# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # Licensed under the MIT license. <# Convert-Etl2Pcapng A PowerShell wrapper for etl2pcapng, which converts packet captures in ETL format generated by ndiscap (the ETW provider in Windows that produces packet capture events) to pcapng format (readable by Wireshark). #> ################ ### ### ### PUBLIC ### ### ### ################ #region PUBLIC # FUNCTION : Register-Etl2Pcapng # PURPOSE : Registers the ecript to ETL files function Register-Etl2Pcapng { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds a right-click menu option in Windows for etl2pcapng. .DESCRIPTION Registers a shell context menu item for Convert-Etl2Pcapng. Right-clicking on an ETL fill will show an option "Convert with etl2pcapng". This will execute Convert-Etl2Pcapng with default settings against the ETL file. .EXAMPLE Register-Etl2Pcapng Registers the "Convert with etl2pcapng" shell menu item. .NOTES Author: Microsoft Edge OS Networking Team and Microsoft CSS Please file issues on GitHub @ .LINK More projects : Windows Networking Blog : #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Causes the explorer menu option, "Convert with etl2pcapng", to not exit the command prompt when complete and output Verbose logging. [switch]$UseVerbose, # Causes the explorer menu option, "Convert with etl2pcapng", to not exit the command prompt when complete and output Debug logging. [switch]$UseDebug ) Write-Verbose "Register-Etl2Pcapng: Work! Work!" # test for Admin access Write-Verbose "Register-Etl2Pcapng: Test admin rights." if (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) { Write-Error "Register-Etl2Pcapng: Administrator rights are needed to execute this command. Please run PowerShell as Administrator and try again." return $null } # make sure the module is installed, just in case Write-Verbose "Register-Etl2Pcapng: Verify this is running from the module." $isModFnd = Get-Module -ListAvailable Convert-ETL2PCAPNG -EA SilentlyContinue if (-NOT $isModFnd) { return (Write-Error "This cannot be run outside of the Convert-ETL2PCAPNG module. Please install the Convert-ETL2PCAPNG module first:`n`nInstall-Module Convert-ELT2PCAPNG." -EA Stop) } # create a PSDrive to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT Write-Verbose "Register-Etl2Pcapng: Create PSDrive for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT." if (-NOT (Get-PSDrive -Name HKCR -EA SilentlyContinue)) { New-PSDrive -Name HKCR -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT -Scope Local | Out-Null } # create the shell extension for etl2pcapng Write-Verbose "Register-Etl2Pcapng: Add the Convert-Etl2Pcapng app to HKCR:\SystemFileAssociations\.etl to prevent possible conflicts." $rootPath = "HKCR:\SystemFileAssociations\.etl\shell\Convert-Etl2Pcapng" if (-NOT (New-RegKey "$rootPath\Command" Directory)) { Write-Error "Could not create directory in SystemFileAssociations."; exit } # create the command Write-Verbose "Register-Etl2Pcapng: Configure Convert-Etl2Pcapng." if (-NOT (New-RegKey $rootPath -value "Convert with etl2pcapng")) { Write-Error "Could not write menu text." } if ($UseVerbose) { $cmd = 'cmd /k powershell -NoProfile -NonInteractive -NoLogo Convert-Etl2Pcapng ''%1'' -Verbose' } elseif ($UseDebug) { $cmd = 'cmd /k powershell -NoProfile -NonInteractive -NoLogo Convert-Etl2Pcapng ''%1'' -Debug' } else { $cmd = 'cmd /c powershell -NoProfile -NonInteractive -NoLogo Convert-Etl2Pcapng ''%1''' } Write-Verbose "Register-Etl2Pcapng: Add Convert-ETL2PCAPNG command: $cmd" if (-NOT (New-RegKey "$rootPath\Command" -Value $cmd)) { Write-Error "Could not write command to registry."; exit } # check for the ETL extenstion in HKCR, create if missing Write-Verbose "Register-Etl2Pcapng: Add the context item to .etl files." Write-Verbose "Register-Etl2Pcapng: Work complete!" } #end Register-Etl2Pcapng # FUNCTION : Unregister-Etl2Pcapng # PURPOSE : Unregisters the ecript to ETL files function Unregister-Etl2Pcapng { [CmdletBinding()] param() <# .SYNOPSIS Removes the right-click menu option in Windows for etl2pcapng. .DESCRIPTION Unregisters the shell context menu item for Convert-Etl2Pcapng. This will remove the option to right-click on an ETL file and select "Convert with etl2pcapng". .EXAMPLE Unregister-Etl2Pcapng Unregisters the "Convert with etl2pcapng" menu item. .NOTES Author: Microsoft Edge OS Networking Team and Microsoft CSS Please file issues on GitHub @ .LINK More projects : Windows Networking Blog : #> Write-Verbose "Unregister-Etl2Pcapng: Work! Work!" # test for Admin access Write-Verbose "Unregister-Etl2Pcapng: Test admin rights." if (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)) { Write-Error "Unregister-Etl2Pcapng: Administrator rights are needed to execute this command. Please run PowerShell as Administrator and try again." return $null } # create a PSDrive to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT Write-Verbose "Unregister-Etl2Pcapng: Creating HKCR PSDrive." if (-NOT (Get-PSDrive -Name HKCR -EA SilentlyContinue)) { New-PSDrive -Name HKCR -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT -Scope Local | Out-Null } # check if the original version was registered and remove its components # remove the Convert-ETL2PCAPNG HKCR key $test = Get-Item "HKCR:\Convert-Etl2Pcapng" -EA SilentlyContinue if ($test) { Write-Verbose "Unregister-Etl2Pcapng: Removing Convert-Etl2Pcapng HKCR app." Remove-Item "HKCR:\Convert-Etl2Pcapng" -Recurse -Force -EA SilentlyContinue } $isOld = Get-ItemProperty -LiteralPath "HKCR:\.etl" -Name '(Default)' -EA SilentlyContinue if ($isOld.'(default)' -eq 'Convert-Etl2Pcapng') { # remove the default to .etl, but don't delete it Write-Verbose "Unregister-Etl2Pcapng: Cleanup .etl extension option." Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath "HKCR:\.etl" -Name '(Default)' -Value "" -Force -EA SilentlyContinue } $test = Get-ItemProperty -LiteralPath "HKCR:\.etl" -Name 'Convert-Etl2Pcapng' -EA SilentlyContinue if ( $test ) { Remove-ItemProperty -LiteralPath "HKCR:\.etl" -Name 'Convert-Etl2Pcapng' -Force } # remove the SystemFileAssociation $rootPath = "HKCR:\SystemFileAssociations\.etl\shell\Convert-Etl2Pcapng" $testNew = Get-Item $rootPath -EA SilentlyContinue if ($testNew) { try { Remove-Item $rootPath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Error "Unregister-Etl2Pcapng: Failed to cleanup the SystemFileAssociations." } } # clean up the user folder Write-Verbose "Unregister-Etl2Pcapng: Cleaning up LocalAppData directory." $settings = Get-E2PSettings try { Remove-Item $settings.appDataPath -Force -Recurse -EA Stop } catch { Write-Error "Unregister-Etl2Pcapng: Failed to cleanup the LocalAppData: $($settings.appDataPath)" } Write-Verbose "Unregister-Etl2Pcapng: Work complete!" } #end Unregister-Etl2Pcapng # FUNCTION : Convert-Etl2Pcapng # PURPOSE : Executes ETL2PCAPNG function Convert-Etl2Pcapng { <# .SYNOPSIS ndiscap tracing is the built-in packet capture tool used in Windows. ETL files cannot be read by third-party tools like Wireshark. Etl2pcapng converts ndiscap packet captures to a format readable by Wireshark. .DESCRIPTION This script converts ndiscap packets in an ETL into a Wireshark readable pcapng file. .PARAMETER Path The path to the ETL file or path containing the ETL file(s). When a container/directory is provided the script will search the partent directory for ETL files to convert. .PARAMETER Out The output path for the files. This parameter is optional. By default the script saves to the same directory the ETL file is located in. .PARAMETER Recurse Searches through child containers/directories for ETL files. Only valid when Path is a directory. .EXAMPLE Convert-Etl2Pcapng -Path C:\traces -Out D:\temp -Recurse Searches through C:\traces and all child directories for ETL files. The converted PCAPNG files will be saved to D:\temp. .EXAMPLE Convert-LBFO2Set C:\traces Converts all ETL files in C:\traces, but not any child directories, for ETLs and saves the PCAPNG files to the same directory (C:\traces). .NOTES Author: Microsoft Edge OS Networking Team and Microsoft CSS Please file issues on GitHub @ .LINK More projects : Windows Networking Blog : #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'LiteralPath')] param ( # Path accepts a literal string path. [parameter( Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'LiteralPath', HelpMessage = 'Enter one or more filenames as a string', ValueFromPipeline = $false )] [string] $Path, # PSPath accepts a FileSystemInfo object from cmdlets like Get-Item and Get-ChildItem. Accepts pipeline input. [parameter( Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Path', HelpMessage = 'Enter one or more filenames as a string', ValueFromPipeline = $true )] [System.IO.FileSystemInfo] $PSPath, [parameter( Position = 1, ParameterSetName = 'Path', ValueFromPipeline = $false )] [parameter( Position = 1, ParameterSetName = 'LiteralPath', ValueFromPipeline = $false )] [string] $Out = $null, [parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Path', ValueFromPipeline = $false )] [parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'LiteralPath', ValueFromPipeline = $false )] [switch] $Recurse ) Write-Verbose "Convert-Etl2Pcapng: Work! Work!" ### Validating paths and parameters ### # check the path param Write-Verbose "Convert-Etl2Pcapng: Validate Path." if ($PSPath -is [System.IO.FileSystemInfo]) { $isPathFnd = $PSPath } else { $isPathFnd = Get-Item $Path -EA SilentlyContinue } # if a dir/container, then look for ETL files if ($isPathFnd) { # is this a container/directory if ($isPathFnd.PSisContainer) { Write-Verbose "Convert-Etl2Pcapng: Searching for ETL files in $($isPathFnd.FullName)." # look for ETL files if ($Recurse) { Write-Verbose "Convert-Etl2Pcapng: Dir with child container recurse." [array]$etlFiles = Get-ChildItem $isPathFnd.FullName -Filter "*.etl" -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } else { Write-Verbose "Convert-Etl2Pcapng: Dir with no child containers." [array]$etlFiles = Get-ChildItem $isPathFnd.FullName -Filter "*.etl" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } elseif ($isPathFnd.Extension -eq ".etl") { Write-Verbose "Convert-Etl2Pcapng: Single file." [array]$etlFiles = $isPathFnd } } # exit if no ETL file(s) found if (-NOT $etlFiles) { if ($PSPath -is [System.IO.FileSystemInfo]) { Write-Error "Convert-Etl2Pcapng: Failed to find a valid ETL file. Path: $($PSPath.FullName)" } else { Write-Error "Convert-Etl2Pcapng: Failed to find a valid ETL file. Path: $Path" } return $null } # make sure $Out is a valid location if ($Out) { Write-Verbose "Convert-Etl2Pcapng: Validate Out." if (-NOT (Test-Path $Out -IsValid)) { Write-Error "Convert-Etl2Pcapng: The Out path is an invalid path. Out: $Out" return $null } # create the dir if it's not there $isOutFnd = Get-Item $Out -EA SilentlyContinue if (-NOT $isOutFnd) { try { Write-Verbose "Convert-Etl2Pcapng: Creating output path $Out" New-Item $Out -ItemType Directory -Force -EA Stop | Out-Null } catch { Write-Error "Convert-Etl2Pcapng: Failed to create Out directory at $Out. Error: $($error[0].ToString())" } } } ### get the path to etl2pcapng.exe Write-Verbose "Convert-Etl2Pcapng: Getting for etl2pcapng location." $e2pPath = Update-Etl2Pcapng # validate etl2pcapng is actually there and strip out the parent dir if ($e2pPath) { $isE2PFnd = Get-Item $e2pPath -EA SilentlyContinue if ($isE2PFnd) { $e2pDir = $isE2PFnd.DirectoryName } else { Write-Error "Convert-Etl2Pcapng: Failed to locate etl2pcanpng.exe." return $null } } #### Finally do the conversion work #### Write-Verbose "Convert-Etl2Pcapng: Starting ETL to PCAPNG conversion(s)." Push-Location $e2pDir foreach ($file in $etlFiles) { if ($Out) { Write-Verbose "Convert-Etl2Pcapng: Converting $($file.FullName) to $Out\$($file.BaseName).pcapng" .\etl2pcapng.exe "$($file.FullName)" "$Out\$($file.BaseName).pcapng" } else { Write-Verbose "Convert-Etl2Pcapng: Converting $($file.FullName) to $($file.DirectoryName)\$($file.BaseName).pcapng" .\etl2pcapng.exe "$($file.FullName)" "$($file.DirectoryName)\$($file.BaseName).pcapng" } } Pop-Location Write-Verbose "Convert-Etl2Pcapng: Work complete!" } #end Convert-Etl2Pcapng # FUNCTION : Update-Etl2Pcapng # PURPOSE : Gets the newest version of ETL2PCAPNG function Update-Etl2Pcapng { [CmdletBinding()] param([switch]$Force) <# # Check for etl2pcapng updates only once a week # # The last time an update was checked for is located # in the module directory under settings.xml. # # The -Force param causes an etl2pcapng update check regardless of the last date checked. # #> Write-Verbose "Update-Etl2Pcapng - Starting" # check if etlpcapng is already downloaded - do not use pwsh terney to maintain Windows PowerShell backwards compatibilty! if ([System.Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) { $arch = "x64" } else { $arch = "x86" } Write-Verbose "Update-Etl2Pcapng - OS architecture is $arch." # read settings.xml $settings = Get-E2PSettings # for some reason the first pass doesn't return a E2PSettings class, so we force the issue if ($settings -isnot [E2PSettings]) { $settings = [E2PSettings]::new($settings) } Write-Verbose "Update-Etl2Pcapng - Settings:`n`n$($settings | Format-List | Out-String)`n`nType: $($settings.GetType().ToString())" # store app data path in an easier to use var $here = $settings.appDataPath Write-Verbose "Update-Etl2Pcapng - Timestamps:`nCurrent date:`t$((Get-Date).Date)`nSettings date:`t$($settings.LastUpdate.Date)`n" # check for an update when -Force set or it's been 7 days since we last checked if ($Force -or ((Get-Date).Date.AddDays(-7) -gt $settings.LastUpdate.Date)) { Write-Verbose "Update-Etl2Pcapng - Checking for an update to etl2pcapng." Write-Verbose "Update-Etl2Pcapng - Getting etl2pcapng releases from GitGub." $repo = 'microsoft/etl2pcapng' try { $latest = Find-GitReleaseLatest $repo -EA Stop } catch { return (Write-Error "Failed to retrieve the latest release from repo: $repo" -EA Stop) } Write-Verbose "Update-Etl2Pcapng - The latest release is:`n`n$($latest | Format-Table | Out-String)" if ($latest.Version -gt $settings.CurrVersion) { Write-Verbose "Update-Etl2Pcapng - Cleaning up existing files." # delete existing zip file $isZipFnd = Get-Item "$here\" -EA SilentlyContinue if ($isZipFnd) { Remove-Item "$here\" -Force | Out-Null } # make sure VC Redist is installed Write-Verbose "Update-Etl2Pcapng - Checking for Visual Studio C++ Redistribution install." <# # vcdist no longer needed as of version 1.5.0 #look for VS C++ 2015-2019 $isVCRedistFnd = Find-E2PSoftware "Microsoft Visual C\+\+ 2015-2019 Redistributable \($arch\)" if (-NOT $isVCRedistFnd -and ()) { if ($arch -eq "x64") { $URI = $settings.vcredist64Uri } else { $URI = $settings.vcredist32Uri } Write-Verbose "Update-Etl2Pcapng - Downloading Microsoft Visual C\+\+ 2015-2019 Redistributable from $URI`." # download vcredist try { $dl = Get-WebFile -Uri $URI -savePath "$here" -fileName "vcredist.exe" -EA Stop } catch { return (Write-Error "Update-Etl2Pcapng - Microsoft Visual C`+`+ 2015-2019 Redistributable `($arch`) is not installed and could not be downloaded. Please manually download and install from $URI before using etl2pcapng. Error: $_" -EA Stop) } # try to install vcredist try { Push-Location $here Write-Verbose "Update-Etl2Pcapng - Installing Microsoft Visual C\+\+ 2015-2019 Redistributable." .\vcredist.exe /install /quiet /log "$here\Install_vc_redist_2017_x64.log" } catch { return (Write-Error "Update-Etl2Pcapng - Failed to install Microsoft Visual C`+`+ 2015-2019 Redistributable `($arch`). Please download from $URI and install before continuing." -EA Stop) } finally { # cleanup Pop-Location Start-Sleep 1 Remove-Item "$here\vcredist.exe" -Force -EA SilentlyContinue | Out-Null } # only cleanup the log file if the install succeeds and we don't need it Remove-Item "$here\Install*.log" -Force -EA SilentlyContinue | Out-Null Write-Verbose "Update-Etl2Pcapng - VC redist installed." } #> # remove the existing etl2pcapng $isDirFnd = Get-Item "$here\etl2pcapng" -EA SilentlyContinue ### There is a -Recurse bug here when using OneDrive sync'ed dirs. ### It is supposed to be fixed in pwsh 7, but it's not. ### This should not be an issue for production since this should be run from a %LocalAppData%, not OneDrive. ### #Remove-Item $isDirFnd.FullName -Recurse -Force -EA SilentlyContinue | Out-Null # this should workaround the OneDrive bug if ($isDirFnd) { # first delete all the files $childs = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath "$($isDirFnd.FullName)" -Recurse -Force -File foreach ($child in $childs) { $child.Delete() } # now get the directories $childs = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath "$($isDirFnd.FullName)" -Recurse -Force -Directory foreach ($child in $childs) { $child.Delete($true) } # finally nuke the root dir $isDirFnd.Delete($true) } Write-Verbose "Update-Etl2Pcapng - Downloading etl2pcapng" # grab the etl2pcapng tags page from GitHub try { $e2pPath = Get-WebFile -Uri $latest.URL -savePath "$here" -fileName "" -EA Stop } catch { return (Write-Error "Update-Etl2Pcapng - Cannot reach the etl2pcapng GitHub page: $_" -EA Stop) } # extract and overwrite Write-Verbose "Update-Etl2Pcapng - Extracting the etl2pcapng archive." try { Expand-Archive "$e2pPath" $here -Force -EA Stop } catch { return (Write-Error "Update-Etl2Pcapng - Could not extract etl2pcapng. Error: $_" -EA Stop) } # cleanup the zip Write-Verbose "Update-Etl2Pcapng - Cleaning up the zip file." $isZipFnd = Get-Item "$e2pPath" -EA SilentlyContinue if ($isZipFnd) { Remove-Item "$e2pPath" -Force -EA SilentlyContinue | Out-Null } # update the installed version [version]$version = $latest.Version Write-Verbose "Update-Etl2Pcapng - Updating version in settings to $($version.ToString())" $settings.SetCurrVersion($version) } # update Settings.LastUpdate $updateTime = ([datetime]::Now).ToUniversalTime() Write-Verbose "Update-Etl2Pcapng - Updating last update check in settings to $($updateTime.ToString())" $settings.SetLastUpdate($updateTime) Write-Verbose "Update-Etl2Pcapng - Saving E2P settings changes." Set-E2PSettings $settings } $isE2PFnd = Get-Item "$here\etl2pcapng\$arch\etl2pcapng.exe" -EA SilentlyContinue if ($isE2PFnd) { Write-Verbose "Update-Etl2Pcapng - Returning etl2pcapng.exe at $here\etl2pcapng\$arch\etl2pcapng.exe" Write-Verbose "Update-Etl2Pcapng - Work complete." return ("$here\etl2pcapng\$arch\etl2pcapng.exe") } else { Write-Verbose "Update-Etl2Pcapng - Failed to find or download etl2pcapng.exe." Write-Verbose "Update-Etl2Pcapng - Work complete." return $null } } #end Update-Etl2Pcapng #endregion PUBLIC ################# ### ### ### PRIVATE ### ### ### ################# #region AUX ##### AUX functions that are not exported ##### # FUNCTION : Get-E2PSettings # PURPOSE : Finds and returns the module settings function Get-E2PSettings { Write-Verbose "Get-E2PSettings - Starting" $setPath = "$(Find-E2PPath)\settings.xml" # is there a settings file at the appDataPath location? $isADP = Get-Item $setPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # read the file if it exists if ($isADP) { Write-Verbose "Get-E2PSettings - Settings file found. Getting settings from file." # read the settings file try { $settings = [E2PSettings]::New((Import-Clixml "$setPath")) } catch { return (Write-Error "Failed to import settings: $_" -EA Stop) } # return the settings Write-Verbose "Get-E2PSettings - Work complete!" return $settings # create the file if it does not exist } else { # create the etl2pcapng dir Write-Verbose "Get-E2PSettings - Settings file not found. Using defaults." $settings = New-E2PSetting # write the settings file Set-E2PSettings $settings # return settings Write-Verbose "Get-E2PSettings - Work complete!" return ([E2PSettings]::new($settings)) } Write-Verbose "Get-E2PSettings - Something unexpected went wrong and no settings were returned." Write-Verbose "Get-E2PSettings - Work complete!" return $null } #end Get-E2PSettings # FUNCTION : Set-E2PSettings # PURPOSE : Updates E2P settings function Set-E2PSettings { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [PSCustomObject]$settings ) try { #$settings.Save("$($settings.appDataPath)\settings.xml") $settings | Export-Clixml -Path "$($settings.appDataPath)\settings.xml" -Depth 10 -Force -EA Stop } catch { return (Write-Error "Failed to write settings.xml to $($settings.appDataPath): $_" -EA Stop) } return $null } function New-E2PSetting { [string]$here = Find-E2PPath # create default settings $defSettings = [E2PSettings]::New($here) return $defSettings } function Find-E2PPath { # make sure the module is installed $mods = Get-Module -ListAvailable Convert-Etl2Pcapng -EA SilentlyContinue if ($mods) { # automatically put etl2pcapng and the settings.xml in the currentuser module path based on PowerShell version # this allows files to be modified without running as Admin and keeps all the items in the module dir. # the .* between USERPROFILE and \\Documents is needed in case OneDrive folder redirection is used if ($host.Version.Major -ge 6) { $here = $env:PSModulePath -split ';' | Where-Object { $_ -match "$([regex]::Escape("$env:USERPROFILE")).*\\Documents\\PowerShell\\Modules" } } elseif ($host.Version.Major -eq 5 -and $host.Version.Minor -eq 1) { $here = $env:PSModulePath -split ';' | Where-Object { $_ -match "$([regex]::Escape("$env:USERPROFILE\")).*\\Documents\\WindowsPowerShell\\Modules" } } else { return (Write-Error "Unsupported version of PowerShell. Convert-Etl2Pcapng requires PowerShell version 5.1 or newer." -EA Stop) } } else { return (Write-Error "This cannot be run outside of the Convert-ETL2PCAPNG module. Please install the Convert-ETL2PCAPNG module first:`n`nInstall-Module Convert-ELT2PCAPNG." -EA Stop) } return ("$here\Convert-Etl2Pcapng") } # FUNCTION: Get-WebFile # PURPOSE: function Get-WebFile { param ( [string]$URI, [string]$savePath, [string]$fileName ) Write-Verbose "Get-WebFile - Begin" Write-Verbose "Get-WebFile - Attempting to download: $dlUrl" # make sure we don't try to use an insecure SSL/TLS protocol when downloading files $secureProtocols = @() $insecureProtocols = @( [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::SystemDefault, [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Ssl3, [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls, [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls11) foreach ($protocol in [System.Enum]::GetValues([System.Net.SecurityProtocolType])) { if ($insecureProtocols -notcontains $protocol) { $secureProtocols += $protocol } } [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $secureProtocols try { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URI -OutFile "$savePath\$fileName" } catch { return (Write-Error "Could not download $URI`: $($Error[0].ToString())" -EA Stop) } Write-Verbose "Get-WebFile - File saved to: $savePath\$fileName" Write-Verbose "Get-WebFile - End" return "$savePath\$fileName" } #end Get-WebFile # FUNCTION: Find-GitReleaseLatest # PURPOSE: Calls Github API to retrieve details about the latest release. Returns a PSCustomObject with repro, version (tag_name), and download URL. function Find-GitReleaseLatest { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$repo ) Write-Verbose "Find-GitReleaseLatest - Begin" $baseApiUri = "$($repo)/releases/latest" # get the available releases Write-Verbose "Find-GitReleaseLatest - Processing repro: $repo" Write-Verbose "Find-GitReleaseLatest - Making Github API call to: $baseApiUrl" try { if ($pshost.Version.Major -le 5) { $rawReleases = Invoke-WebRequest $baseApiUri -UseBasicParsing -EA Stop } elseif ($pshost.Version.Major -ge 6) { $rawReleases = Invoke-WebRequest $baseApiUri -EA Stop } else { return (Write-Error "Unsupported version of PowerShell...?" -EA Stop) } } catch { return (Write-Error "Could not get GitHub releases. Error: $_" -EA Stop) } Write-Verbose "Find-GitReleaseLatest - Processing results." try { [version]$version = ($rawReleases.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).tag_name } catch { $version = ($rawReleases.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).tag_name } Write-Verbose "Find-GitReleaseLatest - Found version: $version" $dlURI = ($rawReleases.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).Assets.browser_download_url Write-Verbose "Find-GitReleaseLatest - Found download URL: $dlURI" Write-Verbose "Find-GitReleaseLatest - End" return ([PSCustomObject]@{ Repo = $repo Version = $version URL = $dlURI }) } #end Find-GitReleaseLatest # FUNCTION: Find-E2PSoftware # PURPOSE: Gets a list of all installed software from the registry with optional filter on the DisplayName. function Find-E2PSoftware { [CmdletBinding()] param ($displayFilter = $null) Write-Verbose "Find-E2PSoftware - Begin" $apps = @() [string[]]$regPaths = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall", "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" foreach ($regPath in $regPaths) { Write-Verbose "Find-E2PSoftware: Checking Path: $regPath" try { $reg = Get-Item $regPath -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Debug "Find-E2PSoftware: Could not find the path: $_ `n`n $reg " continue } # change the EAP to stop to force the try to fail if there is an error $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue" # get all the child keys [array]$regkeys = Get-ChildItem $regPath #echo "$($regKeys.PSChildName | Out-String)" foreach ($key in $regkeys) { Write-Verbose "Find-E2PSoftware: $($key.PSChildName)" if ($displayFilter) { Write-Verbose "Find-E2PSoftware: Filter $((Get-ItemProperty -Path $key.PsPath -Name DisplayName).DisplayName) match $displayFilter" if ( "$((Get-ItemProperty -Path $key.PsPath -Name DisplayName).DisplayName)" -match $displayFilter) { # create the PsCustomObject that stores software details $tmpObj = [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $key.PSChildName } # loop through all the properties and add them to the object $key.Property | ForEach-Object { $tmpObj | Add-Member -Name $_ -MemberType NoteProperty -Value "$((Get-ItemProperty -Path $key.PsPath -Name $_)."$_")" } # add the software to the apps array $apps += $tmpObj Remove-Variable tmpObj } } else { $tmpObj = [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $key.PSChildName } $key.Property | ForEach-Object { $tmpObj | Add-Member -Name $_ -MemberType NoteProperty -Value "$((Get-ItemProperty -Path $key.PsPath -Name $_)."$_")" } # add the software to the apps array $apps += $tmpObj Remove-Variable tmpObj } } } Write-Verbose "Find-E2PSoftware: Work complete!" return $apps } #end Find-E2PSoftware class E2PSettings { [datetime]$LastUpdate [version]$CurrVersion [string]$appDataPath #region construtors E2PSettings() { $this.LastUpdate = [datetime]::FromFileTimeUtc(0) $this.CurrVersion = [version]::new() $this.appDataPath = $null } E2PSettings([string]$path) { $this.LastUpdate = [datetime]::FromFileTimeUtc(0) $this.CurrVersion = [version]::new() $this.appDataPath = $path } E2PSettings([PSCustomObject]$set) { $this.LastUpdate = $set.LastUpdate $this.CurrVersion = $set.CurrVersion $this.appDataPath = $set.appDataPath } #endregion construtors #region getters [datetime]GetLastUpdate() { return ($this.LastUpdate) } [version]GetCurrVersion() { return ($this.CurrVersion) } [string]GetAppDataPath() { return ($this.appDataPath) } #endregion getters #region setters SetLastUpdate([datetime]$LastUpdate) { if ($null -ne $LastUpdate) { $this.LastUpdate = $LastUpdate } } SetCurrVersion([version]$CurrVersion) { if ($null -ne $CurrVersion) { $this.CurrVersion = $CurrVersion } } SetAppDataPath([string]$appDataPath) { if ($null -ne $appDataPath) { $this.appDataPath = $appDataPath } } #endregion setters #region methods [string]ToString() { return (@" LastUpdate : $($this.appDataPath) CurrVersion : $($this.CurrVersion) appDataPath : $($this.appDataPath) "@) } # by returning an ErrorRecord the Save method can create a terminating error in a caller using a try-catch [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] Save($Filename) { # convert the filename to a string if we get a filesystem object from something like Get-Item if ($Filename -is [System.IO.FileSystemInfo]) { $Filename = $Filename.Fullname } # make sure the file is valid if (-NOT (Test-Path "$Filename" -IsValid)) { # return a terminating error return (Write-Error "[E2PSettings].Save - The filename is invalid: $Filename" -EA Stop) } # no check if the file exists. This function explicitly overwrites the existing content try { $this | Export-Clixml -Path "$Filename" -Depth 20 -Encoding utf8 -Force -EA Stop } catch { # return a terminating error return (Write-Error "[E2PSettings].Save - Could not save the settings file: $_" -EA Stop) } # return a nonterminating null return $null } #endregion methods } function New-RegKey { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$path, [string]$type, $value ) Write-Verbose "New-RegKey: Starting" # make sure the PSDrive to HKCR is created if (-NOT (Get-PSDrive -Name HKCR -EA SilentlyContinue)) { New-PSDrive -Name HKCR -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT -Scope Local | Out-Null } # do the reg work try { Write-Verbose "New-RegKey: Creating key $path" if ($type -eq "Directory") { New-Item $path -ItemType $type -Force -EA SilentlyContinue | Out-Null } else { Write-Verbose "New-RegKey: Setting property on $path to $value" Set-ItemProperty -LiteralPath $path -Name '(Default)' -Value $value -Force -EA SilentlyContinue | Out-Null } } catch { Write-Error "New-RegKey: Failed to create $path." return $false } Write-Verbose "New-RegKey: Work complete!" return $true } #endregion AUX # the list of functions the module will export. Export-ModuleMember -Function Register-Etl2Pcapng Export-ModuleMember -Function Unregister-Etl2Pcapng Export-ModuleMember -Function Convert-Etl2Pcapng Export-ModuleMember -Function Update-Etl2Pcapng |