ConvertFrom-StringData @'
RetrieveSettingValue = Getting results for Configuration Manager client push settings. AccountsIgnore = Accounts is specified, ignoring settings for AccountsToInclude and AccountsToExclude. AccountsInEx = AccountsToExclude and AccountsToInclude contain the same setting {0}. DisabledSettings = Client push is getting set to disabled or is disabled, unable to set the following settings: EnableSystemTypeConfigurationManager, EnableSystemTypeServer, EnableSystemTypeWorkstation. AccountsMissing = NOTMATCH: Client push settings is missing the following accounts: {0}. AccountsExtra = NOTMATCH: Client push settings expected the following accounts to be absent: {0}. TestState = Test-TargetResource compliance check returned: {0}. MissingMP = Unable to enable client push settings, no Management Point could be found on {0} site. ModifySetting = {0} expected value: {1}, changing value. AddingAccount = Account is missing adding {0}. CMAccountMissing = Account {0} is missing from configuration manager, unable to add account. CMAccountExtra = Account {0} is expected to absent, removing account. '@ |