$script:dscResourceCommonPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '..\..\Modules\DscResource.Common' $script:configMgrResourcehelper = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '..\..\Modules\ConfigMgrCBDsc.ResourceHelper' Import-Module -Name $script:dscResourceCommonPath Import-Module -Name $script:configMgrResourcehelper $script:localizedData = Get-LocalizedData -DefaultUICulture 'en-US' <# .SYNOPSIS This will return a hashtable of results. .PARAMETER SiteCode Specifies the site code for Configuration Manager site. .PARAMETER SiteServerName Specifies the SiteServer to install the role on. .Notes This must be ran on the Primary servers to install the distribution point role. The Primary server computer account must be in the local administrators group to perform the install. #> function Get-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $SiteCode, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $SiteServerName ) Write-Verbose -Message $script:localizedData.RetrieveSettingValue Import-ConfigMgrPowerShellModule -SiteCode $SiteCode Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):\" $dpInfo = Get-CMDistributionPointInfo -SiteSystemServerName $SiteServerName -SiteCode $SiteCode if ($dpInfo) { $status = 'Present' $clientCommType = @('HTTP','HTTPS')[$dpInfo.Communication] $groups = (Get-CMBoundaryGroupSiteSystem | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.ServerNalPath -eq $DPinfo.NALPath}).GroupID foreach ($group in $groups) { [array]$bGroups += (Get-CMBoundaryGroup -Id $group).Name } $dpProps = Get-CMDistributionPoint -SiteSystemServerName $SiteServerName -SiteCode $SiteCode foreach ($dpProp in $dpProps.Props) { switch ($dpProp.PropertyName) { 'AvailableContentLibDrivesList' { if ($dpProp.Value1.Length -eq 1) { $availContentDrivePrimary = ($dpProp.Value1).SubString(0,1) } else { $availContentDrivePrimary = ($dpProp.Value1).SubString(0,1) $availContentDriveSecondary = ($dpProp.Value1).SubString(1,1) } } 'AvailablePkgShareDrivesList' { if ($dpProp.Value1.Length -eq 1) { $availPkgSharePrimary = ($dpProp.Value1).SubString(0,1) } else { $availPkgSharePrimary = ($dpProp.Value1).SubString(0,1) $availPkgShareSecondary = ($dpProp.Value1).SubString(1,1) } } 'CertificateContextData' { $certInfo = $dpProp.Value1 } 'MinFreeSpace' { $freespace = $dpProp.Value } 'IsAnonymousEnabled' { [boolean]$anonymous = $dpProp.Value } 'UpdateBranchCacheKey' { [boolean]$branchCache = $dpProp.Value } } } if ($certInfo) { $validData = (Get-CMCertificate | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Certificate -match $certInfo}).ValidUntil } } else { $status = 'Absent' } return @{ SiteCode = $SiteCode SiteServerName = $SiteServerName Description = $dpInfo.Description MinimumFreeSpaceMB = $freespace PrimaryContentLibraryLocation = $availcontentDrivePrimary SecondaryContentLibraryLocation = $availContentDriveSecondary PrimaryPackageShareLocation = $availPkgSharePrimary SecondaryPackageShareLocation = $availPkgShareSecondary ClientCommunicationType = $clientCommType BoundaryGroups = $bGroups AllowPreStaging = $dpInfo.PreStagingAllowed CertificateExpirationTimeUtc = $validData EnableAnonymous = $anonymous EnableBranchCache = $branchCache EnableLedbat = $dpInfo.EnableLEDBAT Ensure = $status } } <# .SYNOPSIS This will set the desired state. .PARAMETER SiteCode Specifies the site code for Configuration Manager site. .PARAMETER SiteServerName Specifies the SiteServer to install the role on. .PARAMETER Description Specifies a description for the distribution point. .PARAMETER MinimumFreeSpaceMB Specifies the amount of free space to reserve on each drive used by this distribution point. Only used when distribution point is not currently installed. .PARAMETER PrimaryContentLibraryLocation Specifies the primary content location. Configuration Manager copies content to the primary content location until the amount of free space reaches the value that you specified. Only used when distribution point is not currently installed. .PARAMETER SecondaryContentLibraryLocation Specifies the secondary content location. Only used when distribution point is not currently installed. .PARAMETER PrimaryPackageShareLocation Specifies the primary package share location. Configuration Manager copies content to the primary package share location until the amount of free space reaches the value that you specified. Only used when distribution point is not currently installed. .PARAMETER SecondaryPackageShareLocation Specifies the secondary package share location. Only used when distribution point is not currently installed. .PARAMETER CertificateExpirationTimeUtc Specifies, in UTC format, the date and time when the certificate expires. If not specified and a Distribution Point is added, by a certificate will be generated with an expiration date of 2 years from date installed. .PARAMETER ClientCommunicationType Specifies protocol clients or devices communicate with the distribution point. .PARAMETER BoundaryGroups Specifies an array of existing boundary groups by name. .PARAMETER BoundaryGroupStatus Specifies if the boundary group is to be added, removed, or match BoundaryGroups. .PARAMETER AllowPreStaging Indicates whether the distribution point is enabled for prestaged content. .PARAMETER EnableAnonymous Indicates that the distribution point permits anonymous connections from Configuration Manager clients to the content library. .PARAMETER EnableBranchCache Indicates that clients that use Windows BranchCache are allowed to download content from an on-premises distribution point. .PARAMETER EnableLedbat Indicates whether to adjust the download speed to use the unused network Bandwidth or Windows LEDBAT. .PARAMETER Ensure Specifies if the DP is to be present or absent. #> function Set-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $SiteCode, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $SiteServerName, [Parameter()] [String] $Description, [Parameter()] [UInt32] $MinimumFreeSpaceMB, [Parameter()] [String] $PrimaryContentLibraryLocation, [Parameter()] [String] $SecondaryContentLibraryLocation, [Parameter()] [String] $PrimaryPackageShareLocation, [Parameter()] [String] $SecondaryPackageShareLocation, [Parameter()] [DateTime] $CertificateExpirationTimeUtc, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Http','Https')] [String] $ClientCommunicationType = 'Http', [Parameter()] [String[]] $BoundaryGroups, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Add','Remove','Match')] [String] $BoundaryGroupStatus = 'Add', [Parameter()] [Boolean] $AllowPreStaging, [Parameter()] [Boolean] $EnableAnonymous, [Parameter()] [Boolean] $EnableBranchCache, [Parameter()] [Boolean] $EnableLedbat, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Present','Absent')] [String] $Ensure = 'Present' ) Import-ConfigMgrPowerShellModule -SiteCode $SiteCode Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):\" $state = Get-TargetResource -SiteCode $SiteCode -SiteServerName $SiteServerName try { if ($Ensure -eq 'Present') { if ($state.Ensure -eq 'Absent') { if (($PrimaryContentLibraryLocation.Length -gt 1 -or $PrimaryContentLibraryLocation -match '[0-9]') -or ($SecondaryContentLibraryLocation.Length -gt 1 -or $SecondaryContentLibraryLocation -match '[0-9]') -or ($PrimaryPackageShareLocation.Length -gt 1 -or $PrimaryPackageShareLocation -match '[0-9]') -or ($SecondaryPackageShareLocation.Lenth -gt 1 -or $SecondaryPackageShareLocation -match '[0-9]')) { throw $script:localizedData.InvalidPriOrSecLetter } if (($SecondaryContentLibraryLocation -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PrimaryContentLibraryLocation)) -or ($SecondaryPackageShareLocation -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PrimaryPackageShareLocation))) { throw $script:localizedData.SecAndNoPrimary } if ($null -eq (Get-CMSiteSystemServer -SiteCode $SiteCode -SiteSystemServerName $SiteServerName)) { Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.SiteServerRole -f $SiteServerName) New-CMSiteSystemServer -SiteCode $SiteCode -SiteSystemServerName $SiteServerName } $initialValues = @('MinimumFreeSpaceMB','PrimaryContentLibraryLocation','SecondaryContentLibraryLocation', 'PrimaryPackageShareLocation','SecondaryPackageShareLocation','CertificateExpirationTimeUtc') foreach ($item in $initialValues) { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($item)) { $dpSetupParams += @{ $item = $PSBoundParameters.$item } } } if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('CertificateExpirationTimeUtc')) { $dateValueDefault = [DateTime]::Now.AddYears(2) $dpSetupParams += @{ CertificateExpirationTimeUtc = $dateValueDefault } } Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.AddDPRole -f $SiteServerName) Add-CMDistributionPoint -SiteSystemServerName $SiteServerName -SiteCode $SiteCode @dpSetupParams } $additionalParams = @('Description','ClientCommunicationType','AllowPreStaging','EnableAnonymous', 'EnableBranchCache','EnableLedbat') foreach ($param in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) { if ($additionalParams -contains $param.key) { if ($param.Value -ne $state[$param.key]) { Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.SettingValue -f $param.key, $param.Value) $buildingParams += @{ $param.key = $param.Value } } } } if ($BoundaryGroups) { if ($BoundaryGroupStatus -ne 'Remove') { foreach ($boundaryGroup in $BoundaryGroups) { if ($state.BoundaryGroups -notcontains $boundaryGroup) { if (Get-CMBoundaryGroup -Name $boundaryGroup) { Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.BoundaryGroupAdd -f $boundaryGroup) [array]$boundaryAddArray += $boundaryGroup } else { $errorMsg += ($script:localizedData.BoundaryGroupAbsent -f $boundaryGroup) } } } } if ($BoundaryGroupStatus -eq 'Remove') { foreach ($boundaryGroup in $BoundaryGroups) { if ($state.BoundaryGroups -contains $boundaryGroup) { Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.BoundaryGroupRemove -f $boundaryGroup) [array]$boundaryRemoveArray += $boundaryGroup } } } if ($BoundaryGroupStatus -eq 'Match') { foreach ($stateGroup in $state.BoundaryGroups) { if ($BoundaryGroups -notcontains $stateGroup) { Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.BoundaryGroupRemove -f $stateGroup) [array]$boundaryRemoveArray += $stateGroup } } } if ($boundaryAddArray) { $buildingParams += @{ AddBoundaryGroupName = $boundaryAddArray } } if ($boundaryRemoveArray) { $buildingParams += @{ RemoveBoundaryGroupName = $boundaryRemoveArray } } } if ($buildingParams) { Set-CMDistributionPoint -SiteSystemServerName $SiteServerName -SiteCode $SiteCode @buildingParams } if ($errorMsg) { throw $errorMsg } } else { if ($state.Ensure -eq 'Present') { Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.RemoveDPRole -f $SiteServerName) Remove-CMDistributionPoint -SiteCode $SiteCode -SiteSystemServerName $SiteServerName } } } catch { throw $_ } finally { Set-Location -Path $env:windir } } <# .SYNOPSIS This will test the desired state. .PARAMETER SiteCode Specifies the site code for Configuration Manager site. .PARAMETER SiteServerName Specifies the SiteServer to install the role on. .PARAMETER Description Specifies a description for the distribution point. .PARAMETER MinimumFreeSpaceMB Specifies the amount of free space to reserve on each drive used by this distribution point. Only used when distribution point is not currently installed. .PARAMETER PrimaryContentLibraryLocation Specifies the primary content location. Configuration Manager copies content to the primary content location until the amount of free space reaches the value that you specified. Only used when distribution point is not currently installed. .PARAMETER SecondaryContentLibraryLocation Specifies the secondary content location. Only used when distribution point is not currently installed. .PARAMETER PrimaryPackageShareLocation Specifies the primary package share location. Configuration Manager copies content to the primary package share location until the amount of free space reaches the value that you specified. Only used when distribution point is not currently installed. .PARAMETER SecondaryPackageShareLocation Specifies the secondary package share location. Only used when distribution point is not currently installed. .PARAMETER CertificateExpirationTimeUtc Specifies, in UTC format, the date and time when the certificate expires. If not specified and a Distribution Point is added, by a certificate will be generated with an expiration date of 2 years from date installed. .PARAMETER ClientCommunicationType Specifies protocol clients or devices communicate with the distribution point. .PARAMETER BoundaryGroups Specifies an array of existing boundary groups by name. .PARAMETER BoundaryGroupStatus Specifies if the boundary group is to be added, removed, or match BoundaryGroups. .PARAMETER AllowPreStaging Indicates whether the distribution point is enabled for prestaged content. .PARAMETER EnableAnonymous Indicates that the distribution point permits anonymous connections from Configuration Manager clients to the content library. .PARAMETER EnableBranchCache Indicates that clients that use Windows BranchCache are allowed to download content from an on-premises distribution point. .PARAMETER EnableLedbat Indicates whether to adjust the download speed to use the unused network Bandwidth or Windows LEDBAT. .PARAMETER Ensure Specifies if the DP is to be present or absent. #> function Test-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $SiteCode, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $SiteServerName, [Parameter()] [String] $Description, [Parameter()] [UInt32] $MinimumFreeSpaceMB, [Parameter()] [String] $PrimaryContentLibraryLocation, [Parameter()] [String] $SecondaryContentLibraryLocation, [Parameter()] [String] $PrimaryPackageShareLocation, [Parameter()] [String] $SecondaryPackageShareLocation, [Parameter()] [DateTime] $CertificateExpirationTimeUtc, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Http','Https')] [String] $ClientCommunicationType = 'Http', [Parameter()] [String[]] $BoundaryGroups, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Add','Remove','Match')] [String] $BoundaryGroupStatus = 'Add', [Parameter()] [Boolean] $AllowPreStaging, [Parameter()] [Boolean] $EnableAnonymous, [Parameter()] [Boolean] $EnableBranchCache, [Parameter()] [Boolean] $EnableLedbat, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Present','Absent')] [String] $Ensure = 'Present' ) Import-ConfigMgrPowerShellModule -SiteCode $SiteCode Set-Location -Path "$($SiteCode):\" $result = $true $state = Get-TargetResource -SiteCode $SiteCode -SiteServerName $SiteServerName if ($Ensure -eq 'Present') { if ($state.Ensure -eq 'Absent') { Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.DPNotInstalled -f $SiteServerName) $result = $false } else { Write-Warning -Message $script:localizedData.SettingsNotEval $testParams = @{ CurrentValues = $state DesiredValues = $PSBoundParameters ValuesToCheck = @('Description','ClientCommunicationType','AllowPreStaging','EnableAnonymous', 'EnableBranchCache','EnableLedbat') } $result = Test-DscParameterState @testParams -Verbose if ($BoundaryGroups) { if ($BoundaryGroupStatus -ne 'Remove') { foreach ($boundaryGroup in $BoundaryGroups) { if ($state.BoundaryGroups -notcontains $boundaryGroup) { Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.BoundaryGroupMissing -f $boundaryGroup) $result = $false } } } if ($BoundaryGroupStatus -eq 'Remove') { foreach ($boundaryGroup in $BoundaryGroups) { if ($state.BoundaryGroups -contains $boundaryGroup) { Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.BoundaryGroupExtra -f $boundaryGroup) $result = $false } } } if ($BoundaryGroupStatus -eq 'Match') { foreach ($stateGroup in $state.BoundaryGroups) { if ($BoundaryGroups -notcontains $stateGroup) { Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.BoundaryGroupExtra -f $stateGroup) $result = $false } } } } } } elseif ($state.Ensure -eq 'Present') { Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.DPAbsent -f $SiteServerName) $result = $false } Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.TestState -f $result) Set-Location -Path $env:windir return $result } Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource |