
# <copyright file="Select-PowerAppsSolution.ps1" company="Endjin Limited">
# Copyright (c) Endjin Limited. All rights reserved.
# </copyright>

Checks whether a Power Apps solution exists and selects it for the current session.

Uses the Power Platform CLI to check whether a Power Apps solution exists in the current
environment and selects it for the current session. Requires that 'Connect-DataverseEnvironment'
has been called first.

.PARAMETER SolutionName
The Power Apps solution name.

.PARAMETER ThrowIfNotFound
When specified, an exception is thrown if the solution is not found.


function Select-PowerAppsSolution {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if (!$isPowerPlatformCliConnected) {
        throw "PowerApps CLI is not connected - please run 'Connect-PowerPlatformCli' first"

    Write-Host "Checking for existing Power Apps Solution: $SolutionName"
    $pacSolutionListOutput = & pac solution list --environment $powerAppEnvironmentUrl

    $existingSolution = $pacSolutionListOutput |
                            Select-Object -Skip 4 |
                            ConvertFrom-Fwsv -Headers @("Unique Name","Friendly Name","Version","Managed") |
                            Where-Object { $_."Unique Name" -eq $SolutionName }

    if ($null -eq $existingSolution -and $ThrowIfNotFound) {
        throw "Solution $SolutionName not found in environment $powerAppEnvironmentUrl"
    else {
        Write-Host "Solution found & selected."
        $script:solutionName = $existingSolution."Unique Name"