
  Idempotently applies New Relic channel configurations
  Idempotently applies New Relic channel configurations
  Set-NRChannelConfiguration -APIKey $AdminAPIKey -DefinedChannels $MyChannels -OpsGenieAPIKey $OpsGenieAPIKey
  Uses New Relic APIs to update notification channels to match the channels defined in $MyChannels. Any existing channels that are not defined will be removed.
.Parameter APIKey
  Must be an admin user's API Key, not an account-level REST API Key. See more here:
.Parameter DefinedChannels
  An array of channel objects which define the desired configuration state for New Relic notification channels
.Parameter OpsGenieAPIKey
  The APIKey New Relic uses to send OpsGenie alerts

Function Set-NRChannelConfiguration {
  [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSShouldProcess", '', Justification = "All CMDLets being called have ShouldProcess in place and the preference is passed to them." )]
  Param (
    [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)]
    [string] $APIKey,
    [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)]
    [array] $DefinedChannels

  # Get existing notificaiton channels but exclude the built-in user channels which can't be edited
  [System.Collections.ArrayList]$existingChannels = Get-NRNotificationChannel -APIKey $APIKey | Where-Object { $_.type -ne 'user' }
  Write-Verbose "There are currently $($DefinedChannels.count) defined channels and $($existingChannels.count) existing channels."

  Foreach ($channel in $DefinedChannels) {
    $CurrentConfig = $existingChannels | Where-Object { $ -eq $ }

    # Update the channel if required
    If ($CurrentConfig) {
      $configurationDiff = Compare-ChannelConfiguration -CurrentConfig $CurrentConfig.configuration -DefinedConfig $channel.configuration

      # The API Key is not returned on the channel and cannot be checked
      If ($configurationDiff -or $channel.type -ne $CurrentConfig.type) {

        # There is no update endpoint for channels, so it must be recreated
        Write-Verbose "Recreating channel $($"
        Remove-NRNotificationChannel -APIKey $APIKey -ChannelID $ -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference
        New-NRNotificationChannel -APIKey $APIKey -Name $ -Type $channel.type -Configuration $channel.configuration -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference | Out-Null

      # Any extra existing channels that are not defined will be removed later

    # Create the channel if it doesn't exist
    Else {
        Write-Verbose "Creating channel $($"
        New-NRNotificationChannel -APIKey $APIKey -Name $ -Type $channel.type -Configuration $channel.configuration -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference | Out-Null

  # Check for existing channels not in the definition and remove them
  If ($existingChannels) {
      Write-Verbose "Removing channel(s) $($ -join(','))"
      $existingChannels.Id | Remove-NRNotificationChannel -APIKey $APIKey -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference | Out-Null

  Idempotently applies New Relic channel-policy link configurations
  Idempotently applies New Relic channel-policy link configurations
  Set-NRChannelPolicyLink -APIKey $AdminAPIKey -DefinedPolicies $Config.AlertPolicies
  Uses New Relic APIs to update policy-channel links to match the channels defined in $Config.AlertPolicies. Any existing links that are not defined will be removed.
.Parameter APIKey
  Must be an admin user's API Key, not an account-level REST API Key. See more here:
.Parameter DefinedPolicies
  An array of policy objects which define the desired configuration state for New Relic alert policies

Function Set-NRChannelPolicyLink {
  [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSShouldProcess", '', Justification = "All CMDLets being called have ShouldProcess in place and the preference is passed to them." )]
  [CMDLetBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
  Param (
    [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)]
    [string] $APIKey,
    [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)]
    [array] $DefinedPolicies

  $existingPolicies = Get-NRAlertPolicy -APIKey $APIKey
  $existingChannels = Get-NRNotificationChannel -APIKey $APIKey

  # Notification channels are described in a policy, but the API only returns the link in the notification channel
  Foreach ($policy in $DefinedPolicies) {
    $CurrentPolicyConfig = $existingPolicies | Where-Object { $ -eq $ }

    # Iterate over each channel in the policy described in the policy
    Foreach ($channelName in $policy.channels) {
      $CurrentChannelConfig = $existingChannels | Where-Object { $ -eq $channelName }

      # If the current channel configuration's link does not contain the ID of the policy, add a new link
      If ($CurrentChannelConfig -and $CurrentChannelConfig.links.policy_ids -notcontains $ {

        # This command doesn't remove any existing links, it only appends the new link
        Write-Verbose "Adding policy-channel link for policy $($ and channel $channelName"
        Add-NRNotificationChannelToAlertPolicy -APIKey $APIKey -PolicyId $ -ChannelIds $ -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference | Out-Null

  # Remove extra links
  Write-Verbose 'Checking for extra channel/policy links.'
  Foreach ($channel in $existingChannels) {

    # A channel can be linked to multiple policies so check each
    Foreach ($policyId in $channel.links.policy_ids) {
      $policyName = ($existingPolicies | Where-Object { $ -eq $policyId }).name
      $definedPolicy = $DefinedPolicies | Where-Object { $ -eq $policyName }

      # If the policy declaration doesn't contain the channel name, delete the link.
      If ($definedPolicy.channels -notcontains $ {
        Write-Verbose "Removing policy-channel link for policy $policyName and channel $($"
        Remove-NRNotificationChannelFromAlertPolicy -APIKey $APIKey -PolicyId $policyId -ChannelId $ -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference

# Internal Functions
Function Compare-ChannelConfiguration {
  Param (
    [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)]
  $result = $false
  $diff = $null

  # Some items are not returned from the channel API and cannot be compared
  $itemsToExclude = @('api_Key')

  Foreach ($item in $DefinedConfig.keys) {

    # Tags requires special processing
    If ($item -eq 'tags') {
      $diff = Compare-Object ($CurrentConfig.tags -split (' ')) ($DefinedConfig.tags -split (' '))

      If ($diff) {
        Write-Verbose 'Difference found between defined and current channel configuration tags'
        $result = $true

    # Compare the rest of the non-excluded items
    ElseIf ($item -notin $itemsToExclude) {
      If ($DefinedConfig.$item -ne $CurrentConfig.$item) {
        Write-Verbose "Difference found between defined and current configuration $item"
        $result = $true
  Return $result