
// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator (autorest: 3.10.2, generator: @autorest/powershell@4.0.708)
// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.

namespace Commvault.Powershell.Models
    using static Commvault.Powershell.Runtime.Extensions;

    public partial class CommvaultPowerShellIdentity :

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="AccessPathId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _accessPathId;

        /// <summary>Id of the mount path whose access path has to be deleted</summary>
        public long? AccessPathId { get => this._accessPathId; set => this._accessPathId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="AgentId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _agentId;

        /// <summary>Id of the agent to be modified</summary>
        public long? AgentId { get => this._agentId; set => this._agentId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="AlertRuleId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _alertRuleId;

        /// <summary>Unique Id of the alert custom rule to get details</summary>
        public long? AlertRuleId { get => this._alertRuleId; set => this._alertRuleId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="AppGuid" /> property.</summary>
        private string _appGuid;

        /// <summary>GUID of the Application to get details</summary>
        public string AppGuid { get => this._appGuid; set => this._appGuid = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="AppId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _appId;

        /// <summary>Commvault exchange app id</summary>
        public long? AppId { get => this._appId; set => this._appId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="ApplicationGroupId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _applicationGroupId;

        /// <summary>applicationGroupId is the ID of the Kubernetes application group</summary>
        public long? ApplicationGroupId { get => this._applicationGroupId; set => this._applicationGroupId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="ArrayId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _arrayId;

        public long? ArrayId { get => this._arrayId; set => this._arrayId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="AssetId" /> property.</summary>
        private string _assetId;

        /// <summary>FQDN of the asset</summary>
        public string AssetId { get => this._assetId; set => this._assetId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="BackupDestinationId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _backupDestinationId;

        /// <summary>Id of the backupDestination to be modified</summary>
        public long? BackupDestinationId { get => this._backupDestinationId; set => this._backupDestinationId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="BackupDestionationId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _backupDestionationId;

        public long? BackupDestionationId { get => this._backupDestionationId; set => this._backupDestionationId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="BackupLocationId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _backupLocationId;

        /// <summary>Id of the backup location whose details have to be fetched</summary>
        public long? BackupLocationId { get => this._backupLocationId; set => this._backupLocationId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="BlackoutWindowId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _blackoutWindowId;

        /// <summary>Id of the Blackout Window whose details have to be fetched</summary>
        public long? BlackoutWindowId { get => this._blackoutWindowId; set => this._blackoutWindowId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="BucketId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _bucketId;

        /// <summary>Id of Bucket</summary>
        public long? BucketId { get => this._bucketId; set => this._bucketId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="ClientId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _clientId;

        public long? ClientId { get => this._clientId; set => this._clientId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="CloneId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _cloneId;

        /// <summary>ID of the cloned bucket</summary>
        public long? CloneId { get => this._cloneId; set => this._cloneId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="CloudStorageId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _cloudStorageId;

        /// <summary>Id of cloud Storage</summary>
        public long? CloudStorageId { get => this._cloudStorageId; set => this._cloudStorageId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="ClusterId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _clusterId;

        /// <summary>Id of the cluster whose modifier has to be listed.</summary>
        public long? ClusterId { get => this._clusterId; set => this._clusterId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="CompanyId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _companyId;

        /// <summary>Id of the Company whose details have to be fetched</summary>
        public long? CompanyId { get => this._companyId; set => this._companyId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="CopyId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _copyId;

        public long? CopyId { get => this._copyId; set => this._copyId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="CredentialId" /> property.</summary>
        private string _credentialId;

        public string CredentialId { get => this._credentialId; set => this._credentialId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="CredentialName" /> property.</summary>
        private string _credentialName;

        public string CredentialName { get => this._credentialName; set => this._credentialName = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="DomainId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _domainId;

        /// <summary>ID of the AD/LDAP domain</summary>
        public long? DomainId { get => this._domainId; set => this._domainId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="DrOperation" /> property.</summary>
        private string _drOperation;

        /// <summary>Name of DR operation. Case insensitive</summary>
        public string DrOperation { get => this._drOperation; set => this._drOperation = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="DriveId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _driveId;

        /// <summary>Id of the Drive of which the drive details has to be displayed</summary>
        public long? DriveId { get => this._driveId; set => this._driveId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="EntityId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _entityId;

        /// <summary>Recovery entity Id</summary>
        public long? EntityId { get => this._entityId; set => this._entityId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="EntityType" /> property.</summary>
        private string _entityType;

        /// <summary>Type of the entity</summary>
        public string EntityType { get => this._entityType; set => this._entityType = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="FailoverGroupId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _failoverGroupId;

        /// <summary>Id of the failover group</summary>
        public long? FailoverGroupId { get => this._failoverGroupId; set => this._failoverGroupId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="GlobalSearchEntity" /> property.</summary>
        private string _globalSearchEntity;

        /// <summary>name of global search entity</summary>
        public string GlobalSearchEntity { get => this._globalSearchEntity; set => this._globalSearchEntity = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="HfsShareId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _hfsShareId;

        /// <summary>Id of the HFS Share to fetch its status</summary>
        public long? HfsShareId { get => this._hfsShareId; set => this._hfsShareId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="HyperScaleStorageId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _hyperScaleStorageId;

        /// <summary>Id of hyperscale storage</summary>
        public long? HyperScaleStorageId { get => this._hyperScaleStorageId; set => this._hyperScaleStorageId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="HypervisorId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _hypervisorId;

        /// <summary>Id of the HYpervisor to get</summary>
        public long? HypervisorId { get => this._hypervisorId; set => this._hypervisorId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="Id" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _id;

        public long? Id { get => this._id; set => this._id = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="IndexServerClientId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _indexServerClientId;

        /// <summary>Pseudo client id of the index server</summary>
        public long? IndexServerClientId { get => this._indexServerClientId; set => this._indexServerClientId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="InstanceId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _instanceId;

        /// <summary>Id of the instance to modify</summary>
        public long? InstanceId { get => this._instanceId; set => this._instanceId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="InventoryId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _inventoryId;

        /// <summary>Inventory id</summary>
        public long? InventoryId { get => this._inventoryId; set => this._inventoryId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="JobId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _jobId;

        public long? JobId { get => this._jobId; set => this._jobId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="KmsId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _kmsId;

        /// <summary>Id of Key Management Server</summary>
        public long? KmsId { get => this._kmsId; set => this._kmsId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="LibraryId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _libraryId;

        /// <summary>Id of the library to view the data</summary>
        public long? LibraryId { get => this._libraryId; set => this._libraryId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="MediaAgentId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _mediaAgentId;

        /// <summary>Id of the Media Agent whose details have to be fetched</summary>
        public long? MediaAgentId { get => this._mediaAgentId; set => this._mediaAgentId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="MetadataCacheId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _metadataCacheId;

        /// <summary>Id of metadata cache</summary>
        public long? MetadataCacheId { get => this._metadataCacheId; set => this._metadataCacheId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="ModifierName" /> property.</summary>
        private string _modifierName;

        /// <summary>Name of the modifier to be read.</summary>
        public string ModifierName { get => this._modifierName; set => this._modifierName = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="Name" /> property.</summary>
        private string _name;

        public string Name { get => this._name; set => this._name = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="NameSpace" /> property.</summary>
        private string _nameSpace;

        /// <summary>Name of the namespace to browse for content</summary>
        public string NameSpace { get => this._nameSpace; set => this._nameSpace = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="NodeId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _nodeId;

        /// <summary>Id of node</summary>
        public long? NodeId { get => this._nodeId; set => this._nodeId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="PairId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _pairId;

        public long? PairId { get => this._pairId; set => this._pairId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="PlanId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _planId;

        /// <summary>Id of the object store plan to fetch details</summary>
        public long? PlanId { get => this._planId; set => this._planId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="RecoveryEntityId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _recoveryEntityId;

        /// <summary>Recovery entity Id</summary>
        public long? RecoveryEntityId { get => this._recoveryEntityId; set => this._recoveryEntityId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="RecoveryGroupId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _recoveryGroupId;

        /// <summary>Recovery group Id</summary>
        public long? RecoveryGroupId { get => this._recoveryGroupId; set => this._recoveryGroupId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="RecoveryTargetId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _recoveryTargetId;

        /// <summary>id of recovery target</summary>
        public long? RecoveryTargetId { get => this._recoveryTargetId; set => this._recoveryTargetId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="RegionId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _regionId;

        /// <summary>Region id to be deleted.</summary>
        public long? RegionId { get => this._regionId; set => this._regionId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="RegionList" /> property.</summary>
        private string _regionList;

        /// <summary>
        /// List of region names/ids to be deleted. If region ids are passed, set isRegionIdList=true
        /// </summary>
        public string RegionList { get => this._regionList; set => this._regionList = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="ReplicationGroupId" /> property.</summary>
        private string _replicationGroupId;

        public string ReplicationGroupId { get => this._replicationGroupId; set => this._replicationGroupId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="ReplicationPairId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _replicationPairId;

        /// <summary>Replication pair id of the Pair</summary>
        public long? ReplicationPairId { get => this._replicationPairId; set => this._replicationPairId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="RequestId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _requestId;

        /// <summary>Unique identifier for the request</summary>
        public long? RequestId { get => this._requestId; set => this._requestId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="RoleId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _roleId;

        /// <summary>Role Id</summary>
        public long? RoleId { get => this._roleId; set => this._roleId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="RpsId" /> property.</summary>
        private string _rpsId;

        public string RpsId { get => this._rpsId; set => this._rpsId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="RuleId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _ruleId;

        /// <summary>Id of the rule to update in Plan</summary>
        public long? RuleId { get => this._ruleId; set => this._ruleId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="ScheduleId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _scheduleId;

        /// <summary>ID of the DR operation schedule</summary>
        public long? ScheduleId { get => this._scheduleId; set => this._scheduleId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="SchedulePolicyId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _schedulePolicyId;

        public long? SchedulePolicyId { get => this._schedulePolicyId; set => this._schedulePolicyId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="ServerGroupId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _serverGroupId;

        /// <summary>Id of the serverGroupId whose details have to be fetched</summary>
        public long? ServerGroupId { get => this._serverGroupId; set => this._serverGroupId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="ServerId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _serverId;

        /// <summary>Id of the server to modify</summary>
        public long? ServerId { get => this._serverId; set => this._serverId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="SnapEngineId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _snapEngineId;

        /// <summary>Snap Engine Id</summary>
        public long? SnapEngineId { get => this._snapEngineId; set => this._snapEngineId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="SpareGroupId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _spareGroupId;

        /// <summary>
        /// Id of the Spare group whose properties need to be fetched. spareGroupId can be fetched from GET V4/Storage/Tape/{libraryId}/MediaType
        /// </summary>
        public long? SpareGroupId { get => this._spareGroupId; set => this._spareGroupId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="StoragePoolId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _storagePoolId;

        /// <summary>Id of the storage pool whose associated copies have to be fetched</summary>
        public long? StoragePoolId { get => this._storagePoolId; set => this._storagePoolId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="SubclientId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _subclientId;

        /// <summary>Id of the subclient to modify</summary>
        public long? SubclientId { get => this._subclientId; set => this._subclientId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="TagId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _tagId;

        /// <summary>Id of the tag to delete</summary>
        public long? TagId { get => this._tagId; set => this._tagId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="TagValue" /> property.</summary>
        private string _tagValue;

        /// <summary>tag value to delete</summary>
        public string TagValue { get => this._tagValue; set => this._tagValue = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="TopologyId" /> property.</summary>
        private string _topologyId;

        public string TopologyId { get => this._topologyId; set => this._topologyId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="UserGroupId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _userGroupId;

        /// <summary>Id of the user-group whose details have to be fetched</summary>
        public long? UserGroupId { get => this._userGroupId; set => this._userGroupId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="UserId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _userId;

        /// <summary>Id of the User whose details have to be fetched</summary>
        public long? UserId { get => this._userId; set => this._userId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="VMGroupId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _vMGroupId;

        /// <summary>Id of the VMgroup to update</summary>
        public long? VMGroupId { get => this._vMGroupId; set => this._vMGroupId = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="VMGuid" /> property.</summary>
        private string _vMGuid;

        public string VMGuid { get => this._vMGuid; set => this._vMGuid = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="VMUuid" /> property.</summary>
        private string _vMUuid;

        /// <summary>The vmUUID can be obtained from GET /virtualMachines UUID property</summary>
        public string VMUuid { get => this._vMUuid; set => this._vMUuid = value; }

        /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="VendorId" /> property.</summary>
        private long? _vendorId;

        public long? VendorId { get => this._vendorId; set => this._vendorId = value; }

        /// <summary>Creates an new <see cref="CommvaultPowerShellIdentity" /> instance.</summary>
        public CommvaultPowerShellIdentity()

    public partial interface ICommvaultPowerShellIdentity :
        /// <summary>Id of the mount path whose access path has to be deleted</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of the mount path whose access path has to be deleted",
        SerializedName = @"accessPathId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? AccessPathId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the agent to be modified</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of the agent to be modified",
        SerializedName = @"agentId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? AgentId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Unique Id of the alert custom rule to get details</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Unique Id of the alert custom rule to get details",
        SerializedName = @"alertRuleId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? AlertRuleId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>GUID of the Application to get details</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"GUID of the Application to get details",
        SerializedName = @"appGUID",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(string) })]
        string AppGuid { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Commvault exchange app id</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Commvault exchange app id",
        SerializedName = @"appId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? AppId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>applicationGroupId is the ID of the Kubernetes application group</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"applicationGroupId is the ID of the Kubernetes application group",
        SerializedName = @"applicationGroupId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? ApplicationGroupId { get; set; }

        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"",
        SerializedName = @"arrayId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? ArrayId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>FQDN of the asset</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"FQDN of the asset",
        SerializedName = @"assetId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(string) })]
        string AssetId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the backupDestination to be modified</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of the backupDestination to be modified",
        SerializedName = @"BackupDestinationId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? BackupDestinationId { get; set; }

        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"",
        SerializedName = @"backupDestionationId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? BackupDestionationId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the backup location whose details have to be fetched</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of the backup location whose details have to be fetched",
        SerializedName = @"backupLocationId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? BackupLocationId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the Blackout Window whose details have to be fetched</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of the Blackout Window whose details have to be fetched",
        SerializedName = @"blackoutWindowId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? BlackoutWindowId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of Bucket</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of Bucket",
        SerializedName = @"bucketId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? BucketId { get; set; }

        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"",
        SerializedName = @"clientId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? ClientId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>ID of the cloned bucket</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"ID of the cloned bucket",
        SerializedName = @"cloneId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? CloneId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of cloud Storage</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of cloud Storage",
        SerializedName = @"cloudStorageId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? CloudStorageId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the cluster whose modifier has to be listed.</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of the cluster whose modifier has to be listed.",
        SerializedName = @"clusterId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? ClusterId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the Company whose details have to be fetched</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of the Company whose details have to be fetched",
        SerializedName = @"companyId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? CompanyId { get; set; }

        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"",
        SerializedName = @"copyId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? CopyId { get; set; }

        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"",
        SerializedName = @"credentialId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(string) })]
        string CredentialId { get; set; }

        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"",
        SerializedName = @"credentialName",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(string) })]
        string CredentialName { get; set; }
        /// <summary>ID of the AD/LDAP domain</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"ID of the AD/LDAP domain",
        SerializedName = @"domainId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? DomainId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Name of DR operation. Case insensitive</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Name of DR operation. Case insensitive",
        SerializedName = @"drOperation",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(string) })]
        string DrOperation { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the Drive of which the drive details has to be displayed</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of the Drive of which the drive details has to be displayed",
        SerializedName = @"driveId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? DriveId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Recovery entity Id</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Recovery entity Id",
        SerializedName = @"entityId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? EntityId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Type of the entity</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Type of the entity",
        SerializedName = @"entityType",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(string) })]
        string EntityType { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the failover group</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of the failover group",
        SerializedName = @"failoverGroupId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? FailoverGroupId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>name of global search entity</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"name of global search entity",
        SerializedName = @"globalSearchEntity",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(string) })]
        string GlobalSearchEntity { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the HFS Share to fetch its status</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of the HFS Share to fetch its status",
        SerializedName = @"HFSShareId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? HfsShareId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of hyperscale storage</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of hyperscale storage",
        SerializedName = @"hyperScaleStorageId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? HyperScaleStorageId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the HYpervisor to get</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of the HYpervisor to get",
        SerializedName = @"hypervisorId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? HypervisorId { get; set; }

        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"",
        SerializedName = @"id",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? Id { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Pseudo client id of the index server</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Pseudo client id of the index server",
        SerializedName = @"indexServerClientId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? IndexServerClientId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the instance to modify</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of the instance to modify",
        SerializedName = @"instanceId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? InstanceId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Inventory id</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Inventory id",
        SerializedName = @"inventoryId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? InventoryId { get; set; }

        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"",
        SerializedName = @"jobId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? JobId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of Key Management Server</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of Key Management Server",
        SerializedName = @"kmsId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? KmsId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the library to view the data</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of the library to view the data",
        SerializedName = @"libraryId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? LibraryId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the Media Agent whose details have to be fetched</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of the Media Agent whose details have to be fetched",
        SerializedName = @"mediaAgentId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? MediaAgentId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of metadata cache</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of metadata cache",
        SerializedName = @"metadataCacheId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? MetadataCacheId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Name of the modifier to be read.</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Name of the modifier to be read.",
        SerializedName = @"ModifierName",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(string) })]
        string ModifierName { get; set; }

        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"",
        SerializedName = @"name",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(string) })]
        string Name { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Name of the namespace to browse for content</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Name of the namespace to browse for content",
        SerializedName = @"nameSpace",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(string) })]
        string NameSpace { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of node</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of node",
        SerializedName = @"nodeId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? NodeId { get; set; }

        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"",
        SerializedName = @"pairId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? PairId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the object store plan to fetch details</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of the object store plan to fetch details",
        SerializedName = @"planId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? PlanId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Recovery entity Id</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Recovery entity Id",
        SerializedName = @"recoveryEntityId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? RecoveryEntityId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Recovery group Id</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Recovery group Id",
        SerializedName = @"recoveryGroupId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? RecoveryGroupId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>id of recovery target</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"id of recovery target",
        SerializedName = @"recoveryTargetId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? RecoveryTargetId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Region id to be deleted.</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Region id to be deleted.",
        SerializedName = @"regionId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? RegionId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// List of region names/ids to be deleted. If region ids are passed, set isRegionIdList=true
        /// </summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"List of region names/ids to be deleted. If region ids are passed, set isRegionIdList=true",
        SerializedName = @"regionList",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(string) })]
        string RegionList { get; set; }

        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"",
        SerializedName = @"replicationGroupId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(string) })]
        string ReplicationGroupId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Replication pair id of the Pair</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Replication pair id of the Pair",
        SerializedName = @"replicationPairId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? ReplicationPairId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Unique identifier for the request</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Unique identifier for the request",
        SerializedName = @"requestId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? RequestId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Role Id</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Role Id",
        SerializedName = @"roleId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? RoleId { get; set; }

        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"",
        SerializedName = @"rpsId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(string) })]
        string RpsId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the rule to update in Plan</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of the rule to update in Plan",
        SerializedName = @"ruleId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? RuleId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>ID of the DR operation schedule</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"ID of the DR operation schedule",
        SerializedName = @"scheduleId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? ScheduleId { get; set; }

        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"",
        SerializedName = @"schedulePolicyId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? SchedulePolicyId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the serverGroupId whose details have to be fetched</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of the serverGroupId whose details have to be fetched",
        SerializedName = @"serverGroupId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? ServerGroupId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the server to modify</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of the server to modify",
        SerializedName = @"serverId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? ServerId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Snap Engine Id</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Snap Engine Id",
        SerializedName = @"snapEngineId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? SnapEngineId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Id of the Spare group whose properties need to be fetched. spareGroupId can be fetched from GET V4/Storage/Tape/{libraryId}/MediaType
        /// </summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of the Spare group whose properties need to be fetched. spareGroupId can be fetched from GET V4/Storage/Tape/{libraryId}/MediaType",
        SerializedName = @"spareGroupId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? SpareGroupId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the storage pool whose associated copies have to be fetched</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of the storage pool whose associated copies have to be fetched",
        SerializedName = @"storagePoolId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? StoragePoolId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the subclient to modify</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of the subclient to modify",
        SerializedName = @"subclientId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? SubclientId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the tag to delete</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of the tag to delete",
        SerializedName = @"tagId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? TagId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>tag value to delete</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"tag value to delete",
        SerializedName = @"tagValue",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(string) })]
        string TagValue { get; set; }

        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"",
        SerializedName = @"topologyId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(string) })]
        string TopologyId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the user-group whose details have to be fetched</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of the user-group whose details have to be fetched",
        SerializedName = @"userGroupId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? UserGroupId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the User whose details have to be fetched</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of the User whose details have to be fetched",
        SerializedName = @"userId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? UserId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the VMgroup to update</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"Id of the VMgroup to update",
        SerializedName = @"VmGroupId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? VMGroupId { get; set; }

        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"",
        SerializedName = @"vmGuid",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(string) })]
        string VMGuid { get; set; }
        /// <summary>The vmUUID can be obtained from GET /virtualMachines UUID property</summary>
        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"The vmUUID can be obtained from GET /virtualMachines UUID property",
        SerializedName = @"vmUUID",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(string) })]
        string VMUuid { get; set; }

        Required = false,
        ReadOnly = false,
        Read = true,
        Create = true,
        Update = true,
        Description = @"",
        SerializedName = @"vendorId",
        PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })]
        long? VendorId { get; set; }

    internal partial interface ICommvaultPowerShellIdentityInternal

        /// <summary>Id of the mount path whose access path has to be deleted</summary>
        long? AccessPathId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the agent to be modified</summary>
        long? AgentId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Unique Id of the alert custom rule to get details</summary>
        long? AlertRuleId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>GUID of the Application to get details</summary>
        string AppGuid { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Commvault exchange app id</summary>
        long? AppId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>applicationGroupId is the ID of the Kubernetes application group</summary>
        long? ApplicationGroupId { get; set; }

        long? ArrayId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>FQDN of the asset</summary>
        string AssetId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the backupDestination to be modified</summary>
        long? BackupDestinationId { get; set; }

        long? BackupDestionationId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the backup location whose details have to be fetched</summary>
        long? BackupLocationId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the Blackout Window whose details have to be fetched</summary>
        long? BlackoutWindowId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of Bucket</summary>
        long? BucketId { get; set; }

        long? ClientId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>ID of the cloned bucket</summary>
        long? CloneId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of cloud Storage</summary>
        long? CloudStorageId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the cluster whose modifier has to be listed.</summary>
        long? ClusterId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the Company whose details have to be fetched</summary>
        long? CompanyId { get; set; }

        long? CopyId { get; set; }

        string CredentialId { get; set; }

        string CredentialName { get; set; }
        /// <summary>ID of the AD/LDAP domain</summary>
        long? DomainId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Name of DR operation. Case insensitive</summary>
        string DrOperation { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the Drive of which the drive details has to be displayed</summary>
        long? DriveId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Recovery entity Id</summary>
        long? EntityId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Type of the entity</summary>
        string EntityType { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the failover group</summary>
        long? FailoverGroupId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>name of global search entity</summary>
        string GlobalSearchEntity { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the HFS Share to fetch its status</summary>
        long? HfsShareId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of hyperscale storage</summary>
        long? HyperScaleStorageId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the HYpervisor to get</summary>
        long? HypervisorId { get; set; }

        long? Id { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Pseudo client id of the index server</summary>
        long? IndexServerClientId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the instance to modify</summary>
        long? InstanceId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Inventory id</summary>
        long? InventoryId { get; set; }

        long? JobId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of Key Management Server</summary>
        long? KmsId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the library to view the data</summary>
        long? LibraryId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the Media Agent whose details have to be fetched</summary>
        long? MediaAgentId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of metadata cache</summary>
        long? MetadataCacheId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Name of the modifier to be read.</summary>
        string ModifierName { get; set; }

        string Name { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Name of the namespace to browse for content</summary>
        string NameSpace { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of node</summary>
        long? NodeId { get; set; }

        long? PairId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the object store plan to fetch details</summary>
        long? PlanId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Recovery entity Id</summary>
        long? RecoveryEntityId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Recovery group Id</summary>
        long? RecoveryGroupId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>id of recovery target</summary>
        long? RecoveryTargetId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Region id to be deleted.</summary>
        long? RegionId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// List of region names/ids to be deleted. If region ids are passed, set isRegionIdList=true
        /// </summary>
        string RegionList { get; set; }

        string ReplicationGroupId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Replication pair id of the Pair</summary>
        long? ReplicationPairId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Unique identifier for the request</summary>
        long? RequestId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Role Id</summary>
        long? RoleId { get; set; }

        string RpsId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the rule to update in Plan</summary>
        long? RuleId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>ID of the DR operation schedule</summary>
        long? ScheduleId { get; set; }

        long? SchedulePolicyId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the serverGroupId whose details have to be fetched</summary>
        long? ServerGroupId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the server to modify</summary>
        long? ServerId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Snap Engine Id</summary>
        long? SnapEngineId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Id of the Spare group whose properties need to be fetched. spareGroupId can be fetched from GET V4/Storage/Tape/{libraryId}/MediaType
        /// </summary>
        long? SpareGroupId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the storage pool whose associated copies have to be fetched</summary>
        long? StoragePoolId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the subclient to modify</summary>
        long? SubclientId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the tag to delete</summary>
        long? TagId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>tag value to delete</summary>
        string TagValue { get; set; }

        string TopologyId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the user-group whose details have to be fetched</summary>
        long? UserGroupId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the User whose details have to be fetched</summary>
        long? UserId { get; set; }
        /// <summary>Id of the VMgroup to update</summary>
        long? VMGroupId { get; set; }

        string VMGuid { get; set; }
        /// <summary>The vmUUID can be obtained from GET /virtualMachines UUID property</summary>
        string VMUuid { get; set; }

        long? VendorId { get; set; }
