
$scriptName = 'Context'
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - Importing module"

#region - From [functions] - [private]
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [private] - Processing folder"

#region - From [functions] - [private] - [JsonToObject]
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [private] - [JsonToObject] - Processing folder"

#region - From [functions] - [private] - [JsonToObject] - [Convert-ContextHashtableToObjectRecursive]
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [private] - [JsonToObject] - [Convert-ContextHashtableToObjectRecursive] - Importing"

function Convert-ContextHashtableToObjectRecursive {
        Converts a hashtable to a context object.

        This function is used to convert a hashtable to a context object.
        String values that are prefixed with '[SECURESTRING]', are converted back to SecureString objects.
        Other values are converted to their original types, like ints, booleans, string, arrays, and nested objects.

        Convert-ContextHashtableToObjectRecursive -Hashtable @{
            Name = 'Test'
            Token = '[SECURESTRING]TestToken'
            Nested = @{
                Name = 'Nested'
                Token = '[SECURESTRING]NestedToken'

        This example converts a hashtable to a context object, where the 'Token' and 'Nested.Token' values are SecureString objects.

        'PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText', '',
        Justification = 'The securestring is read from the object this function reads.'
    param (
        # Hashtable to convert to context object
        [object] $Hashtable
    $result = [pscustomobject]@{}

    foreach ($key in $Hashtable.Keys) {
        $value = $Hashtable[$key]
        Write-Debug "Processing [$key]"
        Write-Debug "Value type: $($value.GetType().FullName)"
        Write-Debug "Value: $value"
        if ($value -is [string] -and $value -like '`[SECURESTRING`]*') {
            Write-Debug "Converting [$key] as [SecureString]"
            $secureValue = $value -replace '^\[SECURESTRING\]', ''
            $result | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $key -NotePropertyValue ($secureValue | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force)
        } elseif ($value -is [hashtable]) {
            Write-Debug "Converting [$key] as [hashtable]"
            $result | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $key -NotePropertyValue (Convert-ContextHashtableToObjectRecursive $value)
        } elseif ($value -is [array]) {
            Write-Debug "Converting [$key] as [IEnumerable], including arrays and hashtables"
            $result | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $key -NotePropertyValue @(
                $value | ForEach-Object {
                    if ($_ -is [hashtable]) {
                        Convert-ContextHashtableToObjectRecursive $_
                    } else {
        } else {
            Write-Debug "Converting [$key] as regular value"
            $result | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $key -NotePropertyValue $value
    return $result

Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [private] - [JsonToObject] - [Convert-ContextHashtableToObjectRecursive] - Done"
#endregion - From [functions] - [private] - [JsonToObject] - [Convert-ContextHashtableToObjectRecursive]
#region - From [functions] - [private] - [JsonToObject] - [ConvertFrom-ContextJson]
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [private] - [JsonToObject] - [ConvertFrom-ContextJson] - Importing"

function ConvertFrom-ContextJson {
        Converts a JSON string to a context object.

        Converts a JSON string to a context object.
        [SECURESTRING] prefixed text is converted to SecureString objects.
        Other values are converted to their original types, like ints, booleans, string, arrays, and nested objects.

        ConvertFrom-ContextJson -JsonString '{
            "Name": "Test",
            "Token": "[SECURESTRING]TestToken",
            "Nested": {
                "Name": "Nested",
                "Token": "[SECURESTRING]NestedToken"

        This example converts a JSON string to a context object, where the 'Token' and 'Nested.Token' values are SecureString objects.

    param (
        # JSON string to convert to context object
        [string] $JsonString

    $hashtableObject = $JsonString | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 100 -AsHashtable
    return Convert-ContextHashtableToObjectRecursive $hashtableObject

Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [private] - [JsonToObject] - [ConvertFrom-ContextJson] - Done"
#endregion - From [functions] - [private] - [JsonToObject] - [ConvertFrom-ContextJson]

Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [private] - [JsonToObject] - Done"
#endregion - From [functions] - [private] - [JsonToObject]

#region - From [functions] - [private] - [ObjectToJSON]
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [private] - [ObjectToJSON] - Processing folder"

#region - From [functions] - [private] - [ObjectToJSON] - [Convert-ContextObjectToHashtableRecursive]
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [private] - [ObjectToJSON] - [Convert-ContextObjectToHashtableRecursive] - Importing"

function Convert-ContextObjectToHashtableRecursive {
        Converts a context object to a hashtable.

        This function converts a context object to a hashtable.
        Secure strings are converted to a string representation, prefixed with '[SECURESTRING]'.
        Datetime objects are converted to a string representation using the 'o' format specifier.
        Nested context objects are recursively converted to hashtables.

        Convert-ContextObjectToHashtableRecursive -Object ([PSCustomObject]@{
            Name = 'MySecret'
            AccessToken = '123123123' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
            Nested = @{
                Name = 'MyNestedSecret'
                NestedAccessToken = '123123123' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force

        Converts the context object to a hashtable. Converts the AccessToken and NestedAccessToken secure strings to a string representation.

    param (
        # The object to convert.
        [object] $Object
    $result = @{}

    if ($Object -is [hashtable]) {
        Write-Debug 'Converting [hashtable] to [PSCustomObject]'
        $Object = [PSCustomObject]$Object
    } elseif ($Object -is [string] -or $Object -is [int] -or $Object -is [bool]) {
        Write-Debug 'returning as string'
        return $Object

    foreach ($property in $Object.PSObject.Properties) {
        $value = $property.Value
        Write-Debug "Processing [$($property.Name)]"
        Write-Debug "Value type: $($value.GetType().FullName)"
        if ($value -is [datetime]) {
            Write-Debug '- as DateTime'
            $result[$property.Name] = $value.ToString('o')
        } elseif ($value -is [string] -or $Object -is [int] -or $Object -is [bool]) {
            Write-Debug '- as string, int, bool'
            $result[$property.Name] = $value
        } elseif ($value -is [System.Security.SecureString]) {
            Write-Debug '- as SecureString'
            $value = $value | ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText
            $result[$property.Name] = "[SECURESTRING]$value"
        } elseif ($value -is [psobject] -or $value -is [PSCustomObject] -or $value -is [hashtable]) {
            Write-Debug '- as PSObject, PSCustomObject or hashtable'
            $result[$property.Name] = Convert-ContextObjectToHashtableRecursive $value
        } elseif ($value -is [System.Collections.IEnumerable]) {
            Write-Debug '- as IEnumerable, including arrays and hashtables'
            $result[$property.Name] = @(
                $value | ForEach-Object {
                    Convert-ContextObjectToHashtableRecursive $_
        } else {
            Write-Debug '- as regular value'
            $result[$property.Name] = $value
    return $result

Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [private] - [ObjectToJSON] - [Convert-ContextObjectToHashtableRecursive] - Done"
#endregion - From [functions] - [private] - [ObjectToJSON] - [Convert-ContextObjectToHashtableRecursive]
#region - From [functions] - [private] - [ObjectToJSON] - [ConvertTo-ContextJson]
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [private] - [ObjectToJSON] - [ConvertTo-ContextJson] - Importing"

function ConvertTo-ContextJson {
        Takes an object and converts it to a JSON string.

        Takes objects or hashtables and converts them to a JSON string.
        SecureStrings are converted to plain text strings and prefixed with [SECURESTRING]. The conversion is recursive for any nested objects.
        Use ConvertFrom-ContextJson to convert back to an object.

        ConvertTo-ContextJson -Context ([pscustomobject]@{
            Name = 'MySecret'
            AccessToken = '123123123' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force

        Returns a JSON string representation of the object.

            "Name": "MySecret",
            "AccessToken ": "[SECURESTRING]123123123"

    param (
        # The object to convert to a Context JSON string.
        [object] $Context

    $processedObject = Convert-ContextObjectToHashtableRecursive $Context
    return ($processedObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 -Compress)

Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [private] - [ObjectToJSON] - [ConvertTo-ContextJson] - Done"
#endregion - From [functions] - [private] - [ObjectToJSON] - [ConvertTo-ContextJson]

Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [private] - [ObjectToJSON] - Done"
#endregion - From [functions] - [private] - [ObjectToJSON]

#region - From [functions] - [private] - [Get-ContextVault]
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [private] - [Get-ContextVault] - Importing"

#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement'; RequiredVersion = '1.1.2' }

function Get-ContextVault {
        Retrieves the context vault.

        Connects to a context vault.
        If the vault name is not set in the configuration, it throws an error.
        If the specified vault is not found, it throws an error.
        Otherwise, it returns the secret vault object.


        This example retrieves the context vault.


    if (-not $script:Config.VaultName) {
        throw 'Context vault name not set'

    Write-Verbose "Connecting to context vault [$($script:Config.VaultName)]"
    $secretVault = Get-SecretVault | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $script:Config.VaultName }
    if (-not $secretVault) {
        Write-Error $_
        throw "Context vault [$($script:Config.VaultName)] not found"

    return $secretVault

Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [private] - [Get-ContextVault] - Done"
#endregion - From [functions] - [private] - [Get-ContextVault]
#region - From [functions] - [private] - [Initialize-ContextVault]
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [private] - [Initialize-ContextVault] - Importing"

#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement'; RequiredVersion = '1.1.2' }
#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore'; RequiredVersion = '1.0.6' }

function Initialize-ContextVault {
        Initialize a context vault.

        Initialize a context vault. If the vault does not exist, it will be created and registered.

        The SecretStore is created with the following parameters:
        - Authentication: None
        - PasswordTimeout: -1 (infinite)
        - Interaction: None
        - Scope: CurrentUser


        Initializes a context vault named 'ContextVault' using the 'Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore' module.

    param (
        # The name of the secret vault.
        [string] $Name = $script:Config.VaultName,

        # The type of the secret vault.
        [string] $Type = $script:Config.VaultType
    $vault = Get-SecretVault | Where-Object { $_.ModuleName -eq $Type }
    if (-not $vault) {
        Write-Verbose "[$Type] - Configuring vault type"

        $vaultParameters = @{
            Authentication  = 'None'
            PasswordTimeout = -1
            Interaction     = 'None'
            Scope           = 'CurrentUser'
            WarningAction   = 'SilentlyContinue'
            Confirm         = $false
            Force           = $true
        Reset-SecretStore @vaultParameters
        Write-Verbose "[$Type] - Done"

        Write-Verbose "[$Name] - Registering vault"
        $secretVault = @{
            Name         = $Name
            ModuleName   = $Type
            DefaultVault = $true
            Description  = 'SecretStore'
        Register-SecretVault @secretVault
        Write-Verbose "[$Name] - Done"
    } else {
        Write-Verbose "[$Name] - Vault already registered"

    Get-SecretVault | Where-Object { $_.ModuleName -eq $Type }


Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [private] - [Initialize-ContextVault] - Done"
#endregion - From [functions] - [private] - [Initialize-ContextVault]

Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [private] - Done"
#endregion - From [functions] - [private]

#region - From [functions] - [public]
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - Processing folder"

#region - From [functions] - [public] - [Context]
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - [Context] - Processing folder"

#region - From [functions] - [public] - [Context] - [Get-Context]
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - [Context] - [Get-Context] - Importing"

#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement'; RequiredVersion = '1.1.2' }

filter Get-Context {
        Retrieves a context from the context vault.

        Retrieves a context from the context vault.
        If no name is specified, all contexts from the context vault will be retrieved.


        Get all contexts from the context vault.

        Get-Context -ID 'MySecret'

        Get the context called 'MySecret' from the vault.

        # The name of the context to retrieve from the vault.
        [string] $ID

    $contextVault = Get-ContextVault

    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ID')) {
        Write-Verbose "Retrieving all contexts from [$($contextVault.Name)]"
        $contexts = Get-SecretInfo -Vault $contextVault.Name | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
    } elseif ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ID)) {
        Write-Verbose "Return 0 contexts from [$($contextVault.Name)]"
    } else {
        $ID = "$($script:Config.SecretPrefix)$ID"
        Write-Verbose "Retrieving context [$ID] from [$($contextVault.Name)]"
        $contexts = Get-SecretInfo -Vault $contextVault.Name -Name $ID | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

    Write-Verbose "Found [$($contexts.Count)] contexts in [$($contextVault.Name)]"
    $contexts | ForEach-Object {
        Write-Verbose " - $_"
        $contextJson = Get-Secret -Name $_ -Vault $contextVault.Name -AsPlainText
        ConvertFrom-ContextJson -JsonString $contextJson

Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - [Context] - [Get-Context] - Done"
#endregion - From [functions] - [public] - [Context] - [Get-Context]
#region - From [functions] - [public] - [Context] - [Remove-Context]
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - [Context] - [Remove-Context] - Importing"

#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName = 'DynamicParams'; RequiredVersion = '1.1.8' }
#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement'; RequiredVersion = '1.1.2' }

filter Remove-Context {
        Removes a context from the context vault.

        This function removes a context from the vault. It supports removing a single context by name,
        multiple contexts using wildcard patterns, and can also accept input from the pipeline.
        If the specified context(s) exist, they will be removed from the vault.


        Removes all contexts from the vault.

        Remove-Context -ID 'MySecret'

        Removes the context called 'MySecret' from the vault.

        # The name of the context to remove from the vault.
        [string] $ID

    $contextVault = Get-ContextVault

    $ID = "$($script:Config.SecretPrefix)$ID"

    $contextName = Get-SecretInfo -Vault $script:Config.VaultName -Name $ID | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

    Write-Verbose "Removing context [$ID] from [$($contextVault.Name)]"
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Remove-Secret', $contextName)) {
        Write-Verbose "Removing secret [$contextName]"
        Remove-Secret -Name $contextName -Vault $contextVault.Name

Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - [Context] - [Remove-Context] - Done"
#endregion - From [functions] - [public] - [Context] - [Remove-Context]
#region - From [functions] - [public] - [Context] - [Set-Context]
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - [Context] - [Set-Context] - Importing"

#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement'; RequiredVersion = '1.1.2' }

function Set-Context {
        Set a context and store it in the context vault.

        If the context does not exist, it will be created. If it already exists, it will be updated.

        Set-Context -ID 'PSModule.GitHub' -Context @{ Name = 'MySecret' }

        Create a context called 'MySecret' in the vault.

        Set-Context -ID 'PSModule.GitHub' -Context @{ Name = 'MySecret'; AccessToken = '123123123' }

        Creates a context called 'MySecret' in the vault with the settings.

        # The ID of the context.
        [string] $ID,

        # The data of the context.
        [object] $Context

    $contextVault = Get-ContextVault

    $param = @{
        Name   = "$($script:Config.SecretPrefix)$ID"
        Secret = ConvertTo-ContextJson -Context $Context
        Vault  = $contextVault.Name

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Set-Secret', $param)) {
        Set-Secret @param

Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - [Context] - [Set-Context] - Done"
#endregion - From [functions] - [public] - [Context] - [Set-Context]

Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - [Context] - Done"
#endregion - From [functions] - [public] - [Context]

#region - From [functions] - [public] - [ContextSetting]
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - [ContextSetting] - Processing folder"

#region - From [functions] - [public] - [ContextSetting] - [Get-ContextSetting]
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - [ContextSetting] - [Get-ContextSetting] - Importing"

#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement'; RequiredVersion = '1.1.2' }

function Get-ContextSetting {
        Retrieve a setting from a context.

        This function retrieves a setting from a specified context.

        Get-ContextSetting -Context 'GitHub' -Name 'APIBaseUri'

        Get the value of the 'APIBaseUri' setting from the 'GitHub' context.

    param (
        # The context to get the configuration from.
        [string] $ID,

        # Name of a setting to get.
        [string] $Name

    $null = Get-ContextVault
    $context = Get-Context -ID $ID

    if (-not $context) {
        throw "Context [$ID] not found"

    Write-Verbose "Returning setting: [$Name]"

Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - [ContextSetting] - [Get-ContextSetting] - Done"
#endregion - From [functions] - [public] - [ContextSetting] - [Get-ContextSetting]
#region - From [functions] - [public] - [ContextSetting] - [Remove-ContextSetting]
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - [ContextSetting] - [Remove-ContextSetting] - Importing"

#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName = 'DynamicParams'; RequiredVersion = '1.1.8' }

filter Remove-ContextSetting {
        Remove a setting from the context.

        This function removes a setting from the specified context.
        It supports wildcard patterns for the name and does accept pipeline input.

        .PARAMETER Name
        Name of a setting to remove.

        Remove-ContextSetting -Name 'APIBaseUri' -Context 'GitHub'

        Remove the APIBaseUri setting from the 'GitHub' context.

        Get-ContextSetting -Context 'GitHub' | Remove-ContextSetting

        Remove all settings starting with 'API' from the 'GitHub' context.

        Remove-ContextSetting -Name 'API*' -Context 'GitHub'

        Remove all settings starting with 'API' from the 'GitHub' context.

        Get-ContextSetting -Context 'GitHub' | Where-Object { $_.Name -like 'API*' } | Remove-ContextSetting

        Remove all settings starting with 'API' from the 'GitHub' context using pipeline input.

        # The name of the setting to remove.
        [string] $Name,

        # The name of the context where the setting will be removed.
        [string] $ID

    $null = Get-ContextVault
    $context = Get-Context -ID $ID

    if (-not $context) {
        throw "Context [$ID] not found"

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("[$($context.Name)]", "Remove [$Name]")) {
        Write-Verbose "Setting [$Name] in [$($context.Name)]"
        Set-Context -Context $context -ID $ID

Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - [ContextSetting] - [Remove-ContextSetting] - Done"
#endregion - From [functions] - [public] - [ContextSetting] - [Remove-ContextSetting]
#region - From [functions] - [public] - [ContextSetting] - [Set-ContextSetting]
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - [ContextSetting] - [Set-ContextSetting] - Importing"

#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName = 'DynamicParams'; RequiredVersion = '1.1.8' }
#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement'; RequiredVersion = '1.1.2' }

function Set-ContextSetting {
        Sets a setting in a context.

        Sets a setting in the specified context.

        Set-ContextSetting -Name 'ApiBaseUri' -Value '' -Context 'GitHub'

        Sets a setting called 'ApiBaseUri' in the context called 'GitHub'.

        $secret = 'myAccessToken' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
        Set-ContextSetting -Name 'Secret' -Value $secret -Context 'GitHub'

        Sets a secret in the configuration context called 'GitHub'.

    param (
        # The name of the setting to set.
        [string] $Name,

        # The value to set for the specified setting. This can be a plain text string or a secure string.
        [object] $Value,

        # The name of the context where the setting will be set.
        [string] $ID

    $null = Get-ContextVault
    $context = Get-Context -ID $ID

    if (-not $context) {
        throw "Context [$ID] not found"

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name, "Set value [$Value]")) {
        Write-Verbose "Setting [$Name] to [$Value] in [$ID]"
        if ($context.PSObject.Properties[$Name]) {
            $context.$Name = $Value
        } else {
            $context | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $Name -NotePropertyValue $Value -Force
        Set-Context -Context $context -ID $ID

Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - [ContextSetting] - [Set-ContextSetting] - Done"
#endregion - From [functions] - [public] - [ContextSetting] - [Set-ContextSetting]

Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - [ContextSetting] - Done"
#endregion - From [functions] - [public] - [ContextSetting]

Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [functions] - [public] - Done"
#endregion - From [functions] - [public]

#region - From [variables] - [private]
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [variables] - [private] - Processing folder"

#region - From [variables] - [private] - [Config]
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [variables] - [private] - [Config] - Importing"

$script:Config = [pscustomobject]@{
    SecretPrefix = 'Context:'                         # $script:Config.SecretPrefix
    VaultName    = 'SecretStore'                      # $script:Config.VaultName
    VaultType    = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore' # $script:Config.VaultType

Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [variables] - [private] - [Config] - Done"
#endregion - From [variables] - [private] - [Config]

Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [variables] - [private] - Done"
#endregion - From [variables] - [private]

#region - From [loader]
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [loader] - Importing"

try {
} catch {
    Write-Error $_
    throw 'Failed to initialize secret vault'
Write-Verbose "[$scriptName] - [loader] - Done"
#endregion - From [loader]

$exports = @{
    Alias    = '*'
    Cmdlet   = ''
    Function = @(
Export-ModuleMember @exports