function Remove-CMPCAdminRelationship { #REQUIRES -Version 4.0 #REQUIRES -Modules Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility <# .SYNOPSIS This function ends an active or created admin relationship. .DESCRIPTION Provide either the display name or the ID of the admin relationship to end it. .PARAMETER AdminRelationshipId The admin relationship ID of the admin relationship you want to end. .PARAMETER AdminRelationshipDisplayName The admin relationship display name of the admin relationship you want to end. .INPUTS The input is either the admin relationship ID or the display name of the admin relationship. .OUTPUTS The output is a string indicating that the admin relationship has either been ended or that the admin relationship is already ended. .LINK Online version: .NOTES As an extra step, if you use the admin relationship display name, the function finds the admin relationship ID which will be used by the API. Afterwards, the admin relationship object is retrieved. If the status is one of the statuses associated with a terminated relationship, the function will say that the admin relationship is already ended. If the status is active, the admin relationship becomes terminated. If the status is created, the admin relationship becomes completely deleted and will not appear in the overview of all admin relationships anymore. .EXAMPLE Remove-CMPCAdminRelationship -AdminRelationshipId "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" This example terminates an admin relationship based on the admin relationship ID. .EXAMPLE Remove-CMPCAdminRelationship -AdminRelationshipDisplayName "SomeRandomDisplayName" This example terminates an admin relationship based on the admin relationship display name. #> [CmdletBinding( ConfirmImpact = "High", DefaultParameterSetName = "UsingId", HelpUri = "", SupportsPaging = $false, SupportsShouldProcess = $true, PositionalBinding = $true )] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "UsingId")] [ValidatePattern('^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}-[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$')] [ValidateScript({ Confirm-AdminRelationshipExistence -AdminRelationshipId $_ })] [System.String]$AdminRelationshipId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "UsingDisplayName")] [ValidateCount(1, 50)] [ValidateScript({ Get-AdminRelationshipIdFromName -AdminRelationshipDisplayName $AdminRelationshipDisplayName > $null })] [System.String]$AdminRelationshipDisplayName ) begin { Confirm-AccessTokenExistence } process { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'UsingDisplayName') { $AdminRelationshipId = Get-AdminRelationshipIdFromName -AdminRelationshipDisplayName $AdminRelationshipDisplayName } $headers = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($authTokenManager.GetValidToken())" } $AdminRelationship = Invoke-RestMethod -Method "Get" -Uri "$($AdminRelationshipId)?`$select=@odata.etag,status" -Headers $headers switch ($AdminRelationship.status) { "active" { $body = @{ action = "terminate" } Invoke-RestMethod -Method "Post" -Uri "$($AdminRelationshipId)/requests" -Headers $headers -Body ($body | ConvertTo-Json) -ContentType "application/json" > $null Write-Host -Object "Ended the admin relationship with the id $($AdminRelationshipId)." } "created" { $headers."If-Match" = $AdminRelationship."@odata.etag" Invoke-RestMethod -Method "Delete" -Uri "$($AdminRelationshipId)" -Headers $headers > $null Write-Host -Object "Ended the admin relationship with the id $($AdminRelationshipId)." } "approvalPending" { return "The admin relationship with id $($AdminRelationshipId) cannot be ended because it has the `"approvalPending`" status. Accept the admin relationship before removing it." } default { return "The admin relationship with id $($AdminRelationshipId) has already ended." } } } end { } } |