
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.ps1", ".ps1")

. "$here\$sut"

# Make external dependencies available for mocking
function Get-AzKeyVaultSecret {}
function Set-AzKeyVaultSecret {}
function Get-AzContext {}
function Invoke-AzRestMethod { param($Uri, $Method, $Payload) }
function _EnsureAzureConnection {}
function _HandleRestError { param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$Response) return $Response }
function Write-Host {}

Describe "Assert-AzureServicePrincipalForRbac Tests" {

    # Setup mock objects
    $mockSp =  @{
        id = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001'
        appId = [guid]::Empty
        displayName = "mock-sp"
        passwordCredentials = @()
    $mockApp =  @{
        id = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002'
        appId = [guid]::Empty
        displayName = "mock-sp"
        passwordCredentials = @()

    # Global mocks
    Mock Invoke-AzRestMethod { @{ Content = (@{ secretText = "mock-secret" } | ConvertTo-Json) } } -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith("addPassword") }
    Mock Invoke-AzRestMethod {} -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith("removePassword") }
    Mock Set-AzKeyVaultSecret {}
    Mock Get-AzContext { @{ Tenant = @{Id = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000009"} } }

    Context "Not using Key Vault" {

        Mock Get-AzKeyVaultSecret {}

        Context "Using service principal credentials" {

            Describe "Creating a new service principal with default options" {

                Mock Invoke-AzRestMethod { @{ Content = ($mockSp | ConvertTo-Json) } } -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith('servicePrincipals') }
                Mock _newApplication { $mockApp }
                Mock _getApplication {}
                Mock _getServicePrincipal {}
                $res = Assert-AzureServicePrincipalForRbac `
                            -Name "mock-sp" `
                            -CredentialDisplayName "mock-credential"
                It "should create a new service principal" {
                    $res.Count | Should -Be 2
                    $res[0].id | Should -Be '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001'
                    $res[1] | Should -Be "mock-secret"
                    Assert-MockCalled _getApplication -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $DisplayName -eq 'mock-sp' }
                    Assert-MockCalled _newApplication -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $DisplayName -eq 'mock-sp' }
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith('servicePrincipals') -and $Method -eq 'POST' -and $Payload -imatch '"appId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"' }
                It "should not check for an existing secret in the key vault" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 0     # the SP does not exist so we shouldn't be checking for ean existing secret in key vault
                It "should create a new service principal credential" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith("addPassword") -and $Uri -match "servicePrincipals" }
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 0 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith("addPassword") -and $Uri -match "applications" }
                It "should not update the key vault secret" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 0
            Describe "Updating an existing service principal with default options" {
                Mock _getServicePrincipal { $mockSp }
                Mock _getApplication { $mockApp }
                Mock _newApplication {}
                Mock _handleCredential {}
                Mock _newServicePrincipal {}
                $res = Assert-AzureServicePrincipalForRbac `
                            -Name "mock-sp" `
                            -CredentialDisplayName "mock-credential"
                It "should not create a new service principal" {
                    Assert-MockCalled _newApplication -Times 0
                    Assert-MockCalled _newServicePrincipal -Times 0
                It "should not check for an existing secret in the key vault" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 0     # the SP does not exist so we shouldn't be checking for ean existing secret in key vault
                It "should not update the service principal credential" {
                    $res.Count | Should -Be 2
                    $res[0].id | Should -Be '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001'
                    $res[1] | Should -Be $null
                    Assert-MockCalled _getApplication -Times 0
                    Assert-MockCalled _handleCredential -Times 0
                It "should not update the key vault secret" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 0
            Describe "Updating an existing service principal with the 'RotateSecret' option" {
                Mock _getServicePrincipal { $mockSp }
                Mock _getApplication { $mockApp }
                Mock _newApplication {}
                Mock _newServicePrincipal {}
                $res = Assert-AzureServicePrincipalForRbac `
                            -Name "mock-sp" `
                            -CredentialDisplayName "mock-credential" `
                It "should not create a new service principal" {
                    Assert-MockCalled _newApplication -Times 0
                    Assert-MockCalled _newServicePrincipal -Times 0
                It "should not check for an existing secret in the key vault" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 0     # the SP does not exist so we shouldn't be checking for ean existing secret in key vault
                It "should update the service principal credential" {
                    $res.Count | Should -Be 2
                    $res[0].id | Should -Be '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001'
                    $res[1] | Should -Be "mock-secret"
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith("addPassword") -and $Uri -match "servicePrincipals" }
                    Assert-MockCalled _getServicePrincipal -Times 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 0 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith("addPassword") -and $Uri -match "applications" }
                    Assert-MockCalled _getApplication -Times 0
                It "should not update the key vault secret" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 0

        Context "Using app registration credentials" {

            Describe "Creating a new service principal with default options" {

                Mock Invoke-AzRestMethod { @{ Content = ($mockSp | ConvertTo-Json) } }
                Mock _newApplication { $mockApp }
                Mock _getApplication {}
                Mock _getApplicationForNewAppCredential { $mockApp }

                Mock _getServicePrincipal {}
                $res = Assert-AzureServicePrincipalForRbac `
                            -Name "mock-sp" `
                            -CredentialDisplayName "mock-credential" `
                It "should create a new service principal" {
                    $res.Count | Should -Be 2
                    $res[0].id | Should -Be '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001'
                    $res[1] | Should -Be "mock-secret"
                    Assert-MockCalled _getApplication -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $DisplayName -eq 'mock-sp' }
                    Assert-MockCalled _newApplication -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $DisplayName -eq 'mock-sp' }
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith('servicePrincipals') -and $Method -eq 'POST' -and $Payload -imatch '"appId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"' }
                It "should not check for an existing secret in the key vault" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 0     # the SP does not exist so we shouldn't be checking for ean existing secret in key vault
                It "should create a new application credential" {
                    Assert-MockCalled _getApplicationForNewAppCredential -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $DisplayName -eq 'mock-sp' }
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith("addPassword") -and $Uri -match "applications" }

                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 0 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith("addPassword") -and $Uri -match "servicePrincipals" }
                It "should not update the key vault secret" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 0
            Describe "Updating an existing service principal with default options" {
                Mock _getServicePrincipal { $mockSp }
                Mock _getApplication { $mockApp }
                Mock _newApplication {}
                Mock _handleCredential {}
                Mock _newServicePrincipal {}
                $res = Assert-AzureServicePrincipalForRbac `
                            -Name "mock-sp" `
                            -CredentialDisplayName "mock-credential" `
                It "should not create a new service principal" {
                    Assert-MockCalled _newApplication -Times 0
                    Assert-MockCalled _newServicePrincipal -Times 0
                It "should not check for an existing secret in the key vault" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 0     # the SP does not exist so we shouldn't be checking for ean existing secret in key vault
                It "should not update the application credential" {
                    $res.Count | Should -Be 2
                    $res[0].id | Should -Be '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001'
                    $res[1] | Should -Be $null
                    Assert-MockCalled _getApplication -Times 0
                    Assert-MockCalled _handleCredential -Times 0
                It "should not update the key vault secret" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 0
            Describe "Updating an existing service principal with the 'RotateSecret' option" {
                Mock _getServicePrincipal { $mockSp }
                Mock _getApplication { $mockApp }
                Mock _newApplication {}
                Mock _newServicePrincipal {}
                $res = Assert-AzureServicePrincipalForRbac `
                            -Name "mock-sp" `
                            -CredentialDisplayName "mock-credential" `
                            -RotateSecret `
                It "should not create a new service principal" {
                    Assert-MockCalled _newApplication -Times 0
                    Assert-MockCalled _newServicePrincipal -Times 0
                It "should not check for an existing secret in the key vault" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 0     # the SP does not exist so we shouldn't be checking for ean existing secret in key vault
                It "should update the application credential" {
                    $res.Count | Should -Be 2
                    $res[0].id | Should -Be '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001'
                    $res[1] | Should -Be "mock-secret"
                    Assert-MockCalled _getServicePrincipal -Times 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith("addPassword") -and $Uri -match "applications" }

                    Assert-MockCalled _getApplication -Times 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 0 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith("addPassword") -and $Uri -match "servicePrincipals" }
                It "should not update the key vault secret" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 0

    Context "Key Vault Support" {

        $mockSavedSecret = @{
            clientId = "mockAppId"
            clientSecret = "mockSecret"
            tenantId = "mockTenantId"
        Mock Get-AzKeyVaultSecret { @{ SecretValue = ($mockSavedSecret | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText) } }

        Context "Using service principal credentials" {

            Describe "Creating a new service principal with default options" {

                Mock Invoke-AzRestMethod { @{ Content = ($mockSp | ConvertTo-Json) } }
                Mock _newApplication { $mockApp }

                Mock _getApplication {}
                Mock _getServicePrincipal {}

                $res = Assert-AzureServicePrincipalForRbac `
                            -Name "mock-sp" `
                            -CredentialDisplayName "mock-credential" `
                            -KeyVaultName "mock-keyvault" `
                            -KeyVaultSecretName "mock-secret-name"

                It "should create a new service principal" {
                    Assert-MockCalled _newApplication -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $DisplayName -eq 'mock-sp' }
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith('servicePrincipals') -and $Method -eq 'POST' -and $Payload -imatch '"appId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"' }

                It "should not check for an existing secret in the key vault" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 0     # the SP does not exist so we shouldn't be checking for ean existing secret in key vault

                It "should create a new service principal credential" {
                    $res.Count | Should -Be 2
                    $res[0].id | Should -Be '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001'
                    $res[1] | Should -Be $null

                    Assert-MockCalled _getApplication -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $DisplayName -eq 'mock-sp' }
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith("addPassword") -and $Uri -match "servicePrincipals" }
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 0 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith("addPassword") -and $Uri -match "applications" }

                It "should store the secret the key vault" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 1     # the key vault should be updated with new secret

            Describe "Update an existing service principal with default options" {

                Mock _getServicePrincipal { $mockSp }
                Mock _getApplication { $mockApp }

                Mock _newApplication {}
                Mock _newServicePrincipal {}

                $res = Assert-AzureServicePrincipalForRbac `
                            -Name "mock-sp" `
                            -CredentialDisplayName "mock-credential" `
                            -KeyVaultName "mock-keyvault" `
                            -KeyVaultSecretName "mock-secret-name"

                It "should not create a new service principal" {
                    Assert-MockCalled _newApplication -Times 0
                    Assert-MockCalled _newServicePrincipal -Times 0

                It "should check for an existing secret in the key vault" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 1     # the SP exists so we should check the key vault

                It "should not create a new service principal credential" {
                    $res.Count | Should -Be 2
                    $res[0].id | Should -Be '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001'
                    $res[1] | Should -Be $null

                    Assert-MockCalled _getServicePrincipal -Times 1
                    Assert-MockCalled _getApplication -Times 0
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 0 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith("addPassword") -and $Uri -match "servicePrincipals" }
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 0 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith("addPassword") -and $Uri -match "applications" }

                It "should not update the key vault secret" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 0     # the key vault should be updated with new secret

            Describe "Update an existing service principal with the 'RotateSecret' option" {

                Mock _getServicePrincipal { $mockSp }
                Mock _getApplication { $mockApp }

                Mock _newApplication {}
                Mock _newServicePrincipal {}

                $res = Assert-AzureServicePrincipalForRbac `
                            -Name "mock-sp" `
                            -CredentialDisplayName "mock-credential" `
                            -KeyVaultName "mock-keyvault" `
                            -KeyVaultSecretName "mock-secret-name" `

                It "should not create a new service principal" {
                    Assert-MockCalled _newApplication -Times 0
                    Assert-MockCalled _newServicePrincipal -Times 0

                It "should check for an existing secret in the key vault" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 1     # the SP exists so we should check the key vault

                It "should create a new service principal credential" {
                    $res.Count | Should -Be 2
                    $res[0].id | Should -Be '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001'
                    $res[1] | Should -Be $null

                    Assert-MockCalled _getServicePrincipal -Times 1
                    Assert-MockCalled _getApplication -Times 0
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith("addPassword") -and $Uri -match "servicePrincipals" }
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 0 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith("addPassword") -and $Uri -match "applications" }

                It "should update the key vault secret" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 1     # the key vault should be updated with new secret

        Context "Using app registration credentials" {
            Describe "Creating a new service principal with default options" {

                Mock Invoke-AzRestMethod { @{ Content = ($mockSp | ConvertTo-Json) } }
                Mock _newApplication { $mockApp }

                Mock _getApplicationForNewServicePrincipal {}
                Mock _getApplicationForNewAppCredential { $mockApp }
                Mock _getServicePrincipal {}

                $res = Assert-AzureServicePrincipalForRbac `
                            -Name "mock-sp" `
                            -CredentialDisplayName "mock-credential" `
                            -KeyVaultName "mock-keyvault" `
                            -KeyVaultSecretName "mock-secret-name" `

                It "should create a new service principal" {
                    Assert-MockCalled _getApplicationForNewServicePrincipal -Times 1
                    Assert-MockCalled _newApplication -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $DisplayName -eq 'mock-sp' }
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith('servicePrincipals') -and $Method -eq 'POST' -and $Payload -imatch '"appId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"' }

                It "should not check for an existing secret in the key vault" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 0     # the SP does not exist so we shouldn't be checking for ean existing secret in key vault

                It "should create a new service principal credential" {
                    $res.Count | Should -Be 2
                    $res[0].id | Should -Be '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001'
                    $res[1] | Should -Be $null

                    Assert-MockCalled _getApplicationForNewAppCredential -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $DisplayName -eq 'mock-sp' }
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith("addPassword") -and $Uri -match "applications" }
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 0 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith("addPassword") -and $Uri -match "servicePrincipals" }

                It "should store the secret the key vault" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 1     # the key vault should be updated with new secret

            Describe "Update an existing service principal with default options" {

                Mock _getServicePrincipal { $mockSp }
                Mock _getApplication { $mockApp }

                Mock _newApplication {}
                Mock _newServicePrincipal {}

                $res = Assert-AzureServicePrincipalForRbac `
                            -Name "mock-sp" `
                            -CredentialDisplayName "mock-credential" `
                            -KeyVaultName "mock-keyvault" `
                            -KeyVaultSecretName "mock-secret-name" `

                It "should not create a new service principal" {
                    Assert-MockCalled _newApplication -Times 0
                    Assert-MockCalled _newServicePrincipal -Times 0

                It "should check for an existing secret in the key vault" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 1     # the SP exists so we should check the key vault

                It "should not create a new service principal credential" {
                    $res.Count | Should -Be 2
                    $res[0].id | Should -Be '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001'
                    $res[1] | Should -Be $null

                    Assert-MockCalled _getServicePrincipal -Times 1
                    Assert-MockCalled _getApplication -Times 0
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 0 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith("addPassword") -and $Uri -match "applications" }
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 0 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith("addPassword") -and $Uri -match "servicePrincipals" }

                It "should not update the key vault secret" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 0     # the key vault should be updated with new secret

            Describe "Update an existing service principal with the 'RotateSecret' option" {

                Mock _getServicePrincipal { $mockSp }
                Mock _getApplication { $mockApp }

                Mock _newApplication {}
                Mock _newServicePrincipal {}

                $res = Assert-AzureServicePrincipalForRbac `
                            -Name "mock-sp" `
                            -CredentialDisplayName "mock-credential" `
                            -KeyVaultName "mock-keyvault" `
                            -KeyVaultSecretName "mock-secret-name" `
                            -RotateSecret `

                It "should not create a new service principal" {
                    Assert-MockCalled _newApplication -Times 0
                    Assert-MockCalled _newServicePrincipal -Times 0

                It "should check for an existing secret in the key vault" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 1     # the SP exists so we should check the key vault

                It "should create a new service principal credential" {
                    $res.Count | Should -Be 2
                    $res[0].id | Should -Be '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001'
                    $res[1] | Should -Be $null

                    Assert-MockCalled _getServicePrincipal -Times 1
                    Assert-MockCalled _getApplication -Times 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith("addPassword") -and $Uri -match "applications" }
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 0 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith("addPassword") -and $Uri -match "servicePrincipals" }

                It "should update the key vault secret" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 1     # the key vault should be updated with new secret

        Context "Kay Vault secret validation" {
            Describe "Existing secret storing the 'clientSecret' property without 'RotateSecret' option" {
                $mockSavedSecret = @{
                    clientId = "mockAppId"
                    clientSecret = "mockSecret"
                    tenantId = "mockTenantId"
                Mock Get-AzKeyVaultSecret { @{ SecretValue = ($mockSavedSecret | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText) } }

                Mock _getServicePrincipal { $mockSp }
                Mock _getApplication { $mockApp }

                Mock _newApplication {}
                Mock _newServicePrincipal {}

                $res = Assert-AzureServicePrincipalForRbac `
                            -Name "mock-sp" `
                            -CredentialDisplayName "mock-credential" `
                            -KeyVaultName "mock-keyvault" `
                            -KeyVaultSecretName "mock-secret-name"

                It "should not create a new service principal" {
                    Assert-MockCalled _newApplication -Times 0
                    Assert-MockCalled _newServicePrincipal -Times 0

                It "should check for an existing secret in the key vault" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 1     # the SP exists so we should check the key vault

                It "should not create a new service principal credential" {
                    $res.Count | Should -Be 2
                    $res[0].id | Should -Be '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001'
                    $res[1] | Should -Be $null

                    Assert-MockCalled _getServicePrincipal -Times 1
                    Assert-MockCalled _getApplication -Times 0
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 0 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith("addPassword") -and $Uri -match "servicePrincipals" }
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 0 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith("addPassword") -and $Uri -match "applications" }

                It "should not update the key vault secret" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 0     # the key vault should be updated with new secret
            Describe "Existing invalid secret in key vault without 'RotateSecret' option" {
                $mockSavedSecret = @{
                    clientId = "mockAppId"
                    tenantId = "mockTenantId"
                Mock Get-AzKeyVaultSecret { @{ SecretValue = ($mockSavedSecret | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText) } }
                Mock Write-Warning {}
                Mock _getServicePrincipal { $mockSp }
                Mock _getApplication { $mockApp }

                Mock _newApplication {}
                Mock _newServicePrincipal {}

                $res = Assert-AzureServicePrincipalForRbac `
                            -Name "mock-sp" `
                            -CredentialDisplayName "mock-credential" `
                            -KeyVaultName "mock-keyvault" `
                            -KeyVaultSecretName "mock-secret-name"

                It "should not create a new service principal" {
                    Assert-MockCalled _newApplication -Times 0
                    Assert-MockCalled _newServicePrincipal -Times 0

                It "should check for an existing secret in the key vault" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 1     # the SP exists so we should check the key vault

                It "should log a warning message" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Write-Warning -Time 1

                It "should create a new service principal credential" {
                    $res.Count | Should -Be 2
                    $res[0].id | Should -Be '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001'
                    $res[1] | Should -Be $null

                    Assert-MockCalled _getServicePrincipal -Times 1
                    Assert-MockCalled _getApplication -Times 0
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 1 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith("addPassword") -and $Uri -match "servicePrincipals" }
                    Assert-MockCalled Invoke-AzRestMethod -Times 0 -ParameterFilter { $Uri.EndsWith("addPassword") -and $Uri -match "applications" }

                It "should update the key vault secret" {
                    Assert-MockCalled Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -Times 1     # the key vault should be updated with new secret