Add-AEnums function Backup-CVDisasterRecovery { <# .SYNOPSIS Initiates the CommServe disaster recovery (DR) backup. .DESCRIPTION Initiates the CommServe disaster recovery (DR) backup. .PARAMETER Force Switch to Force override of default 'WhatIf' confirmation behavior. .EXAMPLE Backup-CVDisasterRecovery .OUTPUTS Outputs [PSCustomObject] containing job submission result. .NOTES Author: Gary Stoops Company: Commvault #> [Alias('Start-CVDRBackup')] [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = 'Low')] [OutputType([PSCustomObject])] param( [Switch] $Force ) begin { Write-Debug -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): begin" try { $sessionObj = Get-CVSessionDetail $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name } catch { throw $_ } } process { Write-Debug -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): process" try { $headerObj = Get-CVRESTHeader $sessionObj $body = (PrepareDRBackupBodyJson).body $payload = @{ } $payload.Add('headerObject', $headerObj) $payload.Add('body', $body) $validate = 'taskId' if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('DR backup?')) { $response = Submit-CVRESTRequest $payload $validate } else { $response = Submit-CVRESTRequest $payload $validate -DryRun } if ($response.IsValid) { Write-Output $response.Content } else { Write-Information -InformationAction Continue -MessageData "INFO: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): CommServe DR backup request declined" } } catch { throw $_ } } end { Write-Debug -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): end" } } function PrepareDRBackupBodyJson { try { $drObj = @{} $drObj.Add('isCompressionEnabled', $False) $drObj.Add('jobType', 1) $drObj.Add('backupType', 1) $body = $drObj | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 Write-Output @{ 'body' = $body } } catch { throw $_ } } |