
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    RetrieveSettingValue = Getting results for Configuration Manager collection.
    BoundaryGroupMissing = {0} boundary group is missing.
    MissingBoundary = {0} boundary group is missing boundary: {1} {2}.
    ExtraBoundary = {0} boundary group contains unwanted boundary: {1} {2}.
    BoundaryGroupRemove = {0} needs to be removed.
    TestState = Test-TargetResource compliance check returned: {0}.
    CreateBoundaryGroup = Creating {0} boundary group.
    AddingBoundary = {0} boundary group is missing boundary {1} {2}, adding boundary.
    ExcludingBoundary = {0} boundary group contains unwanted boundary: {1} {2}, removing.
    BoundaryAbsent = Boundary {0} {1} doesn't exist in Configuration Manager.
    BoundaryGroupDelete = {0} boundary group exists, deleting.