
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <member name="T:Pidgin.Comment.CommentParser">
            Contains functions to build parsers which skip over comments
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Comment.CommentParser.SkipLineComment``1(Pidgin.Parser{System.Char,``0})">
            Creates a parser which runs <paramref name="lineCommentStart"/>, then skips the rest of the line.
            <param name="lineCommentStart">A parser to recognise a lexeme which starts a line comment</param>
            <returns>A parser which runs <paramref name="lineCommentStart"/>, then skips the rest of the line.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Comment.CommentParser.SkipBlockComment``2(Pidgin.Parser{System.Char,``0},Pidgin.Parser{System.Char,``1})">
            Creates a parser which runs <paramref name="blockCommentStart"/>,
            then skips everything until <paramref name="blockCommentEnd"/>.
            <param name="blockCommentStart">A parser to recognise a lexeme which starts a multi-line block comment</param>
            <param name="blockCommentEnd">A parser to recognise a lexeme which ends a multi-line block comment</param>
            A parser which runs <paramref name="blockCommentStart"/>, then skips everything until <paramref name="blockCommentEnd"/>.
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Comment.CommentParser.SkipNestedBlockComment``2(Pidgin.Parser{System.Char,``0},Pidgin.Parser{System.Char,``1})">
            Creates a parser which runs <paramref name="blockCommentStart"/>,
            then skips everything until <paramref name="blockCommentEnd"/>, accounting for nested comments.
            <param name="blockCommentStart">A parser to recognise a lexeme which starts a multi-line block comment</param>
            <param name="blockCommentEnd">A parser to recognise a lexeme which ends a multi-line block comment</param>
            A parser which runs <paramref name="blockCommentStart"/>,
            then skips everything until <paramref name="blockCommentEnd"/>, accounting for nested comments.
        <member name="T:Pidgin.Expected`1">
            Represents a parsing expectation for error reporting.
            Expected values are either a sequence of expected tokens (in which case <c>Label == null &amp;&amp; Tokens != null</c>),
            a custom-named parser (<c>Label != null &amp;&amp; Tokens == null</c>),
            or the end of the input stream (<c>Label == null &amp;&amp; Tokens == null</c>)
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Expected`1.Label">
            The custom name of the parser that produced this error, or null if the expectation was a sequence of tokens.
            <returns>The label</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Expected`1.Tokens">
            The sequence of tokens that were expected at the point of the error, null if the parser had a custom name.
            <returns>The sequence of tokens that were expected</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Expected`1.IsEof">
            Did the parser expect the end of the input stream?
            <returns>True if the parser expected the end of the input stream</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expected`1.ToString">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expected`1.Equals(Pidgin.Expected{`0})">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expected`1.Equals(System.Object)">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expected`1.op_Equality(Pidgin.Expected{`0},Pidgin.Expected{`0})">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expected`1.op_Inequality(Pidgin.Expected{`0},Pidgin.Expected{`0})">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expected`1.GetHashCode">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expected`1.CompareTo(Pidgin.Expected{`0})">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expected`1.op_GreaterThan(Pidgin.Expected{`0},Pidgin.Expected{`0})">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expected`1.op_LessThan(Pidgin.Expected{`0},Pidgin.Expected{`0})">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expected`1.op_GreaterThanOrEqual(Pidgin.Expected{`0},Pidgin.Expected{`0})">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expected`1.op_LessThanOrEqual(Pidgin.Expected{`0},Pidgin.Expected{`0})">
        <member name="T:Pidgin.Expression.BinaryOperatorType">
            The associativity of the binary operator: left-associative, right-associative, or non-associative
        <member name="F:Pidgin.Expression.BinaryOperatorType.NonAssociative">
            Denotes a non-associative binary operator
        <member name="F:Pidgin.Expression.BinaryOperatorType.LeftAssociative">
            Denotes a left-associative binary operator
        <member name="F:Pidgin.Expression.BinaryOperatorType.RightAssociative">
            Denotes a right-associative binary operator
        <member name="T:Pidgin.Expression.ExpressionParser">
            Contains tools for parsing expression languages with associative infix operators.
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expression.ExpressionParser.Build``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow{``0,``1}})">
            Builds a parser for expressions built from the operators in <paramref name="operatorTable"/>.
            <paramref name="operatorTable"/> is a sequence of operators in precedence order:
            the operators in the first row have the highest precedence and operators in later rows have lower precedence.
            <param name="term">A parser for a single term in an expression language</param>
            <param name="operatorTable">A table of operators</param>
            <returns>A parser for expressions built from the operators in <paramref name="operatorTable"/>.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expression.ExpressionParser.Build``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow{``0,``1}}})">
            Builds a parser for expressions built from the operators in <paramref name="operatorTable"/>.
            <paramref name="operatorTable"/> is a sequence of operators in precedence order:
            the operators in the first row have the highest precedence and operators in later rows have lower precedence.
            <param name="term">A parser for a single term in an expression language</param>
            <param name="operatorTable">A table of operators</param>
            <returns>A parser for expressions built from the operators in <paramref name="operatorTable"/>.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expression.ExpressionParser.Build``2(System.Func{Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1}},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow{``0,``1}})">
            Builds a parser for expressions built from the operators in <paramref name="operatorTable"/>.
            The operator table is a sequence of operators in precedence order:
            the operators in the first row have the highest precedence and operators in later rows have lower precedence.
            This overload is useful for recursive expressions (for example, languages with parenthesised subexpressions).
            <paramref name="termFactory"/>'s argument will be a parser which parses a full subexpression.
            <param name="termFactory">A function which produces a parser for a single term</param>
            <param name="operatorTable">A table of operators</param>
            <returns>A parser for expressions built from the operators in <paramref name="operatorTable"/>.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expression.ExpressionParser.Build``2(System.Func{Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1}},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow{``0,``1}}})">
            Builds a parser for expressions built from the operators in <paramref name="operatorTable"/>.
            The operator table is a sequence of operators in precedence order:
            the operators in the first row have the highest precedence and operators in later rows have lower precedence.
            This overload is useful for recursive expressions (for example, languages with parenthesised subexpressions).
            <paramref name="termFactory"/>'s argument will be a parser which parses a full subexpression.
            <param name="termFactory">A function which produces a parser for a single term</param>
            <param name="operatorTable">A table of operators</param>
            <returns>A parser for expressions built from the operators in <paramref name="operatorTable"/>.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expression.ExpressionParser.Build``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},System.Func{Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow{``0,``1}}})">
            Builds a parser for expressions built from the operators in <paramref name="operatorTableFactory"/>'s result.
            The operator table is a sequence of operators in precedence order:
            the operators in the first row have the highest precedence and operators in later rows have lower precedence.
            This overload is useful for recursive expressions (for example, languages with parenthesised subexpressions).
            <paramref name="operatorTableFactory"/>'s argument will be a parser which parses a full subexpression.
            <param name="term">A parser for a single term in an expression language</param>
            <param name="operatorTableFactory">A function which produces a table of operators</param>
            <returns>A parser for expressions built from the operators in the operator table</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expression.ExpressionParser.Build``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},System.Func{Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow{``0,``1}}}})">
            Builds a parser for expressions built from the operators in <paramref name="operatorTableFactory"/>'s result.
            The operator table is a sequence of operators in precedence order:
            the operators in the first row have the highest precedence and operators in later rows have lower precedence.
            This overload is useful for recursive expressions (for example, languages with parenthesised subexpressions).
            <paramref name="operatorTableFactory"/>'s argument will be a parser which parses a full subexpression.
            <param name="term">A parser for a single term in an expression language</param>
            <param name="operatorTableFactory">A function which produces a table of operators</param>
            <returns>A parser for expressions built from the operators in the operator table</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expression.ExpressionParser.Build``2(System.Func{Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},System.ValueTuple{Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow{``0,``1}}}})">
            Builds a parser for expressions built from the operators in <paramref name="termAndOperatorTableFactory"/>'s second result.
            The operator table is a sequence of operators in precedence order:
            the operators in the first row have the highest precedence and operators in later rows have lower precedence.
            This overload is useful for recursive expressions (for example, languages with parenthesised subexpressions).
            <paramref name="termAndOperatorTableFactory"/>'s argument will be a parser which parses a full subexpression.
            <param name="termAndOperatorTableFactory">A function which produces a parser for a single term and a table of operators</param>
            <returns>A parser for expressions built from the operators in the operator table</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expression.ExpressionParser.Build``2(System.Func{Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},System.ValueTuple{Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow{``0,``1}}}}})">
            Builds a parser for expressions built from the operators in <paramref name="termAndOperatorTableFactory"/>'s second result.
            The operator table is a sequence of operators in precedence order:
            the operators in the first row have the highest precedence and operators in later rows have lower precedence.
            This overload is useful for recursive expressions (for example, languages with parenthesised subexpressions).
            <paramref name="termAndOperatorTableFactory"/>'s argument will be a parser which parses a full subexpression.
            <param name="termAndOperatorTableFactory">A function which produces a parser for a single term and a table of operators</param>
            <returns>A parser for expressions built from the operators in the operator table</returns>
        <member name="T:Pidgin.Expression.Operator">
            Methods to create <see cref="T:Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow`2"/> values.
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expression.Operator.Binary``2(Pidgin.Expression.BinaryOperatorType,Pidgin.Parser{``0,System.Func{``1,``1,``1}})">
            Creates a row in a table of operators which contains a single binary infix operator with the specified associativity.
            Can be combined with other <see cref="T:Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow`2"/>s using
            <see cref="M:Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow`2.And(Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow{`0,`1})"/> to build a larger row.
            <param name="type">The associativity of the infix operator</param>
            <param name="opParser">A parser for an infix operator</param>
            <returns>A row in a table of operators which contains a single infix operator.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expression.Operator.Unary``2(Pidgin.Expression.UnaryOperatorType,Pidgin.Parser{``0,System.Func{``1,``1}})">
            Creates a row in a table of operators which contains a single unary operator - either a prefix operator or a postfix operator.
            Can be combined with other <see cref="T:Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow`2"/>s using
            <see cref="M:Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow`2.And(Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow{`0,`1})"/> to build a larger row.
            <param name="type">The type of the unary operator</param>
            <param name="opParser">A parser for a unary operator</param>
            <returns>A row in a table of operators which contains a single unary operator.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expression.Operator.InfixN``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,System.Func{``1,``1,``1}})">
            Creates a row in a table of operators which contains a single non-associative infix operator.
            Can be combined with other <see cref="T:Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow`2"/>s using
            <see cref="M:Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow`2.And(Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow{`0,`1})"/> to build a larger row.
            <param name="opParser">A parser for an infix operator</param>
            <returns>A row in a table of operators which contains a single infix operator.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expression.Operator.InfixL``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,System.Func{``1,``1,``1}})">
            Creates a row in a table of operators which contains a single left-associative infix operator.
            Can be combined with other <see cref="T:Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow`2"/>s using
            <see cref="M:Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow`2.And(Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow{`0,`1})"/> to build a larger row.
            <param name="opParser">A parser for an infix operator</param>
            <returns>A row in a table of operators which contains a single infix operator.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expression.Operator.InfixR``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,System.Func{``1,``1,``1}})">
            Creates a row in a table of operators which contains a single right-associative infix operator.
            Can be combined with other <see cref="T:Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow`2"/>s using
            <see cref="M:Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow`2.And(Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow{`0,`1})"/> to build a larger row.
            <param name="opParser">A parser for an infix operator</param>
            <returns>A row in a table of operators which contains a single infix operator.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expression.Operator.Prefix``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,System.Func{``1,``1}})">
            Creates a row in a table of operators which contains a single prefix operator.
            Can be combined with other <see cref="T:Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow`2"/>s using
            <see cref="M:Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow`2.And(Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow{`0,`1})"/> to build a larger row.
            <param name="opParser">A parser for an prefix operator</param>
            <returns>A row in a table of operators which contains a single prefix operator.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expression.Operator.Postfix``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,System.Func{``1,``1}})">
            Creates a row in a table of operators which contains a single postfix operator.
            Can be combined with other <see cref="T:Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow`2"/>s using
            <see cref="M:Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow`2.And(Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow{`0,`1})"/> to build a larger row.
            <param name="opParser">A parser for an postfix operator</param>
            <returns>A row in a table of operators which contains a single postfix operator.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expression.Operator.PrefixChainable``2(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Pidgin.Parser{``0,System.Func{``1,``1}}})">
            Creates a row in a table of operators which contains a chainable collection of prefix operators.
            By default <see cref="M:Pidgin.Expression.Operator.Prefix``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,System.Func{``1,``1}})"/> operators can only appear onc, so <c>- - 1</c> would not be parsed as "minus minus 1".
            This method is equivalent to:
                    .Select&lt;Func&lt;T, T&gt;&gt;(fs => z => fs.AggregateR(z, (f, x) => f(x)))
            <param name="opParsers">A collection of parsers for individual prefix operators</param>
            <returns>A row in a table of operators which contains a chainable collection of prefix operators</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expression.Operator.PrefixChainable``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,System.Func{``1,``1}}[])">
            Creates a row in a table of operators which contains a chainable collection of prefix operators.
            By default <see cref="M:Pidgin.Expression.Operator.Prefix``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,System.Func{``1,``1}})"/> operators can only appear onc, so <c>- - 1</c> would not be parsed as "minus minus 1".
            This method is equivalent to:
                    .Select&lt;Func&lt;T, T&gt;&gt;(fs => z => fs.AggregateR(z, (f, x) => f(x)))
            <param name="opParsers">A collection of parsers for individual prefix operators</param>
            <returns>A row in a table of operators which contains a chainable collection of prefix operators</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expression.Operator.PostfixChainable``2(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Pidgin.Parser{``0,System.Func{``1,``1}}})">
            Creates a row in a table of operators which contains a chainable collection of postfix operators.
            By default <see cref="M:Pidgin.Expression.Operator.Postfix``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,System.Func{``1,``1}})"/> operators can only appear onc, so <c>foo()()</c> would not be parsed as "call(call(foo))".
            This method is equivalent to:
                    .Select&lt;Func&lt;T, T&gt;&gt;(fs => z => fs.Aggregate(z, (x, f) => f(x)))
            <param name="opParsers">A collection of parsers for individual postfix operators</param>
            <returns>A row in a table of operators which contains a chainable collection of postfix operators</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expression.Operator.PostfixChainable``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,System.Func{``1,``1}}[])">
            Creates a row in a table of operators which contains a chainable collection of postfix operators.
            By default <see cref="M:Pidgin.Expression.Operator.Postfix``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,System.Func{``1,``1}})"/> operators can only appear onc, so <c>foo()()</c> would not be parsed as "call(call(foo))".
            This method is equivalent to:
                    .Select&lt;Func&lt;T, T&gt;&gt;(fs => z => fs.Aggregate(z, (x, f) => f(x)))
            <param name="opParsers">A collection of parsers for individual postfix operators</param>
            <returns>A row in a table of operators which contains a chainable collection of postfix operators</returns>
        <member name="T:Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow`2">
            Represents a row in a table of operators.
            Contains a collection of parsers for operators at a single precendence level.
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow`2.InfixNOps">
            A collection of parsers for the non-associative infix operators at this precedence level
            <returns>A collection of parsers for the non-associative infix operators at this precedence level</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow`2.InfixLOps">
            A collection of parsers for the left-associative infix operators at this precedence level
            <returns>A collection of parsers for the left-associative infix operators at this precedence level</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow`2.InfixROps">
            A collection of parsers for the right-associative infix operators at this precedence level
            <returns>A collection of parsers for the right-associative infix operators at this precedence level</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow`2.PrefixOps">
            A collection of parsers for the prefix operators at this precedence level
            <returns>A collection of parsers for the prefix operators at this precedence level</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow`2.PostfixOps">
            A collection of parsers for the postfix operators at this precedence level
            <returns>A collection of parsers for the postfix operators at this precedence level</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow`2.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Pidgin.Parser{`0,System.Func{`1,`1,`1}}},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Pidgin.Parser{`0,System.Func{`1,`1,`1}}},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Pidgin.Parser{`0,System.Func{`1,`1,`1}}},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Pidgin.Parser{`0,System.Func{`1,`1}}},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Pidgin.Parser{`0,System.Func{`1,`1}}})">
            Creates a row in a table of operators containing a collection of parsers for operators at a single precedence level.
            <param name="infixNOps">A collection of parsers for the non-associative infix operators at this precedence level</param>
            <param name="infixLOps">A collection of parsers for the left-associative infix operators at this precedence level</param>
            <param name="infixROps">A collection of parsers for the right-associative infix operators at this precedence level</param>
            <param name="prefixOps">A collection of parsers for the prefix operators at this precedence level</param>
            <param name="postfixOps">A collection of parsers for the postfix operators at this precedence level</param>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow`2.Empty">
            An empty row in a table of operators
            <returns>An empty row in a table of operators</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow`2.And(Pidgin.Expression.OperatorTableRow{`0,`1})">
            Combine two rows at the same precedence level
            <param name="otherRow">A collection of parsers for operators</param>
            <returns>The current collection of parsers combined with <paramref name="otherRow"/></returns>
        <member name="T:Pidgin.Expression.UnaryOperatorType">
            The type of the unary operator: prefix or postfix
        <member name="F:Pidgin.Expression.UnaryOperatorType.Prefix">
            Denotes a prefix operator
        <member name="F:Pidgin.Expression.UnaryOperatorType.Postfix">
            Denotes a postfix operator
        <member name="T:Pidgin.InplaceStringBuilder">
            A mutable struct! Careful!
        <member name="M:Pidgin.InternalResult.Failure``1(System.Boolean)">
            NB! Remember to set IParseState.Error when you return a failure result
        <member name="T:Pidgin.Maybe">
            Constructor functions, extension methods and utilities for working with <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Maybe.Just``1(``0)">
            Creates a <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/> containing a value
            <param name="value">The value of the new <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/></param>
            <typeparam name="T">The type of the contained value</typeparam>
            <returns>A <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/> containing the specified value</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Maybe.Nothing``1">
            Creates a <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/> containing no value
            <typeparam name="T">The type of the absent value</typeparam>
            <returns>A <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/> containing no</returns>
        <member name="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1">
            Represents a single possibly absent value. Like <c>Nullable</c> but works for reference types as well as value types.
            <typeparam name="T">The type of the contained value</typeparam>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Maybe`1.HasValue">
            Does the <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/> contain a value?
            <returns>True if and only if the <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/> contains a value.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Maybe`1.#ctor(`0)">
            Create a <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/> containing a value
            <param name="value">The value</param>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Maybe`1.Value">
            Get the value from the <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/>, throwing <see cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException" /> if the value is absent.
            <returns>The value</returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/> does not contain a value</exception>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Maybe`1.GetValueOrDefault">
            Get the value from the <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/>, or return a default value.
            <returns>The value if <see cref="P:Pidgin.Maybe`1.HasValue"/> is true, or a default value.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Maybe`1.GetValueOrDefault(`0)">
            Get the value from the <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/>, or return <paramref name="value"/>.
            <param name="value">The default value to return, if the <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/> does not contain a value</param>
            <returns>The value if <see cref="P:Pidgin.Maybe`1.HasValue"/> is true, or <paramref name="value"/>.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Maybe`1.GetValueOrDefault(System.Func{`0})">
            Get the value from the <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/>, or return the result of calling <paramref name="value"/>.
            <param name="value">A function to call to create a default value, if the <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/> does not contain a value</param>
            <returns>The value if <see cref="P:Pidgin.Maybe`1.HasValue"/> is true, or the result of calling <paramref name="value"/>.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Maybe`1.Match``1(System.Func{`0,``0},System.Func{``0})">
            Tear down this <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/> using a function for the two possible outcomes.
            If <see cref="P:Pidgin.Maybe`1.HasValue"/> is true, <paramref name="just"/> will be called. Otherwise, <paramref name="nothing"/> will be called.
            <typeparam name="U">The return type</typeparam>
            <param name="just">Called when the result has a value</param>
            <param name="nothing">Called when the result does not have a value</param>
            <returns>The result of calling the <paramref name="just"/> or <paramref name="nothing"/> function</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Maybe`1.Select``1(System.Func{`0,``0})">
            Project the value contained in the <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/> using the specified transformation function.
            <param name="selector">A transformation function to apply to the contained value</param>
            <typeparam name="U">The type of the resulting value</typeparam>
            <returns>The result of applying the transformation function to the contained value, or <see cref="M:Pidgin.Maybe.Nothing``1"/></returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Maybe`1.Where(System.Func{`0,System.Boolean})">
            Filter a <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/> according to a predicate.
            <param name="predicate">A predicate to apply to the value contained within the <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/>.</param>
            <returns>A <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/> containing the current <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/>'s <see cref="P:Pidgin.Maybe`1.Value"/>, if the <see cref="P:Pidgin.Maybe`1.HasValue"/> property returns true and the value satisfies the predicate, or <see cref="M:Pidgin.Maybe.Nothing``1"/></returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Maybe`1.SelectMany``1(System.Func{`0,Pidgin.Maybe{``0}})">
            Projects the element of the <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/> into a possibly-absent value, and flattens the resulting value into a single <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/>.
            <param name="selector">A transformation function to apply to the contained value</param>
            <typeparam name="U">The type of the resulting possibly-absent value</typeparam>
            <returns>The resulting <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/>, or <see cref="M:Pidgin.Maybe.Nothing``1"/> if the <see cref="P:Pidgin.Maybe`1.HasValue"/> property returns false or the selector returns an absent value</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Maybe`1.SelectMany``2(System.Func{`0,Pidgin.Maybe{``0}},System.Func{`0,``0,``1})">
            Projects the element of the <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/> into a possibly-absent value, and flattens the resulting value into a single <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/>, applying a result selector function to the two values.
            <param name="selector">A transformation function to apply to the contained value</param>
            <param name="result">A transformation function to apply to the contained value and the value contained in the selected <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/></param>
            <typeparam name="U">The type of the value to select</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="R">The type of the resulting possibly-absent value</typeparam>
            <returns>The result of applying <paramref name="selector"/> to the contained value and <paramref name="result"/> to the intermediate values, or <see cref="M:Pidgin.Maybe.Nothing``1"/> if the <see cref="P:Pidgin.Maybe`1.HasValue"/> property returns false or the selector returns an absent value</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Maybe`1.Cast``1">
            Cast the value contained in the <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/> to the specified result type
            <typeparam name="U">The type to cast the contained value to</typeparam>
            <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">Thrown when the contained value is not an instance of <typeparamref name="U"/></exception>
            <returns>A <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/> containing this <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/>'s value casted to <typeparamref name="U"/>, if the <see cref="P:Pidgin.Maybe`1.HasValue"/> property returns true, or <see cref="M:Pidgin.Maybe.Nothing``1"/>.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Maybe`1.OfType``1">
            Cast the value contained in the <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/> to the specified result type, or return <see cref="M:Pidgin.Maybe.Nothing``1"/> if the contained value is not an instance of <typeparamref name="U"/>.
            <typeparam name="U">The type to cast the contained value to</typeparam>
            <returns>A <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/> containing this <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/>'s value casted to <typeparamref name="U"/>, if the <see cref="P:Pidgin.Maybe`1.HasValue"/> property returns true and the contained value is an instance of <typeparamref name="U"/>, or <see cref="M:Pidgin.Maybe.Nothing``1"/>.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Maybe`1.Equals(Pidgin.Maybe{`0})">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Maybe`1.Equals(System.Object)">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Maybe`1.op_Equality(Pidgin.Maybe{`0},Pidgin.Maybe{`0})">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Maybe`1.op_Inequality(Pidgin.Maybe{`0},Pidgin.Maybe{`0})">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Maybe`1.GetHashCode">
        <member name="T:Pidgin.ParseError`1">
            Represents an error encountered during parsing.
            <typeparam name="TToken">The type of tokens in the input stream</typeparam>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.ParseError`1.EOF">
            Was the parse error due to encountering the end of the input stream while parsing?
            <returns>True if and only if the parse error was due to encountering the end of the input stream while parsing</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.ParseError`1.Unexpected">
            The token which caused the parse error.
            <returns>The token which caused the parse error, or <see cref="M:Pidgin.Maybe.Nothing``1"/> if the parse error was not caused by an unexpected token.</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.ParseError`1.Expected">
            A collection of expected inputs
            <returns>The collection of expected inputs</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.ParseError`1.ErrorPos">
            The position in the input stream at which the parse error occurred
            <returns>The position in the input stream at which the parse error occurred</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.ParseError`1.Message">
            A custom error message
            <returns>A custom error message, or null if the error was created without a custom error message</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.ParseError`1.ToString">
            Render the parse error as a string
            <returns>An error message</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.ParseError`1.RenderErrorMessage">
            Render the parse error as a string
            <returns>An error message</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.ParseError`1.Equals(Pidgin.ParseError{`0})">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.ParseError`1.Equals(System.Object)">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.ParseError`1.op_Equality(Pidgin.ParseError{`0},Pidgin.ParseError{`0})">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.ParseError`1.op_Inequality(Pidgin.ParseError{`0},Pidgin.ParseError{`0})">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.ParseError`1.GetHashCode">
        <member name="T:Pidgin.ParseException">
            Thrown when a parse error is encountered during parsing
        <member name="T:Pidgin.Parser`1">
            Constructor functions, extension methods and utilities for <see cref="T:Pidgin.Parser`2"/>
            This class is intended to be imported statically, with the type parameter set to the type of tokens in your input stream ("using static Pidgin.Parser&lt;char&gt;").
            <typeparam name="TToken">The type of the tokens in the input stream for parsers created by methods in this class</typeparam>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Parser`1.Any">
            Creates a parser that parses any single character
            <returns>A parser that parses any single character</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Parser`1.CurrentOffset">
            A parser which returns the number of input tokens which have been consumed.
            <returns>A parser which returns the number of input tokens which have been consumed</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Parser`1.CurrentPos">
            A parser which returns the current source position
            <returns>A parser which returns the current source position</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Parser`1.End">
            Creates a parser which parses the end of the input stream
            <returns>A parser which parses the end of the input stream and returns <see cref="P:Pidgin.Unit.Value"/></returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`1.Fail``1(System.String)">
            Creates a parser which always fails without consuming any input.
            <param name="message">A custom error message</param>
            <typeparam name="T">The return type of the resulting parser</typeparam>
            <returns>A parser which always fails</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`1.FromResult``1(``0)">
            Creates a parser which returns the specified value without consuming any input
            <param name="result">The value to return</param>
            <typeparam name="T">The type of the value to return</typeparam>
            <returns>A parser which returns the specified value without consuming any input</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`1.Return``1(``0)">
            Creates a parser which returns the specified value without consuming any input
            <param name="value">The value to return</param>
            <typeparam name="T">The type of the value to return</typeparam>
            <returns>A parser which returns the specified value without consuming any input</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`1.Sequence(`0[])">
            Creates a parser that parses and returns a literal sequence of tokens
            <param name="tokens">A sequence of tokens</param>
            <returns>A parser that parses a literal sequence of tokens</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`1.Sequence``1(``0)">
            Creates a parser that parses and returns a literal sequence of tokens.
            The input enumerable is enumerated and copied to a list.
            <typeparam name="TEnumerable">The type of tokens to parse</typeparam>
            <param name="tokens">A sequence of tokens</param>
            <returns>A parser that parses a literal sequence of tokens</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`1.Sequence``1(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0}[])">
            Creates a parser that applies a sequence of parsers and collects the results.
            This parser fails if any of its constituent parsers fail
            <typeparam name="T">The return type of the parsers</typeparam>
            <param name="parsers">A sequence of parsers</param>
            <returns>A parser that applies a sequence of parsers and collects the results</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`1.Sequence``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0}})">
            Creates a parser that applies a sequence of parsers and collects the results.
            This parser fails if any of its constituent parsers fail
            <typeparam name="T">The return type of the parsers</typeparam>
            <param name="parsers">A sequence of parsers</param>
            <returns>A parser that applies a sequence of parsers and collects the results</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`1.Token(`0)">
            Creates a parser that parses and returns a single token
            <param name="token">The token to parse</param>
            <returns>A parser that parses and returns a single token</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`1.Token(System.Func{`0,System.Boolean})">
            Creates a parser that parses and returns a single token satisfying a predicate
            <param name="predicate">A predicate function to apply to a token</param>
            <returns>A parser that parses and returns a single token satisfying a predicate</returns>
        <member name="T:Pidgin.Parser`2">
            Represents a parser which consumes a stream of values of type <typeparamref name="TToken"/> and returns a value of type <typeparamref name="T"/>.
            A parser can either succeed, and return a value of type <typeparamref name="T"/>, or fail and return a <see cref="T:Pidgin.ParseError`1"/>.
            <typeparam name="TToken">The type of the tokens in the parser's input stream</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T">The type of the value returned by the parser</typeparam>
            <remarks>This type is not intended to be subclassed by users of the library</remarks>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Assert(System.Func{`1,System.Boolean})">
            Creates a parser that fails if the value returned by the current parser fails to satisfy a predicate.
            <param name="predicate">The predicate to apply to the value returned by the current parser</param>
            <returns>A parser that fails if the value returned by the current parser fails to satisfy <paramref name="predicate"/></returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Assert(System.Func{`1,System.Boolean},System.String)">
            Creates a parser that fails if the value returned by the current parser fails to satisfy a predicate.
            <param name="predicate">The predicate to apply to the value returned by the current parser</param>
            <param name="message">A custom error message to return when the value returned by the current parser fails to satisfy the predicate</param>
            <returns>A parser that fails if the value returned by the current parser fails to satisfy <paramref name="predicate"/></returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Assert(System.Func{`1,System.Boolean},System.Func{`1,System.String})">
            Creates a parser that fails if the value returned by the current parser fails to satisfy a predicate.
            <param name="predicate">The predicate to apply to the value returned by the current parser</param>
            <param name="message">A function to produce a custom error message to return when the value returned by the current parser fails to satisfy the predicate</param>
            <returns>A parser that fails if the value returned by the current parser fails to satisfy <paramref name="predicate"/></returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Before``1(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0})">
            Creates a parser that applies the current parser followed by the specified parser.
            The resulting parser returns the result of the current parser, ignoring the result of the second parser.
            <param name="parser">The parser to apply after applying the current parser.</param>
            <typeparam name="U">The type of the value returned by the second parser</typeparam>
            <returns>A parser that applies the current parser followed by the specified parser</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Between``1(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0})">
            Creates a parser that applies the specified parser both before and after applying the current parser.
            The resulting parser returns the result of the current parser, ignoring the return value of the bracketing parser.
            <param name="parser">The parser to apply before and after applying the current parser</param>
            <typeparam name="U">The type of the value returned by the bracketing parser</typeparam>
            <returns>A parser that applies the specified parser before and after applying the current parser</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Between``2(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0},Pidgin.Parser{`0,``1})">
            Creates a parser that applies the specified parsers before and after applying the current parser.
            The resulting parser returns the result of the current parser, ignoring the return values of the bracketing parsers.
            <param name="parser1">The parser to apply before applying the current parser</param>
            <param name="parser2">The parser to apply after applying the current parser</param>
            <typeparam name="U">The type of the value returned by the first parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="V">The type of the value returned by the second parser</typeparam>
            <returns>A parser that applies the specified parsers before and after applying the current parser</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Bind``1(System.Func{`1,Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0}})">
            Creates a parser that applies a transformation function to the return value of the current parser.
            The transformation function dynamically chooses a second parser, which is applied after applying the current parser.
            <param name="selector">A transformation function which returns a parser to apply after applying the current parser</param>
            <typeparam name="U">The type of the return value of the second parser</typeparam>
            <returns>A parser which applies the current parser before applying the result of the <paramref name="selector"/> function.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Bind``2(System.Func{`1,Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0}},System.Func{`1,``0,``1})">
            Creates a parser that applies a transformation function to the return value of the current parser.
            The transformation function dynamically chooses a second parser, which is applied after applying the current parser.
            <param name="selector">A transformation function which returns a parser to apply after applying the current parser</param>
            <param name="result">A function to apply to the return values of the two parsers</param>
            <typeparam name="U">The type of the return value of the second parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="R">The type of the return value of the resulting parser</typeparam>
            <returns>A parser which applies the current parser before applying the result of the <paramref name="selector"/> function</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Cast``1">
            Cast the return value of the current parser to the specified result type
            <typeparam name="U">The type to cast the return value to</typeparam>
            <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">Thrown when the return value is not an instance of <typeparamref name="U"/></exception>
            <returns>A parser which returns this parser's return value casted to <typeparamref name="U"/></returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Labelled(System.String)">
            Creates a parser equivalent to the current parser, with a custom label.
            The label will be reported in an error message if the parser fails, instead of the default error message.
            <seealso cref="P:Pidgin.ParseError`1.Expected"/>
            <seealso cref="P:Pidgin.Expected`1.Label"/>
            <param name="label">The custom label to apply to the current parser</param>
            <returns>A parser equivalent to the current parser, with a custom label</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Many">
            Creates a parser which applies the current parser zero or more times.
            The resulting parser fails if the current parser fails after consuming input.
            <returns>A parser which applies the current parser zero or more times</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.AtLeastOnce">
            Creates a parser that applies the current parser one or more times.
            The resulting parser fails if the current parser fails the first time it is applied, or if the current parser fails after consuming input
            <returns>A parser that applies the current parser one or more times</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.SkipMany">
            Creates a parser which applies the current parser zero or more times, discarding the results.
            This is more efficient than <see cref="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Many"/>, if you don't need the results.
            The resulting parser fails if the current parser fails after consuming input.
            <returns>A parser which applies the current parser zero or more times</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.SkipAtLeastOnce">
            Creates a parser that applies the current parser one or more times, discarding the results.
            This is more efficient than <see cref="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.AtLeastOnce"/>, if you don't need the results.
            The resulting parser fails if the current parser fails the first time it is applied, or if the current parser fails after consuming input
            <returns>A parser that applies the current parser one or more times, discarding the results</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.MapWithInput``1(Pidgin.ReadOnlySpanFunc{`0,`1,``0})">
            Returns a parser which runs the current parser and applies a selector function.
            The selector function receives a <see cref="T:System.ReadOnlySpan`1"/> as its first argument, and the result of the current parser as its second argument.
            The <see cref="T:System.ReadOnlySpan`1"/> represents the sequence of input tokens which were consumed by the parser.
            This allows you to write "pattern"-style parsers which match a sequence of tokens and return a view of the part of the input stream which they matched.
            This function is an alternative name for <see cref="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Slice``1(Pidgin.ReadOnlySpanFunc{`0,`1,``0})"/>.
            <param name="selector">
            A selector function which computes a result of type <typeparamref name="U"/>.
            The arguments of the selector function are a <see cref="T:System.ReadOnlySpan`1"/> containing the sequence of input tokens which were consumed by this parser,
            and the result of this parser.
            <typeparam name="U">The result type</typeparam>
            <returns>A parser which runs the current parser and applies a selector function.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.OfType``1">
            Creates a parser which casts the return value of the current parser to the specified result type, or fails if the return value is not an instance of <typeparamref name="U"/>.
            <typeparam name="U">The type to cast the return value of the current parser to</typeparam>
            <returns>A parser which returns the current parser's return value casted to <typeparamref name="U"/>, if the value is an instance of <typeparamref name="U"/></returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Optional">
            Creates a parser which applies the current parser and returns <see cref="M:Pidgin.Maybe.Nothing``1"/> if the current parser fails without consuming any input.
            The resulting parser fails if the current parser fails after consuming input.
            <returns>A parser which applies the current parser and returns <see cref="M:Pidgin.Maybe.Nothing``1"/> if the current parser fails without consuming any input</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Or(Pidgin.Parser{`0,`1})">
            Creates a parser which tries to apply the current parser, applying the specified parser if the current parser fails without consuming any input.
            The resulting parser fails if both the current parser and the alternative parser fail, or if the current parser fails after consuming input.
            <param name="parser">The alternative parser to apply if the current parser fails without consuming any input</param>
            <returns>A parser which tries to apply the current parser, and applies <paramref name="parser"/> if the current parser fails without consuming any input.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.RecoverWith(System.Func{Pidgin.ParseError{`0},Pidgin.Parser{`0,`1}})">
            Creates a parser which runs the current parser, running <paramref name="errorHandler" /> on failure.
            <param name="errorHandler">A function which returns a parser to apply when the current parser fails.</param>
            <returns>A parser which runs the current parser, running <paramref name="errorHandler" /> on failure.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Repeat(System.Int32)">
            Creates a parser which applies the current parser <paramref name="count"/> times.
            <param name="count">The number of times to apply the current parser</param>
            <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException"><paramref name="count"/> is less than 0</exception>
            <returns>A parser which applies the current parser <paramref name="count"/> times.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Select``1(System.Func{`1,``0})">
            Creates a parser which applies the specified transformation function to the result of the current parser.
            This is an infix synonym for <see cref="M:Pidgin.Parser.Map``3(System.Func{``1,``2},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1})"/>.
            <typeparam name="U">The return type of the transformation function</typeparam>
            <param name="selector">A transformation function</param>
            <returns>A parser which applies <paramref name="selector"/> to the result of the current parser</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Map``1(System.Func{`1,``0})">
            Creates a parser which applies the specified transformation function to the result of the current parser.
            This is an infix synonym for <see cref="M:Pidgin.Parser.Map``3(System.Func{``1,``2},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1})"/>.
            <typeparam name="U">The return type of the transformation function</typeparam>
            <param name="selector">A transformation function</param>
            <returns>A parser which applies <paramref name="selector"/> to the result of the current parser</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.SelectMany``2(System.Func{`1,Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0}},System.Func{`1,``0,``1})">
            Creates a parser that applies a transformation function to the return value of the current parser.
            The transformation function dynamically chooses a second parser, which is applied after applying the current parser.
            <param name="selector">A transformation function which returns a parser to apply after applying the current parser</param>
            <param name="result">A function to apply to the return values of the two parsers</param>
            <typeparam name="U">The type of the return value of the second parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="R">The type of the return value of the resulting parser</typeparam>
            <returns>A parser which applies the current parser before applying the result of the <paramref name="selector"/> function</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Separated``1(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0})">
            Creates a parser which applies the current parser repeatedly, interleaved with a specified parser.
            The resulting parser ignores the return value of the separator parser.
            <typeparam name="U">The return type of the separator parser</typeparam>
            <param name="separator">A parser which parses a separator to be interleaved with the current parser</param>
            <returns>A parser which applies the current parser repeatedly, interleaved by <paramref name="separator"/></returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.SeparatedAtLeastOnce``1(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0})">
            Creates a parser which applies the current parser at least once, interleaved with a specified parser.
            The resulting parser ignores the return value of the separator parser.
            <typeparam name="U">The return type of the separator parser</typeparam>
            <param name="separator">A parser which parses a separator to be interleaved with the current parser</param>
            <returns>A parser which applies the current parser at least once, interleaved by <paramref name="separator"/></returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.SeparatedAndTerminated``1(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0})">
            Creates a parser which applies the current parser repeatedly, interleaved and terminated with a specified parser.
            The resulting parser ignores the return value of the separator parser.
            <typeparam name="U">The return type of the separator parser</typeparam>
            <param name="separator">A parser which parses a separator to be interleaved with the current parser</param>
            <returns>A parser which applies the current parser repeatedly, interleaved and terminated by <paramref name="separator"/></returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.SeparatedAndTerminatedAtLeastOnce``1(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0})">
            Creates a parser which applies the current parser at least once, interleaved and terminated with a specified parser.
            The resulting parser ignores the return value of the separator parser.
            <typeparam name="U">The return type of the separator parser</typeparam>
            <param name="separator">A parser which parses a separator to be interleaved with the current parser</param>
            <returns>A parser which applies the current parser at least once, interleaved and terminated by <paramref name="separator"/></returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.SeparatedAndOptionallyTerminated``1(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0})">
            Creates a parser which applies the current parser repeatedly, interleaved and optionally terminated with a specified parser.
            The resulting parser ignores the return value of the separator parser.
            <typeparam name="U">The return type of the separator parser</typeparam>
            <param name="separator">A parser which parses a separator to be interleaved with the current parser</param>
            <returns>A parser which applies the current parser repeatedly, interleaved and optionally terminated by <paramref name="separator"/></returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.SeparatedAndOptionallyTerminatedAtLeastOnce``1(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0})">
            Creates a parser which applies the current parser at least once, interleaved and optionally terminated with a specified parser.
            The resulting parser ignores the return value of the separator parser.
            <typeparam name="U">The return type of the separator parser</typeparam>
            <param name="separator">A parser which parses a separator to be interleaved with the current parser</param>
            <returns>A parser which applies the current parser at least once, interleaved and optionally terminated by <paramref name="separator"/></returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Slice``1(Pidgin.ReadOnlySpanFunc{`0,`1,``0})">
             Returns a parser which runs the current parser and applies a selector function.
             The selector function receives a <see cref="T:System.ReadOnlySpan`1"/> as its first argument, and the result of the current parser as its second argument.
             The <see cref="T:System.ReadOnlySpan`1"/> represents the sequence of input tokens which were consumed by the parser.
             This allows you to write "pattern"-style parsers which match a sequence of tokens and return a view of the part of the input stream which they matched.
             This function is an alternative name for <see cref="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.MapWithInput``1(Pidgin.ReadOnlySpanFunc{`0,`1,``0})"/>.
             <param name="selector">
             A selector function which computes a result of type <typeparamref name="U"/>.
             The arguments of the selector function are a <see cref="T:System.ReadOnlySpan`1"/> containing the sequence of input tokens which were consumed by this parser,
             and the result of this parser.
             <typeparam name="U">The result type</typeparam>
             <returns>A parser which runs the current parser and applies a selector function.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Then``1(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0})">
            Creates a parser which applies the current parser followed by a specified parser.
            The resulting parser returns the result of the second parser, ignoring the result of the current parser.
            <typeparam name="U">The return type of the second parser</typeparam>
            <param name="parser">A parser to apply after applying the current parser</param>
            <returns>A parser which applies the current parser followed by <paramref name="parser"/></returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Then``2(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0},System.Func{`1,``0,``1})">
            Creates a parser which applies the current parser followed by a specified parser, applying a function to the two results.
            This is a synonym for <see cref="M:Pidgin.Parser.Map``4(System.Func{``1,``2,``3},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``2})"/>
            with the arguments rearranged.
            <typeparam name="U">The return type of the second parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="R">The return type of the composed parser</typeparam>
            <param name="parser">A parser to apply after applying the current parser</param>
            <param name="result">A function to apply to the two parsed values</param>
            <returns>A parser which applies the current parser followed by <paramref name="parser"/></returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Then``1(System.Func{`1,Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0}})">
            Creates a parser that applies a transformation function to the return value of the current parser.
            The transformation function dynamically chooses a second parser, which is applied after applying the current parser.
            <remarks>This function is a synonym for <see cref="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Bind``1(System.Func{`1,Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0}})"/></remarks>
            <param name="selector">A transformation function which returns a parser to apply after applying the current parser</param>
            <typeparam name="U">The type of the return value of the second parser</typeparam>
            <returns>A parser which applies the current parser before applying the result of the <paramref name="selector"/> function.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Then``2(System.Func{`1,Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0}},System.Func{`1,``0,``1})">
            Creates a parser that applies a transformation function to the return value of the current parser.
            The transformation function dynamically chooses a second parser, which is applied after applying the current parser.
            <remarks>This function is a synonym for <see cref="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Bind``2(System.Func{`1,Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0}},System.Func{`1,``0,``1})"/></remarks>
            <param name="selector">A transformation function which returns a parser to apply after applying the current parser</param>
            <param name="result">A function to apply to the return values of the two parsers</param>
            <typeparam name="U">The type of the return value of the second parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="R">The type of the return value of the resulting parser</typeparam>
            <returns>A parser which applies the current parser before applying the result of the <paramref name="selector"/> function</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Trace(System.Func{`1,System.String})">
            For debugging use.
            Creates a new parser which runs the current parser and prints the given message to the console.
            <returns>A parser which runs the current parser and prints the given message to the console.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Trace(System.String)">
            For debugging use.
            Creates a new parser which runs the current parser and prints the given message to the console.
            <returns>A parser which runs the current parser and prints the given message to the console.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.TraceResult">
            For debugging use.
            Creates a new parser which runs the current parser and prints the result to the console.
            <returns>A parser which runs the current parser and prints the result to the console.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Until``1(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0})">
            Creates a parser which applies this parser zero or more times until <paramref name="terminator"/> succeeds.
            Fails if this parser fails or if <paramref name="terminator"/> fails after consuming input.
            The return value of <paramref name="terminator"/> is ignored.
            <typeparam name="U">The return type of <paramref name="terminator"/></typeparam>
            <param name="terminator">A parser to parse a terminator</param>
            <returns>A parser which applies this parser repeatedly until <paramref name="terminator"/> succeeds</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.AtLeastOnceUntil``1(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0})">
            Creates a parser which applies this parser one or more times until <paramref name="terminator"/> succeeds.
            Fails if this parser fails or if <paramref name="terminator"/> fails after consuming input.
            The return value of <paramref name="terminator"/> is ignored.
            <param name="terminator">A parser to parse a terminator</param>
            <returns>A parser which applies this parser repeatedly until <paramref name="terminator"/> succeeds</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.SkipUntil``1(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0})">
            Creates a parser which applies this parser zero or more times until <paramref name="terminator"/> succeeds, discarding the results.
            This is more efficient than <see cref="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Until``1(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0})"/> if you don't need the results.
            Fails if this parser fails or if <paramref name="terminator"/> fails after consuming input.
            The return value of <paramref name="terminator"/> is ignored.
            <typeparam name="U">The return type of <paramref name="terminator"/></typeparam>
            <param name="terminator">A parser to parse a terminator</param>
            <returns>A parser which applies this parser repeatedly until <paramref name="terminator"/> succeeds, discarding the results</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.SkipAtLeastOnceUntil``1(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0})">
            Creates a parser which applies this parser one or more times until <paramref name="terminator"/> succeeds, discarding the results.
            This is more efficient than <see cref="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.AtLeastOnceUntil``1(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0})"/> if you don't need the results.
            Fails if this parser fails or if <paramref name="terminator"/> fails after consuming input.
            The return value of <paramref name="terminator"/> is ignored.
            <param name="terminator">A parser to parse a terminator</param>
            <returns>A parser which applies this parser repeatedly until <paramref name="terminator"/> succeeds, discarding the results</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Where(System.Func{`1,System.Boolean})">
            Creates a parser that fails if the value returned by the current parser fails to satisfy a predicate.
            <remarks>This function is a synonym of <see cref="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Assert(System.Func{`1,System.Boolean})"/></remarks>
            <param name="predicate">The predicate to apply to the value returned by the current parser</param>
            <returns>A parser that fails if the value returned by the current parser fails to satisfy <paramref name="predicate"/></returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.WithResult``1(``0)">
            Creates a parser which behaves like the current parser but returns <paramref name="result"/> after a successful parse.
            This is a synonym for <see cref="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.ThenReturn``1(``0)"/>.
            Equivalent to using <see cref="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Select``1(System.Func{`1,``0})"/> with a function that returns a fixed value,
            or <see cref="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Then``1(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0})"/> with <see cref="M:Pidgin.Parser`1.Return``1(``0)"/>.
            p.WithResult(x) == p.Select(_ => x) == p.Then(Return(x));
            <param name="result">The result</param>
            <returns>A parser which behaves like the current parser but returns <paramref name="result"/>.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.ThenReturn``1(``0)">
            Creates a parser which behaves like the current parser but returns <paramref name="result"/> after a successful parse.
            This is a synonym for <see cref="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.WithResult``1(``0)"/>.
            Equivalent to using <see cref="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Select``1(System.Func{`1,``0})"/> with a function that returns a fixed value,
            or <see cref="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Then``1(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0})"/> with <see cref="M:Pidgin.Parser`1.Return``1(``0)"/>.
            p.ThenReturn(x) == p.Select(_ => x) == p.Then(Return(x));
            <param name="result">The result</param>
            <returns>A parser which behaves like the current parser but returns <paramref name="result"/>.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.IgnoreResult">
            Creates a parser which behaves like the current parser but returns <see cref="P:Pidgin.Unit.Value"/>.
            Equivalent to <c>p.WithResult(Unit.Value)</c>.
            <returns>A parser which behaves like the current parser but returns <see cref="P:Pidgin.Unit.Value"/>.</returns>
        <member name="T:Pidgin.Parser">
            Constructor functions, extension methods and utilities for <see cref="T:Pidgin.Parser`2"/>.
            This class is intended to be imported statically ("using static Pidgin.Parser").
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.Char(System.Char)">
            Creates a parser which parses and returns a single character.
            <param name="character">The character to parse</param>
            <returns>A parser which parses and returns a single character</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.CIChar(System.Char)">
            Creates a parser which parses and returns a single character, in a case insensitive manner.
            The parser returns the actual character parsed.
            <param name="character">The character to parse</param>
            <returns>A parser which parses and returns a single character</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.AnyCharExcept(System.Char[])">
            Creates a parser which parses and returns a character if it is not one of the specified characters.
            When the character is one of the given characters, the parser fails without consuming input.
            <param name="chars">A sequence of characters that should not be matched</param>
            <returns>A parser which parses and returns a character that does not match one of the specified characters</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.AnyCharExcept(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Char})">
            Creates a parser which parses and returns a character if it is not one of the specified characters.
            When the character is one of the given characters, the parser fails without consuming input.
            <param name="chars">A sequence of characters that should not be matched</param>
            <returns>A parser which parses and returns a character that does not match one of the specified characters</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Parser.Digit">
            A parser that parses and returns a single digit character (0-9)
            <returns>A parser that parses and returns a single digit character</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Parser.Letter">
            A parser that parses and returns a single letter character
            <returns>A parser that parses and returns a single letter character</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Parser.LetterOrDigit">
            A parser that parses and returns a single letter or digit character
            <returns>A parser that parses and returns a single letter or digit character</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Parser.Lowercase">
            A parser that parses and returns a single lowercase letter character
            <returns>A parser that parses and returns a single lowercase letter character</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Parser.Uppercase">
            A parser that parses and returns a single uppercase letter character
            <returns>A parser that parses and returns a single uppercase letter character</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Parser.Punctuation">
            A parser that parses and returns a single Unicode punctuation character
            <returns>A parser that parses and returns a single Unicode punctuation character</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Parser.Symbol">
            A parser that parses and returns a single Unicode symbol character
            <returns>A parser that parses and returns a single Unicode symbol character</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Parser.Separator">
            A parser that parses and returns a single Unicode separator character
            <returns>A parser that parses and returns a single Unicode separator character</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.SetDefaultPosCalculator``1(System.Func{``0,Pidgin.SourcePos,Pidgin.SourcePos})">
            Set the default position calculator for tokens of type <typeparamref name="TToken"/>
            <typeparam name="TToken">The type of tokens for which to set the default position calculator</typeparam>
            <param name="posCalculator">A function which calculates the position after consuming a token</param>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.ResetDefaultPosCalculator``1">
            Resets the default position caluclator for tokens of type <typeparamref name="TToken"/>
            <typeparam name="TToken">The type of tokens for which to reset the default position calculator</typeparam>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Parser.EndOfLine">
            A parser that parses and returns either the literal string "\r\n" or the literal string "\n"
            <returns>A parser that parses and returns either the literal string "\r\n" or the literal string "\n"</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.Lookahead``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1})">
            If <paramref name="parser"/> succeeds, <c>Lookahead(parser)</c> backtracks,
            behaving as if <paramref name="parser"/> had not consumed any input.
            No backtracking is performed upon failure.
            <param name="parser">The parser to look ahead with</param>
            <returns>A parser which rewinds the input stream if <paramref name="parser"/> succeeds.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.ManyString``1(Pidgin.Parser{``0,System.Char})">
            Creates a parser which applies the current parser zero or more times, packing the resulting characters into a string.
            Equivalent to <c>parser.Many().Select(cs => string.Concat(cs))</c>
            <param name="parser">A parser returning a single character</param>
            <returns>A parser which applies the current parser zero or more times, packing the resulting characters into a string.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.ManyString``1(Pidgin.Parser{``0,System.String})">
            Creates a parser which applies the current parser zero or more times, concatenating the resulting string pieces.
            Equivalent to <c>parser.Many().Select(cs => string.Concat(cs))</c>
            <param name="parser">A parser returning a single character</param>
            <returns>A parser which applies the current parser zero or more times, concatenating the resulting string pieces.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.AtLeastOnceString``1(Pidgin.Parser{``0,System.Char})">
            Creates a parser which applies the current parser one or more times, packing the resulting characters into a string.
            Equivalent to <c>parser.Many().Select(cs => string.Concat(cs))</c>
            <param name="parser">A parser returning a single character</param>
            <returns>A parser which applies the current parser one or more times, packing the resulting characters into a string.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.AtLeastOnceString``1(Pidgin.Parser{``0,System.String})">
            Creates a parser which applies the current parser one or more times, concatenating the resulting string pieces.
            Equivalent to <c>parser.Many().Select(cs => string.Concat(cs))</c>
            <param name="parser">A parser returning a single character</param>
            <returns>A parser which applies the current parser one or more times, concatenating the resulting string pieces.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.Map``3(System.Func{``1,``2},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1})">
            Creates a parser that applies the specified parsers sequentially and applies the specified transformation function to their results.
            <param name="func">A function to apply to the return values of the specified parsers</param>
            <param name="parser1">The first parser</param>
            <typeparam name="TToken">The type of tokens in the parser's input stream</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T1">The return type of the first parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="R">The return type of the resulting parser</typeparam>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.Map``4(System.Func{``1,``2,``3},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``2})">
             Creates a parser that applies the specified parsers sequentially and applies the specified transformation function to their results.
             <param name="func">A function to apply to the return values of the specified parsers</param>
             <param name="parser1">The first parser</param>
             <param name="parser2">The second parser</param>
             <typeparam name="TToken">The type of tokens in the parser's input stream</typeparam>
             <typeparam name="T1">The return type of the first parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T2">The return type of the second parser</typeparam>
             <typeparam name="R">The return type of the resulting parser</typeparam>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.Map``5(System.Func{``1,``2,``3,``4},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``2},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``3})">
             Creates a parser that applies the specified parsers sequentially and applies the specified transformation function to their results.
             <param name="func">A function to apply to the return values of the specified parsers</param>
             <param name="parser1">The first parser</param>
             <param name="parser2">The second parser</param>
             <param name="parser3">The third parser</param>
             <typeparam name="TToken">The type of tokens in the parser's input stream</typeparam>
             <typeparam name="T1">The return type of the first parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T2">The return type of the second parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T3">The return type of the third parser</typeparam>
             <typeparam name="R">The return type of the resulting parser</typeparam>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.Map``6(System.Func{``1,``2,``3,``4,``5},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``2},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``3},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``4})">
             Creates a parser that applies the specified parsers sequentially and applies the specified transformation function to their results.
             <param name="func">A function to apply to the return values of the specified parsers</param>
             <param name="parser1">The first parser</param>
             <param name="parser2">The second parser</param>
             <param name="parser3">The third parser</param>
             <param name="parser4">The fourth parser</param>
             <typeparam name="TToken">The type of tokens in the parser's input stream</typeparam>
             <typeparam name="T1">The return type of the first parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T2">The return type of the second parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T3">The return type of the third parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T4">The return type of the fourth parser</typeparam>
             <typeparam name="R">The return type of the resulting parser</typeparam>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.Map``7(System.Func{``1,``2,``3,``4,``5,``6},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``2},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``3},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``4},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``5})">
             Creates a parser that applies the specified parsers sequentially and applies the specified transformation function to their results.
             <param name="func">A function to apply to the return values of the specified parsers</param>
             <param name="parser1">The first parser</param>
             <param name="parser2">The second parser</param>
             <param name="parser3">The third parser</param>
             <param name="parser4">The fourth parser</param>
             <param name="parser5">The fifth parser</param>
             <typeparam name="TToken">The type of tokens in the parser's input stream</typeparam>
             <typeparam name="T1">The return type of the first parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T2">The return type of the second parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T3">The return type of the third parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T4">The return type of the fourth parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T5">The return type of the fifth parser</typeparam>
             <typeparam name="R">The return type of the resulting parser</typeparam>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.Map``8(System.Func{``1,``2,``3,``4,``5,``6,``7},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``2},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``3},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``4},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``5},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``6})">
             Creates a parser that applies the specified parsers sequentially and applies the specified transformation function to their results.
             <param name="func">A function to apply to the return values of the specified parsers</param>
             <param name="parser1">The first parser</param>
             <param name="parser2">The second parser</param>
             <param name="parser3">The third parser</param>
             <param name="parser4">The fourth parser</param>
             <param name="parser5">The fifth parser</param>
             <param name="parser6">The sixth parser</param>
             <typeparam name="TToken">The type of tokens in the parser's input stream</typeparam>
             <typeparam name="T1">The return type of the first parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T2">The return type of the second parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T3">The return type of the third parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T4">The return type of the fourth parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T5">The return type of the fifth parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T6">The return type of the sixth parser</typeparam>
             <typeparam name="R">The return type of the resulting parser</typeparam>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.Map``9(System.Func{``1,``2,``3,``4,``5,``6,``7,``8},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``2},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``3},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``4},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``5},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``6},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``7})">
             Creates a parser that applies the specified parsers sequentially and applies the specified transformation function to their results.
             <param name="func">A function to apply to the return values of the specified parsers</param>
             <param name="parser1">The first parser</param>
             <param name="parser2">The second parser</param>
             <param name="parser3">The third parser</param>
             <param name="parser4">The fourth parser</param>
             <param name="parser5">The fifth parser</param>
             <param name="parser6">The sixth parser</param>
             <param name="parser7">The seventh parser</param>
             <typeparam name="TToken">The type of tokens in the parser's input stream</typeparam>
             <typeparam name="T1">The return type of the first parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T2">The return type of the second parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T3">The return type of the third parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T4">The return type of the fourth parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T5">The return type of the fifth parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T6">The return type of the sixth parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T7">The return type of the seventh parser</typeparam>
             <typeparam name="R">The return type of the resulting parser</typeparam>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.Map``10(System.Func{``1,``2,``3,``4,``5,``6,``7,``8,``9},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``2},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``3},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``4},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``5},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``6},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``7},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``8})">
             Creates a parser that applies the specified parsers sequentially and applies the specified transformation function to their results.
             <param name="func">A function to apply to the return values of the specified parsers</param>
             <param name="parser1">The first parser</param>
             <param name="parser2">The second parser</param>
             <param name="parser3">The third parser</param>
             <param name="parser4">The fourth parser</param>
             <param name="parser5">The fifth parser</param>
             <param name="parser6">The sixth parser</param>
             <param name="parser7">The seventh parser</param>
             <param name="parser8">The eighth parser</param>
             <typeparam name="TToken">The type of tokens in the parser's input stream</typeparam>
             <typeparam name="T1">The return type of the first parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T2">The return type of the second parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T3">The return type of the third parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T4">The return type of the fourth parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T5">The return type of the fifth parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T6">The return type of the sixth parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T7">The return type of the seventh parser</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T8">The return type of the eighth parser</typeparam>
             <typeparam name="R">The return type of the resulting parser</typeparam>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.Not``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1})">
            Creates a parser which succeeds only if the given parser fails.
            The resulting parser does not perform any backtracking; it consumes the same amount of input as the supplied parser.
            Combine this function with <see cref="M:Pidgin.Parser.Try``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1})"/> if this behaviour is undesirable.
            <param name="parser">The parser that is expected to fail</param>
            <returns>A parser which succeeds only if the given parser fails.</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Parser.DecimalNum">
            A parser which parses a base-10 integer with an optional sign.
            The resulting <c>int</c> is not checked for overflow.
            <returns>A parser which parses a base-10 integer with an optional sign</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Parser.Num">
            A parser which parses a base-10 integer with an optional sign.
            The resulting <c>int</c> is not checked for overflow.
            <returns>A parser which parses a base-10 integer with an optional sign</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Parser.LongNum">
            A parser which parses a base-10 long integer with an optional sign.
            <returns>A parser which parses a base-10 long integer with an optional sign</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Parser.OctalNum">
            A parser which parses a base-8 (octal) integer with an optional sign.
            The resulting <c>int</c> is not checked for overflow.
            <returns>A parser which parses a base-8 (octal) integer with an optional sign</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Parser.HexNum">
            A parser which parses a base-16 (hexadecimal) integer with an optional sign.
            The resulting <c>int</c> is not checked for overflow.
            <returns>A parser which parses a base-16 (hexadecimal) integer with an optional sign</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.Int(System.Int32)">
            A parser which parses an integer in the given base with an optional sign.
            The resulting <c>int</c> is not checked for overflow.
            <param name="base">The base in which the number is notated, between 1 and 36</param>
            <returns>A parser which parses an integer with an optional sign</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.UnsignedInt(System.Int32)">
            A parser which parses an integer in the given base without a sign.
            The resulting <c>int</c> is not checked for overflow.
            <param name="base">The base in which the number is notated, between 1 and 36</param>
            <returns>A parser which parses an integer without a sign.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.Long(System.Int32)">
            Creates a parser which parses a long integer in the given base with an optional sign.
            The resulting <see cref="T:System.Int64" /> is not checked for overflow.
            <param name="base">The base in which the number is notated, between 1 and 36</param>
            <returns>A parser which parses a long integer with an optional sign</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.UnsignedLong(System.Int32)">
            A parser which parses a long integer in the given base without a sign.
            The resulting <see cref="T:System.Int64" /> is not checked for overflow.
            <param name="base">The base in which the number is notated, between 1 and 36</param>
            <returns>A parser which parses a long integer without a sign.</returns>
        <member name="F:Pidgin.Parser.Real">
            A parser which parses a floating point number with an optional sign.
            <returns>A parser which parses a floating point number with an optional sign</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.OneOf(System.Char[])">
            Creates a parser which parses and returns one of the specified characters.
            <param name="chars">A sequence of characters to choose between</param>
            <returns>A parser which parses and returns one of the specified characters</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.OneOf(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Char})">
            Creates a parser which parses and returns one of the specified characters.
            <param name="chars">A sequence of characters to choose between</param>
            <returns>A parser which parses and returns one of the specified characters</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.CIOneOf(System.Char[])">
            Creates a parser which parses and returns one of the specified characters, in a case insensitive manner.
            The parser returns the actual character parsed.
            <param name="chars">A sequence of characters to choose between</param>
            <returns>A parser which parses and returns one of the specified characters, in a case insensitive manner.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.CIOneOf(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Char})">
            Creates a parser which parses and returns one of the specified characters, in a case insensitive manner.
            The parser returns the actual character parsed.
            <param name="chars">A sequence of characters to choose between</param>
            <returns>A parser which parses and returns one of the specified characters, in a case insensitive manner.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.OneOf``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1}[])">
            Creates a parser which applies one of the specified parsers.
            The resulting parser fails if all of the input parsers fail without consuming input, or if one of them fails after consuming input
            <typeparam name="TToken">The type of tokens in the parsers' input stream</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T">The return type of the parsers</typeparam>
            <param name="parsers">A sequence of parsers to choose between</param>
            <returns>A parser which applies one of the specified parsers</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.OneOf``2(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1}})">
            Creates a parser which applies one of the specified parsers.
            The resulting parser fails if all of the input parsers fail without consuming input, or if one of them fails after consuming input.
            The input enumerable is enumerated and copied to a list.
            <typeparam name="TToken">The type of tokens in the parsers' input stream</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T">The return type of the parsers</typeparam>
            <param name="parsers">A sequence of parsers to choose between</param>
            <returns>A parser which applies one of the specified parsers</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.Rec``2(System.Func{Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1}})">
            Creates a parser which lazily calls the supplied function and applies the resulting parser.
            This is primarily useful to allow mutual recursion in parsers.
            <seealso cref="M:Pidgin.Parser.Rec``2(System.Lazy{Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1}})"/>
            <seealso cref="M:Pidgin.Parser.Rec``2(System.Func{Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1}})"/>
            <param name="parser">A function which returns a parser</param>
            <typeparam name="TToken">The type of tokens in the parser's input stream</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T">The return type of the parser</typeparam>
            <returns>A parser which lazily calls the supplied function and applies the resulting parser</returns>
            This example shows how to use mutual recursion to create a parser equivalent to <see cref="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Many"/>
            // many is equivalent to String("foo").Separated(Char(' '))
            Parser&lt;char, string&gt; rest = null;
            var many = String("foo").Then(Rec(() => rest).Optional(), (x, y) => x + y.GetValueOrDefault(""));
            rest = Char(' ').Then(many);
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.Rec``2(System.Func{Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1}})">
            Creates a parser which passes itself to the supplied function and applies the resulting parser.
            This is the Y combinator for parsers.
            <seealso cref="M:Pidgin.Parser.Rec``2(System.Lazy{Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1}})"/>
            <seealso cref="M:Pidgin.Parser.Rec``2(System.Func{Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1}})"/>
            <param name="func">A function whose argument is a parser which behaves the same way as its result</param>
            <typeparam name="TToken">The type of tokens in the parser's input stream</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T">The return type of the parser</typeparam>
            <returns>A parser which lazily calls the supplied function and applies the resulting parser</returns>
            This example shows how to use mutual recursion to create a parser equivalent to <see cref="M:Pidgin.Parser`2.Many"/>
            // many is equivalent to String("foo").Separated(Char(' '))
            var many = Rec(self =>
                    Char(' ').Then(self).Optional(),
                    (x, y) => x + y.GetValueOrDefault("")
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.Rec``2(System.Lazy{Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1}})">
            Creates a parser which lazily calls the supplied function and applies the resulting parser.
            This is primarily useful to allow mutual recursion in parsers.
            <seealso cref="M:Pidgin.Parser.Rec``2(System.Func{Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1}})"/>
            <seealso cref="M:Pidgin.Parser.Rec``2(System.Func{Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1}})"/>
            <param name="parser">A lazy parser value</param>
            <typeparam name="TToken">The type of tokens in the parser's input stream</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T">The return type of the parser</typeparam>
            <returns>A parser which lazily applies the specified parser</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.RepeatString``1(Pidgin.Parser{``0,System.Char},System.Int32)">
            Creates a parser which applies <paramref name="parser"/> <paramref name="count"/> times,
            packing the resulting <c>char</c>s into a <c>string</c>.
            Equivalent to <c>parser.Repeat(count).Select(string.Concat)</c>.
            <typeparam name="TToken">The type of tokens in the parser's input stream</typeparam>
            <param name="parser">The parser</param>
            <param name="count">The number of times to apply the parser</param>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="count"/> was less than 0</exception>
            A parser which applies <paramref name="parser"/> <paramref name="count"/> times,
            packing the resulting <c>char</c>s into a <c>string</c>.
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.String(System.String)">
            Creates a parser that parses and returns a literal string
            <param name="str">The string to parse</param>
            <returns>A parser that parses and returns a literal string</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.CIString(System.String)">
            Creates a parser that parses and returns a literal string, in a case insensitive manner.
            The parser returns the actual string parsed.
            <param name="str">The string to parse</param>
            <returns>A parser that parses and returns a literal string, in a case insensitive manner.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Parser.Try``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1})">
            Creates a parser which applies <paramref name="parser"/> and backtracks upon failure
            <typeparam name="TToken">The type of tokens in the parser's input stream</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T">The return type of the parser</typeparam>
            <param name="parser">The parser</param>
            <returns>A parser which applies <paramref name="parser"/> and backtracks upon failure</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Parser.Whitespace">
            A parser that parses and returns a single whitespace character
            <returns>A parser that parses and returns a single whitespace character</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Parser.Whitespaces">
            A parser that parses and returns a sequence of whitespace characters
            <returns>A parser that parses and returns a sequence of whitespace characters</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Parser.WhitespaceString">
            A parser that parses and returns a sequence of whitespace characters packed into a string
            <returns>A parser that parses and returns a sequence of whitespace characters packed into a string</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Parser.SkipWhitespaces">
            A parser that discards a sequence of whitespace characters
            <returns>A parser that discards a sequence of whitespace characters</returns>
        <member name="T:Pidgin.ParserExtensions">
            Extension methods for running parsers
        <member name="M:Pidgin.ParserExtensions.Parse``1(Pidgin.Parser{System.Char,``0},System.String,System.Func{System.Char,Pidgin.SourcePos,Pidgin.SourcePos})">
            Applies <paramref name="parser"/> to <paramref name="input"/>
            <param name="parser">A parser</param>
            <param name="input">An input string</param>
            <param name="calculatePos">A function to calculate the new position after consuming a token, or null to use the default</param>
            <returns>The result of parsing</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.ParserExtensions.Parse``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},System.Collections.Generic.IList{``0},System.Func{``0,Pidgin.SourcePos,Pidgin.SourcePos})">
            Applies <paramref name="parser"/> to <paramref name="input"/>
            <param name="parser">A parser</param>
            <param name="input">An input list</param>
            <param name="calculatePos">A function to calculate the new position after consuming a token, or null to use the default</param>
            <returns>The result of parsing</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.ParserExtensions.ParseReadOnlyList``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList{``0},System.Func{``0,Pidgin.SourcePos,Pidgin.SourcePos})">
            Applies <paramref name="parser"/> to <paramref name="input"/>
            <param name="parser">A parser</param>
            <param name="input">An input list</param>
            <param name="calculatePos">A function to calculate the new position after consuming a token, or null to use the default</param>
            <returns>The result of parsing</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.ParserExtensions.Parse``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0},System.Func{``0,Pidgin.SourcePos,Pidgin.SourcePos})">
            Applies <paramref name="parser"/> to <paramref name="input"/>
            <param name="parser">A parser</param>
            <param name="input">An input enumerable</param>
            <param name="calculatePos">A function to calculate the new position after consuming a token, or null to use the default</param>
            <returns>The result of parsing</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.ParserExtensions.Parse``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator{``0},System.Func{``0,Pidgin.SourcePos,Pidgin.SourcePos})">
            Applies <paramref name="parser"/> to <paramref name="input"/>
            <param name="parser">A parser</param>
            <param name="input">An input enumerator</param>
            <param name="calculatePos">A function to calculate the new position after consuming a token, or null to use the default</param>
            <returns>The result of parsing</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.ParserExtensions.Parse``1(Pidgin.Parser{System.Byte,``0},System.IO.Stream,System.Func{System.Byte,Pidgin.SourcePos,Pidgin.SourcePos})">
            Applies <paramref name="parser"/> to <paramref name="input"/>.
            Note that more characters may be consumed from <paramref name="input"/> than were required for parsing.
            You may need to manually rewind <paramref name="input"/>
            <param name="parser">A parser</param>
            <param name="input">An input stream</param>
            <param name="calculatePos">A function to calculate the new position after consuming a token, or null to use the default</param>
            <returns>The result of parsing</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.ParserExtensions.Parse``1(Pidgin.Parser{System.Char,``0},System.IO.TextReader,System.Func{System.Char,Pidgin.SourcePos,Pidgin.SourcePos})">
            Applies <paramref name="parser"/> to <paramref name="input"/>
            <param name="parser">A parser</param>
            <param name="input">An input reader</param>
            <param name="calculatePos">A function to calculate the new position after consuming a token, or null to use the default</param>
            <returns>The result of parsing</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.ParserExtensions.Parse``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},``0[],System.Func{``0,Pidgin.SourcePos,Pidgin.SourcePos})">
            Applies <paramref name="parser"/> to <paramref name="input"/>
            <param name="parser">A parser</param>
            <param name="input">An input array</param>
            <param name="calculatePos">A function to calculate the new position after consuming a token, or null to use the default</param>
            <returns>The result of parsing</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.ParserExtensions.Parse``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},System.ReadOnlySpan{``0},System.Func{``0,Pidgin.SourcePos,Pidgin.SourcePos})">
            Applies <paramref name="parser"/> to <paramref name="input"/>
            <param name="parser">A parser</param>
            <param name="input">An input span</param>
            <param name="calculatePos">A function to calculate the new position after consuming a token, or null to use the default</param>
            <returns>The result of parsing</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.ParserExtensions.ParseOrThrow``1(Pidgin.Parser{System.Char,``0},System.String,System.Func{System.Char,Pidgin.SourcePos,Pidgin.SourcePos})">
            Applies <paramref name="parser"/> to <paramref name="input"/>
            <param name="parser">A parser</param>
            <param name="input">An input string</param>
            <param name="calculatePos">A function to calculate the new position after consuming a token, or null to use the default</param>
            <exception cref="T:Pidgin.ParseException">Thrown when an error occurs during parsing</exception>
            <returns>The result of parsing</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.ParserExtensions.ParseOrThrow``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},System.Collections.Generic.IList{``0},System.Func{``0,Pidgin.SourcePos,Pidgin.SourcePos})">
            Applies <paramref name="parser"/> to <paramref name="input"/>
            <param name="parser">A parser</param>
            <param name="input">An input list</param>
            <param name="calculatePos">A function to calculate the new position after consuming a token, or null to use the default</param>
            <exception cref="T:Pidgin.ParseException">Thrown when an error occurs during parsing</exception>
            <returns>The result of parsing</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.ParserExtensions.ParseReadOnlyListOrThrow``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList{``0},System.Func{``0,Pidgin.SourcePos,Pidgin.SourcePos})">
            Applies <paramref name="parser"/> to <paramref name="input"/>
            <param name="parser">A parser</param>
            <param name="input">An input list</param>
            <param name="calculatePos">A function to calculate the new position after consuming a token, or null to use the default</param>
            <exception cref="T:Pidgin.ParseException">Thrown when an error occurs during parsing</exception>
            <returns>The result of parsing</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.ParserExtensions.ParseOrThrow``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0},System.Func{``0,Pidgin.SourcePos,Pidgin.SourcePos})">
            Applies <paramref name="parser"/> to <paramref name="input"/>
            <param name="parser">A parser</param>
            <param name="input">An input enumerable</param>
            <param name="calculatePos">A function to calculate the new position after consuming a token, or null to use the default</param>
            <exception cref="T:Pidgin.ParseException">Thrown when an error occurs during parsing</exception>
            <returns>The result of parsing</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.ParserExtensions.ParseOrThrow``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator{``0},System.Func{``0,Pidgin.SourcePos,Pidgin.SourcePos})">
            Applies <paramref name="parser"/> to <paramref name="input"/>
            <param name="parser">A parser</param>
            <param name="input">An input enumerator</param>
            <param name="calculatePos">A function to calculate the new position after consuming a token, or null to use the default</param>
            <exception cref="T:Pidgin.ParseException">Thrown when an error occurs during parsing</exception>
            <returns>The result of parsing</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.ParserExtensions.ParseOrThrow``1(Pidgin.Parser{System.Byte,``0},System.IO.Stream,System.Func{System.Byte,Pidgin.SourcePos,Pidgin.SourcePos})">
            Applies <paramref name="parser"/> to <paramref name="input"/>
            <param name="parser">A parser</param>
            <param name="input">An input stream</param>
            <param name="calculatePos">A function to calculate the new position after consuming a token, or null to use the default</param>
            <exception cref="T:Pidgin.ParseException">Thrown when an error occurs during parsing</exception>
            <returns>The result of parsing</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.ParserExtensions.ParseOrThrow``1(Pidgin.Parser{System.Char,``0},System.IO.TextReader,System.Func{System.Char,Pidgin.SourcePos,Pidgin.SourcePos})">
            Applies <paramref name="parser"/> to <paramref name="input"/>
            <param name="parser">A parser</param>
            <param name="input">An input reader</param>
            <param name="calculatePos">A function to calculate the new position after consuming a token, or null to use the default</param>
            <exception cref="T:Pidgin.ParseException">Thrown when an error occurs during parsing</exception>
            <returns>The result of parsing</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.ParserExtensions.ParseOrThrow``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},``0[],System.Func{``0,Pidgin.SourcePos,Pidgin.SourcePos})">
            Applies <paramref name="parser"/> to <paramref name="input"/>
            <param name="parser">A parser</param>
            <param name="input">An input array</param>
            <param name="calculatePos">A function to calculate the new position after consuming a token, or null to use the default</param>
            <exception cref="T:Pidgin.ParseException">Thrown when an error occurs during parsing</exception>
            <returns>The result of parsing</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.ParserExtensions.ParseOrThrow``2(Pidgin.Parser{``0,``1},System.ReadOnlySpan{``0},System.Func{``0,Pidgin.SourcePos,Pidgin.SourcePos})">
            Applies <paramref name="parser"/> to <paramref name="input"/>
            <param name="parser">A parser</param>
            <param name="input">An input span</param>
            <param name="calculatePos">A function to calculate the new position after consuming a token, or null to use the default</param>
            <exception cref="T:Pidgin.ParseException">Thrown when an error occurs during parsing</exception>
            <returns>The result of parsing</returns>
        <member name="T:Pidgin.ParseState`1">
            A mutable struct! Careful!
        <member name="P:Pidgin.ParseState`1.Location">
            How many tokens have been consumed in total?
        <member name="T:Pidgin.Permutation.PermutationParser">
            Contains tools for running sequences of parsers in an order-insensitive manner
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Permutation.PermutationParser.Create``1">
            Creates an empty instance of <see cref="T:Pidgin.Permutation.PermutationParser`2"/>.
            <typeparam name="TToken">The type of tokens to be consumed by the permutation parser.</typeparam>
        <member name="T:Pidgin.Permutation.PermutationParser`2">
            A permutation parser represents a collection of parsers which can be run in an order-insensitive manner.
            Declaration modifiers in C# are an example of an order-insensitive grammar.
            Modifiers can appear in any order: <c>protected internal static readonly int x;</c>
            means the same as <c>internal readonly protected static int x;</c>.
            Usage of this class involves calling <see cref="M:Pidgin.Permutation.PermutationParser`2.Add``1(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0})"/>
            or <see cref="M:Pidgin.Permutation.PermutationParser`2.AddOptional``1(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0},``0)"/> to add parsers to the permutation parser,
            and then calling <see cref="M:Pidgin.Permutation.PermutationParser`2.Build"/> to create a parser which runs them in an order-insensitive manner
            and returns the results in a nested tuple.
            Note that the parsers that are added to the permutation parser must always consume input before succeeding.
            If a parser succeeds on empty input the permutation parser will not work correctly.
            If you want to run a parser optionally, use <see cref="M:Pidgin.Permutation.PermutationParser`2.AddOptional``1(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0},``0)"/>.
            This class is immutable.
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Permutation.PermutationParser`2.Build">
            Creates a <see cref="T:Pidgin.Parser`2"/> which runs the current
            collection of parsers in an order-insensitive manner.
            A <see cref="T:Pidgin.Parser`2"/> which runs the current collection of parsers in an order-insensitive manner.
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Permutation.PermutationParser`2.Add``1(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0})">
            Adds a parser to the collection.
            <param name="parser">The parser to add to the collection.</param>
            A new permutation parser representing the current collection of parsers with <paramref name="parser"/> added.
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Permutation.PermutationParser`2.Add``2(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0},System.Func{`1,``0,``1})">
            Adds a parser to the collection.
            <param name="parser">The parser to add to the collection.</param>
            <param name="resultSelector">
            A transformation function to apply to the result of the current permutation parser and the result of <paramref name="parser"/>.
            A new permutation parser representing the current collection of parsers with <paramref name="parser"/> added.
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Permutation.PermutationParser`2.AddOptional``1(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0})">
            Adds an optional parser to the collection.
            The resulting permutation parser will successfully parse a phrase even if <paramref name="parser"/> never succeeds.
            In that case, <see cref="M:Pidgin.Maybe.Nothing``1"/> will be returned.
            <param name="parser">The parser to add to the collection.</param>
            A new permutation parser representing the current collection of parsers with <paramref name="parser"/> added optionally.
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Permutation.PermutationParser`2.AddOptional``1(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0},``0)">
            Adds an optional parser to the collection.
            The resulting permutation parser will successfully parse a phrase even if <paramref name="parser"/> never succeeds.
            In that case, <paramref name="defaultValue"/> will be returned.
            <param name="parser">The parser to add to the collection.</param>
            <param name="defaultValue">A default value to return if <paramref name="parser"/> fails.</param>
            A new permutation parser representing the current collection of parsers with <paramref name="parser"/> added optionally.
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Permutation.PermutationParser`2.AddOptional``1(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0},System.Func{``0})">
            Adds an optional parser to the collection.
            The resulting permutation parser will successfully parse a phrase even if <paramref name="parser"/> never succeeds.
            In that case, <paramref name="defaultValueFactory"/> will be called to get a value to return.
            <param name="parser">The parser to add to the collection.</param>
            <param name="defaultValueFactory">A factory for a default value to return if <paramref name="parser"/> fails.</param>
            A new permutation parser representing the current collection of parsers with <paramref name="parser"/> added optionally.
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Permutation.PermutationParser`2.AddOptional``2(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0},System.Func{`1,Pidgin.Maybe{``0},``1})">
            Adds an optional parser to the collection.
            The resulting permutation parser will successfully parse a phrase even if <paramref name="parser"/> never succeeds.
            In that case, <see cref="M:Pidgin.Maybe.Nothing``1"/> will be returned.
            <param name="parser">The parser to add to the collection.</param>
            <param name="resultSelector">
            A transformation function to apply to the result of the current permutation parser and the result of <paramref name="parser"/>.
            A new permutation parser representing the current collection of parsers with <paramref name="parser"/> added optionally.
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Permutation.PermutationParser`2.AddOptional``2(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0},``0,System.Func{`1,``0,``1})">
            Adds an optional parser to the collection.
            The resulting permutation parser will successfully parse a phrase even if <paramref name="parser"/> never succeeds.
            In that case, <paramref name="defaultValue"/> will be returned.
            <param name="parser">The parser to add to the collection.</param>
            <param name="defaultValue">A default value to return if <paramref name="parser"/> fails.</param>
            <param name="resultSelector">
            A transformation function to apply to the result of the current permutation parser and the result of <paramref name="parser"/>.
            A new permutation parser representing the current collection of parsers with <paramref name="parser"/> added optionally.
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Permutation.PermutationParser`2.AddOptional``2(Pidgin.Parser{`0,``0},System.Func{``0},System.Func{`1,``0,``1})">
            Adds an optional parser to the collection.
            The resulting permutation parser will successfully parse a phrase even if <paramref name="parser"/> never succeeds.
            In that case, <paramref name="defaultValueFactory"/> will be called to get a value to return.
            <param name="parser">The parser to add to the collection.</param>
            <param name="defaultValueFactory">A factory for a default value to return if <paramref name="parser"/> fails.</param>
            <param name="resultSelector">
            A transformation function to apply to the result of the current permutation parser and the result of <paramref name="parser"/>.
            A new permutation parser representing the current collection of parsers with <paramref name="parser"/> added optionally.
        <member name="T:Pidgin.PooledList`1">
            A mutable struct! Careful!
        <member name="T:Pidgin.ReadOnlySpanFunc`3">
            A function which computes a result from a <see cref="T:System.ReadOnlySpan`1"/> and an additional argument.
            <param name="span">The input span</param>
            <param name="param">An additional argument</param>
            <typeparam name="T">The type of elements of the span</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="TParam">The type of the additional argument</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="TReturn">The type of the result computed by the function</typeparam>
            <returns>The result</returns>
        <member name="T:Pidgin.Result`2">
            Represents the result of parsing.
            A parse result may be successful (<see cref="P:Pidgin.Result`2.Success"/> == true), in which case it contains a value, or it may be a failure, in which case it contains an error
            <typeparam name="TToken"></typeparam>
            <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Result`2.Success">
            Did the parse succeed?
            <returns>A value indicating whether the parse was successful</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Result`2.Value">
            The parser's return value
            <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the result was not a successful one</exception>
            <returns>The parser's return value</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Result`2.Error">
            The parse error
            <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown when the result was a successful one</exception>
            <returns>The parse error</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Result`2.GetValueOrDefault">
            Get the value, or return a default value.
            <returns>The value if <see cref="P:Pidgin.Result`2.Success"/> is true, or a default value.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Result`2.GetValueOrDefault(`1)">
            Get the value, or return the specified default value.
            <returns>The value if <see cref="P:Pidgin.Result`2.Success"/> is true, or the specified default value.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Result`2.GetValueOrDefault(System.Func{`1})">
            Get the value, or return the result of calling the specified function.
            <returns>The value if <see cref="P:Pidgin.Result`2.Success"/> is true, or the result of calling the specified function.</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Result`2.Match``1(System.Func{`1,``0},System.Func{Pidgin.ParseError{`0},``0})">
            Tear down this parse result using a function for the two possible outcomes.
            If <see cref="P:Pidgin.Result`2.Success"/> == true, <paramref name="success"/> will be called. Otherwise, <paramref name="failure"/> will be called.
            <typeparam name="U">The return type</typeparam>
            <param name="success">Called when the result has a value</param>
            <param name="failure">Called when the result does not have a value</param>
            <returns>The result of calling the <paramref name="success"/> or <paramref name="failure"/> function</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Result`2.Select``1(System.Func{`1,``0})">
            Project the value contained in the result
            <param name="selector">A transformation function to apply to the contained value</param>
            <typeparam name="U">The type of the resulting value</typeparam>
            <returns>The result of applying the transformation function to the contained value</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Result`2.SelectMany``1(System.Func{`1,Pidgin.Result{`0,``0}})">
            Projects the value of the result into a result, and flattens the resulting value into a single result.
            <param name="selector">A transformation function to apply to the contained value</param>
            <typeparam name="U">The type of the resulting possibly-absent value</typeparam>
            <returns>The final result</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Result`2.SelectMany``2(System.Func{`1,Pidgin.Result{`0,``0}},System.Func{`1,``0,``1})">
            Projects the value of the result into a result, and flattens the resulting value into a single result, applying a result selector function to the two values.
            <param name="selector">A transformation function to apply to the contained value</param>
            <param name="result">A transformation function to apply to the contained value and the value contained in the selected <see cref="T:Pidgin.Maybe`1"/></param>
            <typeparam name="U">The type of the value to select</typeparam>
            <typeparam name="R">The type of the resulting possibly-absent value</typeparam>
            <returns>The result of applying <paramref name="selector"/> to the contained value and <paramref name="result"/> to the intermediate values</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Result`2.Or(System.Func{Pidgin.Result{`0,`1}})">
            Choose the first successful result
            <param name="result">A fallback result if this one has an error</param>
            <returns>This result, if <see cref="P:Pidgin.Result`2.Success"/> == true, or the result of calling <paramref name="result"/></returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Result`2.Or(Pidgin.Result{`0,`1})">
            Choose the first successful result
            <param name="result">A fallback result if this one has an error</param>
            <returns>This result, if <see cref="P:Pidgin.Result`2.Success"/> == true, or <paramref name="result"/></returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.Result`2.Cast``1">
            Cast the value contained in the result to the specified output type
            <typeparam name="U">The type to cast the contained value to</typeparam>
            <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">Thrown when the contained value is not an instance of <typeparamref name="U"/></exception>
            <returns>A result containing this result's value casted to <typeparamref name="U"/></returns>
        <member name="T:Pidgin.SourcePos">
            Represents a (line, col) position in an input stream
        <member name="P:Pidgin.SourcePos.Line">
            Gets the line of the position in the input stream.
            The value is 1-indexed: a Line value of 1 refers to the first line of the input document.
            <returns>The line</returns>
        <member name="P:Pidgin.SourcePos.Col">
            Gets the column of the position in the input stream
            The value is 1-indexed: a Col value of 1 refers to the first column of the line.
            <returns>The column</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.SourcePos.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
            Create a new <see cref="T:Pidgin.SourcePos"/> with the specified 1-indexed line and column number.
            <param name="line">The 1-indexed line number</param>
            <param name="col">The 1-indexed column number</param>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.SourcePos.IncrementCol">
            Creates a <see cref="T:Pidgin.SourcePos"/> with the column number incremented by one
            <returns>A <see cref="T:Pidgin.SourcePos"/> with the column number incremented by one</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.SourcePos.NewLine">
            Creates a <see cref="T:Pidgin.SourcePos"/> with the line number incremented by one and the column number reset to 1
            <returns>A <see cref="T:Pidgin.SourcePos"/> with the line number incremented by one and the column number reset to 1</returns>
        <member name="M:Pidgin.SourcePos.Equals(Pidgin.SourcePos)">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.SourcePos.Equals(System.Object)">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.SourcePos.op_Equality(Pidgin.SourcePos,Pidgin.SourcePos)">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.SourcePos.op_Inequality(Pidgin.SourcePos,Pidgin.SourcePos)">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.SourcePos.GetHashCode">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.SourcePos.CompareTo(Pidgin.SourcePos)">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.SourcePos.op_GreaterThan(Pidgin.SourcePos,Pidgin.SourcePos)">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.SourcePos.op_LessThan(Pidgin.SourcePos,Pidgin.SourcePos)">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.SourcePos.op_GreaterThanOrEqual(Pidgin.SourcePos,Pidgin.SourcePos)">
        <member name="M:Pidgin.SourcePos.op_LessThanOrEqual(Pidgin.SourcePos,Pidgin.SourcePos)">
        <member name="T:Pidgin.Unit">
            An uninteresting type with only one value (<see cref="P:Pidgin.Unit.Value"/>) and no fields.
            Like <c>void</c>, but valid as a type parameter
        <member name="P:Pidgin.Unit.Value">
            The single unique <see cref="T:Pidgin.Unit"/> value.