$script:dscResourceCommonPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '..\..\Modules\DscResource.Common' $script:configMgrResourcehelper = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '..\..\Modules\ConfigMgrCBDsc.ResourceHelper' Import-Module -Name $script:dscResourceCommonPath Import-Module -Name $script:configMgrResourcehelper $script:localizedData = Get-LocalizedData -DefaultUICulture 'en-US' <# .SYNOPSIS This will return a hashtable of results. .PARAMETER SiteCode Specifies the site code for Configuration Manager site. .PARAMETER Enabled Specifies the enablement of the System discovery method. #> function Get-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $SiteCode, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Boolean] $Enabled ) Write-Verbose -Message $script:localizedData.RetrieveSettingValue Import-ConfigMgrPowerShellModule -SiteCode $SiteCode Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):\" $systemDiscovery = Get-CMDiscoveryMethod -Name ActiveDirectorySystemDiscovery -SiteCode $SiteCode foreach ($prop in $systemDiscovery.Props) { switch ($prop.PropertyName) { 'Settings' { $enabledStatus = ($prop.Value1 -eq 'Active') } 'Full Sync Schedule' { $systemSchedule = $prop.Value1 } 'Enable Incremental Sync' { $deltaEnabled = $prop.Value } 'Startup Schedule' { $systemDelta = $prop.Value1 } 'Enable Filtering Expired Logon' { $lastLogonEnabled = $prop.Value } 'Days Since Last Logon' { $lastLogon = $prop.Value } 'Enable Filtering Expired Password' { $lastPasswordEnabled = $prop.Value } 'Days Since Last Password Set' { $lastPassword = $prop.Value } } } $adContainersList = ($systemDiscovery.Proplists | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.PropertyListName -eq 'AD Containers'}).Values foreach ($line in $adContainersList) { if ($line -match 'LDAP://') { [array]$adContainerArray += $line } } if ($deltaEnabled -eq 0) { $systemSchedule = $systemDelta $systemDelta = $null } $scheduleConvert = ConvertTo-ScheduleInterval -ScheduleString $systemSchedule if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($systemDelta)) { $sDelta = Convert-CMSchedule -ScheduleString $systemDelta if ($sDelta.HourSpan -eq 1) { $syncDelta = 60 } else { $syncDelta = $sDelta.MinuteSpan } } return @{ SiteCode = $SiteCode Enabled = $enabledStatus ScheduleInterval = $scheduleConvert.Interval ScheduleCount = $scheduleConvert.Count EnableDeltaDiscovery = $deltaEnabled DeltaDiscoveryMins = $syncDelta EnableFilteringExpiredLogon = $lastLogonEnabled TimeSinceLastLogonDays = $lastLogon EnableFilteringExpiredPassword = $lastPasswordEnabled TimeSinceLastPasswordUpdateDays = $lastPassword ADContainers = $adContainerArray } } <# .SYNOPSIS This will set the desired state. .PARAMETER SiteCode Specifies the site code for Configuration Manager site. .PARAMETER Enabled Specifies the enablement of the System discovery method. .PARAMETER EnableDeltaDiscovery Indicates whether Configuration Manager discovers resources created or modified in AD DS since the last discovery cycle. If you specify a value of $True for this parameter, specify a value for the DeltaDiscoveryMins parameter. .PARAMETER DeltaDiscoveryMins Specifies the number of minutes for the delta discovery. .PARAMETER EnableFilteringExpiredLogon Indicates whether Configuration Manager discovers only computers that have logged onto a domain within a specified number of days. Specify the number of days by using the TimeSinceLastLogonDays parameter. .PARAMETER TimeSinceLastLogonDays Specify the number of days for EnableFilteringExpiredLogon. .PARAMETER EnableFilteringExpiredPassword Indicates whether Configuration Manager discovers only computers that have updated their computer account password within a specified number of days. Specify the number of days by using the TimeSinceLastPasswordUpdateDays parameter. .PARAMETER TimeSinceLastPasswordUpdateDays Specify the number of days for EnableFilteringExpiredPassword. .PARAMETER ADContainers Specifies an array of names of Active Directory containers to match to the discovery. .PARAMETER ADContainersToInclude Specifies an array of names of Active Directory containers to add to the discovery. .PARAMETER ADContainersToExclude Specifies an array of names of Active Directory containers to exclude to the discovery. .PARAMETER ScheduleInterval Specifies the time when the scheduled event recurs. .PARAMETER ScheduleCount Specifies how often the recur interval is run. #> function Set-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $SiteCode, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Boolean] $Enabled, [Parameter()] [Boolean] $EnableDeltaDiscovery, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(5,60)] [UInt32] $DeltaDiscoveryMins, [Parameter()] [Boolean] $EnableFilteringExpiredLogon, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(14,720)] [UInt32] $TimeSinceLastLogonDays, [Parameter()] [Boolean] $EnableFilteringExpiredPassword, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(30,720)] [UInt32] $TimeSinceLastPasswordUpdateDays, [Parameter()] [String[]] $ADContainers, [Parameter()] [String[]] $ADContainersToInclude, [Parameter()] [String[]] $ADContainersToExclude, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('None','Days','Hours','Minutes')] [String] $ScheduleInterval, [Parameter()] [UInt32] $ScheduleCount ) Import-ConfigMgrPowerShellModule -SiteCode $SiteCode Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):\" try { $state = Get-TargetResource -SiteCode $SiteCode -Enabled $Enabled if ($Enabled -eq $true) { if (($PSBoundParameters.DeltaDiscoveryMins) -and ($PSBoundParameters.EnableDeltaDiscovery -eq $false -or ($state.EnableDeltaDiscovery -eq $false -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PSBoundParameters.EnableDeltaDiscovery)))) { throw $script:localizedData.MissingDeltaDiscovery } if (($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ScheduleInterval') -and $PSBoundParameters.ScheduleInterval -ne 'None') -and (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ScheduleCount'))) { throw $script:localizedData.IntervalCount } if (($EnableDeltaDiscovery -eq $true -and $state.EnableDeltaDiscovery -eq $false) -and (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DeltaDiscoveryMins'))) { throw $script:localizedData.DeltaNoInterval } if ($ADContainersToInclude -and $ADContainersToExclude) { foreach ($item in $ADContainersToInclude) { if ($ADContainersToExclude -contains $item) { throw ($script:localizedData.ContainersInEx -f $item) } } } $paramsToCheck = @('Enabled','EnableDeltaDiscovery','DeltaDiscoveryMins','EnableFilteringExpiredLogon', 'TimeSinceLastLogonDays','EnableFilteringExpiredPassword','TimeSinceLastPasswordUpdateDays') foreach ($param in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) { if ($paramsToCheck -contains $param.Key) { if ($param.Value -ne $state[$param.Key]) { Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.SetCommonSettings -f $param.Key, $param.Value) $buildingParams += @{ $param.Key = $param.Value } } } } if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ScheduleInterval)) { if ($ScheduleInterval -eq 'Days' -and $ScheduleCount -ge 32) { Write-Warning -Message ($script:localizedData.MaxIntervalDays -f $ScheduleCount) $scheduleCheck = 31 } elseif ($ScheduleInterval -eq 'Hours' -and $ScheduleCount -ge 24) { Write-Warning -Message ($script:localizedData.MaxIntervalHours -f $ScheduleCount) $scheduleCheck = 23 } elseif (($ScheduleInterval -eq 'Minutes') -and ($ScheduleCount -ge 60 -or $ScheduleCount -le 4)) { if ($ScheduleCount -ge 60) { Write-Warning -Message ($script:localizedData.MaxIntervalMins -f $ScheduleCount) $scheduleCheck = 59 } else { Write-Warning -Message ($script:localizedData.MinIntervalMins -f $ScheduleCount) $scheduleCheck = 5 } } else { $scheduleCheck = $ScheduleCount } if ($ScheduleInterval -ne $state.ScheduleInterval) { Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.SIntervalSet -f $ScheduleInterval) $setSchedule = $true } if (($ScheduleInterval -ne 'None') -and ($scheduleCheck -ne $state.ScheduleCount)) { Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.SCountSet -f $scheduleCheck) $setSchedule = $true } if ($setSchedule -eq $true) { if ($ScheduleInterval -eq 'None') { $pschedule = New-CMSchedule -Nonrecurring } else { $pScheduleSet = @{ RecurInterval = $ScheduleInterval RecurCount = $scheduleCheck } $pschedule = New-CMSchedule @pScheduleSet } $buildingParams += @{ PollingSchedule = $pSchedule } } } if ($ADContainers -or $ADContainersToInclude -or $ADContainersToExclude) { $containersArray = @{ Match = $ADContainers Include = $ADContainersToInclude Exclude = $ADContainersToExclude CurrentState = $state.ADContainers } $containersCompare = Compare-MultipleCompares @containersArray if ($containersCompare.Missing) { Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.ADContainerMissing -f ($containersCompare.Missing | Out-String)) $buildingParams += @{ AddActiveDirectoryContainer = $containersCompare.Missing } } if ($containersCompare.Remove) { Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.ADContainerExtra -f ($containersCompare.Remove | Out-String)) $buildingParams += @{ RemoveActiveDirectoryContainer = $containersCompare.Remove } } } if ($buildingParams) { Set-CMDiscoveryMethod -ActiveDirectorySystemDiscovery -SiteCode $SiteCode @buildingParams } } else { if ($state.Enabled -eq $true) { Write-Verbose -Message $script:localizedData.SetDisabled Set-CMDiscoveryMethod -ActiveDirectorySystemDiscovery -Enabled $false -SiteCode $SiteCode } } } catch { throw $_ } finally { Set-Location -Path "$env:temp" } } <# .SYNOPSIS This will set the desired state. .PARAMETER SiteCode Specifies the site code for Configuration Manager site. .PARAMETER Enabled Specifies the enablement of the System discovery method. .PARAMETER EnableDeltaDiscovery Indicates whether Configuration Manager discovers resources created or modified in AD DS since the last discovery cycle. If you specify a value of $True for this parameter, specify a value for the DeltaDiscoveryMins parameter. .PARAMETER DeltaDiscoveryMins Specifies the number of minutes for the delta discovery. .PARAMETER EnableFilteringExpiredLogon Indicates whether Configuration Manager discovers only computers that have logged onto a domain within a specified number of days. Specify the number of days by using the TimeSinceLastLogonDays parameter. .PARAMETER TimeSinceLastLogonDays Specify the number of days for EnableFilteringExpiredLogon. .PARAMETER EnableFilteringExpiredPassword Indicates whether Configuration Manager discovers only computers that have updated their computer account password within a specified number of days. Specify the number of days by using the TimeSinceLastPasswordUpdateDays parameter. .PARAMETER TimeSinceLastPasswordUpdateDays Specify the number of days for EnableFilteringExpiredPassword. .PARAMETER ADContainers Specifies an array of names of Active Directory containers to match to the discovery. .PARAMETER ADContainersToInclude Specifies an array of names of Active Directory containers to add to the discovery. .PARAMETER ADContainersToExclude Specifies an array of names of Active Directory containers to exclude to the discovery. .PARAMETER ScheduleInterval Specifies the time when the scheduled event recurs. .PARAMETER ScheduleCount Specifies how often the recur interval is run. #> function Test-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $SiteCode, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Boolean] $Enabled, [Parameter()] [Boolean] $EnableDeltaDiscovery, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(5,60)] [UInt32] $DeltaDiscoveryMins, [Parameter()] [Boolean] $EnableFilteringExpiredLogon, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(14,720)] [UInt32] $TimeSinceLastLogonDays, [Parameter()] [Boolean] $EnableFilteringExpiredPassword, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(30,720)] [UInt32] $TimeSinceLastPasswordUpdateDays, [Parameter()] [String[]] $ADContainers, [Parameter()] [String[]] $ADContainersToInclude, [Parameter()] [String[]] $ADContainersToExclude, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('None','Days','Hours','Minutes')] [String] $ScheduleInterval, [Parameter()] [UInt32] $ScheduleCount ) Import-ConfigMgrPowerShellModule -SiteCode $SiteCode Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):\" $state = Get-TargetResource -SiteCode $SiteCode -Enabled $Enabled $result = $true if ($Enabled -eq $true) { $testParams = @{ CurrentValues = $state DesiredValues = $PSBoundParameters ValuesToCheck = @('Enabled','EnableDeltaDiscovery','DeltaDiscoveryMins','EnableFilteringExpiredLogon', 'TimeSinceLastLogonDays','EnableFilteringExpiredPassword','TimeSinceLastPasswordUpdateDays') } $result = Test-DscParameterState @testParams -TurnOffTypeChecking -Verbose if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ScheduleInterval')) { if ($ScheduleInterval -ne 'None' -and -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ScheduleCount')) { Write-Warning -Message $script:localizedData.IntervalCount $result = $false } else { if ($ScheduleInterval -eq 'Days' -and $ScheduleCount -ge 32) { Write-Warning -Message ($script:localizedData.MaxIntervalDays -f $ScheduleCount) $scheduleCheck = 31 } elseif ($ScheduleInterval -eq 'Hours' -and $ScheduleCount -ge 24) { Write-Warning -Message ($script:localizedData.MaxIntervalHours -f $ScheduleCount) $scheduleCheck = 23 } elseif (($ScheduleInterval -eq 'Minutes') -and ($ScheduleCount -ge 60 -or $ScheduleCount -le 4)) { if ($ScheduleCount -ge 60) { Write-Warning -Message ($script:localizedData.MaxIntervalMins -f $ScheduleCount) $scheduleCheck = 59 } else { Write-Warning -Message ($script:localizedData.MinIntervalMins -f $ScheduleCount) $scheduleCheck = 5 } } else { $scheduleCheck = $ScheduleCount } if ($ScheduleInterval -ne $state.SCheduleInterval) { Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.SIntervalTest -f $ScheduleInterval, $State.ScheduleInterval) $result = $false } if (($ScheduleInterval -ne 'None') -and ($scheduleCheck -ne $state.ScheduleCount)) { Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.SCountTest -f $scheduleCheck, $State.ScheduleCount) $result = $false } } } if (($EnableDeltaDiscovery -eq $true -and $state.EnableDeltaDiscovery -eq $false) -and (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DeltaDiscoveryMins'))) { Write-Warning -Message $script:localizedData.DeltaNoInterval } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ADContainers')) { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ADContainersToInclude') -or $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ADContainersToExclude')) { Write-Warning -Message $script:localizedData.ADIgnore } } elseif (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ADContainers') -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ADContainersToInclude') -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ADContainersToExclude')) { foreach ($item in $ADContainersToInclude) { if ($ADContainersToExclude -contains $item) { Write-Warning -Message ($script:localizedData.ContainersInEx -f $item) $result = $false } } } if ($ADContainers -or $ADContainersToInclude -or $ADContainersToExclude) { $containersArray = @{ Match = $ADContainers Include = $ADContainersToInclude Exclude = $ADContainersToExclude CurrentState = $state.ADContainers } $containersCompare = Compare-MultipleCompares @containersArray if ($containersCompare.Missing) { Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.ADContainerMissing -f ($containersCompare.Missing | Out-String)) $result = $false } if ($containersCompare.Remove) { Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.ADContainerExtra -f ($containersCompare.Remove | Out-String)) $result = $false } } } else { if ($state.Enabled -eq $true) { Write-Verbose -Message $script:localizedData.TestDisabled $result = $false } } Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.TestState -f $result) return $result } Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource |