
if(-not (Test-Path $env:ChocolateyInstall\license\chocolatey.license.xml)){
    throw "A licensed version of Chocolatey For Business is required to import and use this module"

function Add-CCMGroup {
    Adds a group to Central Management
    Deployments in Central Management revolve around Groups. Before you can execute a deployment you must define a target group of computers the Deployment will execute on.
    Use this function to create new groups in your Central Management system
    The name you wish to give the group
    .PARAMETER Description
    A short description of the group
    .PARAMETER Group
    The group(s) to include as members
    .PARAMETER Computer
    The computer(s) to include as members
    Add-CCMGroup -Name PowerShell -Description "I created this via the ChocoCCM module" -Computer pc1,pc2
    Add-CCMGroup -Name PowerShell -Description "I created this via the ChocoCCM module" -Group Webservers

        [parameter(mandatory = $true)]



    begin {

        if(-not $Session){
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"
        $computers = Get-CCMComputer
        $groups = Get-CCMGroup

        $ComputerCollection = foreach ($item in $Computer) {
            if ($item -in $current.computers.computerName){
                Write-Warning "Skipping $item, already exists"
            else {
                $Cresult = $computers | Where-Object Name -eq $item | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id
                # Drop object into $computerCollection
                [pscustomobject]@{computerId = $Cresult }
        $GroupCollection = foreach ($item in $Group) {
            if ($item -in $current.groups.subGroupName){
                Write-Warning "Skipping $item, already exists"
            else {
                $Gresult = $groups | Where-Object Name -eq $item | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id
                # Drop object into $computerCollection
                [pscustomobject]@{subGroupId = $Gresult }

        $processedComputers = $ComputerCollection
        $processedGroups = $GroupCollection


    process {
        $body = @{
            Name        = $Name
            Description = $Description
            Groups      = if (-not $processedGroups) { @() } else { @(,$processedGroups) }
            Computers   = if (-not $processedComputers) { @() } else { @(,$processedComputers) }
            } | ConvertTo-Json

        $irmParams = @{
            Uri         = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/Groups/CreateOrEdit"
            Method      = "post"
            ContentType = "application/json"
            Body        = $body
            WebSession  = $Session
        Write-Verbose $body

        try {
            $response = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            throw $_.Exception.Message

            name = $Name
            description = $Description
            groups = $Group
            computers = $Computer

function Add-CCMGroupMember {
    Adds a member to an existing Group in Central Management
    Add new computers and groups to existing Central Management Groups
    The group to edit
    .PARAMETER Computer
    The computer(s) to add
    .PARAMETER Group
    The group(s) to add
    Add-CCMGroupMember -Group 'Newly Imaged' -Computer Lab1,Lab2,Lab3

    [cmdletBinding(HelpUri = "")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Computer")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Group")]
                param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams)
                $r = (Get-CCMGroup).Name

                If ($WordToComplete) {
                    $r.Where{ $_ -match "^$WordToComplete" }

                Else {

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Computer")]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true ,ParameterSetName = "Group")]

    begin {
        if (-not $Session) {
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"
        $computers = Get-CCMComputer
        $groups = Get-CCMGroup
        $ComputerCollection = [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]::new()
        $GroupCollection = [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]::new()

        $id = Get-CCMGroup -Group $name | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id
        $current = Get-CCMGroup -Id $id | Select-Object *
        $current.computers | ForEach-Object { $ComputerCollection.Add([pscustomobject]@{computerId = "$($_.computerId)" }) }

    process {

        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            { $Computer } {

                foreach ($c in $Computer) {
                    if($c -in $current.computers.computerName){
                        Write-Warning "Skipping $c, already exists"
                    else {
                        $Cresult = $computers | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "$c" } | Select-Object  Id
                        $ComputerCollection.Add([pscustomobject]@{computerId = "$($Cresult.Id)" })

                $processedComputers = $ComputerCollection

            'Group' {

                foreach ($g in $Group) {
                    if($g -in $current.groups.subGroupName){
                        Write-Warning "Skipping $g, already exists"
                    else {
                    $Gresult = $groups | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "$g" } | Select-Object Id
                    $GroupCollection.Add([pscustomobject]@{subGroupId = "$($Gresult.Id)"})
                $processedGroups = $GroupCollection
        $body = @{
            Name        = $Name
            Id          = ($groups | Where-Object { $ -eq "$Name" } | Select-Object  -ExpandProperty Id)
            Description = ($groups | Where-Object { $ -eq "$Name" } | Select-Object  -ExpandProperty Description)
            Groups      = if (-not $processedGroups) { @() } else { @(,$processedGroups) }
            Computers   = if (-not $processedComputers) { @() } else { @(,$processedComputers) }
        } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3

        Write-Verbose $body
        $irmParams = @{
            Uri         = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/Groups/CreateOrEdit"
            Method      = "post"
            ContentType = "application/json"
            Body        = $body
            WebSession  = $Session

        try {
            $null = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams -ErrorAction Stop
            $successGroup = Get-CCMGroupMember -Group $Name

                Name = $Name
                Description = $successGroup.Description
                Groups = $successGroup.Groups.subGroupName
                Computers = $successGroup.Computers.computerName


        catch {
            throw $_.Exception.Message
function Connect-CCMServer {
    Creates a session to a central management instance
    Creates a web session cookie used for other functions in the ChocoCCM module
    .PARAMETER Hostname
    The hostname and port number of your Central Management installation
    .PARAMETER Credential
    The credentials for your Central Management installation. You'll be prompted if left blank
    Connect-CCMServer -Hostname localhost:8090
    $cred = Get-Credential ; Connect-CCMServer -Hostname localhost:8090 -Credential $cred




            $script:Hostname = $Hostname
            $protocol = 'http'
        process {

                $protocol = 'https'
            $body = @{
                usernameOrEmailAddress = "$($Credential.UserName)"
                password = "$($Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)"

            $Result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$($protocol)://$Hostname/Account/Login" -Method POST -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -Body $body -SessionVariable Session -Erroraction Stop
            $Script:Session = $Session
            $Script:Protocol = $protocol

function Disable-CCMDeployment {
    Archive a CCM Deployment. This will move a Deployment to the Archived Deployments section in the Central Management Web UI.
    Moves a deployment in Central Management to the archive. This Deployment will no longer be available for use.
    .PARAMETER Deployment
    The deployment to archive
    Disable-CCMDeployment -Deployment 'Upgrade VLC'
    Archive-CCMDeployment -Deployment 'Upgrade VLC'

    [cmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = "high", SupportsShouldProcess,HelpUri="")]
                param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams)
                $r = (Get-CCMDeployment).Name

                If ($WordToComplete) {
                    $r.Where{ $_ -match "^$WordToComplete" }

                Else {

    begin {

        if(-not $Session){
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"
        $deployId = Get-CCMDeployment -Name $Deployment | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id
    process {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Deployment", "ARCHIVE")) {
            $irmParams = @{
                Uri         = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/Archive"
                Method      = "POST"
                ContentType = "application/json"
                Body        = @{ id = "$deployId" } | ConvertTo-Json
                Websession  = $Session

            try {
                $null = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
function Export-CCMDeployment {
    Exports a Deployment to a CliXML file
    Adds ability to export a deployment as cli-xml. Useful for backup/source control of deployments
    .PARAMETER Deployment
    The CCM Deployment to Export
    .PARAMETER DeploymentStepsOnly
    Only export a deployment's steps
    .PARAMETER OutFile
    The xml file to save the deployment as
    .PARAMETER AllowClobber
    Allow a file to be overwritten if it already exists
    Export-CCMDeployment -Deployment TestDeployment -OutFile C:\temp\testdeployment.xml
    Export-CCMDeployment -Deployment UpgradeChrome -OutFile C:\temp\upgradechrome_ccmdeployment.xml -AllowClobber

                param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams)
                $r = (Get-CCMDeployment -All).Name

                If ($WordToComplete) {
                    $r.Where{ $_ -match "^$WordToComplete" }

                Else {





    process {

        $exportParams = if ($AllowClobber) {
                Force = $true
        } else {
        $DeploymentObject = Get-CCMDeployment -Name $Deployment

        if ($DeploymentStepsOnly) {
            $DeploymentObject.deploymentSteps | Export-Clixml -Depth 10 -Path $OutFile -Force @exportParams
        } else {
            $DeploymentObject | Export-Clixml -Depth 10 -Path $OutFile @exportParams
function Export-CCMDeploymentReport {
    Downloads a deployment report from Central Management. This will be saved in the path you specify for OutputFolder
    Downloads a deployment report from Central Management in PDF or Excel format. The file is saved to the OutputFolder
    .PARAMETER Deployment
    The deployment from which to generate and download a report
    The type of report, either PDF or Excel
    .PARAMETER OutputFolder
    The path to save the report too
    Export-CCMDeploymentReport -Deployment 'Complex' -Type PDF -OutputFolder C:\temp\
    Export-CCMDeploymentReport -Deployment 'Complex -Type Excel -OutputFolder C:\CCMReports

                param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams)
                $r = (Get-CCMDeployment -All).Name

                If ($WordToComplete) {
                    $r.Where{ $_ -match "^$WordToComplete" }

                Else {


        [ValidateSet('PDF', 'Excel')]

        [ValidateScript( { Test-Path $_ })]
    begin {

        if(-not $Session){
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"
        $deployId = Get-CCMDeployment -Name $Deployment | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id
    process {

        $irmParams = @{
            Method      = "Get"
            ContentType = "application/json"
            WebSession  = $Session

        switch ($Type) {
            'PDF' {
                $url = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/GetDeploymentPlanDetailsToPdf?deploymentPlanId=$deployId"
            'Excel' { $url = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/GetDeploymentPlanDetailsToExcel?deploymentPlanId=$deployId" }

        $irmParams.Add('Uri', "$url")

        try {
            $record = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams -ErrorAction Stop            
            $fileName = $record.result.fileName
            $fileType = $record.result.fileType
            $fileToken = $record.result.fileToken
        catch {
            throw $_.Exception

        $downloadParams = @{
            Uri         = "$($protocol)://$hostname/File/DownloadTempFile?fileType=$fileType&fileToken=$fileToken&fileName=$fileName"
            OutFile     = "$($OutputFolder)\$($fileName)"
            WebSession  = $Session
            Method      = "GET"
            ContentType = $fileType

        try {
            $dl = Invoke-RestMethod @downloadParams -ErrorAction Stop

        catch {

function Export-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReport {
    Download an outdated Software report from Central Management. This file will be saved to the OutputFolder specified
    Download either a PDF or Excel format report of outdated software from Central Management to the OutputFolder specified
    .PARAMETER Report
    The report to download
    Specify either PDF or Excel
    .PARAMETER OutputFolder
    The path to save the file
    Export-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReport -Report '7/4/2020 6:44:40 PM' -Type PDF -OutputFolder C:\CCMReports

                param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams)
                $r = (Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReport).creationTime

                If ($WordToComplete) {
                    $r.Where{ $_ -match "^$WordToComplete" }

                Else {

        [ValidateSet('PDF', 'Excel')]

        [ValidateScript( { Test-Path $_ })]

    begin {
        if(-not $Session){
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"

    process {

        $reportId = Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReport | Where-Object { $_.creationTime -eq "$Report" } | Select -ExpandProperty id

        $irmParams = @{
            Method      = "Get"
            ContentType = "application/json"
            WebSession  = $Session

        switch ($Type) {
            'PDF' { $url = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/OutdatedReports/GetOutdatedSoftwareToPdf?reportId=$reportId" }
            'Excel' { $url = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/OutdatedReports/GetOutdatedSoftwareToExcel?reportId=$reportId" }

        $irmParams.Add('Uri', "$url")

        try {
            $record = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams -ErrorAction Stop
            $fileName = $record.result.fileName
            $fileType = $record.result.fileType
            $fileToken = $record.result.fileToken
        catch {
            throw $_.Exception

        $downloadParams = @{
            Uri         = "$($protocol)://$hostname/File/DownloadTempFile?fileType=$fileType&fileToken=$fileToken&fileName=$fileName"
            OutFile     = "$($OutputFolder)\$($fileName)"
            WebSession  = $Session
            Method      = "GET"
            ContentType = $fileType

        try {
            $dl = Invoke-RestMethod @downloadParams -ErrorAction Stop

        catch {

Function Get-CCMComputer {
    Returns information about computers in CCM
    Query for all, or by computer name/id to retrieve information about the system as reported in Central Management
    .PARAMETER Computer
    Returns the specified computer(s)
    Returns the information for the computer with the specified id
    Get-CCMComputer -Computer web1
    Get-CCMComputer -Id 13

    [cmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "All",HelpUri="")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Computer")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Id")]


    begin {
        If (-not $Session) {

            throw "Unauthenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first"



    process {

        if (-not $Id) {
            $records = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($protocol)://$Hostname/api/services/app/Computers/GetAll" -WebSession $Session
        Switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {

            "Computer" {
                Foreach ($c in $computer) {

                    [pscustomobject]$records.result | Where-Object { $ -match "$c" } 


            "Id" {

                $records = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($protocol)://$Hostname/api/services/app/Computers/GetComputerForEdit?Id=$Id" -WebSession $Session


            default {

function Get-CCMDeployment {
    Return information about a CCM Deployment.
    Returns detailed information about Central Management Deployment Plans.
    Returns the named Deployment Plan.
    Returns the Deployment Plan with the given Id.
    .PARAMETER IncludeStepResults
    If set, additionally retrieves the results for each step of the deployment.
    Get-CCMDeployment -Name Bob
    Get-CCMDeployment -Id 583 -IncludeStepResults

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetname = "default", HelpUri="")]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Name", Mandatory)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Id", Mandatory)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Name")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Id")]

    begin {
        if (-not $Session) {
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"

    process {

        if (-not $Id) {
            $records = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($protocol)://$Hostname/api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/GetAll" -WebSession $Session

        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {

            'Name' {

                $queryId = $records.result | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "$Name"} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id
                $records = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($protocol)://$Hostname/api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/GetDeploymentPlanForEdit?Id=$queryId" -WebSession $Session

                if ($IncludeStepResults) {
                    $result = $records.result.deploymentPlan
                    $result.deploymentSteps = $result.deploymentSteps | Get-CCMDeploymentStep -IncludeResults

                else {


            'Id' {
                $records = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($protocol)://$Hostname/api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/GetDeploymentPlanForEdit?Id=$id" -WebSession $Session

                if ($IncludeStepResults) {
                    $result = $records.result.deploymentPlan
                    $result.deploymentSteps = $result.deploymentSteps | Get-CCMDeploymentStep -IncludeResults

                else {

            default {

function Get-CCMDeploymentStep {
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'StepObject')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = 'IdOnly')]


    begin {
        if (-not $Session) {
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"

    process {
        if (-not $Id) {
            $Id = $InputObject.Id

        $params = @{
            Uri        = "${script:Protocol}://${script:Hostname}/api/services/app/DeploymentSteps/GetDeploymentStepForEdit"
            WebSession = $script:Session
            Body       = @{ Id = $Id }
        $result = Invoke-RestMethod @params

        if ($IncludeResults) {
            $result | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty 'deploymentStepComputers' -Property @(
                    Name       = 'deploymentStepComputers'
                    Expression = {
                        $params = @{
                            Uri        = "${script:Protocol}://${script:Hostname}/api/services/app/DeploymentStepComputers/GetAllByDeploymentStepId"
                            WebSession = $script:Session
                            Body       = @{ deploymentStepId = $ }
                        (Invoke-RestMethod @params).result
        else {
function Get-CCMGroup {
    Returns group information for your CCM installation
    Returns information about the groups created in your CCM Installation
    .PARAMETER Group
    Returns group with the provided name
    Returns group withe the provided id
    Get-CCMGroup -Id 1
    Get-CCMGroup -Group 'Web Servers'


        [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Group")]

        [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Id")]

    begin {
        If (-not $Session) {

            throw "Unauthenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first"


    process {
        if (-not $Id) {
            $records = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/Groups/GetAll" -WebSession $Session
            #$records = Invoke-We -Uri http://$Hostname/api/services/app/Groups/GetAll -WebSession $Session -UseBasicParsing
        Switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {

            "Group" {

                $records.result | Where-Object { $ -in $Group }


            "Id" {
                $records = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($protocol)://$Hostname/api/services/app/Groups/GetGroupForEdit?Id=$Id" -WebSession $Session

            default {




function Get-CCMGroupMember {
    Returns information about a CCM group's members
    Return detailed group information from Chocolatey Central Management
    .PARAMETER Group
    The Group to query
    Get-CCMGroupMember -Group "WebServers"

                param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams)
                $r = (Get-CCMGroup -All).Name

                If ($WordToComplete) {
                    $r.Where{ $_ -match "^$WordToComplete" }

                Else {


    begin {
        if(-not $Session){
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"
    process {
        $Id = (Get-CCMGroup -Group $Group).Id
        $irmParams = @{
            Uri         = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/Groups/GetGroupForEdit?id=$Id"
            Method      = "GET"
            ContentType = "application/json"
            WebSession  = $Session

        try {
            $record = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            throw $_.Exception.Message

        $cCollection = [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]::new()
        $gCollection = [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]::new()

        $record.result.computers | ForEach-Object {

        $record.result.groups | ForEach-Object {
            Name        = $record.result.Name
            Description = $record.result.Description
            Groups      = @($gCollection)
            Computers   = @($cCollection)
            CanDeploy   = $record.result.isEligibleForDeployments

function Get-CCMOutdatedSoftware {
Returns all outdated software reported in CCM
Returns all outdated software reported in CCM

    process {
        $r = Get-CCMSoftware | Where-Object { $_.isOutdated -eq $true}
function Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareMember {
    Returns computers with the requested outdated software. To see outdated software information use Get-CCMOutdatedSoftware
    Returns the computers with the requested outdated software. To see outdated software information use Get-CCMOutdatedSoftware
    .PARAMETER Software
    The software to query. Software here refers to what would show up in Programs and Features on a machine.
    Example: If you have VLC installed, this shows as 'VLC Media Player' in Programs and Features.
    .PARAMETER Package
    This is the Chocolatey package name to search for.
    Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareMember -Software 'VLC Media Player'
    Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareMember -Package vlc

                param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams)
                $r = (Get-CCMSoftware -All | Where-Object { $_.isOutdated -eq $true }).Name

                If ($WordToComplete) {
                    $r.Where{ $_ -match "^$WordToComplete" }

                Else {


                param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams)
                $r = (Get-CCMSoftware -All | Where-Object { $_.isOutdated -eq $true }).packageId

                If ($WordToComplete) {
                    $r.Where{ $_ -match "^$WordToComplete" }

                Else {


    begin {
        if (-not $Session) {
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"
    process {

        if ($Software) {
            $id = Get-CCMSoftware -Software $Software | Select-Object -ExpandProperty softwareId


        if ($Package) {
            $id = Get-CCMSoftware -Package $Package | Select-Object -ExpandProperty softwareId


        $id | Foreach-Object {
            $irmParams = @{
                Uri         = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/ComputerSoftware/GetAllPagedBySoftwareId?filter=&softwareId=$($_)&skipCount=0&maxResultCount=100"
                Method      = "GET"
                ContentType = "application/json"
                WebSession  = $Session

            try {
                $record = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {

            $record.result.items | Foreach-Object {
                    softwareId     = $_.softwareId
                    software       = $
                    packageName    = $
                    packageVersion = $
                    name           = $
                    friendlyName   = $
                    ipaddress      = $
                    fqdn           = $
                    computerid     = $
function Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReport {
    List all Outdated Software Reports generated in Central Management
    List all Outdated Software Reports generated in Central Management


    begin {
        if(-not $Session){
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"
    process {
        $irmParams =  @{
            Uri = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/Reports/GetAllPaged?reportTypeFilter=1"
            Method = "Get"
            ContentType = "application/json"
            WebSession = $Session

         try {
             $response = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams
             throw $_.Exception.Message

         $response.result.items | % {
                reportType = $ -as [String]
                creationTime = $ -as [String]
                id = $ -as [string]

function Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReportDetail {
    View detailed information about an Outdated Software Report
    Return report details from an Outdated Software Report in Central Management
    .PARAMETER Report
    The report to query
    Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReportDetail -Report '7/4/2020 6:44:40 PM'

                param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams)
                $r = (Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReport).creationTime

                If ($WordToComplete) {
                    $r.Where{ $_ -match "^$WordToComplete" }

                Else {


    begin {
        if(-not $Session){
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"
    process {
        $reportId = Get-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReport | Where-Object {$_.creationTime -eq "$Report"} | Select -ExpandProperty id

        $irmParams = @{
            Uri = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/OutdatedReports/GetAllByReportId?reportId=$reportId&sorting=outdatedReport.packageDisplayText%20asc&skipCount=0&maxResultCount=200"
            Method = "Get"
            ContentType = "application/json"
            WebSession = $Session

            $response = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            throw $_.Exception.Message


function Get-CCMRole {
    Get roles available in Chococlatey Central Management
    Return information about roles available in Chocolatey Central Management
    The name of a role to query
    Get-CCMRole -Name CCMAdmin




    begin {
        if(-not $Session){
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"
    process {

        $irmParams = @{
            Uri = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/Role/GetRoles?permission="
            Method = "GET"
            ContentType = "application/json"
            WebSession = $Session

            $response = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch {
            throw $_.Exception.Message


            'Name' {
                $response.result.items | Where-Object { $ -eq $Name }

            default {
Function Get-CCMSoftware {
    Returns information about software tracked inside of CCM
    Return information about each piece of software managed across all of your estate inside Central Management
    .PARAMETER Software
    Return information about a specific piece of software by friendly name
    .PARAMETER Package
    Return information about a specific package
    Return information about a specific piece of software by id
    Get-CCMSoftware -Software 'VLC Media Player'
    Get-CCMSoftware -Package vlc
    Get-CCMSoftware -Id 37

    [cmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetname = "All", HelpUri = "")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Software")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Package")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Id")]


    begin {
        if (-not $Session) {
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"

    process {

        if (-not $Id) {
            $records = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($protocol)://$Hostname/api/services/app/Software/GetAll" -WebSession $Session -UseBasicParsing
        Switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {

            "Software" {
                $softwareId = $records.result.items | Where-Object { $ -eq "$Software" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id
                $softwareId | ForEach-Object {
                    $irmParams = @{
                        WebSession = $Session
                        Uri        = "$($protocol)://$Hostname/api/services/app/ComputerSoftware/GetAllPagedBySoftwareId?filter=&softwareId=$($_)&skipCount=0&maxResultCount=500"
                    $records = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams


            "Package" {
                $packageId = $records.result.items | Where-Object { $_.packageId -eq "$Package" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id

                $packageId | ForEach-Object {
                    $irmParams = @{
                        WebSession = $Session
                        Uri        = "$($protocol)://$Hostname/api/services/app/ComputerSoftware/GetAllPagedBySoftwareId?filter=&softwareId=$($_)&skipCount=0&maxResultCount=500"
                    $records = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams

            "Id" {

                $irmParams = @{
                    WebSession = $Session
                    Uri        = "$($protocol)://$Hostname/api/services/app/ComputerSoftware/GetAllPagedBySoftwareId?filter=&softwareId=$Id&skipCount=0&maxResultCount=500"
                $records = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams

            default {

function Get-DeploymentResult {
    Return the result of a Central Management Deployment
    Return the result of a Central Management Deployment
    .PARAMETER Deployment
    The Deployment for which to return information
    Get-CCMDeploymentResult -Name 'Google Chrome Upgrade'

                param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams)
                $r = (Get-CCMDeployment -All).Name

                If ($WordToComplete) {
                    $r.Where{ $_ -match "^$WordToComplete" }

                Else {


    begin {
        if(-not $Session){
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"
        $deployId = Get-CCMDeployment -Name $Deployment | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id


    process {

        $irmParams = @{
            Uri = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/DeploymentSteps/GetAllPagedByDeploymentPlanId?resultFilter=Success%2CFailed%2CUnreachable%2CInconclusive%2CReady%2CActive%2CCancelled%2CUnknown%2CDraft&deploymentPlanId=$deployId&sorting=planOrder%20asc&skipCount=0&maxResultCount=10"
            Method = "GET"
            ContentType = "application/json"
            WebSession = $Session

        try {
            $records = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams -ErrorAction Stop
            throw $_.Exception.Message
function Import-PDQDeployPackage {
    Imports a PDQ Deploy package as a Central Management Deployment
    Imports a PDQ Deploy package as a Central Management Deployment
    The pdq xml file to import
    General notes

        [ValidateScript( { Test-Path $_ })]

    process {
        [xml]$xmlData = Get-Content $PdqXml

        $deploymentName = $xmlData.SelectNodes("//*[Name]").Name
        $deploymentName = "PDQ Import: $deploymentName"
        Write-Verbose "Adding deployment with name: $deploymentName"
        New-CCMDeployment -Name $deploymentName

        $deploymentSteps = $xmldata.SelectNodes("//*[Steps]").Steps

        $deploymentSteps = $deploymentSteps | ForEach-Object {

            if ($_.InstallStep) {
                $_.InstallStep | Foreach-Object { 
                        SuccessCodes  = @($_.SuccessCodes)
                        FailureAction = $_.ErrorMode
                        Type          = switch ($_.Typename) {
                            'Install' { "Basic" }
                        Package       = $deploymentName
                        Title         = if ($_.title) { $_.title } else { "Install $deploymentName" }

        $ccmSteps = @{
            Type           = $deploymentSteps.Type
            ValidExitCodes = $deploymentSteps.SuccessCodes

        if ($deploymentSteps.FailureAction -eq 'StopdeploymentFail') {
            $ccmSteps.Add('FailOnError', $true)
        else {
            $ccmSteps.Add('FailOnError', $false)

        if ($deploymentSteps.Type -eq 'Basic') {
            $ccmSteps.Add('ChocoCommand', 'upgrade')
            $ccmSteps.add('Package', '7-zip')

        Write-Verbose "Adding steps from imported package to Deployment"
        New-CCMDeploymentStep -Deployment $deploymentName -Name $deploymentSteps.Title @ccmSteps

    end {
        Write-Warning "No targets will be defined for this deployment"
function Move-CCMDeploymentToReady {
    Moves a deployment to Ready state
    Moves a Deployment to the Ready state so it can start
    .PARAMETER Deployment
    The deployment to move
    Move-CCMDeploymentToReady -Deployment 'Upgrade Outdated VLC'
    Move-CCMDeploymenttoReady -Deployment 'Complex Deployment'

                param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams)
                $r = Get-CCMDeployment -All

                If ($WordToComplete) {
                    ${ $_ -match "^$WordToComplete" }

                Else {


    Begin {
        if(-not $Session){
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"
        $id = (Get-CCMDeployment -Name $Deployment).id

    process {

        $irmParams = @{
            Uri         = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/MoveToReady"
            Method      = "POST"
            ContentType = "application/json"
            Body        = @{ id = "$id" } | ConvertTo-Json
            WebSession  = $Session

        try {
            $null = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            throw $_.Exception.Message
function New-CCMDeployment {
    Create a new CCM Deployment Plan
    Creates a new CCM Deployment. This is just a shell. You'll need to add steps with New-CCMDeploymentStep.
    The name for the deployment
    New-CCMDeployment -Name 'This is awesome'


    begin {
        if(-not $Session){
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"
    process {

        $irmParams = @{
            Uri = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/CreateOrEdit"
            Method = "POST"
            ContentType = "application/json"
            Body = @{ Name = "$Name"} | ConvertTo-Json
            WebSession = $Session

            $record = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams -ErrorAction Stop

        catch {
            throw $_.Exception.Message

            name = $Name
            id = $
function New-CCMDeploymentStep {
    Adds a Deployment Step to a Deployment Plan
    Adds both Basic and Advanced steps to a Deployment Plan
    .PARAMETER Deployment
    The Deployment where the step will be added
    The Name of the step
    .PARAMETER TargetGroup
    The group(s) the step will target
    .PARAMETER ExecutionTimeoutSeconds
    How long to wait for the step to timeout. Defaults to 14400 (4 hours)
    .PARAMETER FailOnError
    Fail the step if there is an error. Defaults to True
    .PARAMETER RequireSuccessOnAllComputers
    Ensure all computers are successful before moving to the next step.
    .PARAMETER ValidExitCodes
    Valid exit codes your script can emit. Default values are: '0','1605','1614','1641','3010'
    Either a Basic or Advanced Step
    .PARAMETER ChocoCommand
    Select from Install,Upgrade, or Uninstall. Used with a Simple step type.
    .PARAMETER PackageName
    The chocolatey package to use with a simple step.
    .PARAMETER Script
    A scriptblock your Advanced step will use
    New-CCMDeploymentStep -Deployment PowerShell -Name 'From ChocoCCM' -TargetGroup WebServers -Type Basic -ChocoCommand upgrade -PackageName firefox
    New-CCMDeploymentStep -Deployment PowerShell -Name 'From ChocoCCM' -TargetGroup All,PowerShell -Type Advanced -Script { $process = Get-Process
>> Foreach($p in $process){
>> Write-Host $p.PID
>> }
>> Write-Host "end"
>> }
    New-CCMDeploymentStep -Deployment PowerShell -Name 'From ChocoCCM' -TargetGroup All,PowerShell -Type Advanced -Script {(Get-Content C:\script.txt)}

                $r = (Get-CCMDeployment).Name

                    $r.Where{$_ -match "^$WordToComplete"}

                Else {



                $r = (Get-CCMGroup).Name

                    $r.Where{$_ -match "^$WordToComplete"}

                Else {

        $TargetGroup = @(),

        $ExecutionTimeoutSeconds = '14400',

        $FailOnError = $true,

        $RequireSuccessOnAllComputers = $false,

        $ValidExitCodes = @('0','1605','1614','1641','3010'),





    begin {
        if(-not $Session){
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"
    process {

            'Basic' {
                $Body = @{
                    Name = "$Name"
                    DeploymentPlanId = "$(Get-CCMDeployment -Name $Deployment | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id)"
                    DeploymentStepGroups = @(Get-CCMGroup -Group $TargetGroup | Select-Object Name,Id | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{groupId = $ ; groupName = $}})
                    ExecutionTimeoutInSeconds = "$ExecutionTimeoutSeconds"
                    RequireSuccessOnAllComputers = "$RequireSuccessOnAllComputers"
                    failOnError = "$FailOnError"
                    validExitCodes = "$($validExitCodes -join ',')"
                    script = "$($ChocoCommand.ToLower())|$($PackageName)"

                } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3

                $Uri = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/DeploymentSteps/CreateOrEdit"


            'Advanced' {
                $Body = @{
                    Name = "$Name"
                    DeploymentPlanId = "$(Get-CCMDeployment -Name $Deployment | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id)"
                    DeploymentStepGroups = @(Get-CCMGroup -Group $TargetGroup | Select-Object Name,Id | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{groupId = $ ; groupName = $}})
                    ExecutionTimeoutInSeconds = "$ExecutionTimeoutSeconds"
                    RequireSuccessOnAllComputers = "$RequireSuccessOnAllComputers"
                    failOnError = "$FailOnError"
                    validExitCodes = "$($validExitCodes -join ',')"
                    script = "$($Script.ToString())"
                } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3

                $Uri = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/DeploymentSteps/CreateOrEditPrivileged"


        $irmParams = @{
            Uri = "$($Uri)"
            Method = "POST"
            ContentType = "application/json"
            WebSession = $Session
            Body = $Body


            $null = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams -ErrorAction Stop
            throw $_.Exception.Message

function New-CCMOutdatedSoftwareReport {
    Create a new Outdated Software Report in Central Management
    Create a new Outdated Software Report in Central Management
    Creates a new report named with a creation date timestamp in UTC format


    begin {
        if(-not $Session){
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"
    process {
        $irmParams = @{
            Uri = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/OutdatedReports/Create"
            Method = "POST"
            ContentType = 'application/json'
            WebSession = $Session

        try {
            $null = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            throw $_.Exception.Message
function Remove-CCMDeployment {
    Removes a deployment plan
    Removes the Deployment Plan selected from a Central Management installation
    .PARAMETER Deployment
    The Deployment to delete
    Remove-CCMDeployment -Name 'Super Complex Deployment'
    Remove-CCMDeployment -Name 'Deployment Alpha' -Confirm:$false

    [cmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = "High", SupportsShouldProcess,HelpUri="")]
                param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams)
                $r = (Get-CCMDeployment -All).Name

                If ($WordToComplete) {
                    $r.Where{ $_ -match "^$WordToComplete" }

                Else {


    begin {
        if(-not $Session){
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"
        $deployId = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new() 
        $Deployment | % { $deployId.Add($(Get-CCMDeployment -Name $_ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id)) }
    process {
        $deployId | ForEach-Object {
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Deployment", "DELETE")) {
                $irmParams = @{
                    Uri = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/Delete?Id=$($_)"
                    Method = "DELETE"
                    ContentType = "application/json"
                Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams

function Remove-CCMDeploymentStep {
    Removes a deployment plan
    Removes the Deployment Plan selected from a Central Management installation
    .PARAMETER Deployment
    The Deployment to remove a step from
    The Step to remove
    Remove-CCMDeploymentStep -Name 'Super Complex Deployment' -Step 'Kill web services'
    Remove-CCMDeploymentStep -Name 'Deployment Alpha' -Step 'Copy Files' -Confirm:$false

    [cmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = "High", SupportsShouldProcess,HelpUri="")]
                param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams)
                $r = (Get-CCMDeployment)

                If ($WordToComplete) {
                    $r.Name.Where{ $_ -match "^$WordToComplete" }

                Else {


                param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams)
                $d = (Get-CCMDeployment -Name $($FakeBoundParams.Deployment)).id
                $idSteps = (Get-CCMDeployment -Id $d).deploymentSteps.Name

                If ($WordToComplete) {
                    $idSteps.Where{ $_ -match "^$WordToComplete" }

                Else {



    begin {
        if(-not $Session){
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"
        $deployId = Get-CCMDeployment -Name $Deployment | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id
        $deploymentSteps = Get-CCMDeployment -Id $deployId | Select-Object deploymentSteps
        $stepId = $deploymentSteps.deploymentSteps | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "$Step"} | Select -ExpandProperty id

    process {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Step", "DELETE")) {
            $irmParams = @{
                Uri = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/DeploymentSteps/Delete?Id=$stepId"
                Method = "DELETE"
                ContentType = "application/json"
                WebSession = $Session

            $null = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams
function Remove-CCMGroup {
    Removes a CCM group
    Removes a group from Chocolatey Central Management
    .PARAMETER Group
    The group(s) to delete
    Remove-CCMGroup -Group WebServers
    Remove-CCMGroup -Group WebServer,TestAppDeployment
    Remove-CCMGroup -Group PilotPool -Confirm:$false

    [cmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = "High", SupportsShouldProcess,HelpUri="")]
                param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams)
                $r = (Get-CCMGroup -All).Name

                If ($WordToComplete) {
                    $r.Where{ $_ -match "^$WordToComplete" }

                Else {


    begin {
        if(-not $Session){
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"
    process {

        $Group | ForEach-Object {

            $id = Get-CCMGroup -Group $_ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id

            $irmParams = @{
                Uri         = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/Groups/Delete?id=$id"
                Method      = "DELETE"
                ContentType = "application/json"
                WebSession  = $Session

            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Group, "DELETE")) {
                Write-Verbose -Message "Removing group: $($_) with Id: $($id)"

                try {
                    $null = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams -ErrorAction Stop

                catch {
                    throw $_.Exception.Message

function Remove-CCMGroupMember {
    Remove a member from a Central Management Group
    Remove a member from a Central Management Group
    .PARAMETER Group
    The group you want to remove a member from
    .PARAMETER GroupMember
    The group(s) to remove from the group
    .PARAMETER ComputerMember
    The computer(s) to remove from the group
    Remove-CCMGroupMember -Group TestLab -ComputerMember TestPC1
    Remove-CCMGroupMember -Group TestLab -ComputerMember Test1,Test2 -GroupMember SecondLab

    [cmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = "High", SupportsShouldProcess, HelpUri = "")]
                param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams)
                $r = (Get-CCMGroup -All).Name

                If ($WordToComplete) {
                    $r.Where{ $_ -match "^$WordToComplete" }

                Else {




    begin {
        if (-not $Session) {
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"

    process {

        $currentMembers = Get-CCMGroupMember -Group $Group
        $G = Get-CCMGroup -Group $Group
        $currentMembers | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Id -Value $G.Id

        foreach ($c in $ComputerMember) {
            $currentMembers.Computers = @($($currentMembers.Computers | Where-Object { $_.ComputerName -ne $c }))

        foreach ($g in $GroupMember) {
            $currentMembers.Groups = @($($currentMembers.Groups | Where-Object { $_.subGroupName -ne $g }))

        if (-not $currentMembers.Groups) {
            $currentMembers.Groups = @()

        if (-not $currentMembers.Computers) {
            $currentMembers.Computers = @()

        $body = $currentMembers | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3

        $irmParams = @{
            Uri         = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/Groups/CreateOrEdit"
            Method      = "POST"
            ContentType = "application/json"
            Body        = $body
            WebSession  = $Session
        Write-Verbose $body
        try {
            $result = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams -ErrorAction Stop
                Status            = $result.success
                Group             = $Group
                AffectedComputers = $ComputerMember
                AffectedGroups    = $GroupMember
        catch {
            throw $_.Exception.Message

function Remove-CCMStaleDeployment {
    Removes stale CCM Deployments
    Remove stale deployments from CCM based on their age and run status.
    The age in days to prune
    Remove-StaleCCMDeployment -Age 30

    [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = "High",HelpUri="")]

    begin {


    process {
            Bad States:
            Unknown = 0
            Pending = 2
            Failed = 8

        $badStates = @(0,2,8)
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Deployment", "DELETE")) {
            Get-CCMDeployment -All | Where-Object { $_.CreationDate -ge (Get-Date).AddDays(-$Age) -and $null -eq $_.StartDateTimeUtc -and $_.Result -in $badStates} | Remove-CCMDeployment

function Set-CCMDeploymentStep {
    Modify a Deployment Step of a Central Management Deployment
    Modify a Deployment Step of a Central Management Deployment
    .PARAMETER Deployment
    The Deployment to modify
    The step to modify
    .PARAMETER TargetGroup
    Set the target group of the deployment
    .PARAMETER ExecutionTimeoutSeconds
    Modify the execution timeout of the deployment in seconds
    .PARAMETER FailOnError
    Set the FailOnError flag for the deployment step
    .PARAMETER RequireSuccessOnAllComputers
    Set the RequreSuccessOnAllComputers for the deployment step
    .PARAMETER ValidExitCodes
    Set valid exit codes for the deployment
    .PARAMETER ChocoCommand
    For a basic step, set the choco command to execute. Install, Upgrade, or Uninstall
    .PARAMETER PackageName
    For a basic step, the choco package to use in the deployment
    .PARAMETER Script
    For an advanced step, this is a script block of PowerShell code to execute in the step
    Set-CCMDeploymentStep -Deployment 'Google Chrome Upgrade' -Step 'Upgrade' -TargetGroup LabPCs -ExecutionTimeoutSeconds 14400 -ChocoCommand Upgrade -PackageName googlechrome
    $stepParams = @{
        Deployment = 'OS Version'
        Step = 'Gather Info'
        TargetGroup = 'US-East servers'
        Script = { $data = Get-WMIObject win32_OperatingSystem
                        Name = $data.caption
                        Version = $data.version
    Set-CCMDeploymentStep @stepParams

                $r = (Get-CCMDeployment).Name

                    $r.Where{$_ -match "^$WordToComplete"}

                Else {


                param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams)
                $d = (Get-CCMDeployment -Name $($FakeBoundParams.Deployment)).id
                $idSteps = (Get-CCMDeployment -Id $d).deploymentSteps.Name

                If ($WordToComplete) {
                    $idSteps.Where{ $_ -match "^$WordToComplete" }

                Else {


                $r = (Get-CCMGroup -All).Name

                    $r.Where{$_ -match "^$WordToComplete"}

                Else {









    begin {
        if(-not $Session){
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"
        $deployId = Get-CCMDeployment -Name $Deployment | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id
        $deploymentSteps = Get-CCMDeployment -Id $deployId | Select-Object deploymentSteps
        $stepId = $deploymentSteps.deploymentSteps | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "$Step"} | Select -ExpandProperty id

        $existingstepsParams = @{
            Uri = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/DeploymentSteps/GetDeploymentStepForView?Id=$stepId"
            Method = "Get"
            ContentType = "application/json"
            WebSession = $Session
            $existingsteps = Invoke-RestMethod @existingstepsParams -Erroraction Stop
        } catch {
            throw $_.Exception.Message

        $existingsteps = $existingsteps.result.deploymentStep


    process {

        #So many if statements, so little time
        foreach($param in $PSBoundParameters){

            #$existingsteps.$($param.Key) = $param.Value


function Set-CCMGroup {
    Change information about a group in Chocolatey Central Management
    Change the name or description of a Group in Chocolatey Central Management
    .PARAMETER Group
    The Group to edit
    .PARAMETER NewName
    The new name of the group
    .PARAMETER NewDescription
    The new description of the group
    Set-CCMGroup -Group Finance -Description 'Computers in the finance division'
    Set-CCMGroup -Group IT -NewName TheBestComputers
    Set-CCMGroup -Group Test -NewName NewMachineImaged -Description 'Group for freshly imaged machines needing a baseline package pushed to them'

                param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams)
                $r = (Get-CCMGroup).Name

                If ($WordToComplete) {
                    $r.Where{ $_ -match "^$WordToComplete" }

                Else {




    begin { 
        if(-not $Session){
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"
        }$existing = Get-CCMGroup -Group $Group 
    process {

        if ($NewName) {
            $Name = $NewName
        } else {
            $Name = $

        if ($NewDescription) {
            $Description = $NewDescription
        } else {
            $Description = $existing.description

        $irmParams = @{
            Uri         = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/Groups/CreateOrEdit"
            Method      = "post"
            ContentType = "application/json"
            Body        = @{
                Id          = $($
                Name        = $Name
                Description = $Description
                Groups      = @()
                Computers   = @()
            } | ConvertTo-Json
            WebSession  = $Session
        try {
            $null = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            throw $_.Exception.Message
function Set-CCMNotificationStatus {
    Turn notifications on or off in CCM
    Manage your notification settings in Central Management. Currently only supports On, or Off
    .PARAMETER Enable
    Enables notifications
    .PARAMETER Disable
    Disables notifications
    Set-CCMNotificationStatus -Enable
    Set-CCMNotificationStatus -Disable



    begin {
        if(-not $Session){
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"
    process {

            'Enabled' { $status = $true}

            'Disabled'{ $status = $false}

        $irmParams = @{
            Uri = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/Notification/UpdateNotificationSettings"
            Method = "PUT"
            ContentType = "application/json"
            WebSession = $Session
            Body = @{
                receiveNotifications = $status
                notifications = @(@{
                    name = "App.NewUserRegistered"
                    isSubscribed = $true
            } | ConvertTo-Json

        try {
            $null = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            throw $_.Exception.Message
function Start-CCMDeployment {
    Starts a deployment
    Starts the specified deployment in Central Management
    .PARAMETER Deployment
    The deployment to start
    Start-CCMDeployment -Deployment 'Upgrade Outdated VLC'
    Start-CCMDeployment -Deployment 'Complex Deployment'

                param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams)
                $r = Get-CCMDeployment

                If ($WordToComplete) {
                    ${ $_ -match "^$WordToComplete" }

                Else {

    Begin {
        if(-not $Session){
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"
        $id = (Get-CCMDeployment -Name $Deployment).id

    process {

        $irmParams = @{
            Uri         = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/Start"
            Method      = "POST"
            ContentType = "application/json"
            Body        = @{ id = "$id" } | ConvertTo-Json
            WebSession  = $Session

        try {
            $null = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            throw $_.Exception.Message

function Stop-CCMDeployment {
    Stops a running CCM Deployment
    Stops a deployment current running in Central Management
    .PARAMETER Deployment
    The deployment to Stop
    Stop-CCMDeployment -Deployment 'Upgrade VLC'

    [cmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = "high", SupportsShouldProcess,HelpUri="")]
                param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams)
                $r = (Get-CCMDeployment).Name

                If ($WordToComplete) {
                    $r.Where{ $_ -match "^$WordToComplete" }

                Else {

    begin {
        if(-not $Session){
            throw "Not authenticated! Please run Connect-CCMServer first!"
        $deployId = Get-CCMDeployment -Name $Deployment | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id
    process {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Deployment", "CANCEL")) {
            $irmParams = @{
                Uri         = "$($protocol)://$hostname/api/services/app/DeploymentPlans/Cancel"
                Method      = "POST"
                ContentType = "application/json"
                Body        = @{ id = "$deployId" } | ConvertTo-Json
                Websession  = $Session

            try {
                $null = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message