
# <copyright file="_ValidateAzureConnectionDetails.ps1" company="Endjin Limited">
# Copyright (c) Endjin Limited. All rights reserved.
# </copyright>

Checks whether an existing Azure connection is still associated with originally intended Tenant and Subscription.

Checks whether an existing Azure connection is still associated with originally intended Tenant and Subscription.


function _ValidateAzureConnectionDetails
    param (
        [string] $SubscriptionId,

        [string] $AadTenantId,

        [switch] $AzPowerShell,

        [switch] $AzureCli

    # NOTE: This function is exempt from the test requiring consumers of AzPowerShell to call _EnsureAzureConnection
    if ($AzPowerShell) {
        # Ensure PowerShell Az is connected with the details that have been provided
        $azContext = Get-AzContext
        if ($azContext.Subscription.Id -eq $SubscriptionId -and `
                $azContext.Tenant.Id -eq $AadTenantId
        ) {
            return $true
        else {
            Write-Warning "SubscriptionId: Specified [$SubscriptionId], Actual [$($azContext.Subscription.Id)]"
            Write-Warning "TenantId : Specified [$AadTenantId], Actual [$($azContext.Tenant.Id)]"
            return $false

    if ($AzureCli) {
        # Ensure AzureCLI is connected with the details that have been provided
        try {
            $currentAccount = Invoke-AzCli "account show" -asJson -SuppressConnectionValidation
        catch {}

        if ($ -eq $SubscriptionId -and `
                $currentAccount.tenantId -eq $AadTenantId
        ) {
            return $true
        else {
            Write-Warning "SubscriptionId: Specified [$SubscriptionId], Actual [$($]"
            Write-Warning "TenantId : Specified [$AadTenantId], Actual [$($currentAccount.tenantId)]"
            return $false