Add-AEnums function Start-CVWorkflow { <# .SYNOPSIS Method to start/execute a workflow on the CommServe. .DESCRIPTION Method to start/execute a workflow on the CommServe. .PARAMETER Name Specify workflow to be started by Name. .PARAMETER Id Specify workflow to be started by Id. .PARAMETER WorkflowObject Specify workflow to be started by WorkflowObject. .PARAMETER Force Switch to Force override of default 'WhatIf' confirmation behavior. .EXAMPLE Start-CVWorkflow -Name DBMaintenance .EXAMPLE Start-CVWorkflow -Id 7 .EXAMPLE Get-CVWorkflow -Name DBMaintenance | Start-CVWorkflow .OUTPUTS Outputs [PSCustomObject] containing start workflow result. .NOTES Author: Gary Stoops Company: Commvault #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByObject', SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = 'High')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'ByName', ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'ById', ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [Int32] $Id, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'ByObject', ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [System.Object] $WorkflowObject, [Switch] $Force ) begin { Write-Debug -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): begin" try { $sessionObj = Get-CVSessionDetail $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name $endpointSave = $sessionObj.requestProps.endpoint } catch { throw $_ } } process { Write-Debug -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): process" try { $sessionObj.requestProps.endpoint = $endpointSave if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ByName') { $workflowObj = Get-CVWorkflow -Name $Name if ($null -ne $workflowObj) { $WorkflowObject = $workflowObj } else { Write-Information -InformationAction Continue -MessageData "INFO: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): workflow not found having name [$Name]" return } } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ById') { $workflowObj = Get-CVWorkflow -Id $Id if ($null -ne $workflowObj) { $WorkflowObject = $workflowObj } else { Write-Information -InformationAction Continue -MessageData "INFO: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): workflow not found having Id [$Id]" return } } $sessionObj.requestProps.endpoint = $sessionObj.requestProps.endpoint -creplace ('{workflowName}', $WorkflowObject.entity.workflowName) $inputObj = $null if ((HasProperty $WorkflowObject 'deployments') -and (HasProperty $WorkflowObject.deployments[0] 'inputForm') -and (HasProperty $WorkflowObject.deployments[0].inputForm 'entries')) { $inputObj = $WorkflowObject.deployments[0].inputForm.entries } elseif ((HasProperty $WorkflowObject 'workflow') -and (HasProperty $WorkflowObject.workflow 'schema') -and (HasProperty $WorkflowObject.workflow.schema 'inputs') -and (HasProperty $WorkflowObject.workflow.schema.inputs 'children')) { $inputObj = $WorkflowObject.workflow.schema.inputs.children } if ($null -ne $inputObj) { Write-Information -InformationAction Continue -MessageData "INFO: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): enter inputs for workflow [$($WorkflowObject.entity.workflowName)]" $first = $true foreach ($input in $inputObj) { if (HasProperty $input 'options') { if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($input.displayName)) { $value = $input.options | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title ($WorkflowObject.entity.workflowName + ': ' + $input.displayName) } else { $value = $input.options | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title ($WorkflowObject.entity.workflowName + ': ' + $ } } else { if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($input.displayName)) { $value = Read-Host -Prompt $input.displayName } else { $value = Read-Host -Prompt $ } } if ($null -ne $value) { if ($first) { $first = $false $sessionObj.requestProps.endpoint = $sessionObj.requestProps.endpoint + '?' } else { $sessionObj.requestProps.endpoint = $sessionObj.requestProps.endpoint + '&' } $sessionObj.requestProps.endpoint = $sessionObj.requestProps.endpoint + $ + '=' + $value } } } $headerObj = Get-CVRESTHeader $sessionObj $body = '' $payload = @{ } $payload.Add('headerObject', $headerObj) $payload.Add('body', $body) $validate = 'jobId' if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($WorkflowObject.entity.workflowName)) { $response = Submit-CVRESTRequest $payload $validate } else { $response = Submit-CVRESTRequest $payload $validate -DryRun } if ($response.IsValid) { Write-Output $response.Content } else { Write-Information -InformationAction Continue -MessageData "INFO: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): start workflow request failed for [$($WorkflowObject.entity.workflowName)]" } } catch { throw $_ } } end { Write-Debug -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): end" } } function HasProperty($Object, $PropertyName) { $PropertyName -in $Object.PSobject.Properties.Name } |