

Quickly search the AppDomain for classes and members.

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name ClassExplorer

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name ClassExplorer

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2017 Patrick Meinecke. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Patrick Meinecke


DotNet Class Member Reflection


Find-Member Find-Type Get-Assembly Get-Parameter Format-MemberSignature


Desktop Core


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

## 2.3.3

* Add `-Decoration` to `Find-Type`
* Fix `-Decoration` parameter and `hasattr` keyword being unreliable with non-BCL

## 2.3.2

* Add property attributes in `Format-MemberSignature`
* Add argument completion for `-Decoration`
* Fix type for `ResolutionMap` in help

## 2.3.1

* Fix `number` signature keyword not resolving
* Add help for `hasdefault` keyword

## 2.3.0

* Add `-Extension` parameter to `Find-Member`. This will find only extension methods
* Add `index` signature keyword for restricting matches to a specific method parameter
 index. (e.g. `[allof[index0, string]]` will match if the first parameter is a `string`.

## 2.2.0

### Add `-RecurseNestedType` parameter

A lot of queries were a little harder with automatically recursing nested types.
So you could do something like:

Find-Type -Not -Base delegate | Find-Member -Not -Virtual | Find-Member Invoke

And end up with a bunch of members from nested delegates. This also lets you
filter nested types easier. Basically we are just actually treating nested types
like other members unless you specifically request otherwise.

### Other

* Filter sealed and abstract methods from virtual
* Fix filters applying incorrectly with `-Not` or when piped
* Add some extra parameter aliases

## 2.1.0

- Add signature keywords `abstract` and `concrete`
- Find-Type no longer includes non-public classes when `-Not` is specified
- Members from `System.Object` are now properly excluded from structs and enums when `-IncludeObject` is not specified
- `params` now shows in member format
- Member formatting is now grouped by full type name of reflected type.
- New slot virtual members now display properly when they are also sealed

## 2.0.1
- Fix error messages and help

## 2.0.0
- Added type signatures, a custom query language built into type expressions. See
- A lot of fixes and tweaks
- Removed Find-Namespace command


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
2.3.3 (current version) 8,820 5/3/2022
2.3.2 111 5/2/2022
2.3.1 98 5/1/2022
2.3.0 98 5/1/2022
2.2.0 101 4/30/2022
2.1.0 99 4/30/2022
2.0.1 120 4/25/2022
2.0.0 111 4/24/2022
1.1.0 1,188 1/7/2018
1.0.1 191 8/28/2017
1.0.0 119 8/26/2017
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