
function Add-CitrixLicensing {
    Adds a Citrix Licensing Load Balancing configuration to your Citrix ADC.
    Adds a Citrix Licensing Load Balancing configuration to your Citrix ADC.
    The configuration data for this function is driven by the "Licensing" section of the JSON file passed in.
    The JSON file containing the data to be used to configure the Citrix Licensing GSLB configuration.
    Creation Date: 29/03/2018
    Name Version Date Change Detail
    David Brett 1.0 29/03/2018 Function Creation
    Add-CitrixLicensing -JSONFile C:\CitrixADC\CitrixADC-Build.json

    Add-CitrixLicensing -JSONFile C:\CitrixADC\CitrixADC-Build.json -Verbose

    Param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)][string[]]$JSONFile

    begin {
        $StartTime = (Get-Date)
        if (test-path $JSONfile) {
            try {
                $JSON = Get-Content -Raw -Path $JSONfile | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw "Error reading JSON. Please Check File and try again."

        # Read in data from the JSON File
        $MonitorPrefix = $
        $ServicePrefix = $
        $vServerPrefix = $

        # Generate Citrix ADC Credentials
        $SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $JSON.Global.ADCPassword -AsPlainText -Force
        $ADCCredentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($JSON.Global.ADCUserName, $SecurePassword)

    process {
        Write-Verbose "Starting to add Citrix Licensing Load Balancing Configuration to the Citrix ADC"

        # Connect to the Citrix ADC
        Connect-CitrixADC -IPAddress $JSON.Global.ADCIP -Credential $ADCCredentials

        # Add Citrix Licensing server to ADC
        foreach ($Server in $json.licensing.servers) {
            Add-ADCServer -ServerName $server.dnsname -ServerIP $server.ipaddress

        # Add 4 monitoring to check the status of the Citrix Licensing Server
        Add-ADCCustomTCPMonitor -MonitorName $MonitorPrefix'citrix_licensing_27000' -MonitorPort 27000
        Add-ADCCustomTCPMonitor -MonitorName $MonitorPrefix'citrix_licensing_7279' -MonitorPort 7279
        Add-ADCCustomTCPMonitor -MonitorName $MonitorPrefix'citrix_licensing_8082' -MonitorPort 8082
        Add-ADCCustomTCPMonitor -MonitorName $MonitorPrefix'citrix_licensing_8083' -MonitorPort 8083

        # Add the ADC Service for Citrix Licensing
        foreach ($Server in $json.licensing.servers) {
            Add-ADCService -ServiceName $ServicePrefix'citrix_licensing' -ServiceType "TCP" -ServicePort 65535 -ServerName $server.dnsname

        # Bind the 4 monitors to the new service
        Set-ADCMonitorToService -ServiceName $ServicePrefix'citrix_licensing' -MonitorName $MonitorPrefix'citrix_licensing_27000'
        Set-ADCMonitorToService -ServiceName $ServicePrefix'citrix_licensing' -MonitorName $MonitorPrefix'citrix_licensing_7279'
        Set-ADCMonitorToService -ServiceName $ServicePrefix'citrix_licensing' -MonitorName $MonitorPrefix'citrix_licensing_8082'
        Set-ADCMonitorToService -ServiceName $ServicePrefix'citrix_licensing' -MonitorName $MonitorPrefix'citrix_licensing_8083'

        # Add the new Load Balancing Virtual Server
        Add-ADCLoadBalancingvServer -vServerName $vServerPrefix'citrix_licensing' -vServerType "TCP" -vServerIPv4 $json.Licensing.LicenseServerVirtualServerIP -vServerPort 65535

        # Bind the new service to the Load Balancing vServer
        Set-ADCServiceTovServer -vServerName $vServerPrefix'citrix_licensing' -ServiceName $ServicePrefix'citrix_licensing'

        # Disconnect from the Citrix ADC
        Write-Verbose "Finished adding Citrix Licensing Load Balancing Configuration to the Citrix ADC"

    end {
        $EndTime = (Get-Date)
        Write-Verbose "Add-CitrixLicensing finished."
        Write-Verbose "Elapsed Time: $(($EndTime-$StartTime).TotalMinutes) Minutes"
        Write-Verbose "Elapsed Time: $(($EndTime-$StartTime).TotalSeconds) Seconds"
