ConvertFrom-StringData @'
RetrieveSettingValue = Getting results for Configuration Manager Distribution Group. GroupMissing = NOTMATCH: {0} Distribution Group is absent expected present. DistroMissing = NOTMATCH: Distribution Group is missing the following Distribution Point: {0}. DistroRemove = NOTMATCH: Distribution Group expected the following Distribution Point to be absent: {0}. ScopeMissing = NOTMatch: Distribution Group expected the following Scopes: {0}. ScopeRemove = NOTMATCH: Distribution Group expected the following Scopes to be absent: {0}. ParamIgnore = DistributionPoints was specifed, ignoring DistributionPointsToInclude and DistributionPointsToExclude. ParamIgnoreScopes = SecurityScopes was specifed, ignoring SecurityScopesToInclude and SecurityScopesToExclude. DistroGroupPresent = NOTMATCH: Distribution Group is present expected absent. TestState = Test-TargetResource compliance check returned: {0}. AddGroup = Adding {0} Distribution Group. AddDistro = Adding {0} Distribution Point to Distribution Group {1}. RemoveDistro = Removing {0} Distribution Point from Distribution Group {1}. AddScope = Adding {0} Security Scope to Distribution Group {1}. RemoveScope = Removing {0} Security Scope from Distribution Group {1}. RemoveGroup = Removing {0} Distribution Group. ErrorGroup = {0}: {1} does not exist. DistroInEx = DistributionPointsToInclude and DistributionPointsToExclude contain to same entry {0}, remove from one of the arrays. ScopeInEx = SecurityScopesToInclude and SecurityScopesToExclude contain to same entry {0}, remove from one of the arrays. '@ |