
.VERSION 2.3.0
.GUID 5f167621-6abe-4153-a26c-f643e1716720
.AUTHOR Ronald Bode (iRon)
.DESCRIPTION Serializes an object to a PowerShell expression (PSON, PowerShell Object Notation).
.TAGS PSON PowerShell Object Notation expression serialize

Function ConvertTo-Expression {
            Serializes an object to a PowerShell expression.
            The ConvertTo-Expression (alias ConvertTo-Pson) cmdlet converts any object to
            a string in PowerShell Object Notation (PSON) format. The properties are
            converted to field names, the field values are converted to property values,
            and the methods are removed. You can then use the Invoke-Expression
            (alias ConvertFrom-Pson) cmdlet to convert a PSON-formatted string to a
            PowerShell object, which is easily managed in Windows PowerShell.
        .PARAMETER InputObject
            Specifies the objects to convert to a PSON expression. Enter a variable that
            contains the objects, or type a command or expression that gets the objects.
            You can also pipe one or more objects to ConvertTo-Expression.
        .PARAMETER Depth
            Specifies how many levels of contained objects are included in the PSON
            representation. The default value is 9.
        .PARAMETER Expand
            Specifies till what level the contained objects are expanded over separate lines
            and indented according to the -Indentation and -IndentChar parameters.
            The default value is 9.
            A negative value will remove redundant spaces and compress the PSON expression to
            a single line (except for multiline strings).
            Xml documents and multiline strings are embedded in a "here string" and aligned
            to the left.
        .PARAMETER Indentation
            Specifies how many IndentChars to write for each level in the hierarchy.
        .PARAMETER IndentChar
            Specifies which character to use for indenting.
        .PARAMETER Type
            Defines how the explicite the object type is being parsed:
            -Type None
                No type information will be added to the (embedded) objects and values in
                the PSON string. This means that objects and values will be parsed to one
                of the following data types when reading them back with Invoke-Expression:
                a numeric value, a [String] ('...'), an [Array] (@(...)) or a [HashTable]
            -Type Native
                The original type prefix is added to the (embedded) objects and values in
                the PSON string. Note that most system (.Net) objects can’t be read back
                with Invoke-Expression, but -SetType Name can help to reveal (embedded)
                object types and hierarchies.
            -Type Cast (Default)
                The type prefix is only added to (embedded) objects and values when
                required and optimized for read back with Invoke-Expression by e.g.
                converting system (.Net) objects to PSCustomObject objects. Numeric values
                won't have a strict type and therefor parsed to the default type that fits
                the value when read back with Invoke-Expression.
            -Type Strict
                All (embedded) objects and values will have an explicit type prefix
                optimized for read back with Invoke-Expression by e.g. converting system
                (.Net) objects to PSCustomObject objects.
        .PARAMETER NewLine
            Specifies which characters to use for a new line. The default is defined by the
            operating system.
        .PARAMETER Iteration
            Do not use (for internal use only).
            PS C:\>(Get-UICulture).Calendar | ConvertTo-Expression # Convert a Calendar object to a PowerShell expression
                'AlgorithmType' = 'SolarCalendar'
                'CalendarType' = 'Localized'
                'Eras' = 1
                'IsReadOnly' = $False
                'MaxSupportedDateTime' = [DateTime]'9999-12-31T23:59:59.9999999'
                'MinSupportedDateTime' = [DateTime]'0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000'
                'TwoDigitYearMax' = 2029
            PS C:\>@{Account="User01";Domain="Domain01";Admin="True"} | ConvertTo-Expression -Expand -1 # Compress the PSON output
            PS C:\>Get-Date | Select-Object -Property * | ConvertTo-Expression # Convert an object to a PSON expression and to a PowerShell object
                'Date' = [DateTime]'2018-01-09T00:00:00.0000000+01:00'
                'DateTime' = 'Tuesday, January 9, 2018 7:22:57 PM'
                'Day' = 9
                'DayOfWeek' = 'Tuesday'
                'DayOfYear' = 9
                'DisplayHint' = 'DateTime'
                'Hour' = 19
                'Kind' = 'Local'
                'Millisecond' = 671
                'Minute' = 22
                'Month' = 1
                'Second' = 57
                'Ticks' = 636511225776716485
                'TimeOfDay' = [TimeSpan]'19:22:57.6716485'
                'Year' = 2018
            PS C:\>Get-Date | Select-Object -Property * | ConvertTo-Expression | Invoke-Expression
            Date : 2018-01-09 12:00:00 AM
            DateTime : Tuesday, January 9, 2018 7:27:43 PM
            Day : 9
            DayOfWeek : Tuesday
            DayOfYear : 9
            DisplayHint : DateTime
            Hour : 19
            Kind : Local
            Millisecond : 76
            Minute : 27
            Month : 1
            Second : 43
            Ticks : 636511228630764893
            TimeOfDay : 19:27:43.0764893
            Year : 2018
            PS C:\>WinInitProcess = Get-Process WinInit | ConvertTo-Expression # Convert the WinInit Process to a PSON expression
            PS C:\>Get-Host | ConvertTo-Expression -Depth 4 # Reveal complex object hierarchies
            Invoke-Expression (Alias ConvertFrom-Pson)

    [CmdletBinding()][OutputType([String])]Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeLine = $True)][Object[]]$InputObject, [Int]$Depth = 9, [Int]$Expand = 9,
        [Int]$Indentation = 1, [String]$IndentChar = "`t", [ValidateSet("None", "Native", "Cast", "Strict")][String]$TypePrefix = "Cast",
        [String]$NewLine = [System.Environment]::NewLine, [Int]$Iteration = 0
    $PipeLine = $Input | ForEach-Object {$_}; If ($PipeLine) {$InputObject = $PipeLine}
    Function Iterate ($Value) {ConvertTo-Pson @(,$Value) $Depth $Expand $Indentation $IndentChar $TypePrefix $NewLine ($Iteration + 1)}
    Function Embed ($List, $Dictionary) {If ($Iteration -ge $Depth) {If ($Null -ne $Dictionary) {Return "@{}"} Else {Return "@()"}}
        $Items = ForEach ($Key in $List) {If ($Null -ne $Dictionary) {"'$Key'$Space=$Space" + (Iterate $Dictionary.$Key)} Else {Iterate $Key}}
        $Open, $Join, $Separator, $Close = If ($Null -ne $Dictionary) {"@{", ";$Space", "$LineUp$Tab", "}"} Else {"@(", ",$Space", ",$LineUp$Tab", ")"}
        $Open + (&{If (($Iteration -ge $Expand) -or (@($Items).Count -le 1)) {$Items -Join $Join} Else {"$LineUp$Tab$($Items -Join $Separator)$LineUp"}}) + $Close
    $Object = If (@($InputObject).Count -eq 1) {@($InputObject)[0]} Else {$InputObject}
    If ($Null -eq $Object) {"`$Null"} Else {
        $Space = If ($Iteration -gt $Expand) {""} Else {" "}; $Tab = $IndentChar * $Indentation; $LineUp = "$NewLine$($Tab * $Iteration)"
        $Type = $Object.GetType().Name; $Cast = $Null; $Enumerator = $Object.GetEnumerator.OverloadDefinitions
        $Expression = If ($Object -is [Boolean]) {If ($Object) {'$True'} Else {'$False'}}
        ElseIf ($Object -is [Char]) {$Cast = $Type; "'$Object'"}
        ElseIf ($Object -is [String]) {If ($Object -Match "[`r`n]") {"@'$NewLine$Object$NewLine'@$NewLine"} Else {"'$($Object.Replace('''', ''''''))'"}}
        ElseIf ($Object -is [DateTime]) {$Cast = $Type; "'$($Object.ToString('o'))'"}
        ElseIf ($Object -is [TimeSpan] -or $Object -is [Version]) {$Cast = $Type; "'$Object'"}
        ElseIf ($Object -is [Enum]) {$Type = "String"; "'$($Object)'"}
        ElseIf ($Object -is [Xml]) {$Cast = "Xml"; $SW = New-Object System.IO.StringWriter; $XW = New-Object System.Xml.XmlTextWriter $SW
            $XW.Formatting = If ($Level -gt $Expand) {"None"} Else {"Indented"}; $XW.Indentation = $Indentation; $XW.IndentChar = $IndentChar
            $Object.WriteContentTo($XW); If ($Level -gt $Expand) {"'$SW'"} Else {"@'$NewLine$SW$NewLine'@$NewLine"}}
        ElseIf ($Object.GetType().Name -eq "DictionaryEntry" -or $Type -like "KeyValuePair*") {$Type = "Hashtable"; Embed $Object.Key @{$Object.Key = $Object.Value}}
        ElseIf ($Object.GetType().Name -eq "OrderedDictionary") {$Type = "Hashtable"; $Cast = "Ordered"; Embed $Object.Keys $Object}
        ElseIf ($Enumerator -match "[\W]IDictionaryEnumerator[\W]") {$Type = "Hashtable"; Embed $Object.Keys $Object}
        ElseIf ($Enumerator -match "[\W]IEnumerator[\W]" -or $Object.GetType().Name -eq "DataTable") {$Type = "Array"; Embed $Object}
        Else {$Property = $Object | Get-Member -Type Property; If (!$Property) {$Property = $Object | Get-Member -Type NoteProperty}
            $Names = ForEach ($Name in ($Property | Select-Object -Expand "Name")) {$Object.PSObject.Properties |
                Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Name -and $_.IsGettable} | Select-Object -Expand "Name"}
            If ($Property) {$Type = "PSCustomObject"; $Cast = $Type; Embed $Names $Object} Else {$Object}
        Switch ($TypePrefix) {
            'None'      {"$Expression"}
            'Native'    {"[$($Object.GetType().Name)]$Expression"}
            'Cast'      {If ($Cast) {"[$Cast]$Expression"} Else {"$Expression"}}
            'Strict'    {If ($Cast) {"[$Cast]$Expression"} Else {"[$Type]$Expression"}}
} Set-Alias pson ConvertTo-Expression; Set-Alias ctex ConvertTo-Expression
Set-Alias ConvertTo-Pson ConvertTo-Expression -Description "Serializes an object to a PowerShell expression."
Set-Alias ConvertFrom-Pson  Invoke-Expression -Description "Parses a PowerShell expression to an object."