function Invoke-ColorizedFileListing { <# .SYNOPSIS Provides colorized file listing. .DESCRIPTION This function is a replacement for Get-ChildItem when used to list files and folders, and adds colorization of file types as well as humanized dates and file sizes. .EXAMPLE Invoke-ColorizedFileListing Will list the contents of the current folder. .EXAMPLE Invoke-ColorizedFileListing c:\ -Force Will list all contents of c:\, including hidden files. .EXAMPLE Get-ChildItem c:\windows\*.log | Invoke-ColorizedFileListing Will list all log files in the c:\windows directory. .NOTES Author: Øyvind Kallstad Version: 1.0 Date: 31.08.2016 Dependencies: PowerShellHumanizer #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Path')] param ( # Path. Will be forwarded to Get-ChildItem. Default value is '.' [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Path', Position = 0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Path = '.', # If Path is not used, you can pass in a FileSystemInfo object through the pipeline. [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Object', ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [System.IO.FileSystemInfo[]] $FileSystemInfo, # Will also list hidden files. Will be forwarded to Get-ChildItem. [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Path')] [switch] $Force, # Pause file listing if the results are longer than the window height. [Parameter()] [Alias('p')] [switch] $Pause, # Show file owner. [Parameter()] [Alias('owner')] [switch] $ShowOwner, [Parameter()] [Alias('parent','directory','d')] [switch] $ShowParentDirectory, # Files that match this filter will be highlighted in red. [Parameter()] [Alias('m')] [string] $Highlight = [string]::Empty, # Show size on disk. [Parameter()] [Alias('s')] [switch] $ShowSizeOnDisk ) BEGIN { # Colors $directoryColor = 'Yellow' $documentColor = 'Cyan' $executableColor = 'Magenta' $logColor = 'DarkCyan' $hiddenColor = 'DarkGray' $modeColor = 'Gray' $compressedColor = 'Green' $highlightColor = 'Red' $defaultColor = 'White' if (-not(Get-Module -Name 'PowerShellHumanizer' -ListAvailable -Verbose:$false)) { Write-Warning 'This function depends on the module PowerShellHumanizer.' Write-Warning 'Please run "Install-Module -Name PowerShellHumanizer -Scope CurrentUser" to install the missing module.' break } else { if (-not(Get-Module -Name 'PowerShellHumanizer')) { try { Write-Verbose 'Importing PowerShellHumanizer' Import-Module -Name 'PowerShellHumanizer' -Force } catch { Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message break } } } # Since we need the window height for the pause function # it will only work when in the console. if (($host.Name -eq 'ConsoleHost') -and ($Pause)) { $windowHeight = [console]::WindowHeight $usableHeight = $windowHeight - 2 $lines = 0 } } PROCESS { foreach ($FileSystemInfoItem in $FileSystemInfo) { [array]$files += $FileSystemInfoItem } } END { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Path') { [array]$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Force:$Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } if ($ShowParentDirectory) { Write-Host '' Write-Host " Directory: $(($files.Where({-not $_.PSIsContainer})[0]).DirectoryName)" Write-Host '' } else { Write-Host '' } foreach ($file in $files) { # Only supported for files and folders. if (-not ($file.PSProvider.Name -eq 'FileSystem')) { break } $fileOwner = [String]::Empty $fileSizeValue = [string]::Empty $fileSizeUnit = [string]::Empty $fileSizeOnDiskValue = [string]::Empty $fileSizeOnDiskUnit = [string]::Empty # File if (-not $file.PSIsContainer) { $fileSize = [Humanizer.ByteSizeExtensions]::bytes($file.Length).ToString(0.00) $fileSizeSplit = $fileSize.split(' ') $fileSizeUnit = ($fileSizeSplit[-1][0]).ToString() $fileSizeValue = $fileSizeSplit[0] if (($ShowSizeOnDisk) -and (-not $file.PSIsContainer)) { $fileSizeOnDisk = [Humanizer.ByteSizeExtensions]::bytes($file.SizeOnDisk).ToString(0.00) $fileSizeOnDiskSplit = $fileSizeOnDisk.split(' ') $fileSizeOnDiskUnit = ($fileSizeOnDiskSplit[-1][0]).ToString() $fileSizeOnDiskValue = $fileSizeOnDiskSplit[0] } switch ($file.Extension) { '.ps1' {$color = $executableColor} '.exe' {$color = $executableColor} '.cmd' {$color = $executableColor} '.com' {$color = $executableColor} '.bat' {$color = $executableColor} '.vbs' {$color = $executableColor} '.log' {$color = $logColor} '.txt' {$color = $documentColor} '.doc' {$color = $documentColor} '.docx' {$color = $documentColor} '.zip' {$color = $compressedColor} '.7z' {$color = $compressedColor} '.rar' {$color = $compressedColor} '.tar' {$color = $compressedColor} DEFAULT {$color = $defaultColor} } } # Directory else { $color = $directoryColor } # If file is hidden, overwrite the color with the color for hidden files. if ($file.Attributes.HasFlag([System.IO.FileAttributes]::Hidden)) { $color = $hiddenColor } else { try { if ($ShowOwner) { $fileOwner = ((Get-Acl -Path $file.FullName).Owner).Split('\')[-1] } } catch {} # if this doesn't work, just silently ignore it. } $lastWriteTimeHumanized = $file.LastWriteTime.Humanize() $lastWriteTimeHumanizedSplit = $lastWriteTimeHumanized.split(' ') if ($lastWriteTimeHumanizedSplit.count -eq 3) { $timeNumber = $lastWriteTimeHumanizedSplit[0] $timeUnit = $lastWriteTimeHumanizedSplit[1] if (($timeNumber -eq 'an') -or ($timeNumber -eq 'one') -or ($timeNumber -eq 'a')) { $timeNumber = '1' } } elseif ($lastWriteTimeHumanized -eq 'yesterday') { $timeNumber = '1' $timeUnit = 'day' } # Highligh if ($Highlight) { if ($file.Name -like $Highlight) { $color = $highlightColor } } # Write output Write-Host "$($file.Mode)" -ForegroundColor $modeColor -NoNewline if ($ShowOwner) { Write-Host " $($fileOwner.PadRight(17,' ')) " -NoNewline } Write-Host " $($timeNumber.PadLeft(3, ' ')) $($timeUnit.PadRight(8, ' ')) $($fileSizeValue.PadLeft(5,' ')) $($fileSizeUnit.PadRight(3,' '))" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $defaultColor if ($ShowSizeOnDisk) { Write-Host "$($fileSizeOnDiskValue.PadLeft(5, ' ')) $($fileSizeOnDiskUnit.PadRight(3,' '))" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $modeColor } Write-Host "$($file.Name)" -ForegroundColor $color if (($host.Name -eq 'ConsoleHost') -and ($Pause)) { $lines++ if ($lines -eq $usableHeight) { Write-Host '' Write-Host 'Press any key to continue ...' -NoNewline $x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown") Write-Host '' $lines = 0 } } } Write-Host '' } } New-Alias -Name 'c' -Value 'Invoke-ColorizedFileListing' -Force |