# <copyright file="Read-DeploymentConfig.ps1" company="Endjin Limited"> # Copyright (c) Endjin Limited. All rights reserved. # </copyright> <# .SYNOPSIS Reads the deployment configuration from a convention-based directory structure. .DESCRIPTION Reads the deployment configuration from a convention-based directory structure and applies validation for any configuration settings that have been flagged as 'required'. .PARAMETER ConfigPath The full path to the root of the deployment configuration repository. .PARAMETER EnvironmentConfigName The name of the file in the deployment configuration repository that contains the configuration settings for the target environment. .PARAMETER SharedConfigName The name of the file in the deployment configuration repository that contains the configuration settings that are shared by all environments. .PARAMETER ConfigFileExtension The file extension used by files within the deployment configuration repository. .PARAMETER RequiredConfigurationKey The configuration setting that contains the list of any other required configuration settings. This is used to pre-validate that the loaded deployment configuration has all the required values. .NOTES Configuration values can be literal values or can reference configuration handlers that are responsible for resolving the value. For example, the following syntax can be used to have a configuration value populated from an Azure Key Vault Secret: $myPassword = "@Microsoft.KeyVault(SecretUri=" .OUTPUTS Hashtable #> function Read-DeploymentConfig { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $ConfigPath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $EnvironmentConfigName, [string] $SharedConfigName = "common", [string] $ConfigFileExtension = ".ps1", [string] $RequiredConfigurationKey = 'RequiredConfiguration' ) $sharedConfigFile = Join-Path $ConfigPath "$($SharedConfigName)$($ConfigFileExtension)" -Resolve $environmentConfigFile = Join-Path $ConfigPath "$($EnvironmentConfigName)$($ConfigFileExtension)" -Resolve # execute the config repo files to evaluate the configuration and merge the results $deploymentConfig = (_DotSourceScriptFile -Path $sharedConfigFile) | ` Merge-Hashtables (_DotSourceScriptFile -Path $environmentConfigFile) Write-Verbose ($deploymentConfig | Format-Table | Out-String) if ( !($deploymentConfig.ContainsKey($RequiredConfigurationKey)) ) { Write-Warning "Required configuration settings have not been specified" Write-Warning ("Consider setting the '{0}' configuation value with the list of required configuration values" -f $RequiredConfigurationKey) } else { # validate configuration $configOk = $true foreach ($requiredSetting in $deploymentConfig[$RequiredConfigurationKey]) { if ( !($deploymentConfig.ContainsKey($requiredSetting)) -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($deploymentConfig[$requiredSetting]) ) { $configOk = $false Write-Warning "The required configuration setting '$requiredSetting' has not been defined" } } if (!$configOk) { Write-Error "The configuration for environment '$EnvironmentConfigName' has failed pre-validation - check above warnings" } } $resolvedDeploymentConfig = _ResolveDeploymentConfigValues $deploymentConfig $resolvedDeploymentConfig } |