
    Get all ClickUp webhooks.
    Get all ClickUp webhooks.
    PS C:\> Get-ClickUpWebhooks -TeamID 123
    Get all ClickUp webhooks for team with ID "123".
    System.Object Hashtable.
    See the link for information.

    Only webhooks that were created by the authenticated user will be returned on this endpoint.

function Get-ClickUpWebhooks {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $Webhooks = Invoke-ClickUpAPIGet -Endpoint "team/$TeamID/webhook"
    Return $Webhooks.webhooks

    Create a new ClickUp webhook.
    Create a new ClickUp webhook.

    You may filter the location of resources that get sent to a webhook by passing an optional space_id, folder_id, list_id, or task_id in the body of the request. Without specifying any events, all event types will be sent to the webhook. However, you can filter for specific actions by sending an events array. To subscribe to specific events, pass an array of events that you want to subscribe to, otherwise pass "*" to subscribe to everything.
    PS C:\> New-ClickUpWebhook -Endpoint ''
    Create a new ClickUp webhook that subscribes to all resources and events. Posts information to the URL "".
    PS C:\> New-ClickUpWebhook -Endpoint '' -Events 'taskCreated','taskUpdated','taskDeleted' -FilterToTaskID 9hx
    Create a new ClickUp webhook that subscribes to task with ID "9hx" task creation, update, and deletion events. Posts information to the URL "".
    System.Object Hashtable.
    See the link for information.

    Only webhooks that were created by the authenticated user will be returned on this endpoint.

    You may filter the location of resources that get sent to a webhook by passing an optional space_id, folder_id, list_id, or task_id in the body of the request. Without specifying any events, all event types will be sent to the webhook. However, you can filter for specific actions by sending an events array. To subscribe to specific events, pass an array of events that you want to subscribe to, otherwise pass "*" to subscribe to everything.

function New-ClickUpWebhook {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [string[]]$Events = '*',

    $Body = @{
        endpoint = $Endpoint
        events   = $Events

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('FilterToSpaceID')) {
        $Body.Add('space_id', $FilterToSpaceID)
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('FilterToFolderID')) {
        $Body.Add('folder_id', $FilterToFolderID)
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('FilterToListID')) {
        $Body.Add('list_id', $FilterToListID)
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('FilterToTaskID')) {
        $Body.Add('task_id', $FilterToTaskID)

    $Webhook = Invoke-ClickUpAPIPost -Endpoint "team/$TeamID/webhook" -Body $Body
    Return $Webhook

    Create a new ClickUp webhook.
    Create a new ClickUp webhook.

    You may filter the location of resources that get sent to a webhook by passing an optional space_id, folder_id, list_id, or task_id in the body of the request. Without specifying any events, all event types will be sent to the webhook. However, you can filter for specific actions by sending an events array. To subscribe to specific events, pass an array of events that you want to subscribe to, otherwise pass "*" to subscribe to everything.
    PS C:\> Set-ClickUpWebhook -WebhookID 4b67ac88 -Endpoint ''
    Updates a ClickUp webhook with ID "4b67ac88" that subscribes to all resources and events. Posts information to the URL "".
    PS C:\> Set-ClickUpWebhook -WebhookID 4b67ac88 -Endpoint '' -Events 'taskCreated','taskUpdated','taskDeleted' -FilterToTaskID 9hx
    Updates a ClickUp webhook with ID "4b67ac88" that subscribes to task with ID "9hx" task creation, update, and deletion events. Posts information to the URL "".
    System.Object Hashtable.
    See the link for information.

    Only webhooks that were created by the authenticated user will be returned on this endpoint.

    You may filter the location of resources that get sent to a webhook by passing an optional space_id, folder_id, list_id, or task_id in the body of the request. Without specifying any events, all event types will be sent to the webhook. However, you can filter for specific actions by sending an events array. To subscribe to specific events, pass an array of events that you want to subscribe to, otherwise pass "*" to subscribe to everything.

function Set-ClickUpWebhook {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

    $Body = @{}

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Endpoint')) {
        $Body.Add('endpoint', $Endpoint)
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Events')) {
        $Body.Add('events', $Events)
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Status')) {
        $Body.Add('status', $Status)
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('FilterToSpaceID')) {
        $Body.Add('space_id', $FilterToSpaceID)
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('FilterToFolderID')) {
        $Body.Add('folder_id', $FilterToFolderID)
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('FilterToListID')) {
        $Body.Add('list_id', $FilterToListID)
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('FilterToTaskID')) {
        $Body.Add('task_id', $FilterToTaskID)

    $Webhook = Invoke-ClickUpAPIPut -Endpoint "webhook/$WebhookID" -Body $Body
    Return $Webhook

    Remove a ClickUp webhook.
    Remove a ClickUp webhook.
    PS C:\> Remove-ClickUpWebhook -WebhookID 4b67ac88
    Remove a ClickUp webhook with ID "4b67ac88".
    System.Object Hashtable.
    See the link for information.

    Only webhooks that were created by the authenticated user will be returned on this endpoint.

function Remove-ClickUpWebhook {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($WebhookID)) {
        Invoke-ClickUpAPIDelete -Endpoint "webhook/$WebhookID"