@{ RootModule = 'CloudiQ.psm1' ModuleVersion = '1.0.0' GUID = '84a3337c-3d0b-4483-bd52-d7cf06a3ab8b' Author = @( 'Crayon' 'Roberth Strand' ) CompanyName = 'Crayon' Copyright = 'The Cloud-iQ module is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0' Description = 'Module to automate licensing through Crayon Cloud-iQ.' FunctionsToExport = @( 'Connect-CloudiQ' # Organization 'Get-CloudiQOrganization' # Agreement 'Get-CloudiQAgreement' # Needs clarification 'Get-CloudiQAgreementProduct' # Subscription 'Get-CloudiQSubscription' 'Set-CloudiQSubscription' # Subscription Addon 'Get-CloudiQSubscriptionAddon' 'Set-CloudiQSubscriptionAddon' # User management 'Get-CloudiQUser' 'New-CloudiQUser' 'Set-CloudiQUser' 'Remove-CloudiQUser' 'Set-CloudiQUserPassword' ) CmdletsToExport = '' VariablesToExport = '' AliasesToExport = @( 'ciqc' # Organization 'ciqgo' # Agreement 'ciqa' 'ciqap' # Subscription 'ciqgs' 'ciqss' # Subscription Addon 'ciqgsa' 'ciqssa' # User management 'ciqgu' 'ciqnu' 'ciqsu' 'ciqru' 'ciqsup' ) PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ Tags = @("Crayon", "Cloud-iQ", "CloudiQ", "license") ProjectUri = '' ReleaseNotes = '' } } HelpInfoURI = '' } |