function Get-DattoShare { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets Datto BCDR shares for a given device .DESCRIPTION The Get-DattoShare cmdlet gets Datto BCDR shares for a given device .PARAMETER serialNumber Defines the device's serial number The parameter is mandatory .PARAMETER page Defines the page number to return. The default value is 1 .PARAMETER pageSize Defines the amount of items to return with each page. The default value is 100 .EXAMPLE Example Response Body: { "name": "test-host", "volume": "4b65219643aa4bc78e359928ead7fab5", "localIp": "", "os": "Windows 10", "protectedVolumesCount": 5, "unprotectedVolumesCount": 5, "protectedVolumeNames": [ "string" ], "unprotectedVolumeNames": [ "string" ], "agentVersion": "", "isPaused": false, "isArchived": false, "latestOffsite": 1584817262, "localSnapshots": 5, "lastSnapshot": 1584817262, "lastScreenshotAttempt": 1584817262, "lastScreenshotAttemptStatus": true, "lastScreenshotUrl": "", "fqdn": "test-host", "backups": [ { "timestamp": "2020-04-29T14:01:03+00:00", "backup": { "status": "string", "errorMessage": "string" }, "localVerification": { "status": "string", "errors": [ { "errorType": "string", "errorMessage": "string" } ] }, "advancedVerification": { "screenshotVerification": { "status": "string", "image": "string" } } } ] } .EXAMPLE Get-DattoShare -serialNumber "12345678" Gets the Datto BCDR with the defined serialNumber and returns any shares. .EXAMPLE Get-DattoShare -serialNumber "12345678" -page 2 -pageSize 10 Gets the Datto BCDR with the defined serialNumber and returns any shares. The returned data will be paginated if _page or _perPage is specified. .NOTES N\A .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'index')] Param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'index', Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$serialNumber, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'index')] [ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)] [Int64]$page = 1, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'index')] [ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)] [int]$pageSize = 100 ) $resource_uri = "/device/$serialNumber/asset/share" $body = @{} if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'index') { if ($serialNumber) { $body += @{'serialNumber' = $serialNumber} } if ($page) { $body += @{'_page' = $page} } if ($pageSize) { $body += @{'_perPage' = $pageSize} } } try { if ($null -eq $Datto_Public_Key -or $null -eq $Datto_Secret_Key) { throw "The Datto API keys are not set. Run Add-DattoAPIKey to set the API keys." } $Datto_Credentials = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $Datto_Public_Key, $Datto_Secret_Key $Credentials = Get-Credential $Datto_Credentials $rest_output = Invoke-RestMethod -method 'GET' -uri ( $Datto_Base_URI + $resource_uri ) -headers $Datto_Headers -Credential $Credentials ` -body $body -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorVariable web_error } catch { Write-Error $_ } finally {} $data = @{} $data = $rest_output return $data } |