
# Example functions
# They will set up an HTTPS pull server on the local machine and then configure one or multiple nodes to use this pull server.
Function Example-DSCToolsMulti {
    # Configure where the pull server is and how it can be connected to.
    $Script:DSCTools_DefaultPullServerName = 'PLAGUE-PDC.PLAGUEHO.COM'
    $Script:DSCTools_DefaultPullServerProtocol = 'HTTPS'  # Pull server has a valid trusted cert installed
    $Script:DSCTools_DefaultResourcePath = "c:\program files\windowspowershell\Modules\All Resources\"  # This is where the DSC resource module files are usually located.
    $Script:DSCTools_DefaultPullServerResourcePath = "e:\DSC\Resources\"  # This is the path where a DSC Pull Server will look for Resources.
    $Script:DSCTools_DefaultPullServerConfigurationPath = "e:\DSC\Configuration\"   # This is the path where a DSC Pull Server will look for MOF Files.
    $Script:DSCTools_DefaultPullServerPhysicalPath = "e:\DSC\PSDSCPullServer\" # The location a Pull Server web site will be installed to.
    $Script:DSCTools_DefaultComplianceServerPhysicalPath = "e:\DSC\PSDSCComplianceServer\" # The location a Pull Server compliance site will be installed to.

    # These are the nodes that will become DSC Pull Servers
    $PullServers = @( `
        @{Name='PLAGUE-PDC';CertificateThumbprint='3aaeef3f4b6dad0c8cb59930b48a9ffc25daa7d8'} )

    # These are the nodes that we are going to set up Pull mode for
    $Nodes = @( `
        @{Name='PLAGUE-MEMBER.PLAGUEHO.COM';Guid='115929a0-61e2-41fb-a9ad-0cdcd66fc2e1';RebootIfNeeded=$true;MofFile="$PSScriptRoot\Configuration\Config_PlagueHO\PLAGUE-MEMBER.PLAGUEHO.COM.MOF"} , `
        @{Name='PLAGUE-RODC.PLAGUEHO.COM';Guid='115929a0-61e2-41fb-a9ad-0cdcd66fc2e2';RebootIfNeeded=$true;MofFile="$PSScriptRoot\Configuration\Config_PlagueHO\PLAGUE-RODC.PLAGUEHO.COM.MOF"} , `
        @{Name='PLAGUE-SQL2014.PLAGUEHO.COM';Guid='115929a0-61e2-41fb-a9ad-0cdcd66fc2e3';RebootIfNeeded=$true;MofFile="$PSScriptRoot\Configuration\Config_PlagueHO\PLAGUE-SQL2014.PLAGUEHO.COM.MOF"} , `
        @{Name='PLAGUE-PROXY.PLAGUEHO.COM';Guid='115929a0-61e2-41fb-a9ad-0cdcd66fc2e4';RebootIfNeeded=$true;MofFile="$PSScriptRoot\Configuration\Config_PlagueHO\PLAGUE-PROXY.PLAGUEHO.COM.MOF"} , `
        @{Name='PLAGUE-SC2012.PLAGUEHO.COM';Guid='115929a0-61e2-41fb-a9ad-0cdcd66fc2e5';RebootIfNeeded=$true;MofFile="$PSScriptRoot\Configuration\Config_PlagueHO\PLAGUE-SC2012.PLAGUEHO.COM.MOF"} , `
        @{Name='PLAGUE-SP2013.PLAGUEHO.COM';Guid='115929a0-61e2-41fb-a9ad-0cdcd66fc2e6';RebootIfNeeded=$true;MofFile="$PSScriptRoot\Configuration\Config_PlagueHO\PLAGUE-SP2013.PLAGUEHO.COM.MOF"} , `
        @{Name='PLAGUE-IIS01.PLAGUEHO.COM';Guid='115929a0-61e2-41fb-a9ad-0cdcd66fc2e7';RebootIfNeeded=$true;MofFile="$PSScriptRoot\Configuration\Config_PlagueHO\PLAGUE-IIS01.PLAGUEHO.COM.MOF"} )

    # Create the folder structure on the Pull Server where the DSC files will be installed to
    # If the default paths are used then this wouldn't need to be done as these paths usually already exist
    If ( -not (Test-Path -Path $Script:DSCTools_DefaultPullServerResourcePath -PathType Container )) {
        New-Item `
            -Path $Script:DSCTools_DefaultPullServerResourcePath `
            -ItemType Directory
    If ( -not (Test-Path -Path $Script:DSCTools_DefaultPullServerConfigurationPath -PathType Container )) {
        New-Item `
            -Path $Script:DSCTools_DefaultPullServerConfigurationPath `
            -ItemType Directory

    # Download the DSC Resource Kit and install it to the local machine and to the DSC Pull Server
    Install-DSCResourceKit `
        -UseCache `

    # Copy all the resources up to the pull server (zipped and with a checksum file).
    Publish-DSCPullResources `
    # Install a DSC Pull Server
    Enable-DSCPullServer `
        -Nodes $PullServers `

    # Set DSC Pull Server Logging Mode
    Set-DSCPullServerLogging `
        -Nodes $PullServers `
        -AnalyticLog $True `
        -OperationalLog $True `

    # Check the pull server
    Get-xDscConfiguration `
    Get-xDscLocalConfigurationManager `

    # Set all the nodes to pull mode and copy the config files over to the pull server.
    Start-DSCPullMode `
        -Nodes $Nodes `

    # Re-copy the node configuration files up to the pull server.
    Update-DSCNodeConfiguration `
        -Nodes $Nodes `
        -InvokeCheck `

    # Force the all the machines to pull thier config from the Pull server (although we could just wait 15 minutes for this to happen automatically)
    Invoke-DSCCheck `
        -Nodes $Nodes `

    # Set all the nodes to back to push mode if we don't want to use Pull mode any more.
    Start-DSCPushMode `
        -Nodes $Nodes `

    # Force the all the machines to reapply thier configuration (although we could just wait 15 minutes for this to happen automatically)
    Invoke-DSCCheck `
        -Nodes $Nodes `
} # Function Example-DSCToolsMulti

Function Example-DSCToolsSingle {
    $NodeGuid = '115929a0-61e2-41fb-a9ad-0cdcd66fc2e1'

    # Create the folder structure on the Pull Server where the DSC files will be installed to
    # If the default paths are used then this wouldn't need to be done as these paths usually already exist
    If ( -not (Test-Path -Path "e:\DSC\Resources\" -PathType Container )) {
        New-Item `
            -Path "e:\DSC\Resources\" `
            -ItemType Directory
    If ( -not (Test-Path -Path "e:\DSC\Configuration\" -PathType Container )) {
        New-Item `
            -Path "e:\DSC\Configuration\" `
            -ItemType Directory

    # Download the DSC Resource Kit and install it to the local machine and to the DSC Pull Server
    Install-DSCResourceKit `
        -UseCache `

    # Copy all the resources up to the pull server (zipped and with a checksum file).
    Publish-DSCPullResources `
        -PullServerResourcePath "e:\DSC\Resources\" `

    # Install a DSC Pull Server
    Enable-DSCPullServer `
        -CertificateThumbprint '3aaeef3f4b6dad0c8cb59930b48a9ffc25daa7d8' `
        -PullServerResourcePath "e:\DSC\Resources\" `
        -PullServerConfigurationPath "e:\DSC\Configuration\" `
        -PullServerPhysicalPath "e:\DSC\PSDSCPullServer\" `
        -ComplianceServerPhysicalPath "e:\DSC\PSDSCComplianceServer\" `

    # Set DSC Pull Server Logging Mode
    Set-DSCPullServerLogging `
        -AnalyticLog $True `
        -OperationalLog $True `

    # Check the pull server
    Get-xDscConfiguration `
    Get-xDscLocalConfigurationManager `
    # Set all the nodes to pull mode and copy the config files over to the pull server.
    Start-DSCPullMode `
        -ComputerName $NodeName `
        -Guid $NodeGuid `
        -RebootIfNeeded `
        -MofFile "$PSScriptRoot\Configuration\Config_PlagueHO\$NodeName.MOF" `
        -ConfigurationMode 'ApplyAndAutoCorrect' `
        -PullServerConfigurationPath "e:\DSC\Configuration\" `
        -PullServerURL 'https://PLAGUE-PDC.PLAGUEHO.COM:8080/PSDSCPullServer.svc' `

    # Re-copy the node configuration files up to the pull server.
    Update-DSCNodeConfiguration `
        -ComputerName $NodeName `
        -Guid $NodeGuid `
        -MofFile "$PSScriptRoot\Configuration\Config_PlagueHO\$NodeName.MOF" `
        -PullServerConfigurationPath "e:\DSC\Configuration\" `
        -InvokeCheck `

    # Force the all the machines to pull thier config from the Pull server (although we could just wait 15 minutes for this to happen automatically)
    Invoke-DSCCheck `
         -ComputerName $NodeName `

    # Set all the nodes to back to push mode if we don't want to use Pull mode any more.
    Start-DSCPushMode `
         -ComputerName $NodeName `
        -RebootIfNeeded `
        -MofFile "$PSScriptRoot\Configuration\Config_PlagueHO\$NodeName.MOF" `
        -ConfigurationMode 'ApplyAndAutoCorrect' `

    # Force the all the machines to reapply thier configuration (although we could just wait 15 minutes for this to happen automatically)
    Invoke-DSCCheck `
        -ComputerName $NodeName `
} # Function Example-DSCToolsSingle

Function Example-DSCToolsLoadModule {
    Get-Module DSCTools | Remove-Module
    Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\..\DSCTools.psm1"
} # Function Example-DSCToolsLoadModule

Function Example-DSCCreateConfig {
    & "$PSScriptRoot\Configuration\Config_PlagueHO.ps1"
} # Function Example-DSCCreateConfig