The tool can do the following:
- Create an Application
- Create an application folder and move the application there
- Create an MSI deployment type
- Create an App-V 5 (App-V 4 is NOT supported) deployment type
The tool can do the following:
- Create an Application
- Create an application folder and move the application there
- Create an MSI deployment type
- Create an App-V 5 (App-V 4 is NOT supported) deployment type
- Create a manual/scripted deployment type. In this case a detection method must be manually added afterwards in the
SCCM console.
- Distribute the application content to a distribution point group
- Create a group in Active Directory
- Create a device- or user collection, either empty or with a membership rule based on the Active Directory group
- Create a collection folder and move the collection there
- Deploy the Application to the collection, either Available or Required
- Configure certain other options, such as behavior on slow networks, whether or not fallback source location should be
allowed, run the installation program as 32-bit process on 64-bit systems, etc.
SCCM Application Creator is 100% built in PowerShell and is designed to be as flexible and easy to use as possible. All input is done in a simple Windows Form based GUI. To keep the GUI as clean as possible, some required input that probably rarely change, are defined as script parameters instead. Such as SCCM site code, the path in AD to where the groups should be created, the domain name, limiting collections, name of distribution point group, etc.
The GUI is dynamic and will only enable options when a dependent option has also been selected. An MST file for example, can only be selected if an MSI file has been selected first. Creating a deployment is only available if creating a collection and content is distributed, etc.
The tool also supports using PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit, which is used by many SCCM administrators. By clicking on the button "Use PADT" the Installation Program, Uninstallation Program and Content Source Path will be changed, and the flag "Run installation and uninstall program as 32-bit process on 64-bit clients" will be set.
The following requirements must be installed on the computer where the script is run:
- System Center Configuration Manager Console / Configuration Manager Powershell Module
(only tested with 1604, version 5.0.8373.1189)
- Active Directory PowerShell Module
- PowerShell v4.0 or higher
- .Net Framework
NOTE! The script has only been fully tested and verified with PowerShell v5.0, on Windows Server 2012 R2 with SCCM v1602 and SCCM Powershell module 1604.
Installation Options
The MIT License (MIT)
Package Details
- Joachim Bryttmar
SCCM ConfigMgr "Configuration Manager" "System Center Configuration Automation Applications
Load-Form Validate-Form ButtonCreateClick ButtonPADTClick AppName-Changed MSIFile-Changed AppVName-Changed CollectionName-Changed ADGroup-Changed SourcePath-Changed InstallProgram-Changed CheckBoxCreateCollectionChanged CheckBoxDistributeContentChanged CheckBoxCreateDeploymentChanged CheckBoxCreateADGroupChanged ButtonMSIClick ButtonAppVClick OpenMSIFile ButtonMSTClick OpenMSTFile OpenAppVFile Get-MsiProperty Get-Property Invoke-Method Random-StartTime Check-ApplicationExist Check-CollectionExist Check-ADGroupExist Main
This script has no dependencies.
Release Notes
- Various improvements and bugfixes. The script has been rewritten, cleaned up and reorganized.
- Updated SCCM-cmdlets and parameters to reflect changes made in updated SCCM PowerShell module. Tested and
only supported with SCCM PowerShell module version 1604 (5.0.8373.1189).
- Added support for App-V 5 deployment types.
- Added support to create a manual/scripted deployment type. If you don't pick an MSI- or App-V-package and specify
an installation program and source path, and a deployment type will be created with a dummy detection method that
must be manually changed afterwards.
- Improved error handling. The script will now, for example, check if an AD-group and collection already exist.
- It is now possible to create a deployment to an existing collection.
- It is now possible to use an existing AD group.
- Better logic in the GUI, updated dependencies between different options to determine which check boxes etc will be
enabled or disabled.
- Added support to create new collection without membership rule. Just leave the AD group textbox empty.
- Added textbox for collection name.
- Added colors to the script output to improve readability.
- Create-SCCMApplication.nuspec
- Create-SCCMApplication.ps1
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
2.0 (current version) | 2,010 | 6/18/2016 |