function Copy-PowerShellModuleRemote { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseUsingScopeModifierInNewRunspaces', '')] # $PSHome is a built in thing [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Session, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$ModuleName ) # Validate local module # Currently only checking installed modules, if needed we could expand to also check all module locations using Get-Module as a fallback if not found $localModule = Get-InstalledModule -Name $ModuleName if($null -eq $localModule){ Throw "The module $ModuleName was not found to be installed on your machine. Please install it first before you try and copy to a remote machine." }else { Write-Output "Found module $($localModule.Name) with version $($localModule.Version)." } # Check for Dependencies... $dependencies = Get-PowershellModuleDependency -ModuleName $ModuleName foreach ($dependency in $dependencies) { if((Read-Host "The module depends on another module called: $($dependency.Name) would you like to install (y/n)?").ToLower() -eq 'y'){ Copy-PowerShellModuleRemote -Session $Session -ModuleName $dependency.Name } } # Get Remote Path $path = Join-Path -Path (Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {"$PSHOME\Modules\"}) -ChildPath $localModule.InstalledLocation.Substring($localModule.InstalledLocation.LastIndexOf($ModuleName)) # Create Remote Directory if((Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {Test-Path -Path $using:path}) -eq $false){ Write-Output "Creating remote folder: $path" Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {New-Item -Path $using:path -ItemType Directory} # Copy to remote machine Write-Output 'Copying Module to remote machine' Copy-Item "$($localModule.InstalledLocation)\*" -Destination $path -Recurse -ToSession $Session }else{ Write-Output "Module folder already found on remote machine, skipping copy.." } # Validate remote module Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {Import-Module "$using:ModuleName"} $remoteModule = Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {Get-Module "$using:ModuleName"} if($null -eq $remoteModule){ throw "Module not found after copying..." }else{ Write-Output "Confirmed Module Installation" } } function Get-PowershellModuleDependency { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$ModuleName ) # Get Module $localModule = Get-InstalledModule -Name $ModuleName if($null -eq $localModule){ Throw "The module $ModuleName was not found to be installed on your machine." } $manifestFile = Get-ChildItem "$($localModule.InstalledLocation)\*.psd1" $manifest = Import-PowerShellDataFile $manifestFile.FullName $dependencies = @() foreach ($module in $manifest.RequiredModules) { $dependencies += New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name = $module['ModuleName'] Version = $module['ModuleVersion'] } } return $dependencies } |