
        The localized resource strings in English (en-US) for the
        class PSResourceRepository.

ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
    GetTargetResourceMessage = Return the current state of the repository '{0}'.
    RepositoryNotFound = The repository '{0}' was not found.
    RemoveExistingRepository = Removing the repository '{0}'.
    ProxyCredentialPassedWithoutProxyUri = Proxy Credential passed without Proxy Uri.
    RegisterRepository = Registering repository '{0}' with SourceLocation '{1}'.
    UpdateRepository = Updating repository '{0}' with SourceLocation '{1}'.
    RegisterDefaultRepository = Registering default repository '{0}' with -Default parameter.
    SourceLocationRequiredForRegistration = SourceLocation is a required parameter to register a repository.
    NoDefaultSettingsPSGallery = The parameter Default must be set to True for a repository named PSGallery.
    DefaultSettingsNoPSGallery = The parameter Default may only be used with repositories named PSGallery.