#region Pipeline configurations Pipeline: 'Do Global Variable' { Stage: One { Do: { Write-Output $ABC } } } Pipeline: 'Do Local Variable in Pipeline' { $Abc = 'abc' Stage: One { Do: { Write-Output $ABC } } } Pipeline: 'Do Local Variable in Stage' { Stage: One { $Abc = 'abc' Do: { Write-Output $ABC } } } Pipeline: 'Do Local Variable in Do' { Stage: One { Do: { $Abc = 'abc'; Write-Output $ABC } } } Pipeline: 'Do Get-Service' { Stage: One { Do: { Get-Service BITS } } } Pipeline: 'Do WriteOutput' { Stage: One { Do: { Write-Output 'Output'} Do: { 'Another output' } } } Pipeline: 'Do Get-Service 32 times' { Stage: One { Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } Do: { Get-Service BITS } } } Pipeline: 'Do Get-Service 64 times in Foreach' { Stage: One { Foreach($num in 1..64) { Do: { Get-Service BITS } -Context $Context } } } Pipeline: 'Do Get-Service with Timeout' { Stage: One { Do: { Sleep 5 } -TimeOut 4 } } Pipeline: 'Do Invoke-Pipeline' { Stage: One: { Do: { Pipeline: 'Do Get-Service' { Stage: One { Do: { Get-Service BITS } } } -Invoke } } } Pipeline: 'Do Invoke-Pipeline 2' { Stage: One: { Do: { #$path = Split-Path (Get-Module Cidney).Path -Parent #Write-host "Path: $Path" & 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\cidney\tests\EmbeddedPipelineScript.ps1' #& "$Path\Tests\EmbeddedPipelineScript.ps1" } } } #endregion #region Tests Describe 'Do Tests' { context 'Global' { Remove-Variable ABC -Scope Global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Global:ABC = 'ABC' It 'should return global variable' { Invoke-Cidney 'Do Global Variable' | should be 'ABC' } Remove-Variable ABC -Scope Global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } context 'Local' { It 'should return local variable from Pipeline' { Invoke-Cidney 'Do Local Variable in Pipeline' | should be 'ABC' } It 'should return local variable from Stage' { Invoke-Cidney 'Do Local Variable in Stage' | should be 'ABC' } It 'should return local variable from Do' { Invoke-Cidney 'Do Local Variable in do' | should be 'ABC' } } It 'should return the BITS Service' { $result = Invoke-Cidney 'Do Get-Service' $result.Name | should be 'BITS' } It 'should return Write-Output' { $result = Invoke-Cidney 'Do WriteOutput' $result.Count | should be 2 $result[0] | should be 'Output' $result[1] | should be 'Another output' } It 'should return the BITS Service from 32 different Do Blocks' { $result = Invoke-Cidney 'Do Get-Service 32 Times' $result.Name[0] | should be 'BITS' $result.Count | should be 32 } It 'should return the BITS Service from 64 different Do Blocks' { $result = Invoke-Cidney 'Do Get-Service 64 Times in Foreach' $result.Name[0] | should be 'BITS' $result.Count | should be 64 } It 'should time out when ExecutionTime is greater than Timeout (4 seconds)' { $result = Invoke-Cidney 'Do Get-Service with Timeout' $result | should throw } It 'should return the BITS Service from Invoked Pipeline' { $result = Invoke-Cidney 'Do Invoke-Pipeline' $result.Name | should be 'BITS' } It 'should return the pipleline name from Invoked Pipeline 2' { $result = Invoke-Cidney 'Do Invoke-Pipeline 2' $result | should be 'PipelineEmbedded' } It 'should be able to invoke do: outside of stage and pipeline' { Do: { $env:COMPUTERNAME } -PassThru | Wait-CidneyJob | should be $env:COMPUTERNAME } } -tag Do #endregion #region Cleanup Get-CidneyPipeline | Remove-CidneyPipeline #endregion |