// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator (autorest: 3.9.4, generator: @autorest/powershell@3.0.415) // Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. namespace Commvault.Powershell.Models { using static Commvault.Powershell.Runtime.Extensions; /// <summary>Used to update an existing user.</summary> public partial class UpdateUser : Commvault.Powershell.Models.IUpdateUser, Commvault.Powershell.Models.IUpdateUserInternal { /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="AuthenticationMethod" /> property.</summary> private string _authenticationMethod; /// <summary> /// Change the current authentication method of user. SAML user association can be removed using this. /// </summary> [Commvault.Powershell.Origin(Commvault.Powershell.PropertyOrigin.Owned)] public string AuthenticationMethod { get => this._authenticationMethod; set => this._authenticationMethod = value; } /// <summary>Internal Acessors for Plan</summary> Commvault.Powershell.Models.IIdName Commvault.Powershell.Models.IUpdateUserInternal.Plan { get => (this._plan = this._plan ?? new Commvault.Powershell.Models.IdName()); set { {_plan = value;} } } /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="Email" /> property.</summary> private string _email; /// <summary>Change email-id for existing user. This email-id can be used for logging-in.</summary> [Commvault.Powershell.Origin(Commvault.Powershell.PropertyOrigin.Owned)] public string Email { get => this._email; set => this._email = value; } /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="Enabled" /> property.</summary> private bool? _enabled; /// <summary>enable or disable the user.</summary> [Commvault.Powershell.Origin(Commvault.Powershell.PropertyOrigin.Owned)] public bool? Enabled { get => this._enabled; set => this._enabled = value; } /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="FullName" /> property.</summary> private string _fullName; /// <summary>Change name for existing user</summary> [Commvault.Powershell.Origin(Commvault.Powershell.PropertyOrigin.Owned)] public string FullName { get => this._fullName; set => this._fullName = value; } /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="NewName" /> property.</summary> private string _newName; /// <summary> /// Change user name for existing user. Username can be used for logging-in as an alternate to email-id if duplicate email-ids /// are present. /// </summary> [Commvault.Powershell.Origin(Commvault.Powershell.PropertyOrigin.Owned)] public string NewName { get => this._newName; set => this._newName = value; } /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="NewPassword" /> property.</summary> private string _newPassword; /// <summary> /// Change existing password for user. validationPassword must also be provided when changing password. Password should be /// in provided in Base64 format. /// </summary> [Commvault.Powershell.Origin(Commvault.Powershell.PropertyOrigin.Owned)] public string NewPassword { get => this._newPassword; set => this._newPassword = value; } /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="Plan" /> property.</summary> private Commvault.Powershell.Models.IIdName _plan; [Commvault.Powershell.Origin(Commvault.Powershell.PropertyOrigin.Owned)] internal Commvault.Powershell.Models.IIdName Plan { get => (this._plan = this._plan ?? new Commvault.Powershell.Models.IdName()); set => this._plan = value; } [Commvault.Powershell.Origin(Commvault.Powershell.PropertyOrigin.Inlined)] public long? PlanId { get => ((Commvault.Powershell.Models.IIdNameInternal)Plan).Id; set => ((Commvault.Powershell.Models.IIdNameInternal)Plan).Id = value ?? default(long); } [Commvault.Powershell.Origin(Commvault.Powershell.PropertyOrigin.Inlined)] public string PlanName { get => ((Commvault.Powershell.Models.IIdNameInternal)Plan).Name; set => ((Commvault.Powershell.Models.IIdNameInternal)Plan).Name = value ?? null; } /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="UserGroupOperation" /> property.</summary> private string _userGroupOperation; /// <summary> /// Allows adding to, overwriting and deleting existing user groups. default is adding to existing userGroups /// </summary> [Commvault.Powershell.Origin(Commvault.Powershell.PropertyOrigin.Owned)] public string UserGroupOperation { get => this._userGroupOperation; set => this._userGroupOperation = value; } /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="UserGroups" /> property.</summary> private Commvault.Powershell.Models.IIdName[] _userGroups; /// <summary> /// Provide a list of userGroups that the user should be a part of. Note that for external users, user groups cannot be modified. /// </summary> [Commvault.Powershell.Origin(Commvault.Powershell.PropertyOrigin.Owned)] public Commvault.Powershell.Models.IIdName[] UserGroups { get => this._userGroups; set => this._userGroups = value; } /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="UserPrincipalName" /> property.</summary> private string _userPrincipalName; /// <summary> /// Change User Principal Name(UPN) for existing user. This User Principal Name can be used for logging-in. /// </summary> [Commvault.Powershell.Origin(Commvault.Powershell.PropertyOrigin.Owned)] public string UserPrincipalName { get => this._userPrincipalName; set => this._userPrincipalName = value; } /// <summary>Backing field for <see cref="ValidationPassword" /> property.</summary> private string _validationPassword; /// <summary> /// Provide the old password in Base64 format when updating the password. The new password has to be provided in the password /// tag. /// </summary> [Commvault.Powershell.Origin(Commvault.Powershell.PropertyOrigin.Owned)] public string ValidationPassword { get => this._validationPassword; set => this._validationPassword = value; } /// <summary>Creates an new <see cref="UpdateUser" /> instance.</summary> public UpdateUser() { } } /// Used to update an existing user. public partial interface IUpdateUser : Commvault.Powershell.Runtime.IJsonSerializable { /// <summary> /// Change the current authentication method of user. SAML user association can be removed using this. /// </summary> [Commvault.Powershell.Runtime.Info( Required = false, ReadOnly = false, Description = @"Change the current authentication method of user. SAML user association can be removed using this.", SerializedName = @"authenticationMethod", PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(string) })] string AuthenticationMethod { get; set; } /// <summary>Change email-id for existing user. This email-id can be used for logging-in.</summary> [Commvault.Powershell.Runtime.Info( Required = false, ReadOnly = false, Description = @"Change email-id for existing user. This email-id can be used for logging-in.", SerializedName = @"email", PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(string) })] string Email { get; set; } /// <summary>enable or disable the user.</summary> [Commvault.Powershell.Runtime.Info( Required = false, ReadOnly = false, Description = @"enable or disable the user.", SerializedName = @"enabled", PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(bool) })] bool? Enabled { get; set; } /// <summary>Change name for existing user</summary> [Commvault.Powershell.Runtime.Info( Required = false, ReadOnly = false, Description = @"Change name for existing user", SerializedName = @"fullName", PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(string) })] string FullName { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Change user name for existing user. Username can be used for logging-in as an alternate to email-id if duplicate email-ids /// are present. /// </summary> [Commvault.Powershell.Runtime.Info( Required = false, ReadOnly = false, Description = @"Change user name for existing user. Username can be used for logging-in as an alternate to email-id if duplicate email-ids are present.", SerializedName = @"newName", PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(string) })] string NewName { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Change existing password for user. validationPassword must also be provided when changing password. Password should be /// in provided in Base64 format. /// </summary> [Commvault.Powershell.Runtime.Info( Required = false, ReadOnly = false, Description = @"Change existing password for user. validationPassword must also be provided when changing password. Password should be in provided in Base64 format.", SerializedName = @"newPassword", PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(string) })] string NewPassword { get; set; } [Commvault.Powershell.Runtime.Info( Required = false, ReadOnly = false, Description = @"", SerializedName = @"id", PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(long) })] long? PlanId { get; set; } [Commvault.Powershell.Runtime.Info( Required = false, ReadOnly = false, Description = @"", SerializedName = @"name", PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(string) })] string PlanName { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Allows adding to, overwriting and deleting existing user groups. default is adding to existing userGroups /// </summary> [Commvault.Powershell.Runtime.Info( Required = false, ReadOnly = false, Description = @"Allows adding to, overwriting and deleting existing user groups. default is adding to existing userGroups", SerializedName = @"userGroupOperation", PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(string) })] string UserGroupOperation { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Provide a list of userGroups that the user should be a part of. Note that for external users, user groups cannot be modified. /// </summary> [Commvault.Powershell.Runtime.Info( Required = false, ReadOnly = false, Description = @"Provide a list of userGroups that the user should be a part of. Note that for external users, user groups cannot be modified.", SerializedName = @"userGroups", PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(Commvault.Powershell.Models.IIdName) })] Commvault.Powershell.Models.IIdName[] UserGroups { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Change User Principal Name(UPN) for existing user. This User Principal Name can be used for logging-in. /// </summary> [Commvault.Powershell.Runtime.Info( Required = false, ReadOnly = false, Description = @"Change User Principal Name(UPN) for existing user. This User Principal Name can be used for logging-in.", SerializedName = @"userPrincipalName", PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(string) })] string UserPrincipalName { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Provide the old password in Base64 format when updating the password. The new password has to be provided in the password /// tag. /// </summary> [Commvault.Powershell.Runtime.Info( Required = false, ReadOnly = false, Description = @"Provide the old password in Base64 format when updating the password. The new password has to be provided in the password tag.", SerializedName = @"validationPassword", PossibleTypes = new [] { typeof(string) })] string ValidationPassword { get; set; } } /// Used to update an existing user. internal partial interface IUpdateUserInternal { /// <summary> /// Change the current authentication method of user. SAML user association can be removed using this. /// </summary> string AuthenticationMethod { get; set; } /// <summary>Change email-id for existing user. This email-id can be used for logging-in.</summary> string Email { get; set; } /// <summary>enable or disable the user.</summary> bool? Enabled { get; set; } /// <summary>Change name for existing user</summary> string FullName { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Change user name for existing user. Username can be used for logging-in as an alternate to email-id if duplicate email-ids /// are present. /// </summary> string NewName { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Change existing password for user. validationPassword must also be provided when changing password. Password should be /// in provided in Base64 format. /// </summary> string NewPassword { get; set; } Commvault.Powershell.Models.IIdName Plan { get; set; } long? PlanId { get; set; } string PlanName { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Allows adding to, overwriting and deleting existing user groups. default is adding to existing userGroups /// </summary> string UserGroupOperation { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Provide a list of userGroups that the user should be a part of. Note that for external users, user groups cannot be modified. /// </summary> Commvault.Powershell.Models.IIdName[] UserGroups { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Change User Principal Name(UPN) for existing user. This User Principal Name can be used for logging-in. /// </summary> string UserPrincipalName { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Provide the old password in Base64 format when updating the password. The new password has to be provided in the password /// tag. /// </summary> string ValidationPassword { get; set; } } } |