
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    RetrieveSettingValue = Getting results for Configuration Manager File Replication settings.
    TestState = Test-TargetResource compliance check returned: {0}.
    SetCommonSettings = Setting {0} to desired setting {1}.
    FileRepAbsent = The file replication route does not exist, returning false.
    FileRepCreate = Creating file replication between {0} and {1}.
    LimitSchedMatch = MATCH: Value for property 'RateLimitingSchedule' does match current state: LimitedBeginHour: {0} LimitedEndHour: {1} LimitAvailableBandwidthPercent: {2}.
    LimitSchedNonMatch = NOTMATCH: Value for property 'RateLimitingSchedule' does not match current state, desired settings is LimitedBeginHour: {0} LimitedEndHour: {1} LimitAvailableBandwidthPercent: {2}.
    LimitedSchedSet = Setting RateLimitingSchedule to LimitedBeginHour: {0} LimitedEndHour: {1} LimitAvailableBandwidthPercent: {2}.
    NetworkSchedMatch = MATCH: Value for property 'NetworkLoadSchedule' does match current state: LimitedBeginHour: {0} LimitedEndHour: {1} Day: {2} Type: {3}.
    NetworkSchedNonMatch = NOTMATCH: Value for property 'NetworkLoadSchedule' does not match current state, desired settings is LimitedBeginHour: {0} LimitedEndHour: {1} Day: {2} Type: {3}.
    NetworkSchedSet = Setting NetworkLoadSchedule to LimitedBeginHour: {0} LimitedEndHour: {1} Day: {2} Type: {3}.
    FileReplPresent = NOTMATCH: File replication is present expected absent.
    RemoveReplSite = Removing File replication from sourceSite: {0} to DestinationSite: {1}.
    ExtraSettings = Setting {0} does not apply to file replication type specified.
    OverlappingRate = Skipping RateLimitingSchedule as input specified overlap another parameter defined RateLimitSchedule for LimitedBeginHour: {0} LimitedEndHour: {1}.
    OverlappingSchedule = NetworkLoadSchedule has an input overlap for BeginHour: {0} EndHour: {1} Day: {2}.
    MultipleTypes = Only one type PulseMode, Limited, or Unlimited can be set to True in the configuration.
    AccountsError = You are specifying UseSystemAccount $true and also sepcifying FileRepliacationAccountName, choose one.
    PulseModeError = When setting PulseMode to True you must specify DataBlocks and DelayBetweenDataBlockSec.
    LimitedError = When specifying Limited you must also specify RateLimitingSchedule.
    BadAccountName = AccountName {0} does not exist in Configuraion Manager.