
function Global:Get-D365BCLicenseInfo {
        Returns the custom-objects from a license summary file in an easy to process object-format
    .PARAMETER LicensInfoFile
        [string] The License summary (txt) File or BcLicense file you want to grab the information from (mandatory)
        Array of [PSCustomObject]@{
                    Type = <ObjectType>
                    Purchased = <NumberPurchased>
                    Assigned = <NumberAssigned>
                    Remaining = <NumberRemaining>
                    Ranges = <Array of [PSCustomObject]@{
                                            Quantity = <Quantity>
                                            Start = <StartID>
                                            End = <EndID>

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    function Get-D365BCLicenseInfoCustomAreaObjects {
            [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [ValidateSet("Purchased", "Assigned")]
        $SourceString = $SourceString.Replace($Area, "").Trim()
        $Type = $SourceString.Substring(0, $SourceString.IndexOf(".")).Trim()
        $Number = [int]$SourceString.Substring($SourceString.IndexOf(".:")).Replace(".:", "").Trim()
        $info = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Type   = $Type
            Number = $Number
    function Update-ArrayCustomAreaObjects {
            [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]        
            [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        # Get identifier ("Purchased" or "Assigned") from string
        $Identifier = $SourceString.Substring(0, $SourceString.IndexOf(" ")).Trim()
        # Get the actual values as an object
        $info = Get-D365BCLicenseInfoCustomAreaObjects -SourceString $SourceString -Area $Identifier
        # Find the array-entry and update it
        $licenseInfo = $ObjectArray.Value | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq $info.Type }
        if ($Identifier -eq "Purchased") {
            $licenseInfo.Purchased = $info.Number
        else {
            $licenseInfo.Assigned = $info.Number
        $licenseInfo.Remaining = $licenseInfo.Purchased - $licenseInfo.Assigned
    function Compress-ObjectIdRanges() {
            [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]        
        # If there are ID ranges that are practically consecutive, but split over multiple lines,
        # this function will summarize them into one entry
        foreach ($objInfo in $ObjectArray.Value) {
            $newRanges = @()
            $iNewRanges = -1
            foreach ($range in $objInfo.Ranges) {
                if ($prevRange.End + 1 -eq $range.Start) {
                    $newRanges[$iNewRanges].End = $range.End
                    $newRanges[$iNewRanges].Quantity += $range.Quantity
                else {
                    $newRanges += $range
                $prevRange = $range
            $objInfo.Ranges = $newRanges
    function Get-InfoFromSummaryFile() {
            [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        # Regular Expression to identify lines in "Custom Area Objects"-block
        $patternCustomAreaObjects = '(Purchased|Assigned)\s(TableData|Report|Codeunit|Page|XMLPort|Query).*: \d{1,5}'
        # Regular Expression to identify lines in "Object Assignment"-block
        $patternObjectAssignment = '(TableData|Report|Codeunit|Page|XMLPort|Query)\s*?\d{1,5}\s*\d{1,5}\s*\d{1,5}'
        $customAreaObjectsSection = $false
        $objectAssignmentSection = $false
        foreach ($s in Get-Content -Path $LicensInfoFile) {
            if ($s.Trim() -eq 'Custom Area Objects') {
                $customAreaObjectsSection = $true
            if ($s.Trim() -eq 'Object Assignment') {
                $customAreaObjectsSection = $false
                $objectAssignmentSection = $true
            if ($s.Trim() -eq 'Module Objects and Permissions') {
                $customAreaObjectsSection = $false
                $objectAssignmentSection = $false
                Compress-ObjectIdRanges -ObjectArray ([ref]$LicenseInfosObject)
            if ($customAreaObjectsSection -eq $true) {
                if ($s -match $patternCustomAreaObjects) {
                    Update-ArrayCustomAreaObjects -ObjectArray ([ref]$LicenseInfosObject) -SourceString $s
            if ($objectAssignmentSection -eq $true) {
                if ($s -match $patternObjectAssignment) {
                    $split = $s -split '\s+'
                    $licenseInfosLocal = $LicenseInfosObject | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq $split[0] }
                    $licenseInfosLocal.Ranges += [PSCustomObject]@{
                        Quantity = [int]$split[1]
                        Start    = [int]$split[2]
                        End      = [int]$split[3]
    function Get-InfoFromBcLicenseFile() {
            [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        $content = Get-Content -Path $LicensInfoFile -Encoding Unicode
        $content = $content | Select-Object -Last 1
        $content = $content.Substring(2) # Skip some weird unrecognizable chars

        [xml] $xml = $content
        foreach ($licenseInfo in $LicenseInfos) {
            $node = $xml.ChildNodes.PermissionCollections.pl | Where-Object { $_.t -eq $licenseInfo.Type }
            $node.ps.ChildNodes | Where-Object { $_.pbm -eq "31" } | ForEach-Object {
                $start = [int]$_.f
                $end = [int]$_.t
                $qty = $end - $start + 1
                $licenseInfo.Ranges += [PSCustomObject]@{
                    Quantity = $qty
                    Start    = $start
                    End      = $end
        foreach ($licenseInfo in $LicenseInfos) {    
            $licenseInfo.Ranges = $licenseInfo.Ranges | Where-Object { $_.Start -ge 50000 -and $_.End -le 99999 }
            $licenseInfo.Assigned = ($licenseInfo.Ranges | Measure-Object -Property Quantity -Sum).Sum
    # Prepare array, only with types but without further values
    $licenseInfos = @()
    "TableData", "Report", "Codeunit", "Page", "XMLPort", "Query" | ForEach-Object {
        $licenseInfos += [PSCustomObject]@{
            Type      = $_
            Purchased = 0
            Assigned  = 0
            Remaining = 0
            Ranges    = @()
    if ($LicensInfoFile.EndsWith(".txt")) {
        Get-InfoFromSummaryFile -LicensInfoFile $LicensInfoFile -LicenseInfosObject $licenseInfos
    else {
        Get-InfoFromBcLicenseFile -LicensInfoFile $LicensInfoFile -LicenseInfos $licenseInfos
Export-ModuleMember Get-D365BCLicenseInfo