function Install-CWAA { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True, DefaultParameterSetName = 'deployment')] [Alias('Install-LTService')] Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'deployment')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'installertoken')] [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $True)] [string[]]$Server, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'deployment')] [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [AllowNull()] [Alias('Password')] [string]$ServerPassword, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'installertoken')] [ValidatePattern('(?s:^[0-9a-z]+$)')] [string]$InstallerToken, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [AllowNull()] [int]$LocationID, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [AllowNull()] [int]$TrayPort, [Parameter()] [AllowNull()] [string]$Rename, [switch]$Hide, [switch]$SkipDotNet, [switch]$Force, [switch]$NoWait ) Begin { Clear-Variable DotNET, OSVersion, PasswordArg, Result, logpath, logfile, curlog, installer, installerTest, installerResult, GoodServer, GoodTrayPort, TestTrayPort, Svr, SVer, SvrVer, SvrVerCheck, iarg, timeout, sw, tmpLTSI -EA 0 -WhatIf:$False -Confirm:$False #Clearing Variables for use Write-Debug "Starting $($myInvocation.InvocationName) at line $(LINENUM)" if (!($Force)) { if (Get-Service 'LTService', 'LTSvcMon' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { if ($WhatIfPreference -ne $True) { Write-Error "ERROR: Line $(LINENUM): Services are already installed." -ErrorAction Stop } else { Write-Error "ERROR: Line $(LINENUM): What if: Stopping: Services are already installed." -ErrorAction Stop } } } if (-not ([bool](([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() | Select-Object -Expand groups -EA 0) -match 'S-1-5-32-544'))) { Throw 'Needs to be ran as Administrator' } if (!$SkipDotNet) { $DotNET = Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP' -Recurse -EA 0 | Get-ItemProperty -Name Version, Release -EA 0 | Where-Object { $_.PSChildName -match '^(?!S)\p{L}' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Version -EA 0 if (-not ($DotNet -like '3.5.*')) { Write-Output '.NET Framework 3.5 installation needed.' #Install-WindowsFeature Net-Framework-Core $OSVersion = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version if ([version]$OSVersion -gt [version]'6.2') { Try { if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('NetFx3', 'Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature') ) { $Install = Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName 'NetFx3' if (!($Install.State -eq 'EnablePending')) { $Install = Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName 'NetFx3' -All -NoRestart } if ($Install.RestartNeeded -or $Install.State -eq 'EnablePending') { Write-Output '.NET Framework 3.5 installed but a reboot is needed.' } } } Catch { Write-Error "ERROR: Line $(LINENUM): .NET 3.5 install failed." -ErrorAction Continue if (!($Force)) { Write-Error ("Line $(LINENUM):", $Install) -ErrorAction Stop } } } Elseif ([version]$OSVersion -gt [version]'6.1') { if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('NetFx3', 'Add Windows Feature') ) { Try { $Result = & "${env:windir}\system32\Dism.exe" /English /NoRestart /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 2>'' } Catch { Write-Output 'Error calling Dism.exe.'; $Result = $Null } Try { $Result = & "${env:windir}\system32\Dism.exe" /English /Online /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:NetFx3 2>'' } Catch { Write-Output 'Error calling Dism.exe.'; $Result = $Null } if ($Result -contains 'State : Enabled') { Write-Warning "WARNING: Line $(LINENUM): .Net Framework 3.5 has been installed and enabled." } Elseif ($Result -contains 'State : Enable Pending') { Write-Warning "WARNING: Line $(LINENUM): .Net Framework 3.5 installed but a reboot is needed." } else { Write-Error "ERROR: Line $(LINENUM): .NET Framework 3.5 install failed." -ErrorAction Continue if (!($Force)) { Write-Error ("ERROR: Line $(LINENUM):", $Result) -ErrorAction Stop } } } } $DotNET = Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP' -Recurse | Get-ItemProperty -Name Version -EA 0 | Where-Object { $_.PSChildName -match '^(?!S)\p{L}' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Version } if (-not ($DotNet -like '3.5.*')) { if (($Force)) { if ($DotNet -match '(?m)^[2-4].\d') { Write-Error "ERROR: Line $(LINENUM): .NET 3.5 is not detected and could not be installed." -ErrorAction Continue } else { Write-Error "ERROR: Line $(LINENUM): .NET 2.0 or greater is not detected and could not be installed." -ErrorAction Stop } } else { Write-Error "ERROR: Line $(LINENUM): .NET 3.5 is not detected and could not be installed." -ErrorAction Stop } } } $InstallBase = "${env:windir}\Temp\LabTech" $logfile = 'LTAgentInstall' $curlog = "$($InstallBase)\$($logfile).log" if ($ServerPassword -match '"') {$ServerPassword=$ServerPassword.Replace('"','""')} if (-not (Test-Path -PathType Container -Path "$InstallBase\Installer" )) { New-Item "$InstallBase\Installer" -type directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null } if ((Test-Path -PathType Leaf -Path $($curlog))) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($curlog)", 'Rotate existing log file')) { Get-Item -LiteralPath $curlog -EA 0 | Where-Object { $_ } | ForEach-Object { Rename-Item -Path $($_ | Select-Object -Expand FullName -EA 0) -NewName "$($logfile)-$(Get-Date $($_|Select-Object -Expand LastWriteTime -EA 0) -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmss').log" -Force -Confirm:$False -WhatIf:$False Remove-Item -Path $($_ | Select-Object -Expand FullName -EA 0) -Force -EA 0 -Confirm:$False -WhatIf:$False } } } } Process { if (-not ($LocationID -or $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'installertoken')) { $LocationID = '1' } if (-not ($TrayPort) -or -not ($TrayPort -ge 1 -and $TrayPort -le 65535)) { $TrayPort = '42000' } $Server = ForEach ($Svr in $Server) { if ($Svr -notmatch 'https?://.+') { "https://$($Svr)" }; $Svr } ForEach ($Svr in $Server) { if (-not ($GoodServer)) { if ($Svr -match '^(https?://)?(([12]?[0-9]{1,2}\.){3}[12]?[0-9]{1,2}|[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_-]*(\.[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_-]*)*)$') { $InstallMSI='Agent_Install.msi' if ($Svr -notmatch 'https?://.+') { $Svr = "http://$($Svr)" } Try { $SvrVerCheck = "$($Svr)/LabTech/Agent.aspx" Write-Debug "Line $(LINENUM): Testing Server Response and Version: $SvrVerCheck" $SvrVer = $Script:LTServiceNetWebClient.DownloadString($SvrVerCheck) Write-Debug "Line $(LINENUM): Raw Response: $SvrVer" $SVer = $SvrVer|select-string -pattern '(?<=[|]{6})[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}'|ForEach-Object {$_.matches}|Select-Object -Expand value -EA 0 if ($Null -eq $SVer) { Write-Verbose "Unable to test version response from $($Svr)." Continue } if (($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'installertoken')) { $installer = "$($Svr)/LabTech/Deployment.aspx?InstallerToken=$InstallerToken" if ([System.Version]$SVer -ge [System.Version]'240.331') { Write-Debug "Line $(LINENUM): New MSI Installer Format Needed" $InstallMSI='' } } Elseif ($ServerPassword) { $installer = "$($Svr)/LabTech/Service/LabTechRemoteAgent.msi" } Elseif ([System.Version]$SVer -ge [System.Version]'110.374') { #New Style Download Link starting with LT11 Patch 13 - Direct Location Targeting is no longer available $installer = "$($Svr)/LabTech/Deployment.aspx?Probe=1&installType=msi&MSILocations=1" } else { #Original URL Write-Warning 'Update your damn server!' $installer = "$($Svr)/LabTech/Deployment.aspx?Probe=1&installType=msi&MSILocations=$LocationID" } # Vuln test June 10, 2020: ConnectWise Automate API Vulnerability - Only test if version is below known minimum. if ([System.Version]$SVer -lt [System.Version]'200.197') { Try{ $HTTP_Request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create("$($Svr)/LabTech/Deployment.aspx") if ($HTTP_Request.GetResponse().StatusCode -eq 'OK') { $Message = @('Your server is vulnerable!!') $Message += '' Write-Warning $($Message | Out-String) } } Catch { if (!$ServerPassword) { Write-Error 'Anonymous downloads are not allowed. ServerPassword or InstallerToken may be needed.' Continue } } } if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($installer, 'DownloadFile') ) { Write-Debug "Line $(LINENUM): Downloading $InstallMSI from $installer" $Script:LTServiceNetWebClient.DownloadFile($installer, "$InstallBase\Installer\$InstallMSI") if ((Test-Path "$InstallBase\Installer\$InstallMSI") -and !((Get-Item "$InstallBase\Installer\$InstallMSI" -EA 0).length / 1KB -gt 1234)) { Write-Warning "WARNING: Line $(LINENUM): $InstallMSI size is below normal. Removing suspected corrupt file." Remove-Item "$InstallBase\Installer\$InstallMSI" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force -Confirm:$False Continue } } if ($WhatIfPreference -eq $True) { $GoodServer = $Svr } Elseif (Test-Path "$InstallBase\Installer\$InstallMSI") { $GoodServer = $Svr Write-Verbose "$InstallMSI downloaded successfully from server $($Svr)." if (($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'installertoken') -and [System.Version]$SVer -ge [System.Version]'240.331') { Expand-Archive "$InstallBase\Installer\$InstallMSI" -DestinationPath "$InstallBase\Installer" -Force #Cleanup .ZIP Remove-Item "$InstallBase\Installer\$InstallMSI" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force -Confirm:$False #Reset InstallMSI Value $InstallMSI='Agent_Install.msi' } } else { Write-Warning "WARNING: Line $(LINENUM): Error encountered downloading from $($Svr). No installation file was received." Continue } } Catch { Write-Warning "WARNING: Line $(LINENUM): Error encountered downloading from $($Svr)." Continue } } else { Write-Warning "WARNING: Line $(LINENUM): Server address $($Svr) is not formatted correctly. Example:" } } else { Write-Debug "Line $(LINENUM): Server $($GoodServer) has been selected." Write-Verbose "Server has already been selected - Skipping $($Svr)." } } } End { if ($GoodServer) { if ( $WhatIfPreference -eq $True -and (Get-PSCallStack)[1].Command -eq 'Redo-LTService' ) { Write-Debug "Line $(LINENUM): Skipping Preinstall Check: Called by Redo-LTService and ""-WhatIf=`$True""" } else { if ((Test-Path "${env:windir}\ltsvc" -EA 0) -or (Test-Path "${env:windir}\temp\_ltupdate" -EA 0) -or (Test-Path registry::HKLM\Software\LabTech\Service -EA 0) -or (Test-Path registry::HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Labtech\Service -EA 0)) { Write-Warning "WARNING: Line $(LINENUM): Previous installation detected. Calling Uninstall-LTService" Uninstall-LTService -Server $GoodServer -Force Start-Sleep 10 } } if ($WhatIfPreference -ne $True) { $GoodTrayPort = $Null; $TestTrayPort = $TrayPort; For ($i = 0; $i -le 10; $i++) { if (-not ($GoodTrayPort)) { if (-not (Test-LTPorts -TrayPort $TestTrayPort -Quiet)) { $TestTrayPort++; if ($TestTrayPort -gt 42009) { $TestTrayPort = 42000 } } else { $GoodTrayPort = $TestTrayPort } } } if ($GoodTrayPort -and $GoodTrayPort -ne $TrayPort -and $GoodTrayPort -ge 1 -and $GoodTrayPort -le 65535) { Write-Verbose "TrayPort $($TrayPort) is in use. Changing TrayPort to $($GoodTrayPort)" $TrayPort = $GoodTrayPort } Write-Output 'Starting Install.' } #Build parameter string $iarg =($( "/i `"$InstallBase\Installer\$InstallMSI`"" "SERVERADDRESS=$GoodServer" if (($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'installertoken') -and [System.Version]$SVer -ge [System.Version]'240.331') {"TRANSFORMS=`"Agent_Install.mst`""} if ($ServerPassword -and $ServerPassword -match '.') {"SERVERPASS=`"$($ServerPassword)`""} if ($LocationID -and $LocationID -match '^\d+$') {"LOCATION=$LocationID"} if ($TrayPort -and $TrayPort -ne 42000) {"SERVICEPORT=$TrayPort"} "/qn" "/l `"$InstallBase\$logfile.log`"" ) | Where-Object {$_}) -join ' ' Try { if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("msiexec.exe $($iarg)", 'Execute Install') ) { $InstallAttempt = 0 Do { if ($InstallAttempt -gt 0 ) { Write-Warning "WARNING: Line $(LINENUM): Service Failed to Install. Retrying in 30 seconds." -WarningAction 'Continue' $timeout = New-TimeSpan -Seconds 30 $sw = [diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew() Do { Start-Sleep 5 $svcRun = ('LTService') | Get-Service -EA 0 | Measure-Object | Select-Object -Expand Count } Until ($sw.elapsed -gt $timeout -or $svcRun -eq 1) $sw.Stop() } $InstallAttempt++ $svcRun = ('LTService') | Get-Service -EA 0 | Measure-Object | Select-Object -Expand Count if ($svcRun -eq 0) { Write-Verbose "Launching Installation Process: msiexec.exe $(($iarg -join ''))" Start-Process -Wait -FilePath "${env:windir}\system32\msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList $iarg -WorkingDirectory $env:TEMP Start-Sleep 5 } $svcRun = ('LTService') | Get-Service -EA 0 | Measure-Object | Select-Object -Expand Count } Until ($InstallAttempt -ge 3 -or $svcRun -eq 1) if ($svcRun -eq 0) { Write-Error "ERROR: Line $(LINENUM): LTService was not installed. Installation failed." Return } } if (($Script:LTProxy.Enabled) -eq $True) { Write-Verbose 'Proxy Configuration Needed. Applying Proxy Settings to Agent Installation.' if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Script:LTProxy.ProxyServerURL, 'Configure Agent Proxy') ) { $svcRun = ('LTService') | Get-Service -EA 0 | Where-Object { $_.Status -eq 'Running' } | Measure-Object | Select-Object -Expand Count if ($svcRun -ne 0) { $timeout = New-TimeSpan -Minutes 2 $sw = [diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew() Write-Host -NoNewline 'Waiting for Service to Start.' Do { Write-Host -NoNewline '.' Start-Sleep 2 $svcRun = ('LTService') | Get-Service -EA 0 | Where-Object { $_.Status -eq 'Running' } | Measure-Object | Select-Object -Expand Count } Until ($sw.elapsed -gt $timeout -or $svcRun -eq 1) Write-Host '' $sw.Stop() if ($svcRun -eq 1) { Write-Debug "Line $(LINENUM): LTService Initial Startup Successful." } else { Write-Debug "Line $(LINENUM): LTService Initial Startup failed to complete within expected period." } } Set-LTProxy -ProxyServerURL $Script:LTProxy.ProxyServerURL -ProxyUsername $Script:LTProxy.ProxyUsername -ProxyPassword $Script:LTProxy.ProxyPassword -Confirm:$False -WhatIf:$False } } else { Write-Verbose 'No Proxy Configuration has been specified - Continuing.' } if (!($NoWait) -and $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('LTService', 'Monitor For Successful Agent Registration') ) { $timeout = New-TimeSpan -Minutes 15 $sw = [diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew() Write-Host -NoNewline 'Waiting for agent to register.' Do { Write-Host -NoNewline '.' Start-Sleep 5 $tmpLTSI = (Get-LTServiceInfo -EA 0 -Verbose:$False -WhatIf:$False -Confirm:$False -Debug:$False | Select-Object -Expand 'ID' -EA 0) } Until ($sw.elapsed -gt $timeout -or $tmpLTSI -ge 1) Write-Host '' $sw.Stop() Write-Verbose "Completed wait for LabTech Installation after $(([int32]$sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds).ToString()) seconds." $Null = Get-LTProxy -ErrorAction Continue } if ($Hide) { Hide-LTAddRemove } } Catch { Write-Error "ERROR: Line $(LINENUM): There was an error during the install process. $($Error[0])" Return } if ($WhatIfPreference -ne $True) { #Cleanup Install files Remove-Item "$InstallBase\Installer\$InstallMSI" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force -Confirm:$False Remove-Item "$InstallBase\Installer\Agent_Install.mst" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force -Confirm:$False @($curlog, "${env:windir}\LTSvc\Install.log") | ForEach-Object { if ((Test-Path -PathType Leaf -LiteralPath $($_))) { $logcontents = Get-Content -Path $_ $logcontents = $logcontents -replace '(?<=PreInstallPass:[^\r\n]+? (?:result|value)): [^\r\n]+', ': <REDACTED>' if ($logcontents) { Set-Content -Path $_ -Value $logcontents -Force -Confirm:$False } } } $tmpLTSI = Get-LTServiceInfo -EA 0 -Verbose:$False -WhatIf:$False -Confirm:$False -Debug:$False if (($tmpLTSI)) { if (($tmpLTSI | Select-Object -Expand 'ID' -EA 0) -ge 1) { Write-Output "LabTech has been installed successfully. Agent ID: $($tmpLTSI|Select-Object -Expand 'ID' -EA 0) LocationID: $($tmpLTSI|Select-Object -Expand 'LocationID' -EA 0)" } Elseif (!($NoWait)) { Write-Error "ERROR: Line $(LINENUM): LabTech installation completed but Agent failed to register within expected period." -ErrorAction Continue } else { Write-Warning "WARNING: Line $(LINENUM): LabTech installation completed but Agent did not yet register." -WarningAction Continue } } else { if (($Error)) { Write-Error "ERROR: Line $(LINENUM): There was an error installing LabTech. Check the log, $InstallBase\$logfile.log $($Error[0])" Return } Elseif (!($NoWait)) { Write-Error "ERROR: Line $(LINENUM): There was an error installing LabTech. Check the log, $InstallBase\$logfile.log" Return } else { Write-Warning "WARNING: Line $(LINENUM): LabTech installation may not have succeeded." -WarningAction Continue } } } if (($Rename) -and $Rename -notmatch 'False') { Rename-LTAddRemove -Name $Rename } } Elseif ( $WhatIfPreference -ne $True ) { Write-Error "ERROR: Line $(LINENUM): No valid server was reached to use for the install." } Write-Debug "Exiting $($myInvocation.InvocationName) at line $(LINENUM)" } } |