.EXTERNALHELP CosmosDB-help.xml #> #Requires -version 5.0 $moduleRoot = Split-Path ` -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path ` -Parent #region Types if (-not ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'CosmosDB.Context').Type) { $typeDefinition = @' namespace CosmosDB { public class ContextToken { public System.String Resource; public System.DateTime TimeStamp; public System.DateTime Expires; public System.Security.SecureString Token; } public class BackoffPolicy { public System.Int32 MaxRetries; public System.String Method; public System.Int32 Delay; } public class Context { public System.String Account; public System.String Database; public System.Security.SecureString Key; public System.String KeyType; public System.String BaseUri; public CosmosDB.ContextToken[] Token; public CosmosDB.BackoffPolicy BackoffPolicy; } namespace IndexingPolicy { namespace Path { public class Index { public System.String dataType; public System.String kind; } public class IndexRange : CosmosDB.IndexingPolicy.Path.Index { public System.Int32 precision; } public class IndexHash : CosmosDB.IndexingPolicy.Path.Index { public System.Int32 precision; } public class IndexSpatial : CosmosDB.IndexingPolicy.Path.Index { } public class IncludedPath { public System.String path; public CosmosDB.IndexingPolicy.Path.Index[] indexes; } public class ExcludedPath { public System.String path; } } public class Policy { public System.Boolean automatic; public System.String indexingMode; public CosmosDB.IndexingPolicy.Path.IncludedPath[] includedPaths; public CosmosDB.IndexingPolicy.Path.ExcludedPath[] excludedPaths; } } } '@ Add-Type -TypeDefinition $typeDefinition } <# This type is available in PowerShell Core, but it is not available in Windows PowerShell. It is needed to check the exception type within the Invoke-CosmosDbRequest function. #> if (-not ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.HttpResponseException').Type) { $httpResponseExceptionClassDefinition = @' namespace Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands { public class HttpResponseException : System.Net.WebException { } } '@ Add-Type -TypeDefinition $httpResponseExceptionClassDefinition } #endregion #region LocalizedData $culture = 'en-us' if (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath $PSUICulture)) { $culture = $PSUICulture } Import-LocalizedData ` -BindingVariable LocalizedData ` -Filename 'CosmosDB.strings.psd1' ` -BaseDirectory $moduleRoot ` -UICulture $culture #endregion #region ImportFunctions # Dot source any functions in the libs folder $libs = Get-ChildItem ` -Path (Join-Path -Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath 'lib') ` -Include '*.ps1' ` -Recurse Foreach ($lib in $libs) { Write-Verbose -Message $($LocalizedData.ImportingLibFileMessage -f $lib.Fullname) . $lib.Fullname } #endregion # Add Aliases New-Alias -Name 'New-CosmosDbConnection' -Value 'New-CosmosDbContext' -Force |