
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    RetrieveSettingValue = Getting results for Configuration Manager accounts.
    TestState = Test-TargetResource compliance check returned: {0}.
    Enabled = NOTMATCH: Value for property Enabled does not match. Current State is False and desired state is True.
    Disabled = NOTMATCH: Value for property Enabled does not match. Current State is True and desired state is False.
    SettingValue = Setting value: {0} to {1}.
    MissingParams = When specifying Enabled equals true you must specify SmtpServerFqdn, Sendfrom, and TypeOfAuthentication.
    UserAuthNotOther = When specifying UserName you must set TypeOfAuthentication to Other.
    AuthOtherNoUser = When setting TypeOfAuthentication to Other, you must specify UserName.
    SslTrueNoPort = Changing UseSsl from false to true and no port was specified, the Port will automatically be changed to 465.
    SslFalseNoPort = Chaning UseSsl from true to false and no port was specified, the Port will automatically be changed to 25
    SslBadPort = When using SSL, you must specify a port other than the default non-SSL port 25.
    NonSslBadPort = When not using SSL, you must specify a port other than the default SSL port 465.
    AbsentUsername = UserAccount specifed {0} does not exist in the specified Configuration Manager site and will need to be created prior to adding as the connection account.
    SmtpError = SmtpServerFqdn {0} should use . vs @ format, example test.contoso.com.
    SendFromError = SendFrom {0} should use @ format, example sendfrom@contoso.com.