function ConvertTo-Page { <# .SYNOPSIS Extracted the conversion to private function in order to have a single place to select the properties to use when casting to custom object type #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType( [ConfluencePS.Page] )] param ( # object to convert [Parameter( Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true )] $InputObject ) Process { foreach ($object in $InputObject) { Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] Converting Object to Page" ($object | Select-Object ` id, status, title, @{Name = "space"; Expression = { if ($ { ConvertTo-Space $ } else {$null} } }, @{Name = "version"; Expression = { if ($_.version) { ConvertTo-Version $_.version } else {$null} } }, @{Name = "body"; Expression = {$}}, @{Name = "ancestors"; Expression = { if ($_.ancestors) { ConvertTo-PageAncestor $_.ancestors } else {$null} } }, @{Name = "URL"; Expression = { if ($_._links.webui) { "{0}{1}" -f $_._links.base, $_._links.webui } else {$null} } }, @{Name = "ShortURL"; Expression = { if ($_._links.tinyui) { "{0}{1}" -f $_._links.base, $_._links.tinyui } else {$null} } } ) -as [ConfluencePS.Page] } } } |