
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    RetrieveSettingValue = Getting results for Configuration Manager client policy settings.
    TestState = Test-TargetResource compliance check returned: {0}.
    TypeMisMatch = The {0} client setting already exists as a different type.
    AbsentMsg = NOT MATCH: {0} current state is present and expected absent.
    SetAbsent = Removing {0} client setting policy.
    ParamIgnoreScopes = SecurityScopes was specifed, ignoring SecurityScopesToInclude and SecurityScopesToExclude.
    ScopeInEx = SecurityScopesToInclude and SecurityScopesToExclude contain to same entry {0}, remove from one of the arrays.
    ScopeMissing = NOT MATCH: Client Settings Policy expected the following Scopes: {0}.
    ScopeRemove = NOT MATCH: Client Settings Policy expected the following Scopes to be absent: {0}.
    AddScope = Adding Security Scope {0} to {1}.
    RemoveScope = Removing Security Scope {0} from {1}.
    ScopeExcludeAll = Client Settings Policy must have at least 1 Security Scope assigned, SecurityScopesToExclude is currently set to remove all Security Scopes.
    SecurityScopeMissing = The Security Scope specified does not exist: {0}.