
function Get-PartnerCustomerCVADActiveUse {
        Get the current cloud license active use of cvad for specific customer.
        This function gives you the current cloud license active use of cvad for specific customer.
        .PARAMETER partnerID
        partnerID of your Citrix Cloud Tenant is mandatory to connect to the right Tenant.
      .PARAMETER customerID
        customerID of your Citrix Cloud customer is mandatory to get information for the right tenant.
      .PARAMETER token
        token should be the following content:'CwsAuth Bearer=ehJcciSRpICJ1bIsGIUkNnV5iJziyC6IIXO9....'
      Think its easier to put it in a variable.
        Get-PartnerCustomerCVADActiveUse -token 'CwsAuth Bearer=ehJcciSRpICJ1bIsGIUkNnV5iJziyC6IIXO9....' -partnerID '3asdf21' -customerID '3ngking1jtejtw'

      [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $partnerID,
      [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $customerID,

    $baseUrl = ""
    $Resource = "activeuse/partner/tenant/cloud/cvad/current"
    $Query = "?customer=" + $customerID

    $headers = @{
        Authorization = "$token"

    $Uri = $baseUrl + "/"+ $partnerID + "/" + $Resource + $Query

    $customername = Get-PartnerCustomerInfo -token $token -partnerID $partnerID -customerID $customerID | select displayName
    $customername = $customername.displayName

    Write-Verbose "License Active Use Information for customer: $customername" -Verbose

    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri -Headers $headers | select ccuActiveUse, udActiveUse

     if (!$ccuActiveUse) {
     $response = $response.udActiveUse
     Write-Verbose 'Customer is licensed with User/Device Licenses.' -Verbose
     else {
     $response = $response.cuActiveUse
     Write-Verbose 'Customer is licensed with Concurrent Licenses.' -Verbose

    return $response