
Get the status of an Image Portability Service job.

Gets the status of an Image Portability Service job.

Specifies the customer id of the Citrix customer running this command.

.PARAMETER SecureClientId
Specifies the client id of the Citrix customer's API client.

.PARAMETER SecureSecret
Specifies the client secret of the Citrix customer's API client.

Specifies the id of the job to get the status of.

.PARAMETER Deployment
Specifies the service address to send the job request to. It defaults to This can be used if necessary to send the request to a geo specific deployment such as


PSCustomObject. The job status.

PS> $CitrixCreds = @{
    CustomerId = 'a7f4wb1example'
    SecureClientId = '7fed2a1e-1495-46b7-8fd3-5644764af395'
    SecureSecret = '9T.3Q~MGlnB6NNgpNUUWrcquVzODrdGK~eXampLe'
PS> Get-IpsJob @CitrixCreds -JobId fb067a8a-b20a-4889-ba3e-1ec580edd9c5

Function Get-IpsJob
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$LogFileName = 'GetIpsJob.log',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        Add-PSSnapin Citrix.*
        # Set parameter 'Verbose' by internal parameter 'VerbosePreference', since the option -Verbose is occupied by powershell cmdlet
        $Verbose = $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue'
        LogInit $MyInvocation $LogFileDir $LogFileName $OverwriteLog $Verbose

        VersionCheck $Deployment $CustomerId

        $parameters = AuthToCitrixCloud $CustomerId $SecureClientId $SecureSecret
        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SecureClientId) -Or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SecureSecret)) {
            $SecureClientId = $parameters.ApiKey
            $SecureSecret = $parameters.SecretKey

        $job = Invoke-CCRestMethod 'Get' $Deployment "jobs/$JobId" $CustomerId $SecureClientId $SecureSecret @{} $null
        Write-Output $job