.SYNOPSIS DSC Configuration Template for DSC Resource Integration tests. .DESCRIPTION To Use: 1. Copy to \Tests\Integration\ folder and rename <ResourceName>.config.ps1 (e.g. MSFT_Firewall.config.ps1). 2. Customize TODO sections. 3. Remove TODO comments and TODO comment-blocks. 4. Remove this comment-based help. .NOTES Comment in HEADER region are standard and should not be altered. #> #region HEADER # Integration Test Config Template Version: 1.2.1 #endregion $configFile = [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path, 'json') if (Test-Path -Path $configFile) { <# TODO: Allows reading the configuration data from a JSON file, e.g. integration_template.config.json for real testing scenarios outside of the CI. #> $ConfigurationData = Get-Content -Path $configFile | ConvertFrom-Json } else { <# TODO: (Optional) If appropriate, this configuration hash table can be moved from here and into the integration test file. For example, if there are several configurations which all need different configuration properties, it might be easier to have one ConfigurationData-block per configuration test than one big ConfigurationData-block here. It may also be moved if it is easier to read the tests when the ConfigurationData-block is in the integration test file. The reason for it being here is that it is easier to read the configuration when the ConfigurationData-block is in this file. #> $ConfigurationData = @{ AllNodes = @( @{ NodeName = 'localhost' CertificateFile = $env:DscPublicCertificatePath # TODO: (Optional) Add configuration properties. UserName = 'MyInstallAccount' Password = 'MyP@ssw0rd!1' } ) } } <# .SYNOPSIS TODO: Add a short but clear description of what this configuration does. (e.g. Enables the TCP port for Remote Desktop Connection on the profile Public.) #> # TODO: Modify ResourceName and ShortDescriptiveName (e.g. MSFT_Firewall_EnableRemoteDesktopConnection_Config). Configuration MSFT_<ResourceName>_<ShortDescriptiveName>_Config { # TODO: Modify ModuleName (e.g. NetworkingDsc) Import-DscResource -ModuleName '<ModuleName>' node $AllNodes.NodeName { # TODO: Modify ResourceFriendlyName (e.g. Firewall). <ResourceFriendlyName> 'Integration_Test' { # TODO: Add resource parameters here. PsDscRunAsCredential = New-Object ` -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ` -ArgumentList @($Node.Username, (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Node.Password -AsPlainText -Force)) } } } # TODO: (Optional) Add More Configuration Templates as needed. |