
.VERSION 0.1.0
.GUID bf0f6ab8-cef7-4d6c-973f-b03fe0888167
.COMPANYNAME Microsoft Corp.

This script is used to exercise the ISheetCellInventory custom pattern
This script will write the names of all cells on the sheet with the input trait.
CustomPatternClient_Excel_Cell_Inventory.ps1 -book Book1 -sheet Sheet1 -trait formula
CustomPatternClient_Excel_Cell_Inventory.ps1 Book1 Sheet1 formula
Workbook name without the file extension. It is used to identify the window root.
The name of any sheet tab in the Excel window. It does not have to be active.
can be any one of the following:
    formula - GetCellsWithFormula - Get all cells with formulas in the current sheet
    hyperlink - GetCellsWithHyperlink - Get all cells with hyperlinks in the current sheet
    formulahyperlink - GetCellsWithFormulaHyperlink - Get all cells with formula hyperlinks in the current sheet
    note - GetCellsWithNote - Get all cells with notes in the current sheet
    comment - GetCellsWithComment - Get all cells with comments in the current sheet

    [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory=$True)][string]$book,
    [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory=$True)][string]$sheet,
    [Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory=$True)][string]$trait

# Setup
Set-PSRepository -Name "PSGallery" -InstallationPolicy Trusted
Install-Module -Name YellowBox -Scope CurrentUser -MinimumVersion | Import-Module

[Guid] $IID_SheetCellInventory        = "654823FE-A483-4915-8709-67266866E518"
[Guid] $IID_GetCellsWithFormula = "24E137F2-4FFF-4F50-84AD-2ACD780E7E1F"
[Guid] $IID_GetCellsWithHyperlink = "B640F40E-E51A-4CDD-9604-843AA5107C1C"
[Guid] $IID_GetCellsWithFormulaHyperlink = "0AAF2B49-015B-4AB3-A093-21F055E8E0F5"
[Guid] $IID_GetCellsWithNote = "8F171892-A3B1-4F92-9CE1-CE818B848F52"
[Guid] $IID_GetCellsWithComment = "4D4E49BC-CE16-44CD-AC48-1DAA2E862C41"

# hash table to map trait to method id
$traitToMethodId = @{
    "formula" = $IID_GetCellsWithFormula
    "hyperlink" = $IID_GetCellsWithHyperlink
    "formulahyperlink" = $IID_GetCellsWithFormulaHyperlink
    "note" = $IID_GetCellsWithNote
    "comment" = $IID_GetCellsWithComment

# Validate input trait
if ($null -eq $traitToMethodId[$trait])
    Throw "Invalid trait $trait specified"

# root element is the top level book pane
$windowName = "$book - Excel"
# the pattern is on the sheet. Get the element for the sheet
$sheetPane = "Sheet " + $sheet
$sheetElement = (Select-UIXPath "Window[@Name = `"$windowName`"]/Pane/Pane[@Name=`"$book`"]/Pane[@Name=`"$sheetPane`"]")
if ($null -eq $sheetElement)
    Throw "Failed to find $sheetpane in $windowName"

# Get the custom pattern
$customPattern = [YellowBox.Client.ExtensionMethodContainer]::new()
$sheetElement.CallExtensionMethod($IID_SheetCellInventory, <# out #> $customPattern)

$List = [YellowBox.Client.ExtensionMethodArgument]::new()

# prepare an output list
$customPattern.CallExtensionMethod($traitToMethodId[$trait], <# out #> $List)

# Call the custom method
Write-Output "Finding cells with $trait"
if ($List -eq $null)
    Write-Output "Get cells with $trait returned null value"
foreach ($cell in $List.Value)
    Write-Output "$cell"