
 * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Management.Automation;
using static Commvault.Powershell.Runtime.PowerShell.MarkdownTypesExtensions;
using static Commvault.Powershell.Runtime.PowerShell.PsHelpOutputExtensions;

namespace Commvault.Powershell.Runtime.PowerShell
    internal class MarkdownHelpInfo
        public string ExternalHelpFilename { get; }
        public string ModuleName { get; }
        public string OnlineVersion { get; }
        public Version Schema { get; }

        public string CmdletName { get; }
        public string[] Aliases { get; }
        public string Synopsis { get; }
        public string Description { get; }

        public MarkdownSyntaxHelpInfo[] SyntaxInfos { get; }
        public MarkdownExampleHelpInfo[] Examples { get; }
        public MarkdownParameterHelpInfo[] Parameters { get; }

        public string[] Inputs { get; }
        public string[] Outputs { get; }
        public ComplexInterfaceInfo[] ComplexInterfaceInfos { get; }
        public MarkdownRelatedLinkInfo[] RelatedLinks { get; }

        public bool SupportsShouldProcess { get; }
        public bool SupportsPaging { get; }

        public MarkdownHelpInfo(VariantGroup variantGroup, string examplesFolder, string externalHelpFilename = "")
            ExternalHelpFilename = externalHelpFilename;
            ModuleName = variantGroup.RootModuleName != "" ? variantGroup.RootModuleName : variantGroup.ModuleName;
            var helpInfo = variantGroup.HelpInfo;
            var commentInfo = variantGroup.CommentInfo;
            Schema = Version.Parse("2.0.0");

            CmdletName = variantGroup.CmdletName;
            Aliases = (variantGroup.Aliases.NullIfEmpty() ?? helpInfo.Aliases).Where(a => a != "None").ToArray();
            Synopsis = commentInfo.Synopsis;
            Description = commentInfo.Description;

            SyntaxInfos = variantGroup.Variants
                .Select(v => new MarkdownSyntaxHelpInfo(v, variantGroup.ParameterGroups, v.VariantName == variantGroup.DefaultParameterSetName))
                .OrderByDescending(v => v.IsDefault).ThenBy(v => v.ParameterSetName).ToArray();
            Examples = GetExamplesFromMarkdown(examplesFolder).NullIfEmpty()
                       ?? helpInfo.Examples.Select(e => e.ToExampleHelpInfo()).ToArray().NullIfEmpty()
                       ?? DefaultExampleHelpInfos;

            Parameters = variantGroup.ParameterGroups
                .Where(pg => !pg.DontShow && !pg.Parameters.All(p => p.IsHidden()))
                .Select(pg => new MarkdownParameterHelpInfo(
                    variantGroup.Variants.SelectMany(v => v.HelpInfo.Parameters).Where(phi => phi.Name == pg.ParameterName).ToArray(), pg))
                .OrderBy(phi => phi.Name).ToArray();

            Inputs = commentInfo.Inputs;
            Outputs = commentInfo.Outputs;

            ComplexInterfaceInfos = variantGroup.ComplexInterfaceInfos;
            OnlineVersion = commentInfo.OnlineVersion;
            var relatedLinkLists = new List<MarkdownRelatedLinkInfo>();
            relatedLinkLists.AddRange(commentInfo.RelatedLinks?.Select(link => new MarkdownRelatedLinkInfo(link)));
            relatedLinkLists.AddRange(variantGroup.Variants.SelectMany(v => v.Attributes).OfType<ExternalDocsAttribute>()?.Distinct()?.Select(link => new MarkdownRelatedLinkInfo(link.Url, link.Description)));
            RelatedLinks = relatedLinkLists?.ToArray();

            SupportsShouldProcess = variantGroup.SupportsShouldProcess;
            SupportsPaging = variantGroup.SupportsPaging;

        private MarkdownExampleHelpInfo[] GetExamplesFromMarkdown(string examplesFolder)
            var filePath = Path.Combine(examplesFolder, $"{CmdletName}.md");
            if (!Directory.Exists(examplesFolder) || !File.Exists(filePath)) return null;

            var lines = File.ReadAllLines(filePath);
            var nameIndices = lines.Select((l, i) => l.StartsWith(ExampleNameHeader) ? i : -1).Where(i => i != -1).ToArray();
            var indexCountGroups = nameIndices.Skip(1).Append(lines.Length).Zip(nameIndices, (next, current) => (NameIndex: current, LineCount: next - current));
            var exampleGroups = indexCountGroups.Select(icg => lines.Skip(icg.NameIndex).Take(icg.LineCount).ToArray());
            return exampleGroups.Select(eg =>
                var name = eg.First().Replace(ExampleNameHeader, String.Empty);
                var codeStartIndex = eg.Select((l, i) => l.StartsWith(ExampleCodeHeader) ? (int?)i : null).FirstOrDefault(i => i.HasValue);
                var codeEndIndex = eg.Select((l, i) => l.StartsWith(ExampleCodeFooter) ? (int?)i : null).FirstOrDefault(i => i.HasValue && i != codeStartIndex);
                var code = codeStartIndex.HasValue && codeEndIndex.HasValue
                    ? String.Join(Environment.NewLine, eg.Skip(codeStartIndex.Value + 1).Take(codeEndIndex.Value - (codeStartIndex.Value + 1)))
                    : String.Empty;
                var outputStartIndex = eg.Select((l, i) => l.StartsWith(ExampleOutputHeader) ? (int?)i : null).FirstOrDefault(i => i.HasValue);
                var outputEndIndex = eg.Select((l, i) => l.StartsWith(ExampleOutputFooter) ? (int?)i : null).FirstOrDefault(i => i.HasValue && i > outputStartIndex);
                var output = outputStartIndex.HasValue && outputEndIndex.HasValue
                    ? String.Join(Environment.NewLine, eg.Skip(outputStartIndex.Value + 1).Take(outputEndIndex.Value - (outputStartIndex.Value + 1)))
                    : String.Empty;
                var descriptionStartIndex = (outputEndIndex ?? (codeEndIndex ?? 0)) + 1;
                descriptionStartIndex = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(eg[descriptionStartIndex]) ? descriptionStartIndex + 1 : descriptionStartIndex;
                var descriptionEndIndex = eg.Length - 1;
                descriptionEndIndex = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(eg[descriptionEndIndex]) ? descriptionEndIndex - 1 : descriptionEndIndex;
                var description = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, eg.Skip(descriptionStartIndex).Take((descriptionEndIndex + 1) - descriptionStartIndex));
                return new MarkdownExampleHelpInfo(name, code, output, description);

    internal class MarkdownSyntaxHelpInfo
        public Variant Variant { get; }
        public bool IsDefault { get; }
        public string ParameterSetName { get; }
        public Parameter[] Parameters { get; }
        public string SyntaxText { get; }

        public MarkdownSyntaxHelpInfo(Variant variant, ParameterGroup[] parameterGroups, bool isDefault)
            Variant = variant;
            IsDefault = isDefault;
            ParameterSetName = Variant.VariantName;
            Parameters = Variant.Parameters
                .Where(p => !p.DontShow && !p.IsHidden()).OrderByDescending(p => p.IsMandatory)
                .ThenByDescending(p => p.Position.HasValue).ThenBy(p => p.Position)
                // Use the OrderCategory of the parameter group because the final order category is the highest of the group, and not the order category of the individual parameters from the variants.
                .ThenBy(p => parameterGroups.First(pg => pg.ParameterName == p.ParameterName).OrderCategory).ThenBy(p => p.ParameterName).ToArray();
            SyntaxText = CreateSyntaxFormat();

        private const int SyntaxLineWidth = 110;
        private string CreateSyntaxFormat()
            var parameterStrings = Parameters.Select(p => p.ToPropertySyntaxOutput().ToString());
            if (Variant.SupportsShouldProcess)
                parameterStrings = parameterStrings.Append(" [-Confirm]").Append(" [-WhatIf]");
            parameterStrings = parameterStrings.Append(" [<CommonParameters>]");

            var lines = new List<string>(20);
            return parameterStrings.Aggregate(Variant.CmdletName, (current, ps) =>
                var combined = current + ps;
                if (combined.Length <= SyntaxLineWidth) return combined;

                return ps;
            }, last =>
                return String.Join(Environment.NewLine, lines);

    internal class MarkdownExampleHelpInfo
        public string Name { get; }
        public string Code { get; }
        public string Output { get; }
        public string Description { get; }

        public MarkdownExampleHelpInfo(string name, string code, string output, string description)
            Name = name;
            Code = code;
            Output = output;
            Description = description;

    internal class MarkdownParameterHelpInfo
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }
        public Type Type { get; set; }
        public string Position { get; set; }
        public string DefaultValue { get; set; }

        public bool HasAllParameterSets { get; set; }
        public string[] ParameterSetNames { get; set; }
        public string[] Aliases { get; set; }

        public bool IsRequired { get; set; }
        public bool IsDynamic { get; set; }
        public bool AcceptsPipelineByValue { get; set; }
        public bool AcceptsPipelineByPropertyName { get; set; }
        public bool AcceptsWildcardCharacters { get; set; }

        // For use by common parameters that have no backing data in the objects themselves.
        public MarkdownParameterHelpInfo() { }

        public MarkdownParameterHelpInfo(PsParameterHelpInfo[] parameterHelpInfos, ParameterGroup parameterGroup)
            Name = parameterGroup.ParameterName;
            Description = parameterGroup.Description.NullIfEmpty()
                          ?? parameterHelpInfos.Select(phi => phi.Description).FirstOrDefault(d => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(d)).EmptyIfNull();
            Type = parameterGroup.ParameterType;
            Position = parameterGroup.FirstPosition?.ToString()
                       ?? parameterHelpInfos.Select(phi => phi.PositionText).FirstOrDefault(d => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(d)).ToUpperFirstCharacter().NullIfEmpty()
                       ?? "Named";
            // This no longer uses firstHelpInfo.DefaultValueAsString since it seems to be broken. For example, it has a value of 0 for Int32, but no default value was declared.
            DefaultValue = parameterGroup.DefaultInfo?.Script ?? "None";

            HasAllParameterSets = parameterGroup.HasAllVariants;
            ParameterSetNames = (parameterGroup.Parameters.Select(p => p.VariantName).ToArray().NullIfEmpty()
                                 ?? parameterHelpInfos.SelectMany(phi => phi.ParameterSetNames).Distinct())
                .OrderBy(psn => psn).ToArray();
            Aliases = parameterGroup.Aliases.NullIfEmpty() ?? parameterHelpInfos.SelectMany(phi => phi.Aliases).ToArray();

            IsRequired = parameterHelpInfos.Select(phi => phi.IsRequired).FirstOrDefault(r => r == true) ?? parameterGroup.Parameters.Any(p => p.IsMandatory);
            IsDynamic = parameterHelpInfos.Select(phi => phi.IsDynamic).FirstOrDefault(d => d == true) ?? false;
            AcceptsPipelineByValue = parameterHelpInfos.Select(phi => phi.SupportsPipelineInput?.Contains("ByValue")).FirstOrDefault(bv => bv == true) ?? parameterGroup.ValueFromPipeline;
            AcceptsPipelineByPropertyName = parameterHelpInfos.Select(phi => phi.SupportsPipelineInput?.Contains("ByPropertyName")).FirstOrDefault(bv => bv == true) ?? parameterGroup.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName;
            AcceptsWildcardCharacters = parameterGroup.SupportsWildcards;

    internal class MarkdownRelatedLinkInfo
        public string Url { get; }
        public string Description { get; }

        public MarkdownRelatedLinkInfo(string url)
            Url = url;

        public MarkdownRelatedLinkInfo(string url, string description)
            Url = url;
            Description = description;

        public override string ToString()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Description))
                return Url;
                return $@"[{Description}]({Url})";


    internal static class MarkdownTypesExtensions
        public static MarkdownExampleHelpInfo ToExampleHelpInfo(this PsHelpExampleInfo exampleInfo) => new MarkdownExampleHelpInfo(exampleInfo.Title, exampleInfo.Code, exampleInfo.Output, exampleInfo.Remarks);

        public static MarkdownExampleHelpInfo[] DefaultExampleHelpInfos =
            new MarkdownExampleHelpInfo("Example 1: {{ Add title here }}", $@"{{{{ Add code here }}}}", $@"{{{{ Add output here (remove the output block if the example doesn't have an output) }}}}", @"{{ Add description here }}"),
            new MarkdownExampleHelpInfo("Example 2: {{ Add title here }}", $@"{{{{ Add code here }}}}", $@"{{{{ Add output here (remove the output block if the example doesn't have an output) }}}}", @"{{ Add description here }}"),

        public static MarkdownParameterHelpInfo[] SupportsShouldProcessParameters =
            new MarkdownParameterHelpInfo
                Name = "Confirm",
                Description ="Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.",
                Type = typeof(SwitchParameter),
                Position = "Named",
                DefaultValue = "None",
                HasAllParameterSets = true,
                ParameterSetNames = new [] { "(All)" },
                Aliases = new [] { "cf" }
            new MarkdownParameterHelpInfo
                Name = "WhatIf",
                Description ="Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.",
                Type = typeof(SwitchParameter),
                Position = "Named",
                DefaultValue = "None",
                HasAllParameterSets = true,
                ParameterSetNames = new [] { "(All)" },
                Aliases = new [] { "wi" }

        public static MarkdownParameterHelpInfo[] SupportsPagingParameters =
            new MarkdownParameterHelpInfo
                Name = "First",
                Description ="Gets only the first 'n' objects.",
                Type = typeof(ulong),
                Position = "Named",
                DefaultValue = "None",
                HasAllParameterSets = true,
                ParameterSetNames = new [] { "(All)" },
                Aliases = new string[0]
            new MarkdownParameterHelpInfo
                Name = "IncludeTotalCount",
                Description ="Reports the number of objects in the data set (an integer) followed by the objects. If the cmdlet cannot determine the total count, it returns \"Unknown total count\".",
                Type = typeof(SwitchParameter),
                Position = "Named",
                DefaultValue = "None",
                HasAllParameterSets = true,
                ParameterSetNames = new [] { "(All)" },
                Aliases = new string[0]
            new MarkdownParameterHelpInfo
                Name = "Skip",
                Description ="Ignores the first 'n' objects and then gets the remaining objects.",
                Type = typeof(ulong),
                Position = "Named",
                DefaultValue = "None",
                HasAllParameterSets = true,
                ParameterSetNames = new [] { "(All)" },
                Aliases = new string[0]