
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    RetrieveSettingValue = Getting results for Configuration Manager maintenance windows.
    MixedDuration = Currently, you can only specify Hour or Minute you can not specify both settings.
    MissingCollection = Collection {0} does not exist and will not be able to create Maintenance Windows.
    MissingWindowParam = Maintenance Window {0} does not exist, need to specify a ScheduleType and a duration to create a new maintence window.
    ChangingApplyTo = ServiceWindowsType returned: {0} expected {1}, changing to desired state.
    ChangingIsEnabled = IsEnabled returned: {0} expected {1}, changing to desired state.
    NewSchedule = Creating a new schedule.
    NewWindow = Creating a new maintenance window.
    ModifyWindow = Modify the maintenance window.
    RemoveMW = Removing maintenance window {0} from Configuration Manager.
    MissingWindow = Maintenance Window {0} does not exist.
    TestState = Test-TargetResource compliance check returned: {0}.
    Absent = NOTMATCH: Value (type 'System.String') for property Ensure does not match. Current state is 'Present' and desired state is 'Absent'.