = 'Latitude6'}

        if ($Download.PackageGroup -eq 'Undefined' -and $Download.BiosGroup -like '*Latitude 7*')     {$Download.PackageGroup = 'Latitude7'}
        if ($Download.PackageGroup -eq 'Undefined' -and $Download.BiosGroup -like '*Latitude E7*')     {$Download.PackageGroup = 'Latitude7'}

        if ($Download.PackageGroup -eq 'Undefined' -and $Download.SupportedBrand -like '*Latitude*')         {$Download.PackageGroup = 'Latitude'}

        if ($Download.PackageGroup -eq 'Undefined' -and $Download.BiosGroup -like 'Precision M*')    {$Download.PackageGroup = 'PrecisionM'}
        if ($Download.PackageGroup -eq 'Undefined' -and $Download.BiosGroup -like '*Rack*')            {$Download.PackageGroup = 'PrecisionR'}
        if ($Download.PackageGroup -eq 'Undefined' -and $Download.BiosGroup -like 'Precision R*')    {$Download.PackageGroup = 'PrecisionR'}
        if ($Download.PackageGroup -eq 'Undefined' -and $Download.BiosGroup -like 'Precision T*')    {$Download.PackageGroup = 'PrecisionT'}
        if ($Download.PackageGroup -eq 'Undefined' -and $Download.BiosGroup -like 'Precision*')        {$Download.PackageGroup = 'Precision'}

        if ($Download.PackageGroup -eq 'Undefined' -and $Download.SupportedModel -like '*AIO*')             {$Download.PackageGroup = 'OptiPlexAIO'}
        if ($Download.PackageGroup -eq 'Undefined' -and $Download.SupportedBrand -like '*OptiPlex*')         {$Download.PackageGroup = 'OptiPlex'}

    Write-Host ""
    $DellBiosUpdateXml = Join-Path $DellBiosRoot "DellBios.xml"
    $DellBiosUpdateCsv = Join-Path $DellBiosRoot "DellBios.csv"
    Write-Host "Exporting XML to $DellBiosUpdateXml ..." -ForegroundColor Green
    $DellUpdateList | Export-Clixml -Path $DellBiosUpdateXml
    Write-Host "Exporting CSV to $DellBiosUpdateCsv ..." -ForegroundColor Green
    $DellUpdateList | Export-Csv -Path $DellBiosUpdateCsv -NoTypeInformation
    $BiosSubdirs = @(Get-ChildItem -Path $DellBiosRoot -Directory)
    if ($HideDownloaded.IsPresent) {
        Write-Host ""
        Write-Host "Hiding Downloaded BIOS Updates ..." -ForegroundColor Green
        $DellUpdateList = $DellUpdateList | Where-Object {$_.Downloaded -ne 'True'}
        Write-Host "Success!"

    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Displaying Dell Bios Update Download Grid ..." -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host ""
    $DellDownloads = $DellUpdateList | Sort-Object ReleaseDate -Descending | Out-GridView -OutputMode Multiple -Title "Select Dell BIOS Downloads"
    #Exit the script if cancelled
    if($null -eq $DellDownloads) {
        Write-Host ""
        Write-Host "Script was cancelled . . . Exiting!" -ForegroundColor Cyan

    foreach ($Download in $DellDownloads) {
        $SourceFile = $Download.DownloadURL.Trim()
        Write-Host "Downloading: $SourceFile" -ForegroundColor Green

        $DestDirName = $Download.BiosGroup.Trim()

        $DownloadGroup = $Download.PackageGroup.Trim()

        $DownloadDir = Join-Path $DellBiosRoot (Join-Path $DownloadGroup $DestDirName)
        #Write-Host "Download Directory: $DownloadDir"
        CreateDirectory -Path $DownloadDir

        $DownloadFile = Join-Path $DownloadDir (split-path -leaf $Download.DownloadURL.Trim())
        Write-Host "$DownloadFile" -ForegroundColor Green
        if (!(Test-Path $DownloadFile)) {
            #Import-Module BitsTransfer
            #Write-Host "Starting Bits Transfer . . ."
            Start-BitsTransfer -Source $SourceFile -Destination $DownloadFile
            Write-Host "Success!"
        } else {
            Write-Host "Destination file already exists!"
        Write-Host ""
    $BiosSubdirs = @(Get-ChildItem -Path $DellBiosRoot -Directory -Exclude "Bin")
    foreach ($Subdir in $BiosSubdirs) {
        Write-Host ""
        $DellBiosUpdateXml = Join-Path $DellBiosRoot (Join-Path $Subdir.Name "DellBios.xml")
        $DellBiosUpdateCsv = Join-Path $DellBiosRoot (Join-Path $Subdir.Name "DellBios.csv")
        Write-Host "Updating XML to $DellBiosUpdateXml ..." -ForegroundColor Green
        $DellUpdateList | Export-Clixml -Path $DellBiosUpdateXml
        Write-Host "Updating CSV to $DellBiosUpdateCsv ..." -ForegroundColor Green
        $DellUpdateList | Export-Csv -Path $DellBiosUpdateCsv -NoTypeInformation
        Copy-Item -Path $DellFlash64wExe -Destination (Join-Path $DellBiosRoot $Subdir.Name)
        Copy-Item -Path $UpdateBiosPS1 -Destination (Join-Path $DellBiosRoot $Subdir.Name)
        Copy-Item -Path $UpdateBiosPrompt -Destination (Join-Path $DellBiosRoot $Subdir.Name)
        Copy-Item -Path $UpdateBiosSilent -Destination (Join-Path $DellBiosRoot $Subdir.Name)
        Copy-Item -Path $UpdateBiosRestart -Destination (Join-Path $DellBiosRoot $Subdir.Name)

        Write-Host "Success!"

    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Complete!"

function CreateDirectory ( [string] $Path ) {
    #Write-Host "Creating Directory $Path"
    if ( ! ( test-path $Path ) ) { New-Item -Type Directory -Path $Path }