
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    RetrieveSettingValue = Getting results for Configuration Manager group discovery method.
    TestState = Test-TargetResource compliance check returned: {0}.
    TestDisabled = Expected Group Discovery to be set to disabled returned enabled.
    SetCommonSettings = Setting {0} to desired setting {1}.
    SetDisabled = Setting Group Discovery to disabled.
    MissingDeltaDiscovery = When changing delta schedule, delta schedule must be enabled.
    GdsIgnore = GroupDiscoveryScope was specified, GroupDiscoveryScopeInclude and GroupDiscoveryScopeToExclude will be ignored.
    GdsInEx = GroupDiscoveryScopeToExclude and GroupDiscoveryScopeToInclude contain to same entry {0}, remove from one of the arrays.
    GdsMissing = Group Discovery Scope Name: {0} LDAPPath: {1} Recurse {2} is missing.
    GdsUpdate = Group Discovery Scope Name: {0} expected LdapLocation: {1} Recurse {2}, returned LdapLocation: {3} Recurse {4}.
    GdsExtra = Group Discovery Scope Name {0} is expected to be absent.
    DeltaNoInterval = DeltaDiscoveryMins is not specified, specify DeltaDiscoveryMins when enabling Delta Discovery.
    NewSchedule = Modifying group discovery schedule.
    MissingScheduleType = In order to create a schedule you must specify ScheduleType.
    TimeSinceLastLogon = When setting TimeSinceLastLogonDays, EnableFilteringExpiredLogon must be set to true.
    PasswordExpiredFilter = When setting TimeSinceLastPasswordUpdateDays, EnableFilteringExpiredPassword must be set to true.