function Stage: { <# .SYNOPSIS Short Description .DESCRIPTION Detailed Description .EXAMPLE .\HelloWorld.ps1 Pipeline HelloWorld { Stage One { Do: { Get-Process } } } .EXAMPLE .\HelloWorld.ps1 Pipeline HelloWorld { Stage One { Do: { Get-Process | Where Status -eq 'Running' } } } Invoke-Cidney HelloWorld -Verbose .LINK Pipeline: On: Do: Invoke-Cidney #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [string] $StageName ='', [Parameter(Position = 1)] [scriptblock] $StageBlock = $(Throw 'No Stage: block provided. (Did you put the open curly brace on the next line?)'), [Parameter(DontShow)] [hashtable] $Context = $null ) try { $paramHeader = { param([hashtable]$__context__) if ($__context__ -and $__context__.LocalVariables) { foreach($__var__ in $__context__.LocalVariables) { if (-not (Get-Variable $__var__.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { New-Variable -Name $__var__.Name -Value $__var__.Value } else { Set-Variable -Name $__var__.Name -Value $__var__.Value } } } } if (-not $Context) { $Context = New-CidneyContext } if ($Context.ShowProgress) { Write-Progress -Activity "Stage $StageName" -Status 'Starting' -Id ($CidneyPipelineCount + 1) } $Context.CurrentStage = $StageName Write-CidneyLog "[Start] Stage $StageName" $blocks = Get-Cidneystatement -ScriptBlock $stageBlock -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters $count = 0 foreach($block in $blocks) { $block = $block.ToString().Trim() $block = [scriptblock]::Create(("{0}`r`n{1}" -f $paramHeader.ToString().Trim(),$block)) if ($Context.ShowProgress) { Write-Progress -Activity "Stage $StageName" -Status 'Processing' -Id ($CidneyPipelineCount + 1) } Invoke-CidneyBlock -ScriptBlock $block -Context $Context $count++ if ($Context.ShowProgress -and $Context.Jobs.Count -eq 0) { Write-Progress -Activity "Stage $StageName" -Status 'Processing' -Id ($CidneyPipelineCount + 1) -PercentComplete ($count/$blocks.Count * 100) } } Wait-CidneyJob -Context $Context } finally { $Context.Jobs = @() $removeKeys = @() foreach($output in $Global:CidneyEventOutput.GetEnumerator()) { $output.Value $removeKeys += $output.Key } foreach($key in $removeKeys) { $Global:CidneyEventOutput.Remove($key) } if ($Script:RunspacePool -and $Script:RunspacePool.RunspacePoolStateInfo.State -ne 'Closed') { $Script:RsSessionState = $null $null = $Script:RunspacePool.Close() $null = $Script:RunspacePool.Dispose() #[gc]::Collect() } } if ($Context.ShowProgress) { Write-Progress -Activity "Stage $StageName" -Status 'Completed' -Id ($CidneyPipelineCount + 1) -Completed } Write-CidneyLog "[Done] Stage $StageName" } |